The Impeachment ‘Kill Switch’: McConnell Dismissal Rule Corners Dems, Blocks Antics as Trial Starts

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is as of now including in the U.S. Senate impeachment trial rules a “kill switch” that effectively allows for the president’s legal team to seek an immediate verdict or dismissal of the case should Democrats engage in any shenanigans like they did in the House process.

The revelation comes after the House finally late last week formally sent the Articles of Impeachment it adopted before Christmas—after holding them for more than a month without transmission—to the U.S. Senate, thereby triggering the start of a Senate trial. The Senate will formally commence its trial procedures in votes this coming week, and while some Republicans want to outright dismiss the charges altogether from the outset, others believe a trial should take place.

In so finally transmitting the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi also named impeachment case managers—the Democrats who will present and manage the House’s case to the Senate—last week. They include House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY). Both Schiff and Nadler were widely panned for the highly unfair process they ran in the House of Representatives, and many Senate Republicans do not trust them to refrain from playing games that seek to make the Senate trial unfair to the president as the highly partisan process in the House ended up.

Republicans on the House side, who were essentially powerless to stop the Democrats’ shenanigans since they are in the minority in the lower chamber, are warning Senate Republicans to be on the lookout for Schiff’s gamesmanship and that from his ilk.

“It’s incumbent upon the Senate to preserve the right of the President’s legal team to ask for a verdict or move to dismiss this sham impeachment anytime they..

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


“killswitch” will be thrown only if any Dem pulls a ruthless, dishonest, crooked stunt for their own political gain.

Dems: OMG. That means we’re finished....Flushed, ....Kaput.....where is that trump RED MAGA CAP?....ROTFLMFAO!!!

Nadler...Schiff...what do they have in common?
I wonder what they consider a “dishonest, crooked stunt”?
ANYTHING a DIM DEM would attempt...........

Like calling witnesses...

Dumbass. Don't you people EVER tire of your hypocrisy?

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests"

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has dismissed a Republican request for eight witnesses to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry, including House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and the whistleblower who first brought forward the allegations about President Trump's contacts with Ukraine.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) in a letter Monday to the top Republican on the Judiciary panel, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), took issue with the witnesses the Republicans intended to call.

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests

Specifically, Nadler dismissed requests for testimony from Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, and witnesses related to unfounded GOP-claims of Ukrainian interference during the 2016 election.

Since the Impeachment Investigation into the President's wrong doing, had nothing to do with the Biden's, Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, or the 2016 election, and everything to do with Repugs trying to deflect from the President's wrong-doing and turn the Hearings into a circus, Schiff was correct in refusing these requests. These people had no evidence to given on the extortion plot against the Ukraine.
As I said they house didn't find them necessary for their case, they should't be needed now for them to prove it. Are you dense or just stupid?

Since when do y’all give a damn what the House thinks? If you’re unimpressed with the case they present, why wouldn’t you want more information?
Why do you so adamantly refuse to hold the House accountable to their responsibility to gather the information? You keep going on about how there's apparently a treasure trove of new information that the Senate can easily get hold of if they just wanted to, but somehow the House is excused because the information was just so hard to get despite their desperate yearnings to get it, and stuff.

You know full well the House did very little to even try to get the information and now the useful idiots are demanding that the Senate make up for the House's failings, all while excusing the House for failing.
They gathered as much information as was feasible. It’s important we figure this out before the election, don’t you think?
Nah, you have dragged out your harassment of Trump for 4 years and blown Millions of dollars and have gotten nothing done in The House.

I think we just drag this thing through the Election and start digging in to leaks of classified information. The two whistle blowers who went in to hiding and their attorney ZAID, who announced the beginning of a COUP during The Inauguration. Then we bring in Joe and Hunter Biden a couple months before The Election and expose their corruption, and also dig in to what Brennan, Manafort, Gates, Biden, Clinton and Podesta and The US Embassy were doing in The Ukraine pouring money in to Ukraine elections to stop The Anti-Corruption Government from being elected..
You know they'd scream bloody murder about it being a political hit job if anyone went after a democrat in an election year.
Yet they have no problems trying to make up fictitious charges and trying to undermine, and disrupt The Trump Administration going on 4 straight years.
As I said they house didn't find them necessary for their case, they should't be needed now for them to prove it. Are you dense or just stupid?

