The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred

Well, yeah.

That's how intelligent people operate.

Did you test every drug you take personally? Did you personally evaluate your cars' airbag system? Did you personally go over the structural parameters of the bridge you drove over?

Normal people don't personally make every calculation . You don't, so you're being a raging hypcorite again when you demand we do.

Normal people will take note of who has been honest and reliable in the past.

Our side has been scrupulously honest, so they have credibility. They've earned it by their honesty, and by being correct over and over.

Your side specializes in fraud and deception, and has failed consistently with every prediction, so they're regarded as cult clowns.

That's how it works. We didn't make you shit the bed. You freely chose to shit the bed, even after we warned you not to shit the bed, so nobody cares that you're upset about having to sleep your own shit.
If a large group of people are saying those things are bad then yes a smart person checks the facts and learns what and were they come from but then no one has actually accused you and your butt buddies of having any brains have they?
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It's funny, how your cult has convinced you that mainstream science is all wrong, and that only a pack of political hack kook losers understands the RealTruth.

Makes you feel very special, doesn't it?

That's how the cult reels in the weak-minded, by telling them how special they are. Those durn egghead liberals scientists don't know nuthin'! You're smarter than all of them! Really you are! You're the mostest special boy of all!

So how do you compare temp differences when the type and quantity of measuring devices have changed radically changed over the past, 50,100 and 200 years?

Ohhhhhhh, proxy (made up)

Got it. 🤦‍♂️
Well, yeah.

That's how intelligent people operate.

Did you test every drug you take personally? Did you personally evaluate your cars' airbag system? Did you personally go over the structural parameters of the bridge you drove over?

Normal people don't personally make every calculation . You don't, so you're being a raging hypcorite again when you demand we do.

Normal people will take note of who has been honest and reliable in the past.

Our side has been scrupulously honest, so they have credibility. They've earned it by their honesty, and by being correct over and over.

Your side specializes in fraud and deception, and has failed consistently with every prediction, so they're regarded as cult clowns.

That's how it works. We didn't make you shit the bed. You freely chose to shit the bed, even after we warned you not to shit the bed, so nobody cares that you're upset about having to sleep your own shit.
You’re full of shit. I get the fact that you firmly believe what you’ve been instructed to believe. You do that to such an extent that you falsely label those who disagree with you (or even question you) as “liars.”

But your saying such stupid shit doesn’t make it so. 👍
Since our buddy, manboob, has proved himself to be too cowardly or just to ignorant to discuss the matter of the accuracy of alleged “proxy” temperature measurements, I will share this with the class:

I haven’t found it helpful in determining to what degree (no pun intended) the proxy data — as analyzed — corresponds to whatever the actual temperatures might have been. It looks like it can be refined (or so they believe) to determining the approximate average temperatures in any given location to within a period of one year. This obviously, alone, brings into question how accurate it is. (Any such average annual temperature could have been skewed by a heat wave of unusually high temperatures, for example. Of maybe it got skewed that year in a different direction by an unusually cold period of drastically sun freezing temperatures.)

I’ll keep digging because I find it interesting. But I’d like a short cut. How can we determine how accurate or inaccurate the proxy data is and to within what parameters? Does anybody know? I exclude manboob because he doesn’t know.
Since our buddy, manboob, has proved himself to be too cowardly or just to ignorant to discuss the matter of the accuracy of alleged “proxy” temperature measurements, I will share this with the class:

I haven’t found it helpful in determining to what degree (no pun intended) the proxy data — as analyzed — corresponds to whatever the actual temperatures might have been. It looks like it can be refined (or so they believe) to determining the approximate average temperatures in any given location to within a period of one year. This obviously, alone, brings into question how accurate it is. (Any such average annual temperature could have been skewed by a heat wave of unusually high temperatures, for example. Of maybe it got skewed that year in a different direction by an unusually cold period of drastically sun freezing temperatures.)

I’ll keep digging because I find it interesting. But I’d like a short cut. How can we determine how accurate or inaccurate the proxy data is and to within what parameters? Does anybody know? I exclude manboob because he doesn’t know.

I have yet to find a rigorous study that gives an actual, measurable and repeatable standard for proxy estimates.

