The human race

Sadly, men do commit most crime. But over 90% of men are not criminals and we must reject collective blame.

The argument of Racists and some Conservatives against Minorities and Jews is the same as the argument of most Feminists and Liberals against men. Both sides use the same logic against their target group.
Collective blame now? So you have drawn an arbitrary line for when a group deserves collective blame?
I'm seeing lefty cancel culture targeting racial diversity on several threads on this site right now, so this deserves its own thread.

The human race? This is a sick racist thing that strips people of their race and heritage. Racist lefty cancel culture wants to cancel race, and have just one race called the human race. Fuck that. No more black history month, no more black crime statistics, no more Asian cultural events, and no more American Indian cultural events? We should all be free to celebrate our race, and not have our race cancelled. "The human race" is a sick racist euphemism that racists use to hide how they really just see a bunch of annoying dark people and people with squinty eyes. They don't want to recognize the diverse racial backgrounds of the world, they just want one "normal" race, which is the "human race" euphemism.
Why can't you just accept that it is a scientific FACT that race is a social construct and has absolutely no basis in science?

YOU are not the color of your skin.

And who said anything about canceling cultural events? No one is saying that the unique cultural differences of different populations will be "cancelled".

Culture is NOT dependent on skin color or eye shape.

YOU are the one who wants the social construct of race that was invented to marginalize entire populations of people to continue so it seems that YOU are the racist here not the people who realize that race is a made up social construct.
I'm seeing lefty cancel culture targeting racial diversity on several threads on this site right now, so this deserves its own thread.

The human race? This is a sick racist thing that strips people of their race and heritage. Racist lefty cancel culture wants to cancel race, and have just one race called the human race. Fuck that. No more black history month, no more black crime statistics, no more Asian cultural events, and no more American Indian cultural events? We should all be free to celebrate our race, and not have our race cancelled. "The human race" is a sick racist euphemism that racists use to hide how they really just see a bunch of annoying dark people and people with squinty eyes. They don't want to recognize the diverse racial backgrounds of the world, they just want one "normal" race, which is the "human race" euphemism.
Which threads?
That's a very stupid question, but considering the source, maybe not.
Exactly how would one go about doing such a thing?
You still haven't come up with the spin you are looking for that explains how you don't want to strip people of their racial identities while still lumping us all into one convenient race. The problem here is that if you are trying to lump us all into one convenient race, you strip us of our racial identities.
What’s this “racial achievement” business?
Indeed, the "human race" blocks the ability for our achievements to be recognized. The human race does not celebrate black history month, but the black race does. You are searching for ways to justify lumping all races into one convenient month. This is very racist.
Gotta admit, this is an amusing thread, USMB rarely attracts skilled trolls, usually it is more the slash and burn type.
Gotta admit, usmb has some of the most vile racists on the internet. The racists here fight right out in the open to strip us of our racial identities. The usmb racists don't even make any effort to hide their arrogant views of all those annoying slanty eyed people and darkies that they want to group into a single convenient race.
Most amusing that I've seen in awhile. And that is saying a lot.
Amusing shows just how arrogant your racism is. It is not the least bit amusing to strip people of their racial identities. You obviously don't give a shit about our diverse racial identities.
Gotta admit, usmb has some of the most vile racists on the internet. The racists here fight right out in the open to strip us of our racial identities. The usmb racists don't even make any effort to hide their arrogant views of all those annoying slanty eyed people and darkies that they want to group into a single convenient race.

I have to say that I am please that folks can say exactly what they feel.

This is our samizdat...the underground information Russians used under Stalin.
Why can't you just accept that it is a scientific FACT that race is a social construct and has absolutely no basis in science?
Vile racism. The notion that our racial, religious, or cultural backgrounds need to fit "science" in order to be recognized is some of the ugliest bigotry that I've seen in a long time. Science doesn't make those slanty eyed people and those ones you see as little darkies fit into a single convenient race. We won't let you try to group us all into a single convenient race that can be summarized in a woke science textbook. Shove your vile racism where the sun doesn't shine.
You still haven't come up with the spin you are looking for that explains how you don't want to strip people of their racial identities while still lumping us all into one convenient race. The problem here is that if you are trying to lump us all into one convenient race, you strip us of our racial identities.
I don't need to "spin" anything. This is a troll thread, and "the problem" here is that you're making no sense whatsoever.

There is no way to "strip" a person of their racial identity without having absolute power over them, and them succumbing to it.

