The idea that abortion should be left up to the states is a stupid arbitrary position republicans embrace purely for political reasons

But I wouldn't kill the innocent child. It's not their fault they had irresponsible parents.
Really ? Not even a deformed child whose birth would result in a 90% chance of causing the death of the mother ? How about a 14 year old rape victim whose forced pregnancy would
result in a 90% chance she would never be able to give birth again ?
I replied to the claim that there is no help from Christian organizations unless the person is willing to join some conversion program. I pointed to a local program that does not require anything of the sort.

Sure, not all Christian ministries require people to attend church services or join a discipleship program to receive assistance, but a considerable number of them do. I know, I use to work with many Christian charities and with the homeless. I know what goes on in the homelessness industrial complex. Many Christian ministries receive assistance from the government, in order to help the homeless, and they still have very stringent rules in their facilities that often undermine a homeless person's ability to get back on their feet. Simply, the poor are not sufficiently served by private charities (including single mothers). The required resources and infrastructure is not there.

We don't have to live in a society with scarcity in the 21st century. We have plenty of resources and technology to eliminate poverty. If you want to reduce the abortion rates among single pregnant women, then build the infrastructure to eliminate poverty. If you refuse to do what is necessary to eliminate poverty in America, then abortions will continue at a higher rate..
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Dufus, you’ve just declared that the state will decide if a woman lives or dies, regardless.

If the woman chooses to die rather than drive or take a train or bus or plane to a state where she can murder her child, it's her business.

Not mine.

we need infrastructure and government-funded and led programs that get people off of drugs and help them get back on their feet.

What about the ones who do not wish to quit killing themselves with drugs? Do you think we should be able to confine them against their will in drug treatment programs?

You're the one "slaughtering children" with your right-wing crony-capitalist, mammon-worshiping government policies that neglect the poor and increase poverty and bad health.
You are divorced from reality, comrade. Charity is not the role of the state.

People needing charity and not getting it "slaughters" no one. Living things die. Your needs create no obligation on the part of other random human strangers.

If you die because no one wants to give you charity, oh no and oh well - because fuck you, you aren't owed anything.
You are divorced from reality, comrade. Charity is not the role of the state.

People needing charity and not getting it "slaughters" no one. Living things die. Your needs create no obligation on the part of other random human strangers.

If you die because no one wants to give you charity, oh no and oh well - because fuck you, you aren't owed anything.

Just like the needs of a "fetus" creates no obligation on the part of the woman who made it to refrain from killing it.

I didn't claim all of them did, so your point is moot. A significant % do, so showing me one that doesn't, doesn't refute a word I said.

You pretty much did claim they all do. Showing even one refutes your claim. There are many others.
What type of help are you referring to? Be more specific. If you're a fiscal conservative, then consider the fact that it's cheaper to house the homeless than to keep them out there on the street like this.
Then reduce cost by any other available means to eliminate the problem.

If local charity won't help, then make it utterly inhospitable so they leave.

Pay nothing in taxpayer money for "drug rehab" - you did the drugs, so hope you have savings to pay for rehab.
Pay nothing in taxpayer money for homeless shelters - its their responsibility to make the rent payment or pay their mortgage, not anyone else's.
Pay nothing for "healthcare" for them or anyone else - the healthcare services they want are their responsibility.
Pay nothing for "vocational-job training" - their education services they want are their responsibility.

Punish their crimes like you would anyone else's. This is government's job and responsibility.

As far as "hYpOcRiTeS" goes, try learning what words mean? There is no hypocrisy in opposing your socialist handouts, retard.

I just want violence against innocent human beings banned by law - this creates no obligation on my part to support government coerced charity at gunpoint.

Do you realize how fucking expensive it is to let homelessness get out of control like that? There has to be a well-designed, organized government-led effort to get these people into drug rehab if they need it and into housing. Yes, the government, not a church ministry, but a government can even force the homeless drug addicts that are using the city sidewalks as living spaces and places to use their drugs, urinate, defecate, commit crimes..etc, into drug-rehab programs (or mental institutions) if they refuse to get off of drugs.

If people can't function because they insist on using narcotics, they should be adjudicated, committed to the psycheward. Those who decide they want to stop destroying themselves and their communities with substance abuse, and want to get back on their feet should be housed and provided with a foundation upon which to rebuild their lives. The government should develop the infrastructure that ensures these people are housed, fed, given access to healthcare, and vocational-job training to get back on their feet.

The government can also provide jobs to people who have been out of work for an extended period of time, helping them create a work history.

If the so called "pro-lifers" are against all of the above, they're hypocrites. They're not pro-life, they're just full of shit. Why should anyone take their "concern" for embryos and fetuses seriously?
Just like the needs of a "fetus" creates no obligation on the part of the woman who made it to refrain from killing it.


That's your own mom, who created you. She has responsibility, to you. And so does your dad. If you don't want parental responsibility, don't do the the thing that makes kids. If you do the thing that makes kids, be responsible to your kids. Parents have obligations.

Random dude #72 doesn't have the same obligations to you as your mom and dad do.

It's the lefttard collectivists who use the language conflating everyone as family... yet the politburo always manages it as a really shitty, violent, dysfunctional family where everyone is equally worthless - go to gulag.
Then reduce cost by any other available means to eliminate the problem.

If local charity won't help, then make it utterly inhospitable so they leave.

