The Hussein “demands” anti-Biden ad be pulled...

QUOTE="Syriusly, post: 24137500, member: 51902"]
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

Who is Hussein?

The guy who changed his name from Barry Soetoro to “Barack Hussein Obama”, the name of the Muslim man he barely knew. Funny how he worshipped such a loser, a Muslim who had multiple wives.

Don't know of any guy who changed his name from Barry Soetoro to Barack Hussein Obama.

I am aware of President Obama- who was named Barack Hussein Obama when he was born- and did go by the nickname Barry for awhile.

Hey we have a loser in the White House right now who has had multiple wives........

can't make it up!! right here!!! too funny.

Is it they are soooo smart they don't see their actually stupid? wow.[/QUOTE]

she's smart cause she's correct.


you're stupid & wrong per your usual M.O.
Here's the thing: Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true. Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges. Had Roger Stone testified truthfully to the FBI and Congress, and not threatened other witnesses, who knows what would have been found.

They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance, while Mitch McConnell blocks all legislation and sanctions against Russia for doing so.

Trump is still trying to prosecute members of the FBI, CIA, and NSA who investigated him. Undermining the rule of law, the courts, and jury tampering.

What about any of this is "fake news". Of course the Billionaire Media, whose owners are profiting mightily from a Trump Presidency are lying to you and touting the economy. Well the economy is about to get slapped around real good. And Trump has done nothing to prepare for it before last night.

"Everything that Trump calls "fake news" has turned out to be true"​
View attachment 309153
"Russia did interfere in the 2016 election to aid Donald Trump and he enthusiastically embraced their assistance even if there was "insufficient evidence" of a conspiracy to file charges."​
View attachment 309153
"They're still doing it, and Trump has done nothing but invite and welcome such assistance,"​
View attachment 309153
You're mistaken.

Try reading the Mueller Report, the Senate Report, and Reports from the National Security Agency of the United States. The ONLY people telling you they didn't are Trump and Putin, and their propaganda machines.
You really are dumb.

I don't think you want to take dragonlady on in a debate. She'll eat your ass up. That is a very intelligent lady and she does know what she is talking about. You don't know shit.
She's a low grade imbecile like you.

stfu you insignificant froo froo.
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics
Who is "the Hussein"? Didn't he get hanged in Baghdad years ago?

The use Obamas middle name Hussein and then cry when they are called racists like we don't know what they are doing.
Using someone’s given name is racist?

How so?

Well since everyone else is referred to by their first name and you are calling him Hussein because you think he's a Muslim and a Kenyan, the answer is pretty obvious.

where did I say he is Muslim or from Kenya, liar?
Now, tell me how it is racist to use a person’s given name?

you ain't fooling no one. embrace yer racism - wear it proudly or are you a snowflake?
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics
Who is "the Hussein"? Didn't he get hanged in Baghdad years ago?

The use Obamas middle name Hussein and then cry when they are called racists like we don't know what they are doing.
Using someone’s given name is racist?

How so?

Well since everyone else is referred to by their first name and you are calling him Hussein because you think he's a Muslim and a Kenyan, the answer is pretty obvious.
Yes, he's a filthy muslim traitor.

^ lying frooster.
Can you guys believe the nerve of Obama threatening to stifle free speech with a possible libel lawsuit?????

Heh heh
Who the hell is he to send such a demand?
A private citizen. I can also pay a lawyer to draft and send such a demand. In my country, private citizens can do this, unlike in your mother russia.

Is everyone you disagree with from Russia?

Also if someone is sending that type of letter, well they are trying to censor what should be seen by the public.

In my country people are allow to express their political view and shouldn't have to worry about Communists saying what we can read, hear or watch unlike your country China!
Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics

When you flat out lie, you should be called on it.

Sure, but you ignore lies all the time when it is done by Bernie Sanders the Communist that is lying about how and who will pay for his Communist agenda!
Is everyone you disagree with from Russia?
No, what a bizarre question.

Also if someone is sending that type of letter, well they are trying to censor what should be seen by the public.
No they aren't. That's stupid. Obama has no power to censor anything.

In my country people are allow to express their political view and shouldn't have to worry about Communists saying what we can read, hear or watch unlike your country China!
And, as it turns out, private citizens are allowed to send cease and desist letters threatening libel lawsuits.

Hell, your cult leader is the king of frivolous libel lawsuits. Suck it up, buttercup.
Please tell the class what gives Mitch the power to tell the POTUS what he can and can’t say?

The real question for the class is why did President Obama feel it necessary for the announcement of international interference to be bipartisan? Mitch had shown his extreme partisan chops when he denied Obama's SC nominee a fair hearing. His lack of testicular fortitude, imo, gave us Trumpybear and the Banana Republicans!

Non answer and a pathetic dodge. But you got one thing right....Barry was a pussy.

Too stupid to figure it out?
Nope. I figured out you have no answer to my question and are dodging.

Obtuse one, you have a unanswered question?

Yeah, stupid.

Here it is again, so you can dodge it again:

Please tell the class what gives Mitch the power to tell the POTUS what he can and can’t say?
Who is "the Hussein"? Didn't he get hanged in Baghdad years ago?

The use Obamas middle name Hussein and then cry when they are called racists like we don't know what they are doing.
Using someone’s given name is racist?

How so?

