The human race

I answered you. Re read what I stated, and let it sink in, if that's possible.

There is no need to be redundant, unless you are seeking a path to use more racial slurs.
You still haven't come up with the spin you are looking for that explains how you don't want to strip people of their racial identities while still lumping us all into one convenient race. The problem here is that if you are trying to lump us all into one convenient race, you strip us of our racial identities.
The thread is based on a false premise, dumbass. You discredited yourself right out of the gate. Repetition and insistence won't change that.
Why don't you just break down my logic and replace it with some superior logic? Throwing darts at it won't make it go away, but superior logic can. Give it your best shot!
The thread is based on a false premise, dumbass. You discredited yourself right out of the gate. Repetition and insistence won't change that.
Why don't you rip into the premise and break it down piece by piece to destroy my logic? Rip into it and show how it is not racist to strip everybody of their racial identities and cultural history and achievements associated with them, right? Show us how generalizing everybody's racial identity into one convenient race created by the racist woke left isn't racist, and isn't stripping us of our racial identities!
You still haven't come up with the spin you are looking for that explains how you don't want to strip people of their racial identities while still lumping us all into one convenient race. The problem here is that if you are trying to lump us all into one convenient race, you strip us of our racial identities.
Are you devoid of reading comprehension skills?

Or are you just an obtuse, argumentative head case?

I very clearly stated that I have no desire to "strip anyone of anything".

What part of that statement is so difficult for you to understand?
I have already told you, there is no logic in your false premise. Pay attention, stupid.
Digging your heels in without any attempt to dismantle even a shred of what you dispute is basically an endorsement of everything I posted. You simply can't dismantle any of it. The notion that you are above shredding the logic that you dispute is REALLY weak. You just can't.
You don't need to make up bullshit to be qualified to debate here. Just try to discuss the racist construct called the "human race". Do you believe people should be stripped of their racial identities, along with the cultural history and achievements associated with them?



The reason why you can't just destroy my opening post and thread premise is the same as why nobody else can. It is absolutely bulletproof. If it wasn't, somebody would have destroyed it. Sure, lots of you racists are making plenty of efforts to discredit me and the thread, but nobody is dismantling the logic and premise. You are a fucking racist for not considering that the logic and premise are spot on.
Digging your heels in without any attempt to dismantle even a shred of what you dispute is basically an endorsement of everything I posted. You simply can't dismantle any of it. The notion that you are above shredding the logic that you dispute is REALLY weak. You just can't.

If you really want to have a discussion, you're going to have to learn how to read first. Go get on that.
If you really want to have a discussion, you're going to have to learn how to read first. Go get on that.
There will ALWAYS be an excuse for why you won't be breaking down my op, my logic, and the premise of the thread. Your denial in the face of logic that you cannot dispute is because you believe your racist position of wanting to strip everybody of their racial identities and generalizing them all into one convenient race is ok. People who see the human race concept that the woke left power structure has engineered the way you do are why we have systemic racism.
I'm seeing lefty cancel culture targeting racial diversity on several threads on this site right now, so this deserves its own thread.

The human race? This is a sick racist thing that strips people of their race and heritage. Racist lefty cancel culture wants to cancel race, and have just one race called the human race. Fuck that. No more black history month, no more black crime statistics, no more Asian cultural events, and no more American Indian cultural events? We should all be free to celebrate our race, and not have our race cancelled. "The human race" is a sick racist euphemism that racists use to hide how they really just see a bunch of annoying dark people and people with squinty eyes. They don't want to recognize the diverse racial backgrounds of the world, they just want one "normal" race, which is the "human race" euphemism.

Here we Go again. Blame th ee lefties for all the trouble in the world. You're pathetic. Grow up.
Here we Go again. Blame th ee lefties for all the trouble in the world. You're pathetic. Grow up.
This thread is way out of your league, you will NEVER be able to debate the implications of what the "human race" represents. The woke power structure that promotes this racist concept engineers your entire perception of the political landscape, so you will not be able to isolate the "human race" concept from the rest of the world that has been engineered for you. You will be limited to trying to discredit me or the thread with arbitrary insults and evasion.
This thread is way out of your league, you will NEVER be able to debate the implications of what the "human race" represents. The woke power structure that promotes this racist concept engineers your entire perception of the political landscape, so you will not be able to isolate the "human race" concept from the rest of the world that has been engineered for you. You will be limited to trying to discredit me or the thread with arbitrary insults and evasion.

The way you reacted implies I got it right the first time. You intellectual snobs with your sanctamonious right wing bullshit annoy me. All you know is the elimination of lefties. You're pathetic.
Just another FITH godbothering Republican.
The way you reacted implies I got it right the first time. You intellectual snobs with your sanctamonious right wing bullshit annoy me. All you know is the elimination of lefties. You're pathetic.
Just another FITH godbothering Republican.
Sure, whatever you say. You will NEVER be posting anything of merit in the human race debate though. Just so you know. You will only be able to throw darts at it without really understanding what is really going on. You will only be able to follow the rest of the herd on this.
This thread demonstrates the holy grail of racism called systemic racism. The "human race" CLEARLY groups all races into one convenient race, there is no way around it. Such a broad generalization CLEARLY strips people of their racial identities and all the achievements of each race, there is no denying it. If it is racist to say that black people all look the same, then it is CERTAINLY racist to make the even broader generalization that all those annoying races are the same.
There will ALWAYS be an excuse for why you won't be breaking down my op, my logic, ....
THERE IS NO LOGIC IN A FALSE PREMISE. What is your first language? Do you need me to translate it for you?

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