The Impossible Burger

First off, let's stop with euphemisms. The word "beef" might make you feel better, but what it actually is is a dead rotting animal.

Secondly, that's not all that's in ground up cow. Here you go:


In fact, red 'meat' is classified as a type 2 carcinogen.

Lastly, even though obviously whole plantfoods are better than processed food like veggie burgers, just because you listed a bunch of ingredients doesn't mean they are all bad. A few of them might be, but definitely not all.

So nice try but you can have the hormones, antibiotics, pus, fecal bacteria and other nasty things in the rotting corpse you're eating, I'll take plant-derived ingredients any day.



It would've been nice if you'd surprised me with an actual response, but I can see that all your replies on this thread are at the level of a first-grader on the school playground.

Get back to me when you decide to actually address what is being said and try to refute it, instead of acting like a 5 year old. Thanks!
First off, let's stop with euphemisms. The word "beef" might make you feel better, but what it actually is is a dead rotting animal.

Secondly, that's not all that's in ground up cow. Here you go:


In fact, red 'meat' is classified as a type 2 carcinogen.

Lastly, even though obviously whole plantfoods are better than processed food like veggie burgers, just because you listed a bunch of ingredients doesn't mean they are all bad. A few of them might be, but definitely not all.

So nice try but you can have the hormones, antibiotics, pus, fecal bacteria and other nasty things in the rotting corpse you're eating, I'll take plant-derived ingredients any day.
Bob is whistling past the graveyard. Scared to look into the actual facts. I moved him to ignore because he can't debate this topic
Here's a few of the things in your "beef"

Cladosporium cladosporoides
Less than 2% meat
Blood vessels
Sodium nitrite
Heterocyclic amines

Not only that but if more people knew what their "beef" actually looked like before it was treated to make it look fresh, they wouldn't be so eager to eat it.


Not only that but if more people knew what their "beef" actually looked like before it was treated to make it look fresh, they wouldn't be so eager to eat it.


If only people knew. Sadly, those who need to hear (see) this, won't look at anything that upsets their delicate sensibilities
I don't know about the Impossible burger, but in general veggie burgers are better than the the antibiotic and pesticide-laden corpse of a sick, tortured animal.
Antibiotics have been banned by the USDA for years now.
If you buy beef locally, or a privately owned butcher, their attraction is they sell organic beef in facilities that do not use pesticides.
I went 100% plant based over 3 years ago. I stay away from that impossible, beyond shit.

It's loaded in fat and tastes weird.
Curiosity got the better of me and I went to Burger King and tried one of their meatless Impossible Whoppers.

This topic is written in order to prevent others from making the same mistake.

I took a bite. I will describe the flavor below. So then I thought, "Well, maybe it's an acquired taste" and took another bite.

Then I chucked it in the trash and asked them to make me a real Whopper.

So what does impossible beef taste like, you may be wondering.

Imagine you pulled an all-nighter out on the town, drinking Jägermeister, peach schnapps, brandy, and Jello shots. Just before you pass out, the Jägermeister kicks in and you devour all the bark on the lower 10 feet of a palm tree. Then you stumble home and pass out. In the morning, you awaken and puke through your mouth, nose, and ears onto a carpet which has not been vacuumed in the past six months.

You then scoop some of that mess up and fry it in a pan.

That's what impossible beef tastes like.

It's called "impossible" because it is impossible to eat more than two bites of that shit.
It tastes okay to me.
Does American beef have antibiotics?

The report, released yesterday by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), reveals that US cattle producers use more than 40% of all medically important antibiotics—those that are also used in human medicine—sold for use in US livestock, and use them three to six times more intensively than many of their European ...Jun 26, 2020
Does American beef have antibiotics?

The report, released yesterday by the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), reveals that US cattle producers use more than 40% of all medically important antibiotics—those that are also used in human medicine—sold for use in US livestock, and use them three to six times more intensively than many of their European ...Jun 26, 2020
The key word is "medically important".
Having said that, I would never-ever defend the corporate beef industry in the U.S.
It is unforgivably bad.
America is super well setup to feed it's people by relying on smaller farms to feed geographic areas.
We have destroyed family farm after family farm after family farm in order to make the cattle industry investable.
The key word is "medically important".
Do you understand WHY corporate "farmer's need to pump these poor animals full of antibiotics?

You disagrees with buttercup that it was happening at all.

Now explain to the class WHY it is necessary.

Hint: it has to do with the barbaric conditions we treat these animals to in the interest of " profit"
Do you understand WHY corporate "farmer's need to pump these poor animals full of antibiotics?

You disagrees with buttercup that it was happening at all.

Now explain to the class WHY it is necessary.

Hint: it has to do with the barbaric conditions we treat these animals to in the interest of " profit"
My intro into the evils of corporate agribusiness was the documentary "Food, Inc."
It changed the way I buy meat forever. I have bought from butchers ever since. For all of the above.
I will admit that my response to buttercup was more emotional than factual. We all do it from time to time. I did not like her statement that the impossible burger is healthier than actual beef. When it certainly is not.
At any rate, the impossible burger is an illogical replacement for the problems of beef in America.
Curiosity got the better of me and I went to Burger King and tried one of their meatless Impossible Whoppers.

This topic is written in order to prevent others from making the same mistake.

I took a bite. I will describe the flavor below. So then I thought, "Well, maybe it's an acquired taste" and took another bite.

Then I chucked it in the trash and asked them to make me a real Whopper.

So what does impossible beef taste like, you may be wondering.

Imagine you pulled an all-nighter out on the town, drinking Jägermeister, peach schnapps, brandy, and Jello shots. Just before you pass out, the Jägermeister kicks in and you devour all the bark on the lower 10 feet of a palm tree. Then you stumble home and pass out. In the morning, you awaken and puke through your mouth, nose, and ears onto a carpet which has not been vacuumed in the past six months.

You then scoop some of that mess up and fry it in a pan.

That's what impossible beef tastes like.

It's called "impossible" because it is impossible to eat more than two bites of that shit.
Curiosity got the better of me and I went to Burger King and tried one of their meatless Impossible Whoppers.

This topic is written in order to prevent others from making the same mistake.

I took a bite. I will describe the flavor below. So then I thought, "Well, maybe it's an acquired taste" and took another bite.

Then I chucked it in the trash and asked them to make me a real Whopper.

So what does impossible beef taste like, you may be wondering.

Imagine you pulled an all-nighter out on the town, drinking Jägermeister, peach schnapps, brandy, and Jello shots. Just before you pass out, the Jägermeister kicks in and you devour all the bark on the lower 10 feet of a palm tree. Then you stumble home and pass out. In the morning, you awaken and puke through your mouth, nose, and ears onto a carpet which has not been vacuumed in the past six months.

You then scoop some of that mess up and fry it in a pan.

That's what impossible beef tastes like.

It's called "impossible" because it is impossible to eat more than two bites of that shit.

Disagree. They are not the real thing, but they are pretty good.

It is an acquired taste though.
The OP finally has said something I find kind of amusing and more or less intelligent.

Color me shocked.

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