They simply don't exist.

Poor little loser troll, so upset that nobody pays attention to him.
so do you know what the headers are for the data in the three columns?
Since our buddy, manboob, has proved himself to be too cowardly or just to ignorant to discuss the matter of the accuracy of alleged “proxy” temperature measurements, I will share this with the class:

I haven’t found it helpful in determining to what degree (no pun intended) the proxy data — as analyzed — corresponds to whatever the actual temperatures might have been. It looks like it can be refined (or so they believe) to determining the approximate average temperatures in any given location to within a period of one year. This obviously, alone, brings into question how accurate it is. (Any such average annual temperature could have been skewed by a heat wave of unusually high temperatures, for example. Of maybe it got skewed that year in a different direction by an unusually cold period of drastically sun freezing temperatures.)

I’ll keep digging because I find it interesting. But I’d like a short cut. How can we determine how accurate or inaccurate the proxy data is and to within what parameters? Does anybody know? I exclude manboob because he doesn’t know.
You could read a study that uses them. They will tell you.
We are a blip in the history of this planet. There is absolutely nothing that anyone can do about the weather.
Do you think the warming of the last 150 years has some nonanthropogenic cause? If so, what?
I have yet to find a rigorous study that gives an actual, measurable and repeatable standard for proxy estimates.

They simply don't exist.
This accords with my guess. But I’m still open to reviewing anything that provides any kind of reliability for proxy data (together with some reliable measure of its range of accuracy). Is the proxy data “reliable” to within a single degree F? Or within 5 degrees F? Or is it fairer to say that we simply don’t know because we can’t know?
This expresses some of the concerns. I have no clue how expert the writer is (if at all):

Overall, any individual proxy is not a reliable indicator. It's the combination of multiple proxies that provides a clearer picture.
For example, tree ring growth has been correlated with temperatures. However, it's not without it's anomalies:
...from the middle of the 20th century tree ring growth was less than might have been expected from the temperature record... ([source]
If we were to only look at tree-rings, we could not possibly trust on them as a reliable source, since they have known problems.
We can also use coral as a indicator of past climate. However, it's also somewhat questionable:
However, long (multi-centure) records are rare, and the possible influence of non-climatic influences has not yet been confidently established.source
Ice-cores are not immune to skepticism:
An indisputable interpretation of ice-core oxygen isotopes in terms of atmospheric temperature variability, moreover, remains elusive, and precise annual dating can be difficult.
However, if we can combine these three indicates along with other indicators (pollen, earth bores, etc), we can increase the reliability of our understanding. For example, if most indicators show a cold year, we can more reliability say it was a cold year.
Combining these proxies together helps us to gain a clearer picture of the past environment.
Overall Reliability
However, with that said, the amount of uncertainty with the multi-proxy method is not small.
At the Workshop on Mathematics in the Geosciences, Blake McShane presented a new algorithm for estimating paleoclimate. This algorithm provided a more reliable estimate by increasing the uncertainty of the predictions. That's an important point that I will restate:
Through his talk, he showed that his method was more reliable because it was less certain.
Even that wide uncertainty level, he questioned:
Indeed, this should make us increase our level of uncertainty (indeed perhaps our wide intervals are in fact optimistically too narrow)!
In the end, we can look at proxies for guidelines and trends, but they cannot be used for reliable readings.
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edited May 7, 2014 at 7:15
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answered May 6, 2014 at 21:39
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Source: How accurate are climate proxies in giving us a clear picture of global average temperatures throughout Earth history?

It’s funny. The more I dig, the less reliable proxy data appears. I’m not claiming it has no validity or no utility. I’m addressing only its basic lack of reliability.
Last edited:
Do you think the warming of the last 150 years has some nonanthropogenic cause? If so, what?
I believe the weather goes in cycles. There have been three ice ages that we know of. We're talking about thousands of years of cooling followed by thousands of years of warming. 150 years is nothing.
I believe the weather goes in cycles.
And the current natural cycle is pushing for cooling.

So why is it warming strongly? That's the exact opposite of the natural cycle, so we know that it's not a natural cycle causing the current fast warming.

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