The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred

Thousands and thousands of real scientists disagree.
So real quick, these real scientists don't even know how to perform a repeatable experiment that backs their claims. That sounds rather stupid to me and unscientific.
Terrific! Show us in a lab how much doubling CO2 from 250 to 500 PPM increases temperature

they tried that in balloons to see how long it takes for them to cool down after being heated.

they tried that in balloons to see how long it takes for them to cool down after being heated.
Did you know that inflatable balloons and greenhouses are not open systems?
Since our buddy, manboob, has proved himself to be too cowardly or just to ignorant to discuss the matter of the accuracy of alleged “proxy” temperature measurements, I will share this with the class:

I haven’t found it helpful in determining to what degree (no pun intended) the proxy data — as analyzed — corresponds to whatever the actual temperatures might have been. It looks like it can be refined (or so they believe) to determining the approximate average temperatures in any given location to within a period of one year. This obviously, alone, brings into question how accurate it is. (Any such average annual temperature could have been skewed by a heat wave of unusually high temperatures, for example. Of maybe it got skewed that year in a different direction by an unusually cold period of drastically sun freezing temperatures.)

I’ll keep digging because I find it interesting. But I’d like a short cut. How can we determine how accurate or inaccurate the proxy data is and to within what parameters? Does anybody know? I exclude manboob because he doesn’t know.

It's going to depend on the actual proxy itself ... and whether that proxy is solely independent on temperature ... not all are ...

Today, we only collect temperature data to the nearest whole degree ... and temperatures are up only this single whole degree ... proxies will not be any more accurate than thermometers ... therefore proxies would not show the temperature increases from the industrial age ...

If thermometers don't show climate change, then maybe climate isn't changing ...

Nice ... it's not that proxy data has no use ... we just need to keep it's inaccuracies in mind when we do use them ... statistics is a wonderful tool for science, but statistics itself is not science ... it doesn't explain why ... just like the hammer needs a carpenter to build a house ...
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They don’t know science

1,000,000 ppm gives a couple degrees temperature increase ... proving 150 ppm would also increase temperatures ... if we had a thermometer sensitive enough ... maybe a thermocouple of the correct temperature range and electronics ... and correcting for specific heat and mass differences ...

Why not do this in a blimp hanger? ... give the photons their mean free path in the gas we're testing ... easy peasy ...
1,000,000 ppm gives a couple degrees temperature increase ... proving 150 ppm would also increase temperatures ... if we had a thermometer sensitive enough ... maybe a thermocouple of the correct temperature range and electronics ... and correcting for specific heat and mass differences ...

Why not do this in a blimp hanger? ... give the photons their mean free path in the gas we're testing ... easy peasy ...
Why doesn’t the 280 warm? Why only 150?
Why doesn’t the 280 warm? Why only 150?

280 ppm is the natural level, per ice core data ... it's the extra 150 ppm that makes tornadoes spin upside-down ... or whatever the latest claims are ... test it in a blimp hanger ...
280 ppm is the natural level, per ice core data ... it's the extra 150 ppm that makes tornadoes spin upside-down ... or whatever the latest claims are ... test it in a blimp hanger ...
So 280 can’t warm. Amazing
280 ppm is the natural level, per ice core data ... it's the extra 150 ppm that makes tornadoes spin upside-down ... or whatever the latest claims are ... test it in a blimp hanger ...
You could use SB to check, if only someone knew how.

Thursday was the planet's warmest day on record, extending th

The global average daily temperature climbed to 17.23 degrees Celsius (63.01 degrees Fahrenheit) on Thursday, according to the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer, which uses data from the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction.

It’s been a week of record-breaking temperatures. On Monday, the average global temperature reached 17.01 degrees Celsius (62.62 degrees Fahrenheit), the highest in the NCEP’s data, which goes back to 1979. On Tuesday it climbed to 17.18 degrees Celsius, where it remained on Wednesday.

And those pesky humans on Mars, too.
What are you babbling about?

The Martian climate is driven by albedo changes from dust storms. Tiny solar changes don't mean dink in comparison.

Venus isn't warming at all. That conclusively debunks your DERP! DERP! IT'S THE SUN! DERRRRRRPPPPP!" theory.

There's a way to stop getting embarrassed like this in the future. Stop swallowing the idiot propaganda that your masters trickle down your throat.

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