The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred

These AGW Alarmists are selling hard to America. And, as if we didn’t already know,they look down on us.
It's hard to overlook that sort of ignorance and irresponsibility.
So they probably see the hot weather DOME in place over much of the South of the USA and say to themselves: “ I bet we can claim it was the ‘hottest day in WORLD HISTORY’ and at least American liberals will buy it!”
Who's "we"? The announcement that July 3rd was the hottest day on record was made by NOAA.
Trolls are assholes. Would you care to compare the amounts of data we've each provided to this forum?
Post the map with the thermometers that showed Tuesday as the hottest day ever? I’ve asked and asked, and nothing. The graph posted is totally bullshit. I take the lack of the map or datasets as confirmation of bullshit
Post the map with the thermometers that showed Tuesday as the hottest day ever? I’ve asked and asked, and nothing. The graph posted is totally bullshit. I take the lack of the map or datasets as confirmation of bullshit
These files are a little big to actually post, but you can find what I know you really want here: Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily
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These files are a little big to actually post, but you can find what I know you really want here: Index of /pub/data/ghcn/daily
I'll assume you've looked at the data in the past, perhaps you could guide me to their column headers for the figures, I get it's for Sharjah Airport column one is, column two is, and column three is?

AE000041196 25.3330 55.5170 34.0 SHARJAH INTER. AIRP GSN 41196
so the climate changed and today was even hottererererer than the record, right? August will be even more hoterererererer right?

Next year will set new records, right?
so the climate changed and today was even hottererererer than the record, right? August will be even more hoterererererer right?

Next year will set new records, right?
Record is SHATTERED!

I wonder why some people are surprised that some records in a 50 or so year period of time are “set” now. I mean, the top record has to be on one of those days. Right?

Might as well be July 3. Or 4th. Or 5th.
I'll assume you've looked at the data in the past, perhaps you could guide me to their column headers for the figures, I get it's for Sharjah Airport column one is, column two is, and column three is?

AE000041196 25.3330 55.5170 34.0 SHARJAH INTER. AIRP GSN 41196


Poor little loser troll, so upset that nobody pays attention to him.
I was going to suggest she starts ... is pot still considered a "street drug" ... maybe booze is her answer ... I don't know ...
Do you have any idea how immature it is to think you're insulting me by pretending I'm female?
Crock and manboob seem to have a very studiously held belief:

Thou shalt never question the alleged data.
Kook loser boi, are you saying the data is faked?

Then prove it.

Oh wait, you can 't. You're just making stupid shit up, so you're going to cry and deflect now. Again. After all, what else have you ever done here? What else can you do?

You're not the most cowardly and worthless poster here -- that honor goes to jc -- but you're up near the top. You contribute nothing useful to any discussion, anywhere. You're just a sad little troll, raging because nobody pays attention to his trolling.

Have you ever considered _not_ automatically crying and trolling? Seriously, give it a chance. You know, act like an adult. You'll be surprised at how that causes the laughter to stop.
are you saying the data is faked?

Then prove it.

I’m saying that you place a lot of faith in the alleged data.

But oddly, you can’t or won’t address the methodology for obtaining that “data.”

You’re a bit of a pussy, in that regard.
Proxy data? Some folks will fall for anything!
It's funny, how your cult has convinced you that mainstream science is all wrong, and that only a pack of political hack kook losers understands the RealTruth.

Makes you feel very special, doesn't it?

That's how the cult reels in the weak-minded, by telling them how special they are. Those durn egghead liberals scientists don't know nuthin'! You're smarter than all of them! Really you are! You're the mostest special boy of all!
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I’m saying that you place a lot of faith in the alleged data.
Well, yeah.

That's how intelligent people operate.

Did you test every drug you take personally? Did you personally evaluate your cars' airbag system? Did you personally go over the structural parameters of the bridge you drove over?

Normal people don't personally make every calculation . You don't, so you're being a raging hypcorite again when you demand we do.

Normal people will take note of who has been honest and reliable in the past.

Our side has been scrupulously honest, so they have credibility. They've earned it by their honesty, and by being correct over and over.

Your side specializes in fraud and deception, and has failed consistently with every prediction, so they're regarded as cult clowns.

That's how it works. We didn't make you shit the bed. You freely chose to shit the bed, even after we warned you not to shit the bed, so nobody cares that you're upset about having to sleep your own shit.

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