The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred

And this is why nobody pays any attention to Frank. When you give him the answers he asked for, he automatically handwaves it away. He doesn't want answers to his questions, he just wants to troll.
You gave an “answer” an answer that would fail you in any science class. Did you try to flub your way through science and still have nightmares about the how mean the teacher was???
Climatology uses T^4 = ( S ( 1 - a ) / 4o [where T=temperature, S=solar constant, a=albedo, o=SB constant] ... just once through, I didn't see the mistake
What mistake are you talking about?
, but generally we use Earth's cross sectional area for the "per square meter" part ... which is one fourth surface area ... it's a vector thing ...
How is that a vector thing? Neither SB, the area of the Earth's sphere or its cross-sectional area involve vectors.
My own mathematical argument starts at 7'15" ...
You seem to be referencing a video somewhere but there is no video link in your last post or that of jc456. So to what are you referring.
reference material gives Earth's albedo as ≈ 0.3 ... and in science, this statement is interpreted as ± 0.05 ... meaning the actual value is somewhere between 0.25 and 0.35 ...
Wow... you're pushing our limits
run these values through both forms of SB and you'll get ± 10 K ... ten degrees Celsius error margins ...
Which two forms would that be?
More clouds means more albedo ... a negative feedback mechanism ... roughly 7% increase per degree Celsius ... so belch that carbon, I dare you ...
Glad to hear you've solved clouds. How is it, then, that they haven't stopped the warming?

The hottest day in history just occurred. The global average temperature was 17.18C, the hottest in the historical record.


Does this mean global warming is very real, and the rational people have been spot-on correct for the past 40 years? Yes.

Does this mean the denier cultists have been laughably wrong for the past decade? Yes.

If you want to put forth a "DERP! DERP! ALL THE DATA IS FAKED! DEEEEERRRRRRP!" conspiracy as a way to run from the hard data, you have to back it up, with something more than a link to a kook conspiracy website. Explain it in your own words, then link to primary data sources. If you won't, that's an admission you're making it all up.

If you'd like to claim the warming is all-natural, provide evidence for that. Don't just claim it. Back it up.

Needless to say, trolls will be instantly reported. Mods, please don't reward trolls by moving a thread to the Rubber Room after trolls overwhelm it, as the trolls always attempt to do.
You morons toss around the moniker, ever in history, like that means something. The earth is BILLIONS of years old.

Don't be so fucking stupid

The hottest day in history just occurred. The global average temperature was 17.18C, the hottest in the historical record.


Does this mean global warming is very real, and the rational people have been spot-on correct for the past 40 years? Yes.

Does this mean the denier cultists have been laughably wrong for the past decade? Yes.

If you want to put forth a "DERP! DERP! ALL THE DATA IS FAKED! DEEEEERRRRRRP!" conspiracy as a way to run from the hard data, you have to back it up, with something more than a link to a kook conspiracy website. Explain it in your own words, then link to primary data sources. If you won't, that's an admission you're making it all up.

If you'd like to claim the warming is all-natural, provide evidence for that. Don't just claim it. Back it up.

Needless to say, trolls will be instantly reported. Mods, please don't reward trolls by moving a thread to the Rubber Room after trolls overwhelm it, as the trolls always attempt to do.
Poor dear summer is always hot but this summer in north Carolina was cool
Poor dear summer is always hot but this summer in north Carolina was cool


And this is why nobody pays any attention to Frank. When you give him the answers he asked for, he automatically handwaves it away. He doesn't want answers to his questions, he just wants to troll.
You gave no answer
And it was hotter!! Blows your shit up bigly
There very well may have been older civilizations. The earth has endured MANY global resets that wiped everything out. The last one was about 10 to 12k years ago. Then suddenly we were building huge structures. No in-between steps. Just man handling stones in the tens to hundreds of tons.

So historians would have us believe that we went from clubbing animals for our existence to building pyramids in the literal blink of an eye.

It defies logic
There very well may have been older civilizations. The earth has endured MANY global resets that wiped everything out. The last one was about 10 to 12k years ago. Then suddenly we were building huge structures. No in-between steps. Just man handling stones in the tens to hundreds of tons.

So historians would have us believe that we went from clubbing animals for our existence to building pyramids in the literal blink of an eye.

It defies logic
And what existential evidence did these prior civilizations leave behind? You seem to think they knew how to build large structures. Where are they?
And what existential evidence did these prior civilizations leave behind? You seem to think they knew how to build large structures. Where are they?
The last catastrophe literally melted granite in the middle east. What man made structures do you suppose would survive that? Then look at the eye of the Sahara desert. Look at the ripples leading thousands of miles away from it to the ocean.(satellite photos). There is NOTHING on this earth that would survive a flood that big. And we have those same ripples here in America that stretch for miles upon miles.

You're uninformed and close minded
The last catastrophe literally melted granite in the middle east. What man made structures do you suppose would survive that? Then look at the eye of the Sahara desert. Look at the ripples leading thousands of miles away from it to the ocean.(satellite photos). There is NOTHING on this earth that would survive a flood that big. And we have those same ripples here in America that stretch for miles upon miles.

You're uninformed and close minded
Why didn't you just say it was Aliens in the first place? That would have saved time.

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