The Hussein “demands” anti-Biden ad be pulled...

Victimhood is not a racist statement
"Victimhood" when used as you and nostriljuice use it, is a white racist minimization of what blacks experience in order to dismiss our experience and to racially denigrate us.
Let me take a moment to educate our ignorant, perpetual victim and board racist IM2 on the ACTUAL DEFINITION OF RACISM.

Not some moronic, idiotic interpretation of some far left website intent on keeping low IQ idiots like him thinking their own failures are someone else's fault.

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

Thanks for proving you are a professional victim.

I disagree with you on a political messageboard, so your life is miserable and there is no way you can succeed in life.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

And once again you provide another example of your racism.

I've done better than you have and so you might want to stop trying the same old dumb ass gaslighting.

The only professional victims are white conservatives.
Saying I disagree with you on a messageboard is "once again providing an example" of my racism????????????????????????


Thanks for confirming your professional victimhood.

Once again your last sentence shows your racism.
Pointing out the fact you are a professional victim is racist?

You really don't know WTF the actual definition of racism is, do you idiot?
It’s anything he does not like and cannot refute
Lib 101 crutch

No, that is what you racist whites call black racism
And once again you provide another example of your racism.

I've done better than you have and so you might want to stop trying the same old dumb ass gaslighting.

The only professional victims are white conservatives.
Saying I disagree with you on a messageboard is "once again providing an example" of my racism????????????????????????


Thanks for confirming your professional victimhood.

Once again your last sentence shows your racism.
Pointing out the fact you are a professional victim is racist?

You really don't know WTF the actual definition of racism is, do you idiot?
It’s anything he does not like and cannot refute
Lib 101 crutch

No, that is what you racist whites call black racism
^^^^Professional victim^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Can’t wait to hear the lefties here defend this brazen call for censorship:

CNN)Representatives for Barack Obama sent a cease-and-desist letter to a Republican super PAC on Wednesday, demanding that they stop airing an ad that uses the former President's words to imply former Vice President Joe Biden supports "plantation politics."

Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad - CNNPolitics
Sorry genius, sending a cease and desist request letter is precisely NOT censorship.
Good Brown Shirter!
Identifying blaming behavior is not racist. Might be convenient to label it so to try and safe space reality and avoid responsibility
Let me take a moment to educate our ignorant, perpetual victim and board racist IM2 on the ACTUAL DEFINITION OF RACISM.

Not some moronic, idiotic interpretation of some far left website intent on keeping low IQ idiots like him thinking their own failures are someone else's fault.

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

I do know what racism is and you left out the words inherent trait of an entire race. So then to talk about an actual observed behavior by a portion of the white community who do exhibit racism such as you and quite a few others whites here at USMB is not racism. Such as the type of behavior where you refer to a black man not by his first name. That means you beleive he is inferior to you because you cannot respect him enough to call him by his first name. This is classic white racist behavior. Whites who are not racist do not do such things. Therefore there is no entire implication of an entire race by pointing our your INDIVIDUAL racism, meaning no racism has occurred.

Don't try me nostriljuice, you will lose.
Good Brown Shirter! do realize your cult leader is literally the undisputed king of this stuff, next to maybe the Church of Scientology... right?
Is that what’s behind your gun grabbing from honest citizens, you’re helping Hitler?
You must be talking about the boogeyman under your bed. I don't want to take innocent people's guns.
Sure you don’t! Everyone turning their guns in are criminals!

Pathetic NAZI
Hussein Barack should be put in jail NOW


Victimhood is not a racist statement
"Victimhood" when used as you and nostriljuice use it, is a white racist minimization of what blacks experience in order to dismiss our experience and to racially denigrate us.
Slave owners gave free housing and healthcare to blacks.
Amazing that this Dimsocialist Plantation resident has no clue he is OWNED by the racist Dimsocialist party.

Quite patetic.

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