The human race

Like I said, you will be limited to this kind of bottom feeding and low level one liners
Seems appropriate for your childish, embarrassingly stupid threads. So, seems like like I am doing fine.

But despite my best effort, you definitely win the thread for the most embarrassing pile of shit one liner.
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I'm seeing lefty cancel culture targeting racial diversity on several threads on this site right now, so this deserves its own thread.

The human race? This is a sick racist thing that strips people of their race and heritage. Racist lefty cancel culture wants to cancel race, and have just one race called the human race. Fuck that. No more black history month, no more black crime statistics, no more Asian cultural events, and no more American Indian cultural events? We should all be free to celebrate our race, and not have our race cancelled. "The human race" is a sick racist euphemism that racists use to hide how they really just see a bunch of annoying dark people and people with squinty eyes. They don't want to recognize the diverse racial backgrounds of the world, they just want one "normal" race, which is the "human race" euphemism.
Like I said, you will be limited to this kind of bottom feeding and low level one liners. Your fellow racists and wokesters will come by and click "like" on your bottom feeding posts and then giggle, but you will NEVER be involved in debating debating the core premise of the thread.
The crazy old bum on the subway always tries (insists) to engage anyone who makes the mistake of making eye contact, and absolutely insists on being taken seriously. Hmmmm......who does that remind us of?

Get the professional help you so desperately need.
The core premise of the thread is that everyone should cater to the OP'S fetishes and feelings instead of to other people's. Just a nother little tantrum by a manbaby.

Scientifically, races are a thin , arbitrary construct. The human race has very little genetic variability. The genetic differences that produce the tiny physiological difference between an Anglo person and an African are very small. It's just that we are humans, so we see a huge difference when we see different skin color in humans. These tiny differences seem more pronounced to our brains than they actually are.
The core premise of the thread is that everyone should cater to the OP'S fetishes and feelings instead of to other people's. Just a nother
If you had what it takes to discuss the core premise of this thread, you would be able to post a reply that demonstrates that you did in fact read the opening post, and that you understood it. If you disagreed with it, you would then dismantle it and supercede it with superior logic that trumps mine.

This thread demonstrates the holy grail of racism called systemic racism. The "human race" CLEARLY groups all races into one convenient race, there is no way around it. Such a broad generalization CLEARLY strips people of their racial identities and all the achievements of each race, there is no denying it. If it is racist to say that black people all look the same, then it is CERTAINLY racist to make the even broader generalization that all those annoying races are the same.
If you had what it takes to discuss the core premise of this thread, you would be able to post a reply that demonstrates that you did in fact read the opening post, and that you understood it. If you disagreed with it, you would then dismantle it and supercede it with superior logic that trumps mine.

This thread demonstrates the holy grail of racism called systemic racism. The "human race" CLEARLY groups all races into one convenient race, there is no way around it. Such a broad generalization CLEARLY strips people of their racial identities and all the achievements of each race, there is no denying it. If it is racist to say that black people all look the same, then it is CERTAINLY racist to make the even broader generalization that all those annoying races are the same.
Haha, numbnuts thinks he made some kind of deep point. When all he did was whine that races are very important.

Drop a little science into the thread and, as usual, his giney starts to quivering and he has a tantrum.
Funny how... Of all the animals on earth... This butt hurt only presents itself, amongst bipedal hominids. Outside of that..? Everyone accepts the notion of breeds. And the inherent traits that come with said breeding...
then explain why when asking for stats dealing with crime and race the lefties on this board all cry foul and claim only the human race counts?
Because righties want to ignore the related stats (ie crime and income) which would mess up their worldview.
Funny how... Of all the animals on earth... This butt hurt only presents itself, amongst bipedal hominids. Outside of that..? Everyone accepts the notion of breeds. And the inherent traits that come with said breeding...
Who bred humans and for what traits?
Funny how... Of all the animals on earth... This butt hurt only presents itself, amongst bipedal hominids. Outside of that..? Everyone accepts the notion of breeds. And the inherent traits that come with said breeding...
There are no different breeds of humans.
Funny how... Of all the animals on earth... This butt hurt only presents itself, amongst bipedal hominids.
Well, most of us are sentient and possess the quality of introspective self awareness, unlike other species.

