The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

she has those deep upper lip wrinkles -----like chronic smokers-----I have never seen her smoke-------it her smoking a TOP SECRET ISSUE?
If you put botox in your upper lip, you probably can't keep yacking nonstop.
She's a fat, brain damaged, sickly harridan.

Wishful thinking, piss drinker. You dopes have been underestimating the Clintons for 25 years, to your constant detriment.

I agree------I certainly underestimated her DEVIOUS FACTOR

Actually, few people have lived as publically as the Clintons, and despite the endless lies, smear campaigns, and phony scandals cooked up by Fox News, and the endless investigations by Congress via the Republican Party, no charges have been laid, no evidence of wrong doing has been found, and no cover ups uncovered.

Either the Clintons are the smartest criminals ever, or they're not doing anything illegal. If 7 Republican lead investigations of Benghazi haven't found a shred of evidence of any failure of duty, cover-up, or anything really that it detrimental to her cause, I would think that there's nothing to find. But hey, that's just me.

But that won't stop conservatives from calling Hillary a criminal at every turn, and conservative voters, who don't seem to bother to fact check anything, from echoing their words.

the republicans have cleared Hillary of every charge they've ever dreamed up and thrown at her.


I am a democrat------(congenital and registered) I have not cleared her of being
a jerk and I do not care what a bunch of constipated republicans did or do
IMHO----trump is more democrat than is her royal highness-----HILLSBIE.
Confidentiality is--------A BIGGIE WITH ME-----"'loose lips, sink ships"

ok, but are you dragonlady ? That's who I quoted.
Wishful thinking, piss drinker. You dopes have been underestimating the Clintons for 25 years, to your constant detriment.

I agree------I certainly underestimated her DEVIOUS FACTOR

Actually, few people have lived as publically as the Clintons, and despite the endless lies, smear campaigns, and phony scandals cooked up by Fox News, and the endless investigations by Congress via the Republican Party, no charges have been laid, no evidence of wrong doing has been found, and no cover ups uncovered.

Either the Clintons are the smartest criminals ever, or they're not doing anything illegal. If 7 Republican lead investigations of Benghazi haven't found a shred of evidence of any failure of duty, cover-up, or anything really that it detrimental to her cause, I would think that there's nothing to find. But hey, that's just me.

But that won't stop conservatives from calling Hillary a criminal at every turn, and conservative voters, who don't seem to bother to fact check anything, from echoing their words.

the republicans have cleared Hillary of every charge they've ever dreamed up and thrown at her.


I am a democrat------(congenital and registered) I have not cleared her of being
a jerk and I do not care what a bunch of constipated republicans did or do
IMHO----trump is more democrat than is her royal highness-----HILLSBIE.
Confidentiality is--------A BIGGIE WITH ME-----"'loose lips, sink ships"

ok, but are you dragonlady ? That's who I quoted.

I am not dragon lady------I am sweet, kindly, old hag
29 percent of Americans identify as Democrats.

26 percent of Americans identify as Republicans.

And now you know the WHOLE truth.

Democratic, Republican Identification Near Historical Lows

The point being made went over your usual
Well, you're op is disingenuous. G5000 is correct in that BOTH parties are shrinking (yet oddly the parties, esp McConnell, don't seem to be getting the message that people don't want gridlock but compromise).

HOWEVER, there is a real question of whether Hillary can generate a turnout. The story of the campaign thus far is that Drumpf is so toxic with latinos that Va is a near dem lock and even Az is in play, and Co will go dem if the potsmokers for Bernie come out to vote in the general. YET, will Drumpf energize older whites who've been cast aside by the "recovery," which largely has only benefited college educated folks, to put Ohio Wisc and Penn in play.

Who had a great turnout in SC and who had a low turnout? You may go now
that was the point Lassie.
Everyone keeps talking about how the GOP is supposedly finished...while ignoring the fact there is low enthusiasm for democrats. But who can blame them, a lying old corrupt crow and an economically challenged socialist isn't much to get excited about.

The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

Predictions of doom for the Republican Party are all the rage in the media, but the real story of this election cycle (so far) is the collapse of Democrat turnout. Some of this is no doubt due to the difficulty in generating enthusiasm after more than 7 years of foreign policy disasters and historically low economic growth under Obama. Another factor is the sheer unappealing nature of Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is the sole person in the party capable of generating excitement, playing to the far left wing and youth after freebies (and so badly educated by the leftist educational establishment that they do not understand the disaster that socialism brings). But even Bernie’s enthusiastic crowds may be driving away more moderate Democrats.

