The Impacts of the George Floyd demonstrations on the Spread of CV-19


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
So we have thousands of people out in the streets, basically ignoring the guidelines that are supposed to protect one from transmitting and/or contracting the dreaded virus.

Coincidentally, the bulk of the people who are "demonstrating" also complain about how the CV impacts their community to a much greater extent than the "majority" community.

Parenthetically, one might note that the very same mayors who dispatched SWAT Teams to attack those who gathered in protest of the pandemic guidelines, lift not one finger to stop these gatherings, of which they approve, politically.

Regardless, will a spike in CV cases in the Twin Cities, Atlanta, etc., be a good thing or a bad thing?

If a spike DOES NOT OCCUR, is that pretty good evidence that the CV constraints have been an over-reaction to the threat? Should hospitals in those fine cities prepare themselves for a NYC-like invasion of new patients? I wonder.
So we have thousands of people out in the streets, basically ignoring the guidelines that are supposed to protect one from transmitting and/or contracting the dreaded virus.

Coincidentally, the bulk of the people who are "demonstrating" also complain about how the CV impacts their community to a much greater extent than the "majority" community.

Parenthetically, one might note that the very same mayors who dispatched SWAT Teams to attack those who gathered in protest of the pandemic guidelines, lift not one finger to stop these gatherings, of which they approve, politically.

Regardless, will a spike in CV cases in the Twin Cities, Atlanta, etc., be a good thing or a bad thing?

If a spike DOES NOT OCCUR, is that pretty good evidence that the CV constraints have been an over-reaction to the threat? Should hospitals in those fine cities prepare themselves for a NYC-like invasion of new patients? I wonder.

The key isn't a spike in CV "cases" but in CV hospitalizations and deaths. The "cases" number is particularly susceptible to being gamed as more and more people are being tested
You really have to laugh at the whole it is too scary to work. You must social distance because I say so.
What about all the people who celebrated in the streets of Branson, MO, a couple weeks ago, joyously flouting Dr. Fauci's admonitions about wearing masks and social distancing? Local hospitals in Missouri must be OVERWHELMED by now!

[He said, sarcastically].
What about all the people who celebrated in the streets of Branson, MO, a couple weeks ago, joyously flouting Dr. Fauci's admonitions about wearing masks and social distancing? Local hospitals in Missouri must be OVERWHELMED by now!

[He said, sarcastically].

That's always the problem with making prophecies about the near future.

The ink isn't dry on the prophecy yet, and you are already being proven what a horse's ass you are.

The COVID Panic Mongers need to learn a few things from Al Gore and the Climate Panic Mongers
What about all the people who celebrated in the streets of Branson, MO, a couple weeks ago, joyously flouting Dr. Fauci's admonitions about wearing masks and social distancing? Local hospitals in Missouri must be OVERWHELMED by now!

[He said, sarcastically].

That's always the problem with making prophecies about the near future.

The ink isn't dry on the prophecy yet, and you are already being proven what a horse's ass you are.

The COVID Panic Mongers need to learn a few things from Al Gore and the Climate Panic Mongers
Just about everything thing we have been told about this virus by media and government has changed repeatedly. So, they can’t be believed.

If it is as contagious as they have claimed, a spike in deaths and hospitalizations must occur, since millions of Americans have congregated.

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