The Impossible Burger

Curiosity got the better of me and I went to Burger King and tried one of their meatless Impossible Whoppers.

This topic is written in order to prevent others from making the same mistake.

I took a bite. I will describe the flavor below. So then I thought, "Well, maybe it's an acquired taste" and took another bite.

Then I chucked it in the trash and asked them to make me a real Whopper.

So what does impossible beef taste like, you may be wondering.

Imagine you pulled an all-nighter out on the town, drinking Jägermeister, peach schnapps, brandy, and Jello shots. Just before you pass out, the Jägermeister kicks in and you devour all the bark on the lower 10 feet of a palm tree. Then you stumble home and pass out. In the morning, you awaken and puke through your mouth, nose, and ears onto a carpet which has not been vacuumed in the past six months.

You then scoop some of that mess up and fry it in a pan.

That's what impossible beef tastes like.

It's called "impossible" because it is impossible to eat more than two bites of that shit.

It's called impossible because it's impossible to get me to order, pay for or eat that shit. I'll never be that stupid.
^^^ I just pray that I don't have to have a medical procedure done in order to get rid of the flab that I am getting on my stomach and underneath my arms. I did some weight lifting for about a month to try and get rid of what is underneath my arms and never once did I see any difference made.
there’s lotion you can apply to help with that. Also intermittent fasting helps with loose skin. Some people get a lot loose skin, some people don’t get any. The older we get the more elasticity our skin loses. In any case good luck with you and I think it’s great that you lost all that weight
Thank you for the advice. Hopefully the fasting that I already do helps.

Due to the diet that I have been on for the past eight months, I haven't been to Burger King since sometime before June 1st of last year.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. I was 240 on May 31st. I weighed in at 156.6 on January 31st. :) :) :)
What diet are you on??
If you are under the impression that I am doing one that is talked about on TV, I am not on any of them. I am just doing one of my own, I guess. I am on the treadmill five days a week and just 30 minutes during each of them when I am not on it longer to make up for whenever I fall behind. The only thing that I am eating, when I am not cheating of course, is scrambled eggs and apple slices for my first meal. Sugar free tea with a little bit of Splenda added is what I drink. At night, I eat one can of green beans, cantaloupe, and one sandwich without any condiments in it, just the meat and two slices of bread. A Crystal Light drink is in my cup then. I am not taking any kind of medicine, vitamins, laxatives, etc.

God bless you two always!!!

Holly (currently 156 even now)

P.S. Staying away from foods that are loaded with carbs is pretty much what I've been doing. If that matches anything that is on the TV, it is most definitely a coincidence.
Curiosity got the better of me and I went to Burger King and tried one of their meatless Impossible Whoppers.

This topic is written in order to prevent others from making the same mistake.

I took a bite. I will describe the flavor below. So then I thought, "Well, maybe it's an acquired taste" and took another bite.

Then I chucked it in the trash and asked them to make me a real Whopper.

So what does impossible beef taste like, you may be wondering.

Imagine you pulled an all-nighter out on the town, drinking Jägermeister, peach schnapps, brandy, and Jello shots. Just before you pass out, the Jägermeister kicks in and you devour all the bark on the lower 10 feet of a palm tree. Then you stumble home and pass out. In the morning, you awaken and puke through your mouth, nose, and ears onto a carpet which has not been vacuumed in the past six months.

You then scoop some of that mess up and fry it in a pan.

That's what impossible beef tastes like.

It's called "impossible" because it is impossible to eat more than two bites of that shit.
I've actually had the burger at BK and another place and I thought it was pretty good at both. I wonder if your reaction would have been the same if you didn't know it was an Impossible Burger?
It is impossible to not notice the taste is disgusting. Nothing like beef.

Impossible beef will go down in history with Olestra and anal leakage.


Now I can never try it.

Curiosity got the better of me and I went to Burger King and tried one of their meatless Impossible Whoppers.

This topic is written in order to prevent others from making the same mistake.

I took a bite. I will describe the flavor below. So then I thought, "Well, maybe it's an acquired taste" and took another bite.

Then I chucked it in the trash and asked them to make me a real Whopper.

So what does impossible beef taste like, you may be wondering.

Imagine you pulled an all-nighter out on the town, drinking Jägermeister, peach schnapps, brandy, and Jello shots. Just before you pass out, the Jägermeister kicks in and you devour all the bark on the lower 10 feet of a palm tree. Then you stumble home and pass out. In the morning, you awaken and puke through your mouth, nose, and ears onto a carpet which has not been vacuumed in the past six months.

You then scoop some of that mess up and fry it in a pan.

That's what impossible beef tastes like.