Since when do y’all give a damn what the House thinks? If you’re unimpressed with the case they present, why wouldn’t you want more information?
Why do you so adamantly refuse to hold the House accountable to their responsibility to gather the information? You keep going on about how there's apparently a treasure trove of new information that the Senate can easily get hold of if they just wanted to, but somehow the House is excused because the information was just so hard to get despite their desperate yearnings to get it, and stuff.

You know full well the House did very little to even try to get the information and now the useful idiots are demanding that the Senate make up for the House's failings, all while excusing the House for failing.
They gathered as much information as was feasible. It’s important we figure this out before the election, don’t you think?
If that's your big beef, Trump and McConnell can drag this out as long as they want, and ultimately the democrats will cave because they need to get on the campaign trail. The bottom line remains, if the House really wanted the testimony, it could have gotten it the same way the Senate can get it. They didn't want it that bad.

And you, being the sycophant, excuse the House while demanding the Senate make up for their blunder.
No, the House does not have the same options as the Senate. If that were true, Bolton would have showed up when requested. Instead, he’s waiting for Senate to call him. No one has ever tried executive privilege in an impeachment trial. These are facts.

No, McConnell can’t string this out as long as he wants. He doesn’t have any more power over the proceedings as any other Senator.
Bolton didn't even get a subpoena from the House.
I wonder what they consider a “dishonest, crooked stunt”?
ANYTHING a DIM DEM would attempt...........

Like calling witnesses...

Dumbass. Don't you people EVER tire of your hypocrisy?

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests"

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has dismissed a Republican request for eight witnesses to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry, including House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and the whistleblower who first brought forward the allegations about President Trump's contacts with Ukraine.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) in a letter Monday to the top Republican on the Judiciary panel, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), took issue with the witnesses the Republicans intended to call.

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests

Specifically, Nadler dismissed requests for testimony from Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, and witnesses related to unfounded GOP-claims of Ukrainian interference during the 2016 election.

Since the Impeachment Investigation into the President's wrong doing, had nothing to do with the Biden's, Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, or the 2016 election, and everything to do with Repugs trying to deflect from the President's wrong-doing and turn the Hearings into a circus, Schiff was correct in refusing these requests. These people had no evidence to given on the extortion plot against the Ukraine.
Little Adam, The Schiff-ty Eyed Bastard is a MORON. Thank you.
So Mitch takes his ball and goes home

Let him sell to the voters that Trump was acquitted on the merits of his case
You realize the vast majority of people do not support the impeachment right?
Democrats are the only population in which over half want him impeached.... but how much of that is due to hate?
And how much is due to honest, thoughtful reasons?
Americans do not need to be "sold" on impeachment, they didn't buy it in the first place.
What McConnell is saying is that he is the only one who gets to use political maneuvers

If the Dems try, he will declare “shenanigans” and declare Trump innocent
You mean like Schitt did in the basement and would NOT let anyone in to watch his TRIAL and refusal to let anyone on the right to testify?

Adam Schiff blocks Republicans' attempts to question impeachment witnesses
View attachment 301458
Nov 19, 2019 · Adam Schiff, the Democratic chair of the House Intelligence ... When Nunes continued questioning, Vindman refused to ... “ The whistleblower has the right, the statutory right to
I saw Republicans question all the witnesses. Mostly dumb questions.... But they were questions
If you don't recall, Adolph Schiffler shut down Nunez and Stefanik when they attempted to ask questions Schiff didn't like. We also don't know what went on during the closed door sessions in the basement, but all the Republicans says there were a lot of questions that Adolph Schiffler objected to.
Out of context
They were fishing for the identity of the Whistle blower
So Mitch takes his ball and goes home

Let him sell to the voters that Trump was acquitted on the merits of his case
You realize the vast majority of people do not support the impeachment right?
Democrats are the only population in which over half want him impeached.... but how much of that is due to hate?
And how much is due to honest, thoughtful reasons?
Americans do not need to be "sold" on impeachment, they didn't buy it in the first place.
The vast majority say Trump acted inappropriately
A majority say he should be impeached
A minority say he is innocent
Like calling witnesses...
An avenatti type of character would absolutely qualify.
Not sure what you mean by that.

