The human race

Finally a shred of truth from you. You're gleefully projecting your own vile racism in this troll thread, and obviously are too dense to see that you are.

No one else posting in this "thread" is using terms like "darkies" and "slanty eyed people".

Every post in this thread gives you yet another opportunity to use racial slurs and project your own disgusting racism upon others.

You lack integrity and honesty.
Your desperate search for ANY way to discredit me or this thread shows that you are absolutely locked into the notion that it is ok to broadly sweep all races into one convenient race, and that you are not a racist for trying to group all those annoying "darkies" and "slanty eyed folk" into one convenient little race. No matter how much you try to sweep all these people who look the same to you into one convenient little race though, we will always be blacks, whites, pacific islanders, American Indians, and Asians. We will keep our racial identities, we will keep the cultural traditions and achievements associated with our racial identities, and we will resist being crammed into one convenient little race that pleases the racists.
lol that is again not what the modern left wants

they gave that up.

you have no idea what you're talking about. The only major country who does things that way is France

the American left is not looking to emulate that you rube. WHat the fuck is this?

And you're probably a mutt so you should probably shut the fuck up you little mud blood. God damn
then explain why when asking for stats dealing with crime and race the lefties on this board all cry foul and claim only the human race counts?
Certainly that's an interesting view. It's not legal, nor follow conventional norms, but you be you.
The most conventional norm regarding race is that as equal as we may be as humans, we all have our unique racial identities. Blacks don't all look the same, Asians don't all look the same, and all races don't all look the same. The notion that any one race or all races look the same is vile racism. The notion that we are all one convenient race like the woke racist left wants is pure fucking racism.
Nope. You were "wondering" how long it would take for your racist sentiments to be recognized by someone who sees you for what you actually are.

So now you are "telepathic" and are able to determine how anonymous people view others?

No one is using racist language here except for you. That's obvious, and you know it.

Grow up.
Cute, nice try. Do you support stripping people of their racial identities? You are not going to be a to make an end run around this question. If you have to evade answering the question, then you are for stripping people of their racial identities and all the cultural history and achievements associated with them.
then explain why when asking for stats dealing with crime and race the lefties on this board all cry foul and claim only the human race counts?

They don't...?

They just have their own crazy explanations for those disparities

Without stats like that you couldn't say "whites make more than blacks per capita" etc etc etc

The crime stats they just have to put up with and explain away.
YOU are the one who wants the social construct of race that was invented to marginalize entire populations of people to continue
YOU are the one who wants to strip everybody of their racial identities and all the cultural history and achievements associated with them. You want to marginalize entire populations by stripping them of their race and cramming them into the racist one-race construct of the woke left. Fuck you, we will keep our racial identities and all the cultural history and achievements associated with them.
Your desperate search for ANY way to discredit me or this thread shows that you are absolutely locked into the notion that it is ok to broadly sweep all races into one convenient race, and that you are not a racist for trying to group all those annoying "darkies" and "slanty eyed folk" into one convenient little race. No matter how much you try to sweep all these people who look the same to you into one convenient little race though, we will always be blacks, whites, pacific islanders, American Indians, and Asians. We will keep our racial identities, we will keep the cultural traditions and achievements associated with our racial identities, and we will resist

being crammed into one convenient little race that pleases the racists.
I don't have any vested interest in "discrediting" an anonymous crazy person.

You don't need any help, as you're doing an exceptional job of "discrediting" yourself.

All that I did was to point out your own obvious racism.

Don't take it personally.
They don't...?

They just have their own crazy explanations for those disparities

Without stats like that you couldn't say "whites make more than blacks per capita" etc etc etc

The crime stats they just have to put up with and explain away.
Do you think people should be stripped of their racial identities and all the cultural history and achievements associated with them, and then crammed into one convenient little race that was created by the woke racist left?
I don't have any vested interest in "discrediting" an anonymous crazy person.

You don't need any help, as you're doing an exceptional job of "discrediting" yourself.

All that I did was to point out your own obvious racism.

Don't take it personally.
This is the 1984 five vs four finger analogy that I mentioned earlier. We have a long list of racists who want to strip everybody of their racial identities and all the cultural history and achievements associated with them, calling the guy who is advocating for keeping our identities a racist. Do you see how backwards this is, or are you too racist to see it?

Here is the question that you continue to evade: Do you want to strip people of their racial identities and all the cultural history and achievements associated with them?
Now, here's your opportunity to post some more false concern over those "slanty eyed" people and "darkies", that you have incessantly referred to.
Fix the quote of me that you screwed up in post 109.

I was wondering how long it would take one of you to hijack my descriptions of how the "one convenient race" crowd sees other races, and try to apply those terms to me as if it is me, the person who is advocating for keeping our unique racial identities, as if they were my own view. Cute katsteve2012 , but predictable. And weak.
Cute, nice try. Do you support stripping people of their racial identities? You are not going to be a to make an end run around this question. If you have to evade answering the question, then you are for stripping people of their racial identities and all the cultural history and achievements associated with them.
No one can "strip" anyone of their racial identity, unless they have lawful, absolute power over them.
Like the relationship between a slave and a slave owner.


