The Impeached President trump Created A Political Hot Potato, And Now Has Much To Hide Concerning COVID-19


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The Impeached President trump Created A Political Hot Potato, And Now Has Much To Hide Concerning COVID-19

On Sunday,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s campaign advisers faced tough questions from political talk show hosts about the impeached president trump’s unsubstantiated claim that doctors are being paid to inflate the number of COVID-19‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬looking back to the first appearance of the deadly disease,‭ ‬every claim the impeached president trump has made relative to COVID-19‭ ‬has been unsubstantiated.‭ ‬Most have been bald-faced lies.‭‭

Too long. Edited to shorten. BertramN

Last edited by a moderator:

The Impeached President trump Created A Political Hot Potato, And Now Has Much To Hide Concerning COVID-19

On Sunday,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s campaign advisers faced tough questions from political talk show hosts about the impeached president trump’s unsubstantiated claim that doctors are being paid to inflate the number of COVID-19‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬looking back to the first appearance of the deadly disease,‭ ‬every claim the impeached president trump has made relative to COVID-19‭ ‬has been unsubstantiated.‭ ‬Most have been bald-faced lies.‭

Remembering the later part of April,‭ ‬a few weeks into the COVID-19‭ ‬crisis,‭ ‬the impeached president trump began undercutting his own intelligence agencies by suggesting he had seen evidence the coronavirus had originated in a Chinese laboratory.

Shortly after this,‭ ‬when asked by a reporter,‭ "‬Have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the origin of this virus‭?" ‬the impeached president trump responded,‭ "‬Yes,‭ ‬I have.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬I have,‭" ‬then,‭ ‬without specifying.‭ "‬And I think the World Health Organization‭ [‬WHO‭] ‬should be ashamed of themselves because they're like the public relations agency for China.‭"

When asked later to clarify his comment,‭ ‬he said:‭ "‬I can't tell you that.‭ ‬I'm not allowed to tell you that.‭"

It’s never been a secret that the Chinese leaders are cunning.‭ ‬and like leaders in the United States,‭ ‬don’t give a sh!t if the average citizens in their respective countries live or die.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬why would the Chinese government use such an ineffective method to infect the American population by releasing such a deadly chemical weapon on their own people first‭?

Had an incident occurred causing an accidental release,‭ ‬there is no doubt the Wuhan Institute of Virology has well-rehearsed safety protocols in place to limit the damage such a mistake could cause.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬development of powerful chemical weapons is very hush hush,‭ ‬regardless of which country creates this kind of sh!t.

Chinese intelligence long ago learned of the impeached president trump’s‭ ‬2018‭ ‬decision to dismantle the National Security Council directorate at the White House,‭ ‬charged with preparing for when,‭ ‬not if,‭ ‬another pandemic would hit the nation.‭ ‬Knowing the impeached president trump had dropped the United States‭’ ‬defenses against an inevitable pandemic,‭ ‬makes it even less likely the Chinese government would infect one of their own cities,‭ ‬especially the city of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

However,‭ ‬if some unknown country felt it had grudge against the Chinese Government,‭ ‬and had the ability to produce the novel coronavirus,‭ ‬the Chinese city with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in its midst would be the ideal target.

Now,‭ ‬let’s think,‭ ‬what world leader has made his resentment towards the President of the People's Republic of China,‭ ‬Xi Jinping,‭ ‬well known‭? ‬What world leader is infamous for being petulant and vindictive‭? ‬What world leader would be so petty as to form a plan to attack innocent civilians using a deadly virus to‭ “‬get‭” ‬a nation’s top official for a perceived slight.‭ ‬And what world leader is so incompetent he would put this plan into action,‭ ‬then,‭ ‬when everything went sideways downplay the deadly effects of this U.S.‭ ‬created weapon.‭ ‬This world leader sees his best option is to blame everyone in sight for the consequences of his incompetence,‭ ‬and‭ (‬the funniest part of all‭)‬,‭ ‬is convinced the American voters see him as the genius who defeated COVID-19,‭ ‬and so,‭ ‬deserves to be reelected.