Schumer has asked for 4 witnesses.

Any reason you can think of that we shouldn’t hear from any of these people?

Yes. We had enough of the Democrats third world circus while they were losing the Kavanaugh and gorsuch fights. So let’s beat them again and move on.
They can demand it and hope for sympathy but, being losers, they can’t force it. That should be illustrated and their noses rubbed in it.
I wonder what they consider a “dishonest, crooked stunt”?
ANYTHING a DIM DEM would attempt...........

Like calling witnesses...

Dumbass. Don't you people EVER tire of your hypocrisy?

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests"

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has dismissed a Republican request for eight witnesses to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry, including House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and the whistleblower who first brought forward the allegations about President Trump's contacts with Ukraine.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) in a letter Monday to the top Republican on the Judiciary panel, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), took issue with the witnesses the Republicans intended to call.

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests

Specifically, Nadler dismissed requests for testimony from Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, and witnesses related to unfounded GOP-claims of Ukrainian interference during the 2016 election.

Since the Impeachment Investigation into the President's wrong doing, had nothing to do with the Biden's, Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, or the 2016 election, and everything to do with Repugs trying to deflect from the President's wrong-doing and turn the Hearings into a circus, Schiff was correct in refusing these requests. These people had no evidence to given on the extortion plot against the Ukraine.

You sure have all the commie talking points down pat. The bidens are corrupt, Trump was justified in making a request for cooperation to investigate them. That would blow the houses case out of the water.

Burisma was buying influence in the maobama regime through hunter. Their lawyers evoked his name to get meetings with the State Dept.

I wonder what they consider a “dishonest, crooked stunt”?
ANYTHING a DIM DEM would attempt...........

Like calling witnesses...

Dumbass. Don't you people EVER tire of your hypocrisy?

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests"

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has dismissed a Republican request for eight witnesses to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry, including House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and the whistleblower who first brought forward the allegations about President Trump's contacts with Ukraine.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) in a letter Monday to the top Republican on the Judiciary panel, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), took issue with the witnesses the Republicans intended to call.

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests

Specifically, Nadler dismissed requests for testimony from Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, and witnesses related to unfounded GOP-claims of Ukrainian interference during the 2016 election.

Since the Impeachment Investigation into the President's wrong doing, had nothing to do with the Biden's, Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, or the 2016 election, and everything to do with Repugs trying to deflect from the President's wrong-doing and turn the Hearings into a circus, Schiff was correct in refusing these requests. These people had no evidence to given on the extortion plot against the Ukraine.

You sure have all the commie talking points down pat. The bidens are corrupt, Trump was justified in making a request for cooperation to investigate them. That would blow the houses case out of the water.

Burisma was buying influence in the maobama regime through hunter. Their lawyers evoked his name to get meetings with the State Dept.


Great. Arrest them. What are you waiting for?

Not going to happen. You know the story is bogus.
What McConnell is saying is that he is the only one who gets to use political maneuvers

If the Dems try, he will declare “shenanigans” and declare Trump innocent
You mean like Schitt did in the basement and would NOT let anyone in to watch his TRIAL and refusal to let anyone on the right to testify?

Adam Schiff blocks Republicans' attempts to question impeachment witnesses
View attachment 301458
Nov 19, 2019 · Adam Schiff, the Democratic chair of the House Intelligence ... When Nunes continued questioning, Vindman refused to ... “ The whistleblower has the right, the statutory right to
I saw Republicans question all the witnesses. Mostly dumb questions.... But they were questions
If you don't recall, Adolph Schiffler shut down Nunez and Stefanik when they attempted to ask questions Schiff didn't like. We also don't know what went on during the closed door sessions in the basement, but all the Republicans says there were a lot of questions that Adolph Schiffler objected to.
Out of context
They were fishing for the identity of the Whistle blower

Everyone denied knowing who the (so called) WB was, how could they be fishing?

