The idea the rightwing has about America being superior to every other country is a flawed one

Our country is full of weak willed imbeciles who are getting dumber and weaker by the day. China, on the other hand, is rising up and will supplant us in the next ten to twenty years because we are on an unsustainable course with no indication of changing direction.
China lacks the diplomatic power to become a superpower. Their influence is growing, but nowhere near superpower status. If they don't pick up the pace it will take them 50-100 years to attain it. China's military is completely untested. Until they win a war, they are a paper tiger.
I’d rather remain here and reform what’s wrong with it. Certainly a lot great things about the US as well

Yes, we’ve seen your reforms. San Francisco, Portland, Chicago, New York to name a few. Heckuva job Billy!
Our workforce makes all other workforces in the world look bad. They are what make us invincible.
China lacks the diplomatic power to become a superpower. Their influence is growing, but nowhere near superpower status. If they don't pick up the pace it will take them 50-100 years to attain it. China's military is completely untested. Until they win a war, they are a paper tiger.
China has become a bully on the block. Their military is becoming enormous. At some point they are going to stretch their wings. They seem to have a purpose and a resolve with manufacturing plants opening up in great numbers all the time. They also have memories of outside interference on their own nation in the past.
I have lived and worked in seven different countries (no less than three years in each country, I lived in Singapore for 10 years). I have experienced medical care, as well as other forms of infrastructure in each of them. I had major dental surgery in Korea. My daughter was born in Japan. I was hospitalized in Hong Kong and New Zealand. My daughter spent a week in an ICU in Singapore.

When I decided to end that part of my career and retire, I could have chosen to live in many different countries.

I chose to live in the US because, of all the places where I have lived and worked, it had the most advantages in terms of lifestyle and infrastructure.

If America really is the hell hole that you believe it is, why do we have one of largest immigration rates (legal and illegal) in the world?

Do you see people trying to sneak into Cuba or North Korea?

Do you have a graph or a chart? Leftists only believe graphs and charts.
Look at Swedenn Germany, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Norway.. They do alright.. They are clean, prosperous countries with excellent healthcare and education.
And when the shit hits the fan, who do they call for help?
Do you have a graph or a chart? Leftists only believe graphs and charts.

The myth that the US is superior to any country in every way is just a fantasy republicans like to entertain.

Take health for instance.

The physical and mental health is better in other first world countries. Hell, even Mexico fairs better.

“We compared people who were born in the 1930s through the 1960s in terms of their health and well-being – such as depressive symptoms and life satisfaction – and memory in midlife.

Differences between nations were stark. For the U.S., we found a general pattern of decline. Americans born in the 1950s and 1960s experienced overall declines in well-being and memory in middle age compared to those born in the 1930s and 1940s. A similar pattern was found for Australian middle-aged adults.

In contrast, each successive cohort in Germany, South Korea and Mexico reported improvements in well-being and memory. Improvements were observed in health for each nation across cohorts, but were slowed for Americans born in the 1950s and 1960s, suggesting they improved less rapidly than their counterparts in the countries examined.

Our study finds that middle-aged Americans are experiencing overall declines in key outcomes, whereas other nations are showing general improvements. Our cross-national approach points to policies that could could help alleviate the long-term effects arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.”

I've always thought our main reason for dominance in the 20th century was the entire rest of the 1st world obliterating themselves with 2 stupid world wars. Go see the braindead yokels of the deep south, or the deeply privileged young adults of this country wanting to be referred to as "ze" or "hir."
Look at Swedenn Germany, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Norway.. They do alright.. They are clean, prosperous countries with excellent healthcare and education.
And when the shit hits the fan, who do they call for help?
Funny thing, the US called for NATO help in Afghanistan, the only NATO country to ever invoke the agreement. A lot of the countries you mention contributed.

Hoho, they got the gratitude they should have expected.
Trump has been whining that the System is rigged against him since 1980, but the real problem is he couldn't pass 7th grade civics.

Can you?
Do they even teach that anymore in your middle school?
Xiden couldnt razzle or dazzle anyone.
You have to have some functioning brain cells to do that.

Absolutely NOT.. That's NOT how Biden operates.

Biden isn't demagogue.

Trump is caricature of a demagogue. That's why he is so repulsive and grotesque.

Demagogue | Definition of Demagogue by Merriam-Webster
English Language Learners Definition of demagogue : a political leader who tries to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason See the full definition for demagogue in the English Language Learners Dictionary
Absolutely NOT.. That's NOT how Biden operates.

Biden isn't demagogue.

Trump is caricature of a demagogue. That's why he is so repulsive and grotesque.

Demagogue | Definition of Demagogue by Merriam-Webster
English Language Learners Definition of demagogue : a political leader who tries to get support by making false claims and promises and using arguments based on emotion rather than reason See the full definition for demagogue in the English Language Learners Dictionary

He's a 48 year racist failure thats never worked a real job in his life unless you count lifeguard.
His fondest memory of his only real job was having little kids rub the hair on his legs.
He'll be going down as the worst president in American history.
He's a 48 year racist failure thats never worked a real job in his life unless you count lifeguard.
His fondest memory of his only real job was having little kids rub the hair on his legs.
He'll be going down as the worst president in American history.

Sorry. Trump has already nailed worst president.. Can you think of anything Trump talks about other than bashing or blaming others?

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