The Incontrovertible Science and Mathematics of God's Existence

What is the argument this is a proof and not an assumption? ... what logical step have you taken here? ... and go ahead and apply this logic to the CMB Epoch as a demonstration ...

Total gibberish with a smidgen of word-salad dressing, the CMB epoch, poured on top.

(By the way, that's the second time I posted the excerpt from my article in this thread. You should have read it the first time.)

The summation of the Kalam Cosmological Argument below the accompanying videos of the same in the OP stand and stay.

The ball is in your court. It's for you to disprove the argument, and the only way you can do that is to show how an infinite chain of causal events regressing into the past forever could ever possibly be traversed to the present. Either you can coherently show that or you can't, and, of course, you can't. No one can. Actual infinities only exist in minds as mathematical concepts. They have absolutely no existentiality outside of minds, and the notion of an infinite regress of causal events being traversed to the present is an absurdity. Period!

And just as you incessantly misstated my observations due to your obvious ignorance regarding the distinction between potential and actual infinities, and the ramifications thereofI seriously doubt you understand what the essence of the Epsilon-Delta Proof (ε - δ definition of a limit) is, given that the most straightforward mathematical illustration of the existential impossibility of an actually infinite regress in nature would entail a limit function of systematic division.

Excerpt from my article:

But, once again, what do we do with any given integer divided by Infinity? The quotient would obviously not equal ±∞. Nor would it equal 0. If we were to divide ±1 by , for example, and say that the quotient were 0, then what happened to ±1? Calculus entails the analysis of algebraic expressions in terms of limits, so in calculus the expression n ÷ ∞ = 0 doesn't mean the quotient literally equals 0. Rather, 0 is the value to which the quotient converges (or approaches). Again, Infinity is a concept, not a number. We can approach Infinity if we count higher and higher, but we can't ever actually reach it. Though not an indeterminate form proper, n ÷ ∞, like any other calculation with Infinity, is technically undefined. Notwithstanding, we intuitively understand that ±1 ÷ ∞ equals an infinitesimally small positive or negative number. Hence, we could intuitively say that ±1 ÷ ∞ = ±0.000 . . . 1, and we would be correct.​
For the proof, let the input variable = x, and let the integer = 1:​
1 ÷ x
1,000,000 . . .​
0.000001 . . .​
Note that as x gets larger and larger, approaching Infinity, 1 ÷ x gets smaller and smaller, approaching 0. The latter is the limit, and because we can't get a final value for 1 ÷ ∞, the limit of 1 ÷ x as x approaches Infinity is as good as we're going to get. The limit of a function in calculus tells us what value the function approaches as the x of the function (or, in shorthand, the x of the f ) approaches a certain value:​
lim f(x)
We know that we're proving the limit for 1 ÷ ∞; hence, the following reads "the limit of the function f(x) is 1 ÷ x as x approaches Infinity":​
f(x) = lim 1 ÷ x
Additionally, the output values of function f depend on the input values for the variable x. In the expression f(x), f is the name of the function and (x) denotes that x is the variable of the function. The function itself is "the limit of 1 ÷ x as the inputs for x approach Infinity." When we solve for the limit of more than one function in an algebraic combination, we typically call the first of the functions f for "function." It really doesn't matter what we call any of them as long as we distinguish them from one another. The names given to the others typically follow f in alphabetical order merely as a matter of aesthetics: g, h, i, j and so on.​
Hence, as we can see from the table above, the function proves out that the limit of 1 ÷ x as x approaches Infinity is 0. That is, as x approaches Infinity, 1 ÷ x approaches 0.​
lim 1 ÷ x = 0
Altogether then:​
lim f(x) = lim 1 ÷ x = 0 (i.e., 0.000 . . . 1)
x→a x→∞
x1 ÷ x
1,000,000 . . .0.000001 . . .

In nature t = 0 is never reached via an infinite regress into the past. Hence, an infinite regression can never be traversed to the present.

Check and mate!
Sans an ability to “prove” your gods it is actually pretty funny as the above is nothing more than what happens when solving mathematical equations resolves to a null value as the equations “break down”.

Nothing in that long cut and paste points to any gods. Sans an actual argument, it is just another desperate attempt by religious extremists to “prove” their gods with calculus they don’t understand.
If you're a Christian then why did you turn what began as a civil conversation with me into a mockfest as you incessantly misrepresented my observations? Why are you abetting the obfuscations. of atheist reprobates and throwing shade on the logical, mathematic and scientific ramifications regarding God's existence? I'm not impressed by your moralizing yuk yuk.

