The Hypocrisy of Democrat and Republican Neocon Clowns is Shocking!


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
The traitorous traiter and zionist, neocon John McCain used to chant "Bomb, bomb, bomb...bomb, bomb Iran" and supported all of the failed Obama/Crooked Hillary military intervention in the middle east that is causing the destruction of Europe via the invaders streaming in.

Now he is a pacifist all of a sudden.

The traitorous traiter and zionist, neocon John McCain used to chant "Bomb, bomb, bomb...bomb, bomb Iran" and supported all of the failed Obama/Crooked Hillary military intervention in the middle east that is causing the destruction of Europe via the invaders streaming in.

Now he is a pacifist all of a sudden.

Whatever McCain wants, the opposite is probably what's best for America.
When McCain was running against the Kenyan, McCain called for the "Extinction of North Korea!" back when North Korea could have been stopped by making a great deal with Russia and China. That time is obviously past since the Kenyan effective let the North Korea develop nukes..

So Scarface McCain needs to be asked which is more subtle and Teddie Roosevelt-esque, "Fire and Fury, or Extinction!"
SYTFE, what are your thoughts on reckless warmonger and neocon nut McCain suddenly becoming a dove? Is McCain so butthurt that The Donald is President is Butthurt McCain simply doing everything he can to attempt to undermine him, instead of simply applying liberal doses of Preparation H?
SYTFE, what are your thoughts on reckless warmonger and neocon nut McCain suddenly becoming a dove? Is McCain so butthurt that The Donald is President is Butthurt McCain simply doing everything he can to attempt to undermine him, instead of simply applying liberal doses of Preparation H?

Like most people who reach adulthood, eventually they see the error in their ways. McCain finally saw the light. He's a good man, a man conservatives should aspire to emulate. He's an American hero.
SYTFE, I disagree with your assessment of that loser, but I appreciate you stepping up and responding.

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