There is only one person on this planet who meets every one of these disappointing standards‭ (‬and this is only a short list‭)‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump.‭ ‬Given his blatant inability to govern,‭ ‬his corruption,‭ ‬his criminal activity,‭ ‬his theft of taxpayer dollars,‭ ‬his countless mistakes,‭ ‬and his endless fvck-ups,‭ ‬he knows he cannot safely leave the presidency,‭ ‬because his next stop is a non-extradition country or prison.

He is fortunate he had the time to get an adequate number of cronies confirmed to the USSC.‭ ‬With their cooperation and planning,‭ ‬including Biden’s contrite concession speech,‭ ‬which was eloquently crafted weeks ago,‭ ‬Election Night will be a time of celebration for the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics.‭

So,‭ ‬as bad as it’s been during the impeached president trump’s first term,‭ ‬everyone lookout,‭ ‘‬cause you ain’t seen nothin‭’ ‬yet.‭‭

Covid was created in China, purposely exposed many Chinese citizens to the virus and sent them by the planeload to most of the worlds countries. It was a deliberate act and should be considered an act of war. BTW, Covid research was financed by Dr, Fauci, NIH, and CDC at the direction of Obama. And you can take that to the bank.

The Impeached President trump Created A Political Hot Potato, And Now Has Much To Hide Concerning COVID-19

On Sunday,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s campaign advisers faced tough questions from political talk show hosts about the impeached president trump’s unsubstantiated claim that doctors are being paid to inflate the number of COVID-19‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬looking back to the first appearance of the deadly disease,‭ ‬every claim the impeached president trump has made relative to COVID-19‭ ‬has been unsubstantiated.‭ ‬Most have been bald-faced lies.‭

Remembering the later part of April,‭ ‬a few weeks into the COVID-19‭ ‬crisis,‭ ‬the impeached president trump began undercutting his own intelligence agencies by suggesting he had seen evidence the coronavirus had originated in a Chinese laboratory.

Shortly after this,‭ ‬when asked by a reporter,‭ "‬Have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the origin of this virus‭?" ‬the impeached president trump responded,‭ "‬Yes,‭ ‬I have.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬I have,‭" ‬then,‭ ‬without specifying.‭ "‬And I think the World Health Organization‭ [‬WHO‭] ‬should be ashamed of themselves because they're like the public relations agency for China.‭"

When asked later to clarify his comment,‭ ‬he said:‭ "‬I can't tell you that.‭ ‬I'm not allowed to tell you that.‭"

It’s never been a secret that the Chinese leaders are cunning.‭ ‬and like leaders in the United States,‭ ‬don’t give a sh!t if the average citizens in their respective countries live or die.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬why would the Chinese government use such an ineffective method to infect the American population by releasing such a deadly chemical weapon on their own people first‭?

Had an incident occurred causing an accidental release,‭ ‬there is no doubt the Wuhan Institute of Virology has well-rehearsed safety protocols in place to limit the damage such a mistake could cause.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬development of powerful chemical weapons is very hush hush,‭ ‬regardless of which country creates this kind of sh!t.

Chinese intelligence long ago learned of the impeached president trump’s‭ ‬2018‭ ‬decision to dismantle the National Security Council directorate at the White House,‭ ‬charged with preparing for when,‭ ‬not if,‭ ‬another pandemic would hit the nation.‭ ‬Knowing the impeached president trump had dropped the United States‭’ ‬defenses against an inevitable pandemic,‭ ‬makes it even less likely the Chinese government would infect one of their own cities,‭ ‬especially the city of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

However,‭ ‬if some unknown country felt it had grudge against the Chinese Government,‭ ‬and had the ability to produce the novel coronavirus,‭ ‬the Chinese city with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in its midst would be the ideal target.

