The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred

The last catastrophe literally melted granite in the middle east. What man made structures do you suppose would survive that?
So you believe all evidence of this prior civilization was destroyed by some sort of "global reset". What sort of event are you picturing? Impacts leave evidence.
Then look at the eye of the Sahara desert. Look at the ripples leading thousands of miles away from it to the ocean.(satellite photos). There is NOTHING on this earth that would survive a flood that big. And we have those same ripples here in America that stretch for miles upon miles.
The Richat Structure was formed by volcanic uplift a hundred million years ago and then collapse and erosion since then. It was not formed by an impact. See: Eye Of The Sahara or Richat Structure » Geology Science
You're uninformed and close minded
I think our discussions have shown quite the opposite; that this charge of yours is pure projection.

The world has been warming since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The primary cause of that warming has been CO2 and methane produced by human activities, primarily the combustion of fossil fuels in the transportation and energy sectors. That has been established by absolute mountains of evidence developed by degreed scientists in tens of thousands of published, peer-reviewed studies. Read the Summary for Policy Makers at the link I provided you for some condensed science. If you have more questions about the science, explore the Technical Summary in the same volume.
No, it doesn't. Rural stations show the same trend as urban statinos, so your "It's all about station citing" conspiracy theory is debunked.
I don’t see it as debunked at all. I think we need an independent survey of temperature monitoring stations. Otherwise the data we are basing critical concoctions on is likely garbage. The data from monitoring stations is “adjusted” to make it more accurate. Add the right fudge factor and the data will show anything you want it to. When you mix politics and science you can bet the fudge factor added favors politics and the end result is junk science.


Each organization uses different techniques to make its estimates and adjusts its input data sets to compensate for changes in observing conditions, using data processing methods described in peer-reviewed literature.

Remarkably, despite the differences in methodologies used by these independent researchers, their global temperature estimates are all in close agreement. Moreover, they also match up closely to independent data sets derived from satellites and weather forecast models.


The hottest day in history just occurred. The global average temperature was 17.18C, the hottest in the historical record.


Does this mean global warming is very real, and the rational people have been spot-on correct for the past 40 years? Yes.

Does this mean the denier cultists have been laughably wrong for the past decade? Yes.

If you want to put forth a "DERP! DERP! ALL THE DATA IS FAKED! DEEEEERRRRRRP!" conspiracy as a way to run from the hard data, you have to back it up, with something more than a link to a kook conspiracy website. Explain it in your own words, then link to primary data sources. If you won't, that's an admission you're making it all up.

If you'd like to claim the warming is all-natural, provide evidence for that. Don't just claim it. Back it up.

Needless to say, trolls will be instantly reported. Mods, please don't reward trolls by moving a thread to the Rubber Room after trolls overwhelm it, as the trolls always attempt to do.

"in History", no. Since records began in 1979, yes. We've had much hotter than this before.

Even NOAA "Runs Away" From 'Hottest Day Ever' Claim After Media Hysteria​

SATURDAY, JUL 08, 2023
Last week the global warming industry and its corporate media cheerleaders made a concerted effort to declare July 3-4 the hottest days on Earth ever. Media outlets like ABC, The New York Times, Axios, and Bloomberg each cited the University of Maine's Climate Reanalyzer computer model, which has since been questioned.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) told AP News, " NOAA cannot validate the methodology or conclusion of the University of Maine analysis ."
You gave no answer
He never answers. He’s still reading from a 50 year old CIA playbook that thinks mockery is an effective response.

He gives the same response on every topic from the AGW Scam to UFOs to Ukraine
You gave an “answer” an answer that would fail you in any science class. Did you try to flub your way through science and still have nightmares about the how mean the teacher was???
He is not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree . He would be frst choice for the post of an Official Denier of Anything and Everything that disagrees with what I have been told to believe in . Our Mr Gullible .
So you believe all evidence of this prior civilization was destroyed by some sort of "global reset". What sort of event are you picturing? Impacts leave evidence.

The Richat Structure was formed by volcanic uplift a hundred million years ago and then collapse and erosion since then. It was not formed by an impact. See: Eye Of The Sahara or Richat Structure » Geology Science

I think our discussions have shown quite the opposite; that this charge of yours is pure projection.

The world has been warming since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The primary cause of that warming has been CO2 and methane produced by human activities, primarily the combustion of fossil fuels in the transportation and energy sectors. That has been established by absolute mountains of evidence developed by degreed scientists in tens of thousands of published, peer-reviewed studies. Read the Summary for Policy Makers at the link I provided you for some condensed science. If you have more questions about the science, explore the Technical Summary in the same volume.
Never mentioned what created it. Having said that lava does not leave ripples in its wake like flowing waters does.

The water was flowing across and away from the structure
Those same "ripples" caused by mountains of water can be found all over the globe including the Dakotas. And yes that amount of water to cause ripples that massive would completely wipe away and hint of human occupation

Watch as he literally debunks "historians" with FACTS.
A fantastic video that is just one tiny piece of evidence that our "known" history is foggy at best.

Watch as he literally debunks "historians" with FACTS.
A fantastic video that is just one tiny piece of evidence that our "known" history is foggy at best.

Did you know there is a mathematical relationship between the velocity and period of liquid movement and the wavelength of ripples and/or dunes in the desert. Sand dunes in the desert are formed by wind. If they'd been formed by water, they'd be a tiny fraction of their size.

Are you telling me you're a Bible literalist? You believe in Noah's Flood?
Did you know there is a mathematical relationship between the velocity and period of liquid movement and the wavelength of ripples and/or dunes in the desert. Sand dunes in the desert are formed by wind. If they'd been formed by water, they'd be a tiny fraction of their size.

Are you telling me you're a Bible literalist? You believe in Noah's Flood?

I don't do ANY religion.

Having said that EVERY culture has a reference to a catastrophic flood and they all reference the same time period.

Personally I believe, based on what I've researched, that approximately 11 to 12k years ago there was an impact or multiple impacts on the ice sheets that essentially reset most life because of the flood it caused.

I don't do ANY religion.

Having said that EVERY culture has a reference to a catastrophic flood and they all reference the same time period.
Yes. Have you ever looked at how the Black Sea was formed? See: Black Sea deluge hypothesis - Wikipedia.
Personally I believe, based on what I've researched, that approximately 11 to 12k years ago there was an impact or multiple impacts on the ice sheets that essentially reset most life because of the flood it caused.
And on what evidence do you base that belief?
Yes. Have you ever looked at how the Black Sea was formed? See: Black Sea deluge hypothesis - Wikipedia.

And on what evidence do you base that belief?
I've already offered a partial list of some of the sources I've used over the years in this or one of the other threads we've been conversing in.
I'm not going to dig through hours upon hours of shows to find you specifics that you'll just spend 5 minutes on to "debunk"
Randal Carlson/Cosmographia would be a good start if you're truly interested

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