The incredible conflict of interest of trump during the 2016 campaign

And this is why he hides his taxes . Cause they would expose all his payola around the world .

Only a few more weeks of hiding those tax returns....Donnie better refurbish his condo in the tower. He and Melania or Ivanka....whichever he is doing right now....may be moving back soon.
You are utterly hilarious, you know it?

So do you hump the WH Mafia Boss on a regular basis?
There were no Russian dealings.
Actually, they may be on to something here. They are talking about how trump was in the process of making a deal to build a trump tower in Moscow at the same time as he was campaigning and told us there were no dealings. While not illegal, they are displaying that trump lied.

They also are showing that jr lied under oath when he testified to the same.

And lastly, the 50 million penthouse trump offered to Putin, even though the tower was never built, may have violated some foreign practices act.

Possible these new accusations may have some teeth?
No cash changed hand, moron. No deals were signed. It was all just talk.

Really? You know for a fact that no cash passed hands? I expect Mueller knows better...
You expect all kinds of things that have no basis in fact.
And this is why he hides his taxes . Cause they would expose all his payola around the world .

Only a few more weeks of hiding those tax returns....Donnie better refurbish his condo in the tower. He and Melania or Ivanka....whichever he is doing right now....may be moving back soon.
You are utterly hilarious, you know it?

So do you hump the WH Mafia Boss on a regular basis?
No, I just point out what a dumbass you are.
There were no Russian dealings.
Actually, they may be on to something here. They are talking about how trump was in the process of making a deal to build a trump tower in Moscow at the same time as he was campaigning and told us there were no dealings. While not illegal, they are displaying that trump lied.

They also are showing that jr lied under oath when he testified to the same.

And lastly, the 50 million penthouse trump offered to Putin, even though the tower was never built, may have violated some foreign practices act.

Possible these new accusations may have some teeth?
No cash changed hand, moron. No deals were signed. It was all just talk.

Really? You know for a fact that no cash passed hands? I expect Mueller knows better...
You expect all kinds of things that have no basis in fact.

We are waiting for the Mueller facts. They are trickling out a little at a time. Your King has been lying to the American people since day one. Please take note that the latest confession and guilty plea by Cohen came AFTER the Liar in Chief submitted answers to Mueller's questions. I bet he wished he had some of them back...
There were no Russian dealings.
Actually, they may be on to something here. They are talking about how trump was in the process of making a deal to build a trump tower in Moscow at the same time as he was campaigning and told us there were no dealings. While not illegal, they are displaying that trump lied.

They also are showing that jr lied under oath when he testified to the same.

And lastly, the 50 million penthouse trump offered to Putin, even though the tower was never built, may have violated some foreign practices act.

Possible these new accusations may have some teeth?
No cash changed hand, moron. No deals were signed. It was all just talk.
None of the accusations were ever proven either. The very idea of Trump giving away a 50 million dollar anything is laughable.
OH....let's see how funny Mueller thinks that it is...
Ever read the story Cry Wolf?

I no longer read OPs like this. The progressive elite imagines an ideal scenario, their propaganda machine spits it out, the dumb among us eats it up and regurgitates.

Now what are the odds the OP is exactly that.........again? Pretty fucking good (99,999,999,999/1).
OH....let's see how funny Mueller thinks that it is...
Don't you think it's odd that all your predictions of Trump's downfall are based totally on fantasy? You imagine Daddy Mueller has got all this evidence that somehow hasn't leaked out. You imagine that Trump engaged in all these nefarious activities during the election for which there isn't the slightest bit of evidence. Where are the bank transactions, the plane tickets, the texts that support any accusations against the Trump administration?

Simple answer: there are none. There's no evidence. You're a delusional moron.
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Please notice something: There would be nothing illegal if Trump himself were negotiating a real estate deal directly with Putin, THE DAY AFTER THE ELECTION. NOTHING ILLEGAL. It would give Leftist snowflakes a heart attack, but would not be illegal.

What we are seeing here is a classic Perjury Trap. Cohen was induced to lie about NOTHING, thinking that it would "look bad" for a Trump representative to be dealing with "The Russians" while Trump was actively running for President. Had he simply told the teuth, no criminality would have been involved, only some need for explanation.