I wonder what they consider a “dishonest, crooked stunt”?
ANYTHING a DIM DEM would attempt...........

Like calling witnesses...

Dumbass. Don't you people EVER tire of your hypocrisy?

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests"

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has dismissed a Republican request for eight witnesses to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry, including House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and the whistleblower who first brought forward the allegations about President Trump's contacts with Ukraine.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) in a letter Monday to the top Republican on the Judiciary panel, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), took issue with the witnesses the Republicans intended to call.

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests

Specifically, Nadler dismissed requests for testimony from Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, and witnesses related to unfounded GOP-claims of Ukrainian interference during the 2016 election.

Since the Impeachment Investigation into the President's wrong doing, had nothing to do with the Biden's, Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, or the 2016 election, and everything to do with Repugs trying to deflect from the President's wrong-doing and turn the Hearings into a circus, Schiff was correct in refusing these requests. These people had no evidence to given on the extortion plot against the Ukraine.

You sure have all the commie talking points down pat. The bidens are corrupt, Trump was justified in making a request for cooperation to investigate them. That would blow the houses case out of the water.

Burisma was buying influence in the maobama regime through hunter. Their lawyers evoked his name to get meetings with the State Dept.

This was already investigated in the first half of 2019.
There was no need for further investigation, since it was already investigated to death.
ANYTHING a DIM DEM would attempt...........

Like calling witnesses...

Dumbass. Don't you people EVER tire of your hypocrisy?

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests"

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has dismissed a Republican request for eight witnesses to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry, including House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and the whistleblower who first brought forward the allegations about President Trump's contacts with Ukraine.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) in a letter Monday to the top Republican on the Judiciary panel, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), took issue with the witnesses the Republicans intended to call.

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests

Specifically, Nadler dismissed requests for testimony from Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, and witnesses related to unfounded GOP-claims of Ukrainian interference during the 2016 election.

Since the Impeachment Investigation into the President's wrong doing, had nothing to do with the Biden's, Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, or the 2016 election, and everything to do with Repugs trying to deflect from the President's wrong-doing and turn the Hearings into a circus, Schiff was correct in refusing these requests. These people had no evidence to given on the extortion plot against the Ukraine.

You sure have all the commie talking points down pat. The bidens are corrupt, Trump was justified in making a request for cooperation to investigate them. That would blow the houses case out of the water.

Burisma was buying influence in the maobama regime through hunter. Their lawyers evoked his name to get meetings with the State Dept.


Great. Arrest them. What are you waiting for?

Not going to happen. You know the story is bogus.

Really, the State Dept confirmed it.

Like calling witnesses...

Dumbass. Don't you people EVER tire of your hypocrisy?

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests"

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has dismissed a Republican request for eight witnesses to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry, including House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and the whistleblower who first brought forward the allegations about President Trump's contacts with Ukraine.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) in a letter Monday to the top Republican on the Judiciary panel, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), took issue with the witnesses the Republicans intended to call.

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests

Specifically, Nadler dismissed requests for testimony from Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, and witnesses related to unfounded GOP-claims of Ukrainian interference during the 2016 election.

Since the Impeachment Investigation into the President's wrong doing, had nothing to do with the Biden's, Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, or the 2016 election, and everything to do with Repugs trying to deflect from the President's wrong-doing and turn the Hearings into a circus, Schiff was correct in refusing these requests. These people had no evidence to given on the extortion plot against the Ukraine.

You sure have all the commie talking points down pat. The bidens are corrupt, Trump was justified in making a request for cooperation to investigate them. That would blow the houses case out of the water.

Burisma was buying influence in the maobama regime through hunter. Their lawyers evoked his name to get meetings with the State Dept.