Even you should be able to understand that.
This thread demonstrates the holy grail of racism called systemic racism. The "human race" CLEARLY groups all races into one convenient race, there is no way around it. Such a broad generalization CLEARLY strips people of their racial identities and all the achievements of each race, there is no denying it. If it is racist to say that black people all look the same, then it is CERTAINLY racist to make the even broader generalization that all those annoying races are the same.

What makes this systemic racism is the massive pile on of racists who want to support the notion that grouping all races into one convenient little race is not what it looks like. Reminds me of 1984 where the bad guy is insisting that he is holding up 5 fingers when he is only holding up four. Instead of insisting that they are holding up 5 fingers though, usmb racists insist that grouping all races into one convenient race does not strip people of their unique racial identities, and that this is not racist. Are you fucking kidding me? They want to go on with their vile racism by calling me a troll, censoring my threads, clicking "like" on posts that support racism that aligns with their own, and evading. If you look at the racist posts on this thread from Unkotare , Coyote , katsteve2012 , Blues Man , Zincwarrior , lg325 , Moonglow , Fort Fun Indiana , and Relative Ethics , you will see enough support for the extremely racist act of broadly sweeping all races into one convenient race and stripping people of their racial identities, to establish a systemic pattern. Systemic racism.
Gotta admit, usmb has some of the most vile racists on the internet. The racists here fight right out in the open to strip us of our racial identities. The usmb racists don't even make any effort to hide their arrogant views of all those annoying slanty eyed people and darkies that they want to group into a single convenient race.
Finally a shred of truth from you. You're gleefully projecting your own vile racism in this troll thread, and obviously are too dense to see that you are.

No one else posting in this "thread" is using terms like "darkies" and "slanty eyed people".

Every post in this thread gives you yet another opportunity to use racial slurs and project your own disgusting racism upon others.

You lack integrity and honesty.
This thread demonstrates the holy grail of racism called systemic racism. The "human race" CLEARLY groups all races into one convenient race, there is no way around it. Such a broad generalization CLEARLY strips people of their racial identities and all the achievements of each race, there is no denying it. If it is racist to say that black people all look the same, then it is CERTAINLY racist to make the even broader generalization that all those annoying races are the same.

What makes this systemic racism is the massive pile on of racists who want to support the notion that grouping all races into one convenient little race is not what it looks like. Reminds me of 1984 where the bad guy is insisting that he is holding up 5 fingers when he is only holding up four. Instead of insisting that they are holding up 5 fingers though, usmb racists insist that grouping all races into one convenient race does not strip people of their unique racial identities, and that this is not racist. Are you fucking kidding me? They want to go on with their vile racism by calling me a troll, censoring my threads, clicking "like" on posts that support racism that aligns with their own, and evading. If you look at the racist posts on this thread from Unkotare , Coyote , katsteve2012 , Blues Man , Zincwarrior , lg325 , Moonglow , Fort Fun Indiana , and Relative Ethics , you will see enough support for the extremely racist act of broadly sweeping all races into one convenient race and stripping people of their racial identities, to establish a systemic pattern. Systemic racism.
Um...are you drunk posting? I used to do that. It's all fun until you wake up and find yourself banned.
No one else posting in this "thread" is using terms like "darkies" and "slanty eyed people".
I was wondering how long it would take one of you to hijack my descriptions of how the "one convenient race" crowd sees other races, and try to apply those terms to me as if it is me, the person who is advocating for keeping our unique racial identities, as if they were my own view. Cute katsteve2012 , but predictable. And weak.
Um...are you drunk posting? I used to do that. It's all fun until you wake up and find yourself banned.
Nice evasion of what you quoted of me. By evading commenting on the content though, you confirm that there is absolutely nothing in it that you dispute. Your evasion becomes an endorsement.
Certainly that's an interesting view. It's not legal, nor follow conventional norms, but you be you.
I was wondering how long it would take one of you to hijack my descriptions of how the "one convenient race" crowd sees other races, and try to apply those terms to me as if it is me, the person who is advocating for keeping our unique racial identities, as if they were my own view. Cute katsteve2012 , but predictable. And weak.
Nope. You were "wondering" how long it would take for your racist sentiments to be recognized by someone who sees you for what you actually are.

So now you are "telepathic" and are able to determine how anonymous people view others?

No one is using racist language here except for you. That's obvious, and you know it.

Grow up.

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