I directed your attention to an argument expounding why an infinite regress of causal events cannot be traversed to the present. That is both a logical and, arguably, a mathematical proof.
What is the argument this is a proof and not an assumption? ... what logical step have you taken here? ... and go ahead and apply this logic to the CMB Epoch as a demonstration ...

This is all I've commented on so far ... you haven't yet said if this is proved or assumed ... it's a simple question ... the "mockfest" seems to be in your own mind ... I only want clarification ...

In the OP, you claimed mathematical proof ... you can't seem to produce any so we must assume yours is strictly a philosophical approach ... and once again are posting in the wrong forum ......
In nature t = 0 is never reached via an infinite regress into the past. Hence, an infinite regression can never be traversed to the present.

So you basically just reiterated Zeno's paradox of movement. A regressive argument that is useless. And easily discarded by the fact that we can sum infinite series.

Like i said. A bunch of window dressing on a turd.

What might help you stop embarrassing yourself here is a bit of time with a cosmology textbook. See how they resolve, for example, watching someone fall into a black hole. Then come back and admit your arguments are stupid.
This is all I've commented on so far ... you haven't yet said if this is proved or assumed ... it's a simple question ... the "mockfest" seems to be in your own mind ... I only want clarification ...

In the OP, you claimed mathematical proof ... you can't seem to produce any so we must assume yours is strictly a philosophical approach ... and once again are posting in the wrong forum ......

You're a liar or an ignoramus. Which is it?
See above. Check and mate.
Wrong. Your math does not prove your assertions. Not only is it NOT incontrovertible, it is easily squashed by any high school junior that can sum an infinite series.

Furthermore... And this is the best just used a mathematical proof to demonstrate that time cannot have any beginning, to someone living in it. But you don't understand that.
Fifteen pages in a thread you opened purporting to have something to do with mathematics and incontrovertible evidence for your gods.

See above. Check and mate.
I saw above. Nothing points to your version of supernatural gods.

Fifteen pages from now, you will be slogging through nonsensical ''pwoofs'', sans any meaningful argument.
I saw above. Nothing points to your version of supernatural gods.

Fifteen pages from now, you will be slogging through nonsensical ''pwoofs'', sans any meaningful argument.

Washroom Meditations in Blue
by Michael Rawlings (a.k.a., Ringtone)​

Have you ever stood in crowded halls and listened to the footfalls
that approach you and pass you and leave you stranded?​
Have you ever sensed the faint and weightless drift beyond the temporal stream?
Did you touch it?
Did you taste it?
Were you frightened?
Have you ever stood in the pouring rain?
Or felt a Dread so acute that you believed yourself to be teetering
on the very edge of the blackest hole in your brain?​
Did you fall?
Have you ever walked on a rainbow?
Or felt the touch of a child’s hand—frail and tiny—
wrap itself around your smallest finger?​
Did the air hold its breath?
Did time stop?
Did you stop?
I should have been a monstrous insect, with fetid breath,
hanging on your bedroom wall.​
Hey crybaby... What does it look like to an outside observer, when watching their friend fall into a black hole across the event horizon?
I saw above. Nothing points to your version of supernatural gods.

Fifteen pages from now, you will be slogging through nonsensical ''pwoofs'', sans any meaningful argument.

Washroom Meditations in Blue
by Michael Rawlings (a.k.a., Ringtone)​

Have you ever stood in crowded halls and listened to the footfalls
that approach you and pass you and leave you stranded?​
Have you ever sensed the faint and weightless drift beyond the temporal stream?
Did you touch it?
Did you taste it?
Were you frightened?
Have you ever stood in the pouring rain?
Or felt a Dread so acute that you believed yourself to be teetering
on the very edge of the blackest hole in your brain?​
Did you fall?
Have you ever walked on a rainbow?
Or felt the touch of a child’s hand—frail and tiny—
wrap itself around your smallest finger?​
Did the air hold its breath?
Did time stop?
Did you stop?
I should have been a monstrous insect, with fetid breath,
hanging on your bedroom wall.​
I see. When your argument is a bust, you spam the thread with silly, self-indulgent poetry that reads like the ramblings of a pre-pubescent child.
I saw above. Nothing points to your version of supernatural gods.

Fifteen pages from now, you will be slogging through nonsensical ''pwoofs'', sans any meaningful argument.