Pay nothing in taxpayer money for "drug rehab" - you did the drugs, so hope you have savings to pay for rehab.
Pay nothing in taxpayer money for homeless shelters - its their responsibility to make the rent payment or pay their mortgage, not anyone else's.
Pay nothing for "healthcare" for them or anyone else - the healthcare services they want are their responsibility.
Pay nothing for "vocational-job training" - their education services they want are their responsibility.

Punish their crimes like you would anyone else's. This is government's job and responsibility.

As far as "hYpOcRiTeS" goes, try learning what words mean? There is no hypocrisy in opposing your socialist handouts, retard.

I just want violence against innocent human beings banned by law - this creates no obligation on my part to support government coerced charity at gunpoint.
In your opinion an embryo and unviable fetus is a human person, because you're a fucking retard. You have no right to force a woman, an actual human being to give her uterus to an embryo or fetus to let it actualize itself into a human being at her expense.

Hey, all we have to do is sit back and let the Zoomers handle it. They're done with you archaic, delusional assholes. They're going to wipe the floor with you at the ballot box. It doesn't matter how you feel about it, you right-wing sociopaths are going to be living in a progressive America, in the not too distant future. It's inevitable. Leave, go live in the fucking jungle or in the South Pole. You don't belong in human society. You're worse than a Neanderthal.
You're such a fucking idiot.
Talk to your mirror on your time, bitch.

I'm not appealing to charity,

but to the responsibilities of a government created by civilized and capable people
Government has a responsibility to protect the right to property of its people, not steal from them at gunpoint to hand out their property as charity. If people want to donate of their own free will they can. Making them do it is vile coercion, you bootlicker collectivist scum.

good, civilized people
Well there's a list that leaves you commie fucks out, as authoritarian barbarians you want to regress civilization to despotisms run by politburo oligarchies and make all the serfs dependent on you while the party lives large.

Even the god of your bible
I know you're too dumb to learn anything or remember anything, ever, but I'm not religious.

disagrees with you because he recognizes that the poor have rights and must be housed and fed.
If you're talking about Jesus, Jesus encourages VOLUNTARY CHARITY, yes. I think altruism is a moral good. Government coercion is not altruism, it absolutely prevents the entire point, the free will.

There is ZERO goodness and ZERO altruism in having your property taken at gunpoint.

You have ZERO understanding of Christianity.

Why should anyone care what a sociopath like you wants?
Again, go yell at your mirror on your time, bitch.

You're the sociopath, you pro-abort filth. You don't respect anyone's human rights, any of them, on any level.

Any version of "society" you want should be ventilated with lead so civilization can be restored.
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In your opinion an embryo and unviable fetus is a human person
No, because I am a moral person who believes in human rights and equality, I don't support restricting legal personhood from any living human beings.

Whereas you side with slavers and genociders throughout history, which makes sense for a communist, as you don't support human rights or equality - you want those you hate reduced to property and killed on a whim.

The idea that abortion should be left up to the states is a stupid arbitrary position republicans embrace purely for political reasons​

Thread headline translation service

Little disagrees with the SCOTUS decision.
Talk to your mirror on your time, bitch.


Government has a responsibility to protect the right to property of its people, not steal from them at gunpoint to hand out their property as charity. If people want to donate of their own free will they can. Making them do it is vile coercion, you bootlicker collectivist scum.

Well there's a list that leaves you commie fucks out, as authoritarian barbarians you want to regress civilization to despotisms run by politburo oligarchies and make all the serfs dependent on you while the party lives large.

I know you're too dumb to learn anything or remember anything, ever, but I'm not religious.

If you're talking about Jesus, Jesus encourages VOLUNTARY CHARITY, yes. I think altruism is a moral good. Government coercion is not altruism, it absolutely prevents the entire point, the free will.

There is ZERO goodness and ZERO altruism in having your property taken at gunpoint; you have no choice, no free will.

You have ZERO understanding of Christianity.

Again, go yell at your mirror on your time, bitch.

You're the sociopath, you pro-abort filth. You don't respect anyone's human rights, any of them, on any level.

Any version of "society" you want should be ventilated with lead so civilization can be restored.

There is no volunteer anything in the bible with respect to feeding and housing the homeless. You either do it or you go to hell. The god of the bible recognizes the rights of the poor, which everyone is obligated to respect.

As far as the functions of government, that's up to the people who created that government. The government is a social apparatus organized by the people to manage their large-scale, socioeconomic, civil affairs and projects. If people are civilized and smart enough to realize that gross inequality leads to social unrest and undermines the ability of property owners to keep their properties, then they will eliminate scarcity as much as possible.

You Ayn Rand Libertarians are fucking stupid.
There is no volunteer anything in the bible with respect to feeding and housing the homeless. You either do it or you go to hell. The god of the bible recognizes the rights of the poor, which everyone is obligated to respect.
In Christianity, you drooling fucktard, if we reduce it down to a basic level and ignore some minor denominations, we can generalize that your afterlife reflects an evaluation of your voluntary good deeds or wickedness. And yes, Jesus says quite clearly he wants you to take care of the poor.

The afterlife is the afterlife. I don't personally believe in an afterlife or any deities.

But you? You want to eliminate free will on Earth and make everyone do what you want, which is fucked, and will make Earth itself Hell. You commie fucks think you're utopians, that's the worst part. Hell must be utopia to demons like you.

As far as the functions of government, that's up to the people who created that government.
No. Government has an inherent purpose and any government that violates that purpose should be destroyed by the people.

You Ayn Rand Libertarians are fucking stupid.
I just said "altruism is good" you absolute imbecile, and encouraged voluntary charity.

If you don't understand your own error here, add Ayn Rand to the list of topics you know nothing about, which is legion.

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