Now,‭ ‬let’s think,‭ ‬what world leader has made his resentment towards the President of the People's Republic of China,‭ ‬Xi Jinping,‭ ‬well known‭? ‬What world leader is infamous for being petulant and vindictive‭? ‬What world leader would be so petty as to form a plan to attack innocent civilians using a deadly virus to‭ “‬get‭” ‬a nation’s top official for a perceived slight.‭ ‬And what world leader is so incompetent he would put this plan into action,‭ ‬then,‭ ‬when everything went sideways downplay the deadly effects of this U.S.‭ ‬created weapon.‭ ‬This world leader sees his best option is to blame everyone in sight for the consequences of his incompetence,‭ ‬and‭ (‬the funniest part of all‭)‬,‭ ‬is convinced the American voters see him as the genius who defeated COVID-19,‭ ‬and so,‭ ‬deserves to be reelected.

There is only one person on this planet who meets every one of these disappointing standards‭ (‬and this is only a short list‭)‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump.‭ ‬Given his blatant inability to govern,‭ ‬his corruption,‭ ‬his criminal activity,‭ ‬his theft of taxpayer dollars,‭ ‬his countless mistakes,‭ ‬and his endless fvck-ups,‭ ‬he knows he cannot safely leave the presidency,‭ ‬because his next stop is a non-extradition country or prison.

He is fortunate he had the time to get an adequate number of cronies confirmed to the USSC.‭ ‬With their cooperation and planning,‭ ‬including Biden’s contrite concession speech,‭ ‬which was eloquently crafted weeks ago,‭ ‬Election Night will be a time of celebration for the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics.‭

So,‭ ‬as bad as it’s been during the impeached president trump’s first term,‭ ‬everyone lookout,‭ ‘‬cause you ain’t seen nothin‭’ ‬yet.‭‭

The libtard run impeachment did not follow the rules of impeachment. Thus, it was a sham.
Also, Trump was found NOT GUILTY! So stop ranting about the "impeached president."
As to the COVID-19 virus.
1. Trump was the FIRST national leader to ban travel coming from China, because of the virus.
2. Trump was the FIRST national leader to ban travel coming from Europe, because of the virus.
Your party's response to the first action: He's being xenophobic. Go to Chinatown and enjoy yourselves.
Your party's response to the second action: He's overreacting and behaving like a dictator.
Wuhan could well be the first biological attempt to cripple the worlds economy. The fact that the PRC prohibited travel from Wuhan within China in the late fall yet permitted travel from Wuhan to Europe and the US is rather interesting to say the least.

The Impeached President trump Created A Political Hot Potato, And Now Has Much To Hide Concerning COVID-19

On Sunday,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s campaign advisers faced tough questions from political talk show hosts about the impeached president trump’s unsubstantiated claim that doctors are being paid to inflate the number of COVID-19‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬looking back to the first appearance of the deadly disease,‭ ‬every claim the impeached president trump has made relative to COVID-19‭ ‬has been unsubstantiated.‭ ‬Most have been bald-faced lies.‭‭

Too long. Edited to shorten. BertramN

And he's STILL going to win a second term...
I only read into the first few words of the second paragraph. Just me or does he sound like someone named Bertram?

I once knew a kid in school named Bertram. We all kicked his sorry ass including the girls.

The Impeached President trump Created A Political Hot Potato, And Now Has Much To Hide Concerning COVID-19

On Sunday,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s campaign advisers faced tough questions from political talk show hosts about the impeached president trump’s unsubstantiated claim that doctors are being paid to inflate the number of COVID-19‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬looking back to the first appearance of the deadly disease,‭ ‬every claim the impeached president trump has made relative to COVID-19‭ ‬has been unsubstantiated.‭ ‬Most have been bald-faced lies.‭‭

Too long. Edited to shorten. BertramN




The Impeached President trump Created A Political Hot Potato, And Now Has Much To Hide Concerning COVID-19

On Sunday,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s campaign advisers faced tough questions from political talk show hosts about the impeached president trump’s unsubstantiated claim that doctors are being paid to inflate the number of COVID-19‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬looking back to the first appearance of the deadly disease,‭ ‬every claim the impeached president trump has made relative to COVID-19‭ ‬has been unsubstantiated.‭ ‬Most have been bald-faced lies.‭

Remembering the later part of April,‭ ‬a few weeks into the COVID-19‭ ‬crisis,‭ ‬the impeached president trump began undercutting his own intelligence agencies by suggesting he had seen evidence the coronavirus had originated in a Chinese laboratory.