Washroom Meditations in Blue
by Michael Rawlings (a.k.a., Ringtone)​

Have you ever stood in crowded halls and listened to the footfalls
that approach you and pass you and leave you stranded?​
Have you ever sensed the faint and weightless drift beyond the temporal stream?
Did you touch it?
Did you taste it?
Were you frightened?
Have you ever stood in the pouring rain?
Or felt a Dread so acute that you believed yourself to be teetering
on the very edge of the blackest hole in your brain?​
Did you fall?
Have you ever walked on a rainbow?
Or felt the touch of a child’s hand—frail and tiny—
wrap itself around your smallest finger?​
Did the air hold its breath?
Did time stop?
Did you stop?
I should have been a monstrous insect, with fetid breath,
hanging on your bedroom wall.​
I see. When your argument is a bust, you spam the thread with silly, self-indulgent poetry that reads like the ramblings of a pre-pubescent child.
*and declarations of victory.

So many, Bond is getting jealous.
In the OP, you claimed mathematical proof ... you can't seem to produce any so we must assume yours is strictly a philosophical approach ... and once again are posting in the wrong forum ......

Pay attention!

The Incontrovertible Science and Mathematics of God's Existence

The Incontrovertible Science and Mathematics of God's Existence

The Incontrovertible Science and Mathematics of God's Existence

The Incontrovertible Science and Mathematics of God's Existence
You're a liar or an ignoramus. Which is it?

Thank you for the ad hominem attack ... you admit my arguments are unassailable and thus have only my person to denigrate ...

You have no mathematical proof of any kind ... that is plain ... you seem not to be able to make a mathematical statement of any kind ... the sad part is I understand your position, but math can't back it up ... as one of my professors once said: "such a question is for the philosophers; when they answer, we have the math in hand" ....
Pay attention!
The Incontrovertible Incoherent, Failed and Nonsensical Science and Mathematics of God's Existence

1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.

2. The Universe (physical world) began to exist.

3. Therefore, the Universe has a cause.

Why does the conclusion entail the necessity of God's existence? Well, obviously, it doesn't.
1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
What caused gods to begin to exist?
There are no gods. There exists but one GOD and HE is SPIRIT. SPIRIT is not material and doesn't depend on material things in order to exist. GOD through the MESSIAH assumed a human form, but this was only after HE created space, time and material by speaking it into existence.
Thank you for the ad hominem attack ... you admit my arguments are unassailable and thus have only my person to denigrate ...

You have no mathematical proof of any kind ... that is plain ... you seem not to be able to make a mathematical statement of any kind ... the sad part is I understand your position, but math can't back it up ... as one of my professors once said: "such a question is for the philosophers; when they answer, we have the math in hand" ....
You're a nitwit. You don't even know what ad hominem means, and that's not proof, which all your posts ever amount to, is not an argument. You're a bore, as intellectually shallow and clueless as they come.

See post: The Incontrovertible Science and Mathematics of God's Existence


Now drop and give me 50!
1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
What caused gods to begin to exist?
There are no gods. There exists but one GOD and HE is SPIRIT. SPIRIT is not material and doesn't depend on material things in order to exist. GOD through the MESSIAH assumed a human form, but this was only after HE created space, time and material by speaking it into existence.
"... because I say so"
Thank you for the ad hominem attack ... you admit my arguments are unassailable and thus have only my person to denigrate ...

You have no mathematical proof of any kind ... that is plain ... you seem not to be able to make a mathematical statement of any kind ... the sad part is I understand your position, but math can't back it up ... as one of my professors once said: "such a question is for the philosophers; when they answer, we have the math in hand" ....
You're a nitwit. You don't even know what ad hominem means, and that's not proof, which all your posts ever amount to, is not an argument. You're a bore, as intellectually shallow and clueless as they come.

See post: The Incontrovertible Science and Mathematics of God's Existence


Now drop and give me 50!
I can’t help but notice that religions tend to accumulate some of the most angry, self-hating personality types.
I can’t help but notice that religions tend to accumulate some of the most angry, self-hating personality types.

Yeah, talk about over the edge ... we bring Christ into our hearts to dispel these demons, but some always use Christ to hide that demon inside ... the hardest person to forgive is yourself, and Ringtone cannot forgive ... the sin he wallows in must be deep as he can't seem to pull himself out ... much easier lashing out at those around him ... self-loathing has blinded him ...
Rather quickly spinning in the wind ... some new and unfounded brand of pseudo-math that won't make his case ... just sounds good is all ...

Look, everyone, ReinyDays thinks that the distinction between potential and actual infinities is "some new and unfounded brand of pseudo-math". I guess someone had better dig up the greatest mathematicians in history (starting with Pythagoras?) and inform them about the ReinyDays Theorem of Batshit Lunacy.

What a dingbat!

Now drop and give me 50 more!
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