The Hottest Day in History Just Occurred

If you can't address the issue, just say so. You're not fooling anyone with your evasions.

Your evasion as is so often the case is plodding and obvious.
The issue, of course, is what is causing the current fast warming. What do you say the cause of it is? And what evidence backs up your position?
According to you, apparently, warming can only be caused by humans. 🙄

Nice fantasy dystopia you’re creating.
According to you, apparently, warming can only be caused by humans.
Post #79 would indicate the exact opposite, as I listed exactly why we know the warming is human-caused.

Now, you know what to do. Instead of addressing the topic, deflect with irrelevant talk about proxies. What else can you do?
Your evasion as is so often the case is plodding and obvious.

According to you, apparently, warming can only be caused by humans. 🙄

Nice fantasy dystopia you’re creating.
He didn't say that. But what do you believe IS causing the fast warming we're currently experiencing?
Climate changed naturally before, so humans can't change climate!" fallacy.
Nice try. It is Climate Alarmists like you who DISMISS the many factors that cause climate change and proclaim all of the recent rise in temperature is human caused. I posted just one non-human caused factor. No scientist can determine if humans raised the global temperature by one degree or one thousandth of a degree. Not possible.
Post #79 would indicate the exact opposite, as I listed exactly why we know the warming is human-caused.
But we don’t know that. 👍
Now, you know what to do. Instead of addressing the topic, deflect with irrelevant talk about proxies. What else can you do?
I see you’re still running from the issue of proxies.
He didn't say that. But what do you believe IS causing the fast warming we're currently experiencing?
Well, let’s work it through. The Earth has gone through much hotter periods. And much colder periods. And all that occurred before humans started making campfires or SUVs. So i am gonna go play a hunch here. I’m gonna suggest that if we didn’t have diddly dick to do with it in the past, it might be that we don’t have much to do with it now, either.

Now before you and manboob get your panties in a knot, I’ll quickly add this. It is of course possible that we (us damn dirty filthy humans) have managed to contribute to it, now a days. But to what degree?

We don’t know.

And just as we don’t necessarily have much to do with it, perhaps there’s not a shit load we can do about it, now.
Post #79 would indicate the exact opposite, as I listed exactly why we know the warming is human-caused.

Now, you know what to do. Instead of addressing the topic, deflect with irrelevant talk about proxies. What else can you do?
You can’t even show where it was warmer than ever
Well, let’s work it through. The Earth has gone through much hotter periods. And much colder periods. And all that occurred before humans started making campfires or SUVs. So i am gonna go play a hunch here. I’m gonna suggest that if we didn’t have diddly dick to do with it in the past, it might be that we don’t have much to do with it now, either.

Now before you and manboob get your panties in a knot, I’ll quickly add this. It is of course possible that we (us damn dirty filthy humans) have managed to contribute to it, now a days. But to what degree?

We don’t know.

And just as we don’t necessarily have much to do with it, perhaps there’s not a shit load we can do about it, now.
Most more hot or cold days are caused by convection and pressure systems

The hottest day in history just occurred. The global average temperature was 17.18C, the hottest in the historical record.


Does this mean global warming is very real, and the rational people have been spot-on correct for the past 40 years? Yes.

Does this mean the denier cultists have been laughably wrong for the past decade? Yes.

If you want to put forth a "DERP! DERP! ALL THE DATA IS FAKED! DEEEEERRRRRRP!" conspiracy as a way to run from the hard data, you have to back it up, with something more than a link to a kook conspiracy website. Explain it in your own words, then link to primary data sources. If you won't, that's an admission you're making it all up.

If you'd like to claim the warming is all-natural, provide evidence for that. Don't just claim it. Back it up.

Needless to say, trolls will be instantly reported. Mods, please don't reward trolls by moving a thread to the Rubber Room after trolls overwhelm it, as the trolls always attempt to do.
So what?
The number of days and weeks and months and years that have been their respective hottest lately is further support that the world is warming and that it is pushing into new territory..
Never happened,

Show the evidence
I’m gonna suggest that if we didn’t have diddly dick to do with it in the past, it might be that we don’t have much to do with it now, either.
That was the initial assumption, but the hard data conclusively showed it was wrong, so all the rational people reject it now. You know, just as they did when data showed the earth was round and not flat.

Hardcore Gaian-freak tree-huggers still cling to the "Everything is just part of nature, baby!" theory, but everyone hates those smelly hairy freaks.

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