Shortly after this,‭ ‬when asked by a reporter,‭ "‬Have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the origin of this virus‭?" ‬the impeached president trump responded,‭ "‬Yes,‭ ‬I have.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬I have,‭" ‬then,‭ ‬without specifying.‭ "‬And I think the World Health Organization‭ [‬WHO‭] ‬should be ashamed of themselves because they're like the public relations agency for China.‭"

When asked later to clarify his comment,‭ ‬he said:‭ "‬I can't tell you that.‭ ‬I'm not allowed to tell you that.‭"

It’s never been a secret that the Chinese leaders are cunning.‭ ‬and like leaders in the United States,‭ ‬don’t give a sh!t if the average citizens in their respective countries live or die.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬why would the Chinese government use such an ineffective method to infect the American population by releasing such a deadly chemical weapon on their own people first‭?

Had an incident occurred causing an accidental release,‭ ‬there is no doubt the Wuhan Institute of Virology has well-rehearsed safety protocols in place to limit the damage such a mistake could cause.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬development of powerful chemical weapons is very hush hush,‭ ‬regardless of which country creates this kind of sh!t.

Chinese intelligence long ago learned of the impeached president trump’s‭ ‬2018‭ ‬decision to dismantle the National Security Council directorate at the White House,‭ ‬charged with preparing for when,‭ ‬not if,‭ ‬another pandemic would hit the nation.‭ ‬Knowing the impeached president trump had dropped the United States‭’ ‬defenses against an inevitable pandemic,‭ ‬makes it even less likely the Chinese government would infect one of their own cities,‭ ‬especially the city of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

However,‭ ‬if some unknown country felt it had grudge against the Chinese Government,‭ ‬and had the ability to produce the novel coronavirus,‭ ‬the Chinese city with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in its midst would be the ideal target.

Now,‭ ‬let’s think,‭ ‬what world leader has made his resentment towards the President of the People's Republic of China,‭ ‬Xi Jinping,‭ ‬well known‭? ‬What world leader is infamous for being petulant and vindictive‭? ‬What world leader would be so petty as to form a plan to attack innocent civilians using a deadly virus to‭ “‬get‭” ‬a nation’s top official for a perceived slight.‭ ‬And what world leader is so incompetent he would put this plan into action,‭ ‬then,‭ ‬when everything went sideways downplay the deadly effects of this U.S.‭ ‬created weapon.‭ ‬This world leader sees his best option is to blame everyone in sight for the consequences of his incompetence,‭ ‬and‭ (‬the funniest part of all‭)‬,‭ ‬is convinced the American voters see him as the genius who defeated COVID-19,‭ ‬and so,‭ ‬deserves to be reelected.

There is only one person on this planet who meets every one of these disappointing standards‭ (‬and this is only a short list‭)‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump.‭ ‬Given his blatant inability to govern,‭ ‬his corruption,‭ ‬his criminal activity,‭ ‬his theft of taxpayer dollars,‭ ‬his countless mistakes,‭ ‬and his endless fvck-ups,‭ ‬he knows he cannot safely leave the presidency,‭ ‬because his next stop is a non-extradition country or prison.

He is fortunate he had the time to get an adequate number of cronies confirmed to the USSC.‭ ‬With their cooperation and planning,‭ ‬including Biden’s contrite concession speech,‭ ‬which was eloquently crafted weeks ago,‭ ‬Election Night will be a time of celebration for the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics.‭

So,‭ ‬as bad as it’s been during the impeached president trump’s first term,‭ ‬everyone lookout,‭ ‘‬cause you ain’t seen nothin‭’ ‬yet.‭‭

The libtard run impeachment did not follow the rules of impeachment. Thus, it was a sham.
Also, Trump was found NOT GUILTY! So stop ranting about the "impeached president."
As to the COVID-19 virus.
1. Trump was the FIRST national leader to ban travel coming from China, because of the virus.
2. Trump was the FIRST national leader to ban travel coming from Europe, because of the virus.
Your party's response to the first action: He's being xenophobic. Go to Chinatown and enjoy yourselves.
Your party's response to the second action: He's overreacting and behaving like a dictator.
The democrats response was the exact response you would expect from someone working with China to ruin Americas thriving economy under trump , kill as many Americans as possible just so they could blame Trump. How else could democrats try to convince people to vote for a 47 year career politician that did absolutely nothing for america and Americans unless your last name was Biden . The biggest fraud ever launched on America. Yet no coverage by our MSM . and our FBI is investigating a couple of trump supporters blowing their horns at a biden bus .

