The Illusion of Moral Decline

Politics is wrapped in the narrative that we are suffering through a moral decline. Turns out, that is NOT true, so quit fretting. published a study a few weeks back that not only disputed the narrative of a moral decline but also offered up the factors that push people to believe it:

Biased Exposure: People are predominantly exposed to the bad stories of others (if it bleeds it leads)

Biased Memory: Bad things fade faster than good things leaving a more favorable view of the past.

Those two biases fool people into thinking everyone else is suffering and that they used to live in an easier time and there it is… things must be worse. Guess what? All evidence to the contrary and it is seen in many contemporary countries.

Anecdotal evidence indicates that people believe that morality is declining1,2. In a series of studies using both archival and original data (n = 12,492,983), we show that people in at least 60 nations around the world believe that morality is declining, that they have believed this for at least 70 years and that they attribute this decline both to the decreasing morality of individuals as they age and to the decreasing morality of successive generations. Next, we show that people’s reports of the morality of their contemporaries have not declined over time, suggesting that the perception of moral decline is an illusion. Finally, we show how a simple mechanism based on two well-established psychological phenomena (biased exposure to information and biased memory for information) can produce an illusion of moral decline, and we report studies that confirm two of its predictions about the circumstances under which the perception of moral decline is attenuated, eliminated or reversed (that is, when respondents are asked about the morality of people they know well or people who lived before the respondent was born). Together, our studies show that the perception of moral decline is pervasive, perdurable, unfounded and easily produced. This illusion has implications for research on the misallocation of scarce resources3, the underuse of social support4 and social influence5.

Can I interest you in a video of a Government Staffer having gay sex in a Senate Hearing chamber at the Capitol?

Can I interest you in a video of a Government Staffer having gay sex in a Senate Hearing chamber at the Capitol?

Sex happens dude and gays have been around forever.

These happened to be in the closet (snark) and got caught
Can I interest you in a video of a Government Staffer having gay sex in a Senate Hearing chamber at the Capitol?

On May 22, 1856, in the United States Senate chamber, Representative Preston Brooks, a pro-slavery Democrat from South Carolina, used a walking cane to attack Senator Charles Sumner, an abolitionist Republican from Massachusetts. Morals!
Sex happens dude and gays have been around forever.

These happened to be in the closet (snark) and got caught
^^^ example of moral decline exhibit 2...

It's not the gay part that marks the decline. Try again.
^^^ example of moral decline exhibit 2...

It's not the gay part that marks the decline. Try again.
30 years ago there were hi jinks in the White House.

Kennedy was famous for it years before that

Welcome to the real world
On May 22, 1856, in the United States Senate chamber, Representative Preston Brooks, a pro-slavery Democrat from South Carolina, used a walking cane to attack Senator Charles Sumner, an abolitionist Republican from Massachusetts. Morals!
Didn't they have duels in 1856?

Violence isn't about morals... We've become markedly LESS violent...for better or worse.

Morals reference decency more than crime.
30 years ago there were hi jinks in the White House.

Kennedy was famous for it years before that

Welcome to the real world

You can't even prove that Kennedy did anything...because to be found out as a philanderer would be the end of his political career.

Thanks for proving my point that we are in moral decline.

Appreciate it.
Single households have been coming down since Obama got into office, but yes higher than past. Regardless, in the past if your husband beat you there was no out. Now you have one. That is an advancement in morality. Mens cause nearly all of the violent crimes and their primary victims are the women they know. Being able to get out is moral.
That doesn’t mean anything. If your husband is beating you, we support divorce.
That isn’t the majority of divorces, or even a significant portion. The largest group of divorces are people who say “I just don’t love him any more” or “We’re not compatible.”
That is a moral decline problem. Period.
And even THAT is not the majority of single mothers. Most single mothers are just immoral hoes that run around screwing a hundred men, popping out kids without fathers.
That’s a moral decline problem. Not a problem of wife beating.
That doesn’t mean anything. If your husband is beating you, we support divorce.
That isn’t the majority of divorces, or even a significant portion. The largest group of divorces are people who say “I just don’t love him any more” or “We’re not compatible.”
That is a moral decline problem. Period.
And even THAT is not the majority of single mothers. Most single mothers are just immoral hoes that run around screwing a hundred men, popping out kids without fathers.
That’s a moral decline problem. Not a problem of wife beating.
There is no point staying in a marriage that doesn't work out for whatever reason. Most people try to make it work but if it doesn't, divorce is no big deal.

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