There is no underlying crime, which is the hallmark of a perjury trap.

In this case, if Cohen were not acting like such a Dick, he would be a good candidate for a totally-justifiable presidential pardon.
Trump’s Russia dealings represented an enormous conflict of interest in 2016

“The third remarkable thing about Cohen’s plea was its substance. The president of the United States’ personal lawyer admitted to lying to Congress about the president’s business activities with a hostile foreign power, in order to support the president’s story. In any rational era, that would be earthshaking. Now it’s barely a blip. Over the past two years, we’ve become accustomed to headlines like ‘President’s Campaign Manager Convicted of Fraud’ and ‘President’s Personal Lawyer Paid for Adult Actress’s Silence.’ We’re numb to it all. But these are the sorts of developments that would, under normal circumstances, end a presidency.

What if Obama or Bill Clinton had lied about their romance with a foreign adversary during their campaign....the GOP would be building gallows and drawing up articles of impeachment when they heard the first paragraph. This, so called, man called trump has lowered the standard of the presidency so dramatically that, even when we see such blatant and startling lies, distortions, and policy conflicts, we seem to just shake our heads and walks away. We have become numb to his moral ineptitude and his incompetence.

The Repub Party has no Balls....they have become the trumpian party, the party with no sense of ethics and not even a scant hint of courage. The only members of the party that have spoken out are the ones who are leaving the trumpian environment. It is a sad day in the United States when a man who aspired to be president finds that profit to him and his family supersedes the best interest of the United States.

Again, a brutal murder takes second place to financial gain when the CIA confirmed that MBS ordered or was aware beforehand of the murder of a journalist who was critical of the Saudis. The, so called, man named trump once again dismisses the findings of one of the greatest intelligence agencies in the world. Why, you may ask? He says we would lose billions of dollars if we even acknowledge the guilt of the murderer. Of course, that also was an inflated lie. But we all know that Prince Kushner has financial ties with the Saudis. This, so called, man named trump has soiled the standing of this country as no other president before him. Generations will suffer because of his incompetence and lack of moral character.

Bottom Line,,,,this, so called, man is S C U M...

Oh look, leftist propaganda stories take seed in Jim's brain like wood ears do to a rotting stump. Jim never met a trump-bashing topic he didn't like, despite the fact that apparently NBC has more investigative power now than Mueller, even after ten million dollars invested. Or maybe those "conflicts" represented perhaps ethical but no legal conflicts, in which case then all of Mueller's millions spent are but more money wasted by the Left still trying to help Hillary save face from her disgrace.
Sorry but if Trump wanted to do a deal with Putin...according to the Constitution he would have to make it public and get approval from Congress

Not only did he NOT do that...bur he lied about it as well
Sorry but if Trump wanted to do a deal with Putin...according to the Constitution he would have to make it public and get approval from Congress

Not only did he NOT do that...bur he lied about it as well
That's okay. There never was a deal.
There were no Russian dealings.
Trump wanted to remove sanctions against Russia The bank loaning the money for the russian trump tower could be free to loan the money,, Now Russia has a compromised president in our WH Great going republican nit wits
There were no Russian dealings.
Trump wanted to remove sanctions against Russia The bank loaning the money for the russian trump tower could be free to loan the money,, Now Russia has a compromised president in our WH Great going republican nit wits

Thank you, we're pretty pleased with the outcome and his results.
Trump World's Russian Entanglement Captured by One Day in June
Shannon Pettypiece
December 1, 2018, 4:00 AM EST

  • Talks about building a Moscow tower, dishing dirt on Clinton

  • A day in 2016 is a window into the contacts Mueller is probing
Sorry but if Trump wanted to do a deal with Putin...according to the Constitution he would have to make it public and get approval from Congress

Not only did he NOT do that...bur he lied about it as well
Wrong, moron. He has to submit a financial statement once a year, and that's it. Most members of Congress are bigger crooks than Al Capone. They trade on inside information and get sweetheart deals from lobbyists all the time. Remember Christopher "Countrywide" Dodd? There's a reason he didn't run for reelection after the real estate bubble collapsed.

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