The Impeached President trump Created A Political Hot Potato, And Now Has Much To Hide Concerning COVID-19

On Sunday,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s campaign advisers faced tough questions from political talk show hosts about the impeached president trump’s unsubstantiated claim that doctors are being paid to inflate the number of COVID-19‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬looking back to the first appearance of the deadly disease,‭ ‬every claim the impeached president trump has made relative to COVID-19‭ ‬has been unsubstantiated.‭ ‬Most have been bald-faced lies.‭

Remembering the later part of April,‭ ‬a few weeks into the COVID-19‭ ‬crisis,‭ ‬the impeached president trump began undercutting his own intelligence agencies by suggesting he had seen evidence the coronavirus had originated in a Chinese laboratory.

Shortly after this,‭ ‬when asked by a reporter,‭ "‬Have you seen anything at this point that gives you a high degree of confidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was the origin of this virus‭?" ‬the impeached president trump responded,‭ "‬Yes,‭ ‬I have.‭ ‬Yes,‭ ‬I have,‭" ‬then,‭ ‬without specifying.‭ "‬And I think the World Health Organization‭ [‬WHO‭] ‬should be ashamed of themselves because they're like the public relations agency for China.‭"

When asked later to clarify his comment,‭ ‬he said:‭ "‬I can't tell you that.‭ ‬I'm not allowed to tell you that.‭"

It’s never been a secret that the Chinese leaders are cunning.‭ ‬and like leaders in the United States,‭ ‬don’t give a sh!t if the average citizens in their respective countries live or die.‭ ‬However,‭ ‬why would the Chinese government use such an ineffective method to infect the American population by releasing such a deadly chemical weapon on their own people first‭?

Had an incident occurred causing an accidental release,‭ ‬there is no doubt the Wuhan Institute of Virology has well-rehearsed safety protocols in place to limit the damage such a mistake could cause.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬development of powerful chemical weapons is very hush hush,‭ ‬regardless of which country creates this kind of sh!t.

Chinese intelligence long ago learned of the impeached president trump’s‭ ‬2018‭ ‬decision to dismantle the National Security Council directorate at the White House,‭ ‬charged with preparing for when,‭ ‬not if,‭ ‬another pandemic would hit the nation.‭ ‬Knowing the impeached president trump had dropped the United States‭’ ‬defenses against an inevitable pandemic,‭ ‬makes it even less likely the Chinese government would infect one of their own cities,‭ ‬especially the city of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

However,‭ ‬if some unknown country felt it had grudge against the Chinese Government,‭ ‬and had the ability to produce the novel coronavirus,‭ ‬the Chinese city with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in its midst would be the ideal target.

Now,‭ ‬let’s think,‭ ‬what world leader has made his resentment towards the President of the People's Republic of China,‭ ‬Xi Jinping,‭ ‬well known‭? ‬What world leader is infamous for being petulant and vindictive‭? ‬What world leader would be so petty as to form a plan to attack innocent civilians using a deadly virus to‭ “‬get‭” ‬a nation’s top official for a perceived slight.‭ ‬And what world leader is so incompetent he would put this plan into action,‭ ‬then,‭ ‬when everything went sideways downplay the deadly effects of this U.S.‭ ‬created weapon.‭ ‬This world leader sees his best option is to blame everyone in sight for the consequences of his incompetence,‭ ‬and‭ (‬the funniest part of all‭)‬,‭ ‬is convinced the American voters see him as the genius who defeated COVID-19,‭ ‬and so,‭ ‬deserves to be reelected.

