The Incredible Dolt


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
I tend to agree with people who say we are meddling in the Middle East because of oil. Democracy, human rights and Israel are incidental factors. If this be true, what is the motivation for Obabble to resist energy independence for the US so we can disengage, take care of our own problems in our own hemisphere and prepare to deal with enemies who would follow to our shores for religious, or fanatical, or jihad revenge?
I tend to agree with people who say we are meddling in the Middle East because of oil. Democracy, human rights and Israel are incidental factors. If this be true, what is the motivation for Obabble to resist energy independence for the US so we can disengage, take care of our own problems in our own hemisphere and prepare to deal with enemies who would follow to our shores for religious, or fanatical, or jihad revenge?

Because we aren't going to nationalize the oil industry here. Becoming energy independent will never happen as long as oil is sold as a global commodity. If the ME blows up, the price of gas goes up everywhere.
Every war in the bloody 20th century had oil as a factor. Today it's no different. Meddling in the Mid East is fine but the former community activist has made such a mess of it that we had better start building oil refineries because the muslem brotherhood is likely to shut off the spigot.
This isn't a war for oil. obama doesn't care about oil. If he had his way the use of oil in this country would be a death penalty offense for crimes against mother earth. This is exactly what it purports to be. It is a holy war over religious ideology and obama is on the side of al quaeda.
deltex1.., i would like to agree with you but there is one word that keeps me from it and it puzzles me.., it is "DEMOCRACY"..........., they already have one: "MAJORITY RULES" :up:
I tend to agree with people who say we are meddling in the Middle East because of oil. Democracy, human rights and Israel are incidental factors. If this be true, what is the motivation for Obabble to resist energy independence for the US so we can disengage, take care of our own problems in our own hemisphere and prepare to deal with enemies who would follow to our shores for religious, or fanatical, or jihad revenge?

Obozo prevents energy independence because it weakens the republic, empowers green nazis, prevents US companies and business people from profiting, and enriches Saudi terror exporters.

I'm getting more and more into the Paulbot camp, and that disgusts me, but we're screwing around in a conflict were we have no interest at all. The best thing that could happen in Syria is for both sides to loose, but if Assad wipes out the jihadist assholes that's actually preferable to his being ousted.
Obozo prevents energy independence because it weakens the republic, empowers green nazis, prevents US companies and business people from profiting, and enriches Saudi terror exporters.

The US is more oil independent now than we were 10 years ago.
This isn't a war for oil. obama doesn't care about oil. If he had his way the use of oil in this country would be a death penalty offense for crimes against mother earth. This is exactly what it purports to be. It is a holy war over religious ideology and obama is on the side of al quaeda.

That's a good point. It was Obama who vowed to "wean the US off fossil fuel" but he offered no substitute other than bird killing humming 14th century monstrosities and solar panels. The administration's foreign policy is just an incoherent criminal mess. He even has the CIA hiding Benghazi witnesses so they can't testify in congressional hearings.
Obozo prevents energy independence because it weakens the republic, empowers green nazis, prevents US companies and business people from profiting, and enriches Saudi terror exporters.

The US is more oil independent now than we were 10 years ago.

That's in spite of leftist endeavors to crush the industry. Since the price has sky rocketed private land owners have opened up lands to be drilled, while the moonbat messiah has limited drilling on public lands.
I tend to agree with people who say we are meddling in the Middle East because of oil. Democracy, human rights and Israel are incidental factors. If this be true, what is the motivation for Obabble to resist energy independence for the US so we can disengage, take care of our own problems in our own hemisphere and prepare to deal with enemies who would follow to our shores for religious, or fanatical, or jihad revenge?

Because we aren't going to nationalize the oil industry here. Becoming energy independent will never happen as long as oil is sold as a global commodity. If the ME blows up, the price of gas goes up everywhere.

Does the price go up because the ME cartel is in control? What if we are in control? If the current condition immutable?
I tend to agree with people who say we are meddling in the Middle East because of oil. Democracy, human rights and Israel are incidental factors. If this be true, what is the motivation for Obabble to resist energy independence for the US so we can disengage, take care of our own problems in our own hemisphere and prepare to deal with enemies who would follow to our shores for religious, or fanatical, or jihad revenge?

Because we aren't going to nationalize the oil industry here. Becoming energy independent will never happen as long as oil is sold as a global commodity. If the ME blows up, the price of gas goes up everywhere.

What does the price have to do with independence? It's the sure supply source we are concerned about.
I tend to agree with people who say we are meddling in the Middle East because of oil. Democracy, human rights and Israel are incidental factors. If this be true, what is the motivation for Obabble to resist energy independence for the US so we can disengage, take care of our own problems in our own hemisphere and prepare to deal with enemies who would follow to our shores for religious, or fanatical, or jihad revenge?

Because we aren't going to nationalize the oil industry here. Becoming energy independent will never happen as long as oil is sold as a global commodity. If the ME blows up, the price of gas goes up everywhere.

Does the price go up because the ME cartel is in control? What if we are in control? If the current condition immutable?

The price goes up because demand goes up and there isn't an unlimited supply. We wouldn't be producing as much oil if prices were still low because it wouldn't be profitable to be pulling the shale oil out of the ground.
I tend to agree with people who say we are meddling in the Middle East because of oil. Democracy, human rights and Israel are incidental factors. If this be true, what is the motivation for Obabble to resist energy independence for the US so we can disengage, take care of our own problems in our own hemisphere and prepare to deal with enemies who would follow to our shores for religious, or fanatical, or jihad revenge?

Because we aren't going to nationalize the oil industry here. Becoming energy independent will never happen as long as oil is sold as a global commodity. If the ME blows up, the price of gas goes up everywhere.

What does the price have to do with independence? It's the sure supply source we are concerned about.

The price piece was just added in. My main point is that it is a global commodity.
Because we aren't going to nationalize the oil industry here. Becoming energy independent will never happen as long as oil is sold as a global commodity. If the ME blows up, the price of gas goes up everywhere.

Does the price go up because the ME cartel is in control? What if we are in control? If the current condition immutable?

The price goes up because demand goes up and there isn't an unlimited supply. We wouldn't be producing as much oil if prices were still low because it wouldn't be profitable to be pulling the shale oil out of the ground.

I hear our supply exceeds a then we will have the cars Obabble talks about.
ENERGY | 7/17/2013 @ 9:31AM |1,608 views
The Glorious Bargain That Could Give America Sustained Energy Independence
Forbes Staff, Contributor
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This guest article is by Raphael Rosen, president of Carbon Lighthouse.

The Independence Day decorations have come down, but before we forget for another year the courage of the minutemen, George Washington, and many others, it is worth pausing to reflect that for 40 years straight America has been wanting at least one important freedom: energy.

The Glorious Bargain That Could Give America Sustained Energy Independence - Forbes

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