I can't believe I had to explain that.
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The human race? This is a sick racist thing that strips people of their race and heritage.
And here is the embarrassingly stupid premise of this thread. Reposted here for your revulsion and laughter.

Brace yourselves, I am going to fuck you all up.

"The human race"

There, I said it!

Haha, take that! Now raise your hand if I just stripped you of your race and heritage. EvMetro is expecting a lot of hands to go up, so don't disappoint him!
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Sure, whatever you say. You will NEVER be posting anything of merit in the human race debate though. Just so you know. You will only be able to throw darts at it without really understanding what is really going on. You will only be able to follow the rest of the herd on this.

From an international expert on your personal racism, your opinion means nothing to me. It demonstrates just how vain you are to display that to the world and wear it like a badge of honour.
What a squalid sanctamonious arrogant prick you are.
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The reason why you can't just destroy my opening post and thread premise is the same as why nobody else can. It is absolutely bulletproof. If it wasn't, somebody would have destroyed it. Sure, lots of you racists are making plenty of efforts to discredit me and the thread, but nobody is dismantling the logic and premise. You are a fucking racist for not considering that the logic and premise are spot on.
No it really isn't.

You are equating skin color with behavior and culture.

There is no relationship between the 2.

There is no such thing as race as far as biology and genetics are concerned.

Race is a sociological construct invented by those that would marginalize entire populations in an attempt to reinforce their own perceived superiority. That you cling to the idea of race is only confirming that outdated and prejudiced thinking.
No it really isn't.

You are equating skin color with behavior and culture.

There is no relationship between the 2.

There is no such thing as race as far as biology and genetics are concerned.

Race is a sociological construct invented by those that would marginalize entire populations in an attempt to reinforce their own perceived superiority. That you cling to the idea of race is only confirming that outdated and prejudiced thinking.
LOL there are clear and provable differences between the races.
LOL there are clear and provable differences between the races.
How many times do you people need me to post the actual SCIENCE?

No it really isn't.

You are equating skin color with behavior and culture.

There is no relationship between the 2.

There is no such thing as race as far as biology and genetics are concerned.

Race is a sociological construct invented by those that would marginalize entire populations in an attempt to reinforce their own perceived superiority. That you cling to the idea of race is only confirming that outdated and prejudiced thinking.
Nobody is talking about skin color on this thread but you. If you want a thread about skin color, go start one. This thread is about the single convenient race created by the woke power structure, called the "human race." Do you think people should be stripped of their racial identities, along with any cultural history and achievements associated with that race, and then be assigned to one single race that was created by a racist power structure? This is the two part question that no racist is willing to answer. katsteve2012 answered one part but not the other, then tried to claim that he answered both parts "somewhere," but no racist can answer both parts. No racist can even repeat back to me what the two parts are.
Nobody is talking about skin color on this thread but you. If you want a thread about skin color, go start one. This thread is about the single convenient race created by the woke power structure, called the "human race." Do you think people should be stripped of their racial identities, along with any cultural history and achievements associated with that race, and then be assigned to one single race that was created by a racist power structure? This is the two part question that no racist is willing to answer. katsteve2012 answered one part but not the other, then tried to claim that he answered both parts "somewhere," but no racist can answer both parts. No racist can even repeat back to me what the two parts are.

look it up
Nobody is talking about skin color on this thread but you. If you want a thread about skin color, go start one. This thread is about the single convenient race created by the woke power structure, called the "human race." Do you think people should be stripped of their racial identities, along with any cultural history and achievements associated with that race, and then be assigned to one single race that was created by a racist power structure? This is the two part question that no racist is willing to answer. katsteve2012 answered one part but not the other, then tried to claim that he answered both parts "somewhere," but no racist can answer both parts. No racist can even repeat back to me what the two parts are.
That being said, then you likely don't even remember what the two parts were in your own question.
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