There is only one person on this planet who meets every one of these disappointing standards‭ (‬and this is only a short list‭)‬,‭ ‬the impeached president trump.‭ ‬Given his blatant inability to govern,‭ ‬his corruption,‭ ‬his criminal activity,‭ ‬his theft of taxpayer dollars,‭ ‬his countless mistakes,‭ ‬and his endless fvck-ups,‭ ‬he knows he cannot safely leave the presidency,‭ ‬because his next stop is a non-extradition country or prison.

He is fortunate he had the time to get an adequate number of cronies confirmed to the USSC.‭ ‬With their cooperation and planning,‭ ‬including Biden’s contrite concession speech,‭ ‬which was eloquently crafted weeks ago,‭ ‬Election Night will be a time of celebration for the impeached president trump and his devoted fanatics.‭

So,‭ ‬as bad as it’s been during the impeached president trump’s first term,‭ ‬everyone lookout,‭ ‘‬cause you ain’t seen nothin‭’ ‬yet.‭‭

The libtard run impeachment did not follow the rules of impeachment. Thus, it was a sham.
Also, Trump was found NOT GUILTY! So stop ranting about the "impeached president."
As to the COVID-19 virus.
1. Trump was the FIRST national leader to ban travel coming from China, because of the virus.
2. Trump was the FIRST national leader to ban travel coming from Europe, because of the virus.
Your party's response to the first action: He's being xenophobic. Go to Chinatown and enjoy yourselves.
Your party's response to the second action: He's overreacting and behaving like a dictator.

Yup and lets not forget Pelousy telling one and all the virus was nothing to worry about. The Dems thought it was a hoax. Trump sure didn't think that.

The Impeached President trump Created A Political Hot Potato, And Now Has Much To Hide Concerning COVID-19

On Sunday,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s campaign advisers faced tough questions from political talk show hosts about the impeached president trump’s unsubstantiated claim that doctors are being paid to inflate the number of COVID-19‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬looking back to the first appearance of the deadly disease,‭ ‬every claim the impeached president trump has made relative to COVID-19‭ ‬has been unsubstantiated.‭ ‬Most have been bald-faced lies.‭‭

Too long. Edited to shorten. BertramN

Why do you waste time posting stupid lies and ignorance.
He lied to us regularly about the danger of the virus, he mocked Americans who were only trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, and he held any number of super-spreader events in his desperate campaign for votes.

This buffoon is a menace and a clear and present danger to this country.

The Impeached President trump Created A Political Hot Potato, And Now Has Much To Hide Concerning COVID-19

On Sunday,‭ ‬the impeached president trump’s campaign advisers faced tough questions from political talk show hosts about the impeached president trump’s unsubstantiated claim that doctors are being paid to inflate the number of COVID-19‭ ‬deaths.‭ ‬But,‭ ‬looking back to the first appearance of the deadly disease,‭ ‬every claim the impeached president trump has made relative to COVID-19‭ ‬has been unsubstantiated.‭ ‬Most have been bald-faced lies.‭‭

Too long. Edited to shorten. BertramN


Is Bill Clinton the Impeached former President Bill Clinton?
He lied to us regularly about the danger of the virus, he mocked Americans who were only trying to protect themselves and their loved ones, and he held any number of super-spreader events in his desperate campaign for votes.

This buffoon is a menace and a clear and present danger to this country.

This is the wimpiest post of all time. If you are scared, stay home. If you want to wear a hazmat suit, nobody is stopping you. If you don’t want to go to a rally, a football game, a riot, etc. don’t go.

The present danger is the left-wing, Socialist, corrupt kooks that you are going to vote for. Harris will be president within a year a candidate who couldn’t get 2% support in the US.

Be completely honest with yourself. You hatred of Trump, the man, is the driving force behind your vote. You know it deep down, but can’t bring yourself to admit it. It is hard NOT to follow the MSM herd. Snowflakes with no backbone who get offended by everything tend to fall right in line.
Wuhan could well be the first biological attempt to cripple the worlds economy. The fact that the PRC prohibited travel from Wuhan within China in the late fall yet permitted travel from Wuhan to Europe and the US is rather interesting to say the least.

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