An irrational look at Israel by two educated fools


Journailst Baruch Nadel planned the murder.[25] The Stern Gang saw Bernadotte as a puppet of the British and the Arabs and therefore a serious threat to the emerging State of Israel.[26] Most immediately, a truce was in force, and Lehi feared that the Israeli leadership would agree to Bernadotte's peace proposals, which it considered disastrous.[27][28] The group was unaware the Israeli government had already decided to reject Bernadotte's plan and to take the military option.[29][30]

The killing was approved by the three-man 'center' of Lehi: Yitzhak Yezernitsky (the future Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir), Nathan Friedmann (also called Natan Yellin-Mor) and Yisrael Eldad (also known as Scheib). A fourth leader, Emmanuel Strassberg (Hanegbi) was also suspected by the Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion of being part of the group that ordered the assassination.[31][32][33][34] The assassination was planned by Lehi's Jerusalem operations chief, Yehoshua Zettler.[35]
Was it the Irgun or the Stern gang that murdered Count Folke Bernadotte in Jerusalem after he saved 30,000 Jews from the Holocaust?

The Irgun committed terror including bombing and murder
The Jews were peacefully reoccupying the Holy Land prior to 1948

Which is the time period the lib academic in the video is talking about

I posted him as an example of the lies and half-truths that many pro muslims resort to

Not hardly. They confiscated the dairy farms of the German religious community.
georgephillip is typical of the disinformation tactics from-the-river-to- the-sea libs use

The Jews paid for the land that libs claim was stolen

When the lie is exposed libs just move on to something else without skipping a beat

Nope. By 1948 the Jewish immigrants had only purchased 7% of the land . Read your link.

The German Templer Society, also known as Templers, is a Radical Pietist group that emerged in Germany during the mid-nineteenth century, the two founders, Christoph Hoffmann and Georg David Hardegg, arriving in Haifa, Palestine, in October 1868 with their families and a few fellow Templers in order to establish a ...
Nope. By 1948 the Jewish immigrants had only purchased 7% of the land . Read your link.
Arabs still own land inside Israel

And hold Israeli citizenship

So 100% Jewish ownership was never the issue
Arabs still own land inside Israel

And hold Israeli citizenship

So 100% Jewish ownership was never the issue

There's a legal difference in Israel between citizenship and nationality.. it's legalism to the max. Can't say I understand it.
There's a legal difference in Israel between citizenship and nationality.. it's legalism to the max. Can't say I understand it.
Arabs are not forced to serve in the IDF

Although some do

But they can vote had hold seats in parliment
I don't think that's all of it.
Its the gist of the issue

Muslims who fled the Holy Land (or were forced to leave at gun point, which some were) are not allowed to return to Israel
Problem is that the ideology that sustains Hamas and similar Islamic Jihad organizations will still exist. Hamas would regenerate under a new name.
So does that mean that we shouldn’t put a rapist in prison because another rapist will come along?

You deal with them as the occur. In this case, HAMAS needs to br exterminated.
Its the gist of the issue

Muslims who fled the Holy Land (or were forced to leave at gun point, which some were) are not allowed to return to Israel

I know they shot them when they tried to return to get belongings or harvest crops.

Journailst Baruch Nadel planned the murder.[25] The Stern Gang saw Bernadotte as a puppet of the British and the Arabs and therefore a serious threat to the emerging State of Israel.[26] Most immediately, a truce was in force, and Lehi feared that the Israeli leadership would agree to Bernadotte's peace proposals, which it considered disastrous.[27][28] The group was unaware the Israeli government had already decided to reject Bernadotte's plan and to take the military option.[29][30]

The killing was approved by the three-man 'center' of Lehi: Yitzhak Yezernitsky (the future Prime Minister of Israel Yitzhak Shamir), Nathan Friedmann (also called Natan Yellin-Mor) and Yisrael Eldad (also known as Scheib). A fourth leader, Emmanuel Strassberg (Hanegbi) was also suspected by the Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion of being part of the group that ordered the assassination.[31][32][33][34] The assassination was planned by Lehi's Jerusalem operations chief, Yehoshua Zettler.[35]
Your link:

Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish nobleman and diplomat.

"In World War II, he negotiated the release of about 450 Danish Jews and 30,550 non-Jewish prisoners from many nations from the Nazi German Theresienstadt concentration camp.[1]

"They were released on 14 April 1945.[2][3] In 1945 he received a German surrender offer from Heinrich Himmler, though the offer was ultimately rejected by the allies."

Naturally, Zionists regarded Bernadotte as a threat to a Jewish-supremacist state built on principles of settler-colonialism, apartheid, and greed.

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