Well since everyone else is referred to by their first name and you are calling him Hussein because you think he's a Muslim and a Kenyan, the answer is pretty obvious.

where did I say he is Muslim or from Kenya, liar?
Now, tell me how it is racist to use a person’s given name?

you ain't fooling no one. embrace yer racism - wear it proudly or are you a snowflake?
I'll challenge you like I did the racist IQ2............quote my racist post(s).

I predict you will do exactly what that idiot and hide and not be able to produce a single racist post by me.
Fort fun now on his 10 post spree
3 or 4 other paid antagonists cycled thru today
The use Obamas middle name Hussein and then cry when they are called racists like we don't know what they are doing.
Using someone’s given name is racist?

How so?

Well since everyone else is referred to by their first name and you are calling him Hussein because you think he's a Muslim and a Kenyan, the answer is pretty obvious.

where did I say he is Muslim or from Kenya, liar?
Now, tell me how it is racist to use a person’s given name?

you ain't fooling no one. embrace yer racism - wear it proudly or are you a snowflake?
I'll challenge you like I did the racist IQ2............quote my racist post(s).

I predict you will do exactly what that idiot and hide and not be able to produce a single racist post by me.


Covert racism is a form of racial discrimination that is disguised and subtle, rather than public or obvious. Concealed in the fabric of society, covert racism discriminates against individuals through often evasive or seemingly passive methods.[1] Covert, racially biased decisions are often hidden or rationalized with an explanation that society is more willing to accept. These racial biases cause a variety of problems that work to empower the suppressors while diminishing the rights and powers of the oppressed. Covert racism often works subliminally, and often much of the discrimination is being done subconsciously.[2]
~ wiki
"Unemployment for blacks and Latinos is at all time lows. What do you want him to do? Be specific."

He can stop giving himself credit for what he didn't do.

You are trying to deflect the conversation away from the preparation and circulation of this dishonest and defamatory ad.
Cry me a river. The past 4 years has been nothing but one long dishonest and defamatory political ad against the President. The Nazi comment was picked up and repeated hundreds of times by the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party (msm) and now you piss your pants
when it's YOUR ox that's being gored.
I didn't hear this on MSM, perhaps because I don't spend much time on TV news.
Then maybe you shouldn't be commenting on it.
However, I think that it must have been said in a discussion of what the orange whore meant by his comment after Charlottesville that "there are good people and bad people on both sides."
How about if you take a few months and go get informed? Then you might have a clue about what's being said instead of commenting on something you haven't even heard.

I am informed already. Everything that has been said about the orange whore has been related to his conduct, both in office and in his personal life. No other president in memory , either republican or democrat, has conducted himself in such a disgraceful manner. He and pigpence deserve everything coming at them. They are both pigs, not gentlemen, and this is common knowledge both in the U.S. and abroad.

That’s your opinion, that’s not what this thread is about. This is about Obama calling to censor private citizens (a PAC), airing an ad on TV. It doesn’t matter if the ad is a “lie” to you or not. It’s called freedom of speech, and the First Amendment was made especially to allow criticism of the government and elected officials.

Dems lie 24/7 on TV about President Trump. You don’t see us calling to have all their shows cancelled. In fact the best advertising for the GOP is to give liberals a microphone and let them lie, because most people are smart enough to know they are full of shit.

Neither President Obama nor Vice President Biden is currently in office. They are not part of the government nor are they elected officials. Nor does this case involve "criticism." No one can steal another person's public identity and likeness. We are dealing with a tort akin to defamation, and President Obama has every right to demand a stop to it.

The right to "freedom of speech" does not extend this far, and it only applies to all levels of government, at any rate.

So if you want to complain about a denial of free speech, attack the "gag rule" that the current federal government has in place that forbids medical facilities that receive federal funding to even mention the word "abortion" to their clients. Isn't it the trump administration that threatens to withdraw federal funding from universities that "deny free speech"? These situations both involve the federal government.

It is scary that you are so willing to allow lies to be broadcast to the American people.

BTW: no one has ever explained in any specific way how anyone in the media "lies" about trump. A lot of what he says is either on Twitter or is at a podium or other space in which he is actually filmed for posterity, so he is on record.
Using someone’s given name is racist?

How so?

Well since everyone else is referred to by their first name and you are calling him Hussein because you think he's a Muslim and a Kenyan, the answer is pretty obvious.

where did I say he is Muslim or from Kenya, liar?
Now, tell me how it is racist to use a person’s given name?

you ain't fooling no one. embrace yer racism - wear it proudly or are you a snowflake?
I'll challenge you like I did the racist IQ2............quote my racist post(s).

I predict you will do exactly what that idiot and hide and not be able to produce a single racist post by me.


Covert racism is a form of racial discrimination that is disguised and subtle, rather than public or obvious. Concealed in the fabric of society, covert racism discriminates against individuals through often evasive or seemingly passive methods.[1] Covert, racially biased decisions are often hidden or rationalized with an explanation that society is more willing to accept. These racial biases cause a variety of problems that work to empower the suppressors while diminishing the rights and powers of the oppressed. Covert racism often works subliminally, and often much of the discrimination is being done subconsciously.[2]
~ wiki
I accept your admission you lied when you called me a racist.

Ya got nothing.
"Unemployment for blacks and Latinos is at all time lows. What do you want him to do? Be specific."

He can stop giving himself credit for what he didn't do.

Look everyone, the racist wants to give Barry Hussein credit for Trump's record.

Tell me racist, is Barry Hussein responsible for the market tanking the past few days?:21:

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