An irrational look at Israel by two educated fools

Your link:

Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish nobleman and diplomat.

"In World War II, he negotiated the release of about 450 Danish Jews and 30,550 non-Jewish prisoners from many nations from the Nazi German Theresienstadt concentration camp.[1]

"They were released on 14 April 1945.[2][3] In 1945 he received a German surrender offer from Heinrich Himmler, though the offer was ultimately rejected by the allies."

Naturally, Zionists regarded Bernadotte as a threat to a Jewish-supremacist state built on principles of settler-colonialism, apartheid, and greed.

Oh my.. I got it wrong.

Because they are God’s chosen people and the Holy Land rightfully belongs to the Jews

Of course thats spiritual and I doubt if you believe in God

But legally, Israel was created under UN auspices and is a sovereign nation
There's nothing spiritual about apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. Legally, the UN limited Israel to 44% of Mandate Palestine; how likely is it Israeli Jews will accept that division today?
Borders & Territory - Progress is Possible

Green Line (Israel) - Wikipedia
Oh my.. I got it wrong.

No you didn't.

Folke Bernadotte's "White Bus Rescue" is virtually unknown outside of Scandinavia; his heroism and character should have made him a patron saint of Israel instead of another Zionist assassination victim.

Your link:

"As the women settled down they heard about the man who had initiated their rescue: a blue-blooded Swede called Folke Bernadotte.

"Sometimes Bernadotte appeared among them, tall and smartly dressed, with a gentle manner and an air of efficiency.

"They called him their saviour.

"Yet, outside Scandinavia, the story of his White Bus rescue – the biggest humanitarian mission of the Second World War – is little known, perhaps because after the war Bernadotte was appointed UN mediator to the Arab-Israeli conflict and was shot dead by Jewish extremists, complicating his legacy."
There's nothing spiritual about apartheid, ethnic cleansing, and genocide. Legally, the UN limited Israel to 44% of Mandate Palestine; how likely is it Israeli Jews will accept that division today?
Borders & Territory - Progress is Possible

Green Line (Israel) - Wikipedia

I did enjoy how your lies started with "Historical Palestine" as if that ever existed.
In retrospect the peaceful, no war 1947 partition looks pretty good for the Pals compared to what they have now

Which is nothing
Define "nothing."

The impact of recognising a Palestinian state

"Most countries - about 139 in all - formally recognise a Palestinian state.

"On 10 May, 143 out of 193 members of the United Nations’ general assembly voted in favour of a Palestinian bid for full UN membership, something that is only open to states."

How many countries supported full UN membership for Palestine in 1947?

I did enjoy how your lies started with "Historical Palestine" as if that ever existed.
"Mandatory Palestine[a][4] was a geopolitical entity that existed between 1920 and 1948 in the region of Palestine under the terms of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine."

Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia

I did enjoy how your lies started with "Historical Palestine" as if that ever existed.

There was no countries of Italy or Germany either, but people lived there for thousands of years.
Because they are God’s chosen people and the Holy Land rightfully belongs to the Jews

Of course thats spiritual and I doubt if you believe in God

But legally, Israel was created under UN auspices and is a sovereign nation
So ignorant, I don't know where to begin.

You support the mass murder of defenseless women and children, yet claim your a believer. What would Jesus say? I suspect He’d say you aren’t welcome in His kingdom.
Define "nothing."

The impact of recognising a Palestinian state

"Most countries - about 139 in all - formally recognise a Palestinian state.

"On 10 May, 143 out of 193 members of the United Nations’ general assembly voted in favour of a Palestinian bid for full UN membership, something that is only open to states."

How many countries supported full UN membership for Palestine in 1947?
Your “something” looks like “nothing” to me

UN recognition and $2 wont even buy a cup of coffee these days for a refugee living in a tent and begging food off the back of a Red Cross truck
Israel admitted attacking the Liberty but claims it was a mistake

Which may or may not be true

Its very similar to the Panay Incident in 1937 china

The japanese claimed that was mistaken identity also but no one believed them

And yes, I concede that Israel has a lot of influence in congress
The book "Erasing The Liberty" by Phillip Tourney, a sailor onboard at the time, makes it clear it was not a mistake. 1 large and 1 small US flags were flown at the time. Communications between Israeli controllers and pilots make it clear it was no mistake.

Scuttlebutt has it that the US Navy had its revenge less than a year later. Documents reveal new details on Dakar sinking . I hope that's true.
The book "Erasing The Liberty" by Phillip Tourney, a sailor onboard at the time, makes it clear it was not a mistake. 1 large and 1 small US flags were flown at the time. Communications between Israeli controllers and pilots make it clear it was no mistake.

Scuttlebutt has it that the US Navy had its revenge less than a year later. Documents reveal new details on Dakar sinking . I hope that's true.

It wasn't an accident.
The book "Erasing The Liberty" by Phillip Tourney, a sailor onboard at the time, makes it clear it was not a mistake. 1 large and 1 small US flags were flown at the time. Communications between Israeli controllers and pilots make it clear it was no mistake.

Scuttlebutt has it that the US Navy had its revenge less than a year later. Documents reveal new details on Dakar sinking . I hope that's true.

I'm the first one to criticize Israel when it acts badly.

but the attack on the USS Liberty was a mistake.
Naw, I can just apply a bit of common sense.

What tactical advantage did the Israelis gain by blowing up the Liberty? None! It was a huge PR Nightmare and ticked off their biggest ally.
If you practiced and possessed Common Sense Joe, you would not believe known liars. Good luck sir.
How much land was purchased by Jews between the 1880s and the 1930s?

How many Arabs were displaced by those purchases?

How does that number compare to the 700,000 Arabs driven from their homes in 1948?

Jewish land purchase in Palestine - Wikipedia

"From the 1880s to the 1930s, most Jewish land purchases were made in the coastal plain, the Jezreel Valley, the Jordan Valley and to a lesser extent the Galilee.[18]

"This was due to a preference for land that was cheap and without tenants.[18]

"There were two main reasons why these areas were sparsely populated.

"The first reason being when the Ottoman power in the rural areas began to diminish in the seventeenth century, many people moved to more centralized areas to secure protection against the Bedouin tribes.[18]

"The second reason for the sparsely populated areas of the coastal plains was the soil type.

"The soil, covered in a layer of sand, made it impossible to grow the staple crop of Palestine, corn.[18]

"As a result, this area remained uncultivated and underpopulated.[10] 'The sparse Arab population in the areas where the Jews usually bought their land enabled the Jews to carry out their purchase without engendering a massive displacement and eviction of Arab tenants'"

How does that number compare to the 700,000 Arabs driven from their homes in 1948?

When losers lose, they lose things.
When the Arabs invaded and lost, more Arabs were booted from Ottoman land.
Happened again in 1967.
How does that number compare to the 700,000 Arabs driven from their homes in 1948?

When losers lose, they lose things.
When the Arabs invaded and lost, more Arabs were booted from Ottoman land.
Happened again in 1967.
Dumb as always.

Dummy thinks it’s only about winning, just like his lord and savior Dumb Don.

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