Now, here is yet another opportunity for you to post some more false concern over those "slanty eyed" people and "darkies", that you have constantly referred to in those terms.

No one can "strip" anyone of their racial identity, unless they have lawful, absolute power over them
Nobody asked you if it was "possible" to strip people of their racial identities, I only asked you if you "want" to strip people of them. This is the part that determines if you have a racist soul.. You are still evading answering the question: Do you want to strip people of their racial identities?
Do you think people should be stripped of their racial identities and all the cultural history and achievements associated with them, and then crammed into one convenient little race that was created by the woke racist left?

Do you not understand critical race theory? Know what an intersectional matrix is?

These ideas can't exist if you ignore race, lol

You are arguing with a non existent phantom in 2021. You are not in France, where everyone believes what you're describing left and right. Shut the fuck up

And your delusions about white accomplishments don't really interest me. I'm half white half Indian....We came up with the concept of zero, first to be civilized, and flourished long b before any white man could even farm much less claim to be better than anyone else. Europe was a backwater for most of history. It's not as pretty a story as you might like to think it is.

Not to mention we're functionally the same fucking race anyway. High likelihood i share a paternal line with Putin. Genocide has been happening for a long time and "indo europeans" were very very very good at it. Our paternal lines split only a few millenia ago.
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Do you not understand critical race theory? Know what an intersectional matrix is?

These ideas can't exist if you ignore race, lol

You are arguing with a non existent phantom in 2021. You are not in France, where everyone believes what you're describing left and right. Shut the fuck up

And your delusions about white accomplishments don't really interest me. I'm half white half Indian....We came up with the concept of zero, first to be civilized, and flourished long b before any white man could even farm much less claim to be better than anyone else. Europe was a backwater for most of history. It's not as pretty a story as you might like to think it is.

Not to mention we're functionally the same fucking race anyway. High likelihood i share a paternal line with Putin.
If you have to evade the question, you probably have a racist soul. Again, here is the question:

Do you think people should be stripped of their racial identities and all the cultural history and achievements associated with them, and then crammed into one convenient little race that was created by the woke racist left?
If you have to evade the question, you probably have a racist soul. Again, here is the question:

Do you think people should be stripped of their racial identities and all the cultural history and achievements associated with them, and then crammed into one convenient little race that was created by the woke racist left?

Your language is vague you pleb. I'd have to define terms which you clearly are not prepared to do

You can't even define what a major political party in your own nation believes. And we only have two parties. You are not worthy of me engaging on the subject that again IS NOT RELEVANT INT HE AMERICAN CONTEXT. IF ANY SIDE WANTS TO STRIP RACE OUT OF EVERYTHING IT IS THE RIGHT. THE LEFT WANT THE OPPOSITE.

Affirmative action

Illegal immigration




Support of these things doesn't make any sense if you believe we're all one race. You are too stupid to comment on these things. Clearly. Shut the fuck up
Nobody asked you if it was "possible" to strip people of their racial identities, I only asked you if you "want" to strip people of them. This is the part that determines if you have a racist soul.. You are still evading answering the question: Do you want to strip people of their racial identities?
What the hell is a "racial identity?"
No one can "strip" anyone of their racial identity, unless they have lawful, absolute power over them.
Like the relationship between a slave and a slave owner.


Now, here is yet another opportunity for you to post some more false concern over those "slanty eyed" people and "darkies", that you have constantly referred to in those terms.


Just tell him he's not even accurately describing what anyone believes in this country. Don't engage him on definitions. He has to realize this isn't france and the AMerican left wants exactly teh opposite of what he's describing. lol
Nobody asked you if it was "possible" to strip people of their racial identities, I only asked you if you "want" to strip people of them. This is the part that determines if you have a racist soul.. You are still evading answering the question: Do you want to strip people of their racial identities?
I have no interest in "stripping" anyone of anything. It's not within the scope of my power or desire to do so.

If that's not clear, personally I don't have a fuck to give about anyone except my family and myself.

Speculating about something that I as an individual could never do is a pointless waste of time, unless I was like you and was searching for a way to use racial slurs under the guise of concern for the "racial identities" of complete strangers.

Wouldn't it be much easier for you to be less dishonest?
Do you not understand critical race theory? Know what an intersectional matrix is?
Take your principles of intersectionality and objectively apply them to this thread, and you will find that the woke left power structure is using their power to strip us of our racial identities, along with our cultural history and associated achievements. The problem here is that the power structure owns you, so you cannot see the forest through the trees.
The human race is not "a convenient little race," it is what we are as a species. Recognizing the FACT that we are all part of one human race does not "strip" anyone of anything other than an excuse to divide people so as to shit on the ones you don't 'like.' People are individuals, not faceless placeholders in this or that 'group.'

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