The human race

Collective blame now? So you have drawn an arbitrary line for when a group deserves collective blame?
No birth group ever deserves collective blame.

Maybe in some cases, political affiliation groups may deserve collective blame.

THERE IS NO LOGIC IN A FALSE PREMISE. What is your first language? Do you need me to translate it for you?
There will ALWAYS be another excuse for why you won't be breaking down my op, my logic, and the premise of the thread. Your denial in the face of logic that you cannot dispute is because you believe your racist position of wanting to strip everybody of their racial identities and generalizing them all into one convenient race is ok. People who see the human race concept that the woke left power structure has engineered the way you do are why we have systemic racism.
The fact that

All Humans are Created Equal

is one of the foundations of Modern Ethics.

If the Foundations of Ethics crumble, then how can Society function?
No birth group ever deserves collective blame.

Maybe in some cases, political affiliation groups may deserve collective blame.
Do you think people should be stripped of their racial identity, along with the cultural history and achievements that go with it, and then be assigned to a single convenient race that was engineered by a woke racist power structure?
Do you think people should be stripped of their racial identity, along with the cultural history and achievements that go with it, and then be assigned to a single convenient race that was engineered by a woke racist power structure?
No. Each Ethnicity and Religion has their cultural heritage. I an Jewish -- I was never a Russian and will never be an American.
The fact that

All Humans are Created Equal

is one of the foundations of Modern Ethics.

If the Foundations of Ethics crumble, then how can Society function?
You should start a thread about how all humans are created equal. It doesn't have anything to do with stripping all the equal people of their racial identities and then assigning them to a single race that was engineered by a racist power structure, but it is a warm fuzzy topic.
No. Each Ethnicity and Religion has their cultural heritage. I an Jewish -- I was never a Russian and will never be an American.
We aren't talking about ethnicity or religion here, we are talking race. Black, White, American Indian, Pacific Islander, and Asian. Do you think people should be stripped of their racial identities, along with any cultural history and achievements associated with them, and then assigned to a single convenient race that was engineered by a racist power structure?
We aren't talking about ethnicity or religion here, we are talking race. Black, White, American Indian, Pacific Islander, and Asian. Do you think people should be stripped of their racial identities, along with any cultural history and achievements associated with them, and then assigned to a single convenient race that was engineered by a racist power structure?
Again, what do you mean by racial identity?
Haha, that might be the dumbest thing I've ever read.
There are a couple reasons why you are limited to throwing these worthless one liners at this thread. The main reason is that the thread premise is backed up by bulletproof logic that is even further reinforced by being the indisputable truth. You may be able to team up with a mob of other racists and chip away at the thread topic until it is eventually derailed with worthless one liners like yours, but you will NEVER be able to debate the actual core premise of the thread. It's bulletproof.

The second reason why you are stuck throwing these worthless one liner darts is because you are a low level player who doesn't really have anything of merit to post in any worthwhile discussions or debates. Even if there was a weak link in the logic that backs the premise of the thread, you would not have what it takes to exploit it. You will always be stuck posting these worthless one liner comments and attempting to derail threads with all your evasion.
Ok, the OP is clearly not playing with a full deck.
Wow, I'm so impressed with your clever logic, yawn... how do you come up with such complex and well thought out posts? I was just addressing why you are limited to these worthless one liners, see post 172.
You should not be ashamed of your race. These racist lefties want to strip us of our racial identities, and create one convenient race that is easier for them to deal with. They want to silence the achievements of your race and mine. They hate our Asian, American Indian, and Pacific Islander cultural events, and they damn sure hate black history month. They want us to be diluted into one convenient race and become some universal shade of tan. Fuck that IM2 , we need to come together and tell these racists to shove their "Human Race" concept where the sun doesn't shine. Be proud of your race.
Shut the fuck up you fucking idiot.
Like, "Saying 'the human race' is racist"?

Haha, don't worry numbnuts, you will easily win this thread for the most worthless piece of shit one-liner.
Why you little devil you, you are so clever! How did you come up with such powerful rhetoric? I'm so impressed with such a complex one liner, yawn...
Mental patient #5263789 seems to start this kind of troll thread pretty regularly. He starts with some absolutely stupid ass false premise then insists that the dopey false premise be taken as the starting point of a serious conversation, demanding that the false premise be taken as a given. He then proceeds, over dozens and dozens of pages, to complain that no one will play with him the way he wants them to. The dude has got a whole flock of bats in the belfry.
You vomited the above pile of shit one liner. Then whined like a little bitch
Like I said, you will be limited to this kind of bottom feeding and low level one liners. Your fellow racists and wokesters will come by and click "like" on your bottom feeding posts and then giggle, but you will NEVER be involved in debating debating the core premise of the thread.

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