It's called "impossible" because it is impossible to eat more than two bites of that shit.
Holy shit! Seriously? I just had my first Impossible Burger tonight and I loved it. Now admittedly, I have not eaten meat for about 20 years so it is hard for me to compare, but it was very meaty to the extent that I can recall what meaty is like

Previously I had the Beyond Burger- burger which is also great. Not sure which is better. Also good is the Gardine Black Bean Burger as well as various burgers mage by Boca and Morningstar Farms . They also make great breakfast "meats"
Holy shit! Seriously? I just had my first Impossible Burger tonight and I loved it. Now admittedly, I have not eaten meat for about 20 years so it is hard for me to compare, but it was very meaty to the extent that I can recall what meaty is like

Previously I had the Beyond Burger- burger which is also great. Not sure which is better. Also good is the Gardine Black Bean Burger as well as various burgers mage by Boca and Morningstar Farms . They also make great breakfast "meats"
Try a Boca Burger.... yummy....
If it tastes good; I'll eat it. Not into fringe, or fad dietary choices. The biggest obstacle I've seen to these "vegan alternatives", is that they pretend to taste like something they don't. That handicaps the food at the first bite. Just make tasty shit!
Forget the Impossible Burger, Beyond Burger is soooooooooo gud! Seriously.

Even a non-vegan friend of mine said it's better than actual meat burger, and coming from her that was amazing, because she's a big meat eater.
It's called impossible because it's impossible to get me to order, pay for or eat that shit. I'll never be that stupid.
Enjoy your dead animal meat while you can. Meat production is unsustainable and killing the planet. And it is cruel. We could eliminate hunger and help the environment with a plant based diet-not to mention improved health for all.

As a young person, I was heavy into meat. I was overweight and a general mess. Now at 74, as a vegetarian for many years, I have no major health problems. I relapsed a few times along the way a tried meat again, and each time it was like-why the hell am I doing this??!! I don't do it any more
Forget the Impossible Burger, Beyond Burger is soooooooooo gud! Seriously.

Even a non-vegan friend of mine said it's better than actual meat burger, and coming from her that was amazing, because she's a big meat eater.
It's all good. For me, taste is important, but how you feel about what you put into your body and where it comes from is equally important. With these products you can have it all. \\

Food technology has come a very long way. These people complain about the impossible burger? When I first became interested in alternatives to meat in the 70's , the only veg. burgers came in a can. It was grey and looked like clay. You had to fry the shit out of it to brown it on the outside, but is was still gray inside and tasted awful.
It's all good. For me, taste is important, but how you feel about what you put into your body and where it comes from is equally important. With these products you can have it all. \\

Food technology has come a very long way. These people complain about the impossible burger? When I first became interested in alternatives to meat in the 70's , the only veg. burgers came in a can. It was grey and looked like clay. You had to fry the shit out of it to brown it on the outside, but is was still gray inside and tasted awful.

Yep, I agree. And yes, the meat and dairy alternatives have definitely come a long way.

I've only been vegan for 6 years and I'm glad that these days it's so easy. There are so many amazing products that not only taste as good or better than the animal version, but they're usually healthier and the best part is you're not paying for the abuse and suffering that goes on daily in all the animal industries.
Holy shit! Seriously? I just had my first Impossible Burger tonight and I loved it. Now admittedly, I have not eaten meat for about 20 years so it is hard for me to compare, but it was very meaty to the extent that I can recall what meaty is like

Previously I had the Beyond Burger- burger which is also great. Not sure which is better. Also good is the Gardine Black Bean Burger as well as various burgers mage by Boca and Morningstar Farms . They also make great breakfast "meats"
I've just re-read this topic because I was telling my daughter how awful the Impossible Burger is.

Where does one find the Gardine Black Bean Burger and the Boca burger?

My doctor is riding my ass about my diet.
I've just re-read this topic because I was telling my daughter how awful the Impossible Burger is.

Where does one find the Gardine Black Bean Burger and the Boca burger?

My doctor is riding my ass about my diet.
Shoprite in NJ has lots of kinds. Gardine, Morning Star Farms, Bocca, Amy's and more I think most supermarkets have them. Also Trader Joes and Whole Foods
Shoprite in NJ has lots of kinds. Gardine, Morning Star Farms, Bocca, Amy's and more I think most supermarkets have them. Also Trader Joes and Whole Foods
Thank you. So these are grocery store items. I'll check locally and then report back on how tasty I find them.

I'm a meat eater. I told my doctor I am NOT giving up bacon. I'd rather die. That earned me an eye roll.

But I am willing to try healthy substitutes for beef at least once.
Thank you. So these are grocery store items. I'll check locally and then report back on how tasty I find them.

I'm a meat eater. I told my doctor I am NOT giving up bacon. I'd rather die. That earned me an eye roll.

But I am willing to try healthy substitutes for beef at least once.

I posted this last year on this thread, but I'll say it again. Try the Beyond Burger. It's waaaaaaay better than the Impossible burger. And imo it's also better than Boca or Gardein. Beyond burger is my favorite by far.
Thank you. So these are grocery store items. I'll check locally and then report back on how tasty I find them.

I'm a meat eater. I told my doctor I am NOT giving up bacon. I'd rather die. That earned me an eye roll.

But I am willing to try healthy substitutes for beef at least once.
OK Give it a go. You might be pleasantly surprised. The impossable burger and Beyond meat are the most meatlike. Morning Star also makes a veg. bacon and serveral brands have both breakfast and Italian sausages

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