Great. Arrest them. What are you waiting for?

Not going to happen. You know the story is bogus.

Really, the State Dept confirmed it.


Confirmed “it”? What exactly is “it”? A request for a meeting or an actual meeting?
ANYTHING a DIM DEM would attempt...........

Like calling witnesses...

Dumbass. Don't you people EVER tire of your hypocrisy?

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests"

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has dismissed a Republican request for eight witnesses to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry, including House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and the whistleblower who first brought forward the allegations about President Trump's contacts with Ukraine.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) in a letter Monday to the top Republican on the Judiciary panel, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), took issue with the witnesses the Republicans intended to call.

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests

Specifically, Nadler dismissed requests for testimony from Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, and witnesses related to unfounded GOP-claims of Ukrainian interference during the 2016 election.

Since the Impeachment Investigation into the President's wrong doing, had nothing to do with the Biden's, Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, or the 2016 election, and everything to do with Repugs trying to deflect from the President's wrong-doing and turn the Hearings into a circus, Schiff was correct in refusing these requests. These people had no evidence to given on the extortion plot against the Ukraine.

You sure have all the commie talking points down pat. The bidens are corrupt, Trump was justified in making a request for cooperation to investigate them. That would blow the houses case out of the water.

Burisma was buying influence in the maobama regime through hunter. Their lawyers evoked his name to get meetings with the State Dept.

This was already investigated in the first half of 2019.
There was no need for further investigation, since it was already investigated to death.

Your article is behind a pay wall. But tell the class, why are the Ukrainians are going after the money he was paid?

Dumbass. Don't you people EVER tire of your hypocrisy?

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests"

The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has dismissed a Republican request for eight witnesses to testify as part of the impeachment inquiry, including House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and the whistleblower who first brought forward the allegations about President Trump's contacts with Ukraine.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) in a letter Monday to the top Republican on the Judiciary panel, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), took issue with the witnesses the Republicans intended to call.

Nadler dismisses GOP witness requests

Specifically, Nadler dismissed requests for testimony from Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden, and witnesses related to unfounded GOP-claims of Ukrainian interference during the 2016 election.

Since the Impeachment Investigation into the President's wrong doing, had nothing to do with the Biden's, Adam Schiff, the Whistleblower, or the 2016 election, and everything to do with Repugs trying to deflect from the President's wrong-doing and turn the Hearings into a circus, Schiff was correct in refusing these requests. These people had no evidence to given on the extortion plot against the Ukraine.

You sure have all the commie talking points down pat. The bidens are corrupt, Trump was justified in making a request for cooperation to investigate them. That would blow the houses case out of the water.

Burisma was buying influence in the maobama regime through hunter. Their lawyers evoked his name to get meetings with the State Dept.


Great. Arrest them. What are you waiting for?

Not going to happen. You know the story is bogus.

Really, the State Dept confirmed it.


Confirmed “it”? What exactly is “it”? A request for a meeting or an actual meeting?


What McConnell is saying is that he is the only one who gets to use political maneuvers

If the Dems try, he will declare “shenanigans” and declare Trump innocent
You mean like Schitt did in the basement and would NOT let anyone in to watch his TRIAL and refusal to let anyone on the right to testify?

Adam Schiff blocks Republicans' attempts to question impeachment witnesses
View attachment 301458
Nov 19, 2019 · Adam Schiff, the Democratic chair of the House Intelligence ... When Nunes continued questioning, Vindman refused to ... “ The whistleblower has the right, the statutory right to
I saw Republicans question all the witnesses. Mostly dumb questions.... But they were questions
If you don't recall, Adolph Schiffler shut down Nunez and Stefanik when they attempted to ask questions Schiff didn't like. We also don't know what went on during the closed door sessions in the basement, but all the Republicans says there were a lot of questions that Adolph Schiffler objected to.
Out of context
They were fishing for the identity of the Whistle blower

Everyone denied knowing who the (so called) WB was, how could they be fishing?

They asked each witness under oath if they were the whistle blower

That is fishing

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