The human race

Just tell him he's not even accurately describing what anyone believes in this country. Don't engage him on definitions. He has to realize this isn't france and the AMerican left wants exactly teh opposite of what he's describing. lol
I could try, however I suspect it would be pointless to do so.
Vile racism. The notion that our racial, religious, or cultural backgrounds need to fit "science" in order to be recognized is some of the ugliest bigotry that I've seen in a long time. Science doesn't make those slanty eyed people and those ones you see as little darkies fit into a single convenient race. We won't let you try to group us all into a single convenient race that can be summarized in a woke science textbook. Shove your vile racism where the sun doesn't shine.
Religion and culture have nothing to do with the color of your skin.

And I already told you that that my mother was half Black. You know it was people like you who used to tell me I was too White to be Black and the White kids told me i was too Black to be White.

I learned at a very young age that skin color makes no difference.
I have no interest in "stripping" anyone of anything. It's not within the scope of my power or desire to do so.

If that's not clear, personally I don't have a fuck to give about anyone except my family and myself.

Speculating about something that I as an individual could never do is a pointless waste of time, unless I was like you and was searching for a way to use racial slurs under the guise of concern for the "racial identities" of complete strangers.

Wouldn't it be much easier for you to be less dishonest?

This ^^^^^^^^^^
Take your principles of intersectionality and objectively apply them to this thread, and you will find that the woke left power structure is using their power to strip us of our racial identities, along with our cultural history and associated achievements. The problem here is that the power structure owns you, so you cannot see the forest through the trees.
Yea but that requires one to believe we're not all one race.

There is no need to "decolonize" lit classes if we're all one race

There is no need for critical race theory


Modern progressives have a lot of contradicotry thoughts. This issue they are not confused about in 2021 in America
YOU are the one who wants to strip everybody of their racial identities and all the cultural history and achievements associated with them. You want to marginalize entire populations by stripping them of their race and cramming them into the racist one-race construct of the woke left. Fuck you, we will keep our racial identities and all the cultural history and achievements associated with them.
Cultural identity is not related to the color of your skin.

It's stupid to be proud of your skin color because you had absolutely nothing to do with it.
Religion and culture have nothing to do with the color of your skin.

And I already told you that that my mother was half Black. You know it was people like you who used to tell me I was too White to be Black and the White kids told me i was too Black to be White.

I learned at a very young age that skin color makes no difference.

On my high school football team there was a guy named White who played halfblack. He was a great player, half of the time. At halftime he would play the tuba while moon walking.
I have no interest in "stripping" anyone of anything. It's not within the scope of my power or desire to do so.
Ok, we finally got an answer, even if it was in a bucket of red herrings. You claim that you do not want to strip anybody of their racial identity. If this is true, does this mean you do not believe in sweeping all races into one convenient race that was created by the woke power structures of big money and big tech?
I wonder if the OP is one of those "racial purity" nutjobs who cries about 'miscegenation' and such nonsense. Odds are pretty good.
I could try, however I suspect it would be pointless to do so.

It has to start with him acknowledging the reality of what people actually want in the society he lives in.

I've never seen such an obvious upending of an argument. This is beyond strawman I can only call it a delusion.
And I already told you that that my mother was half Black
You don't need to make up bullshit to be qualified to debate here. Just try to discuss the racist construct called the "human race". Do you believe people should be stripped of their racial identities, along with the cultural history and achievements associated with them?
Ok, we finally got an answer, even if it was in a bucket of red herrings. You claim that you do not want to strip anybody of their racial identity. If this is true, does this mean you do not believe in sweeping all races into one convenient race that was created by the woke power structures of big money and big tech?
I answered you. Re read what I stated, and let it sink in, if that's possible.

There is no need to be redundant, unless you are seeking a path to use more racial slurs.
It has to start with him acknowledging the reality of what people actually want in the society he lives in.

I've never seen such an obvious upending of an argument. This is beyond strawman I can only call it a delusion.
In his case, acknowledgement of reality is clearly an impossibility.
I wonder if the OP is one of those "racial purity" nutjobs who cries about 'miscegenation' and such nonsense. Odds are pretty good.
Lol, looks like you are looking for ways to discredit the premise of the thread. Why don't you just break down my logic and replace it with some superior logic? Throwing darts at it won't make it go away, but superior logic can. Give it your best shot!
In his case, acknowledgement of reality is clearly an impossibility.
Lol, looks like you are looking for ways to discredit the premise of the thread. Why don't you just break down my logic and replace it with some superior logic? Throwing darts at it won't make it go away, but superior logic can. Give it your best shot!
It has to start with him acknowledging the reality of what people actually want in the society he lives in.
Did you see my reference to the fingers in 1984, or are you not well read?
...looks like you are looking for ways to discredit the premise of the thread. ....

The thread is based on a false premise, dumbass. You discredited yourself right out of the gate. Repetition and insistence won't change that.

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