Two analysts, Michael Barone (here and here) and the Huffington Post’s Zach Carter, have pulled together what ought to scare the pantsuit off Hillary. (OK, sorry, that’s an image that won’t go away quickly enough.)

Consider the South Carolina Dem Primary. Barone:

Many commentators have noticed that blacks constituted a higher percentage of South Carolina Democratic voters this year, 65 percent according to the exit poll, than they did in 2008, 55 percent. But this represents not a surge of blacks into the electorate, but rather the fact that black turnout declined by only 18 percent, whereas white turnout fell nearly in half, by 44 percent.

A 44% decline in support from the largest ethnic group in the country by far is yuuuge.

Blog: The incredible shrinking Democratic Party
I realize you're reveling in the Democrat's demise, and you're right -- considering the options, they deserve the turnout they're getting. However, I think you will find that by the end of this election, the Republican's will also have split in two. Either chaos or a third party for moderates will appear.
Everyone keeps talking about how the GOP is supposedly finished...while ignoring the fact there is low enthusiasm for democrats. But who can blame them, a lying old corrupt crow and an economically challenged socialist isn't much to get excited about.

The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

Predictions of doom for the Republican Party are all the rage in the media, but the real story of this election cycle (so far) is the collapse of Democrat turnout. Some of this is no doubt due to the difficulty in generating enthusiasm after more than 7 years of foreign policy disasters and historically low economic growth under Obama. Another factor is the sheer unappealing nature of Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is the sole person in the party capable of generating excitement, playing to the far left wing and youth after freebies (and so badly educated by the leftist educational establishment that they do not understand the disaster that socialism brings). But even Bernie’s enthusiastic crowds may be driving away more moderate Democrats.

Two analysts, Michael Barone (here and here) and the Huffington Post’s Zach Carter, have pulled together what ought to scare the pantsuit off Hillary. (OK, sorry, that’s an image that won’t go away quickly enough.)

Consider the South Carolina Dem Primary. Barone:

Many commentators have noticed that blacks constituted a higher percentage of South Carolina Democratic voters this year, 65 percent according to the exit poll, than they did in 2008, 55 percent. But this represents not a surge of blacks into the electorate, but rather the fact that black turnout declined by only 18 percent, whereas white turnout fell nearly in half, by 44 percent.

A 44% decline in support from the largest ethnic group in the country by far is yuuuge.

Blog: The incredible shrinking Democratic Party


The American Thunker survives by telling you what you desperately want to hear....
I wouldn't say doom...Boring is a better word compared to the crazy reality TV on the right.
As much as I like Trump I do feel it will be a democrat win because of America being nervous of the "Days of our Republicans " soap opera and never ending drama.

It won't be if the dems don't get the vote out, that's what doomed Romney. Watching the Hildabeast and Sanders is like watching paint dry
yeah compared to trump and rubio ,,they put on quite a show like abbott and costello
I wouldn't say doom...Boring is a better word compared to the crazy reality TV on the right.
As much as I like Trump I do feel it will be a democrat win because of America being nervous of the "Days of our Republicans " soap opera and never ending drama.

It won't be if the dems don't get the vote out, that's what doomed Romney. Watching the Hildabeast and Sanders is like watching paint dry
yeah compared to trump and rubio ,,they put on quite a show like abbott and costello

Not today Eddie, I had my fill of your nonsense yesterday
I wouldn't say doom...Boring is a better word compared to the crazy reality TV on the right.
As much as I like Trump I do feel it will be a democrat win because of America being nervous of the "Days of our Republicans " soap opera and never ending drama.

It won't be if the dems don't get the vote out, that's what doomed Romney. Watching the Hildabeast and Sanders is like watching paint dry
yeah compared to trump and rubio ,,they put on quite a show like abbott and costello

Not today Eddie, I had my fill of your nonsense yesterday
hey sass ,,,want to see a 104k day?? lol
I wouldn't say doom...Boring is a better word compared to the crazy reality TV on the right.
As much as I like Trump I do feel it will be a democrat win because of America being nervous of the "Days of our Republicans " soap opera and never ending drama.

It won't be if the dems don't get the vote out, that's what doomed Romney. Watching the Hildabeast and Sanders is like watching paint dry
yeah compared to trump and rubio ,,they put on quite a show like abbott and costello

Not today Eddie, I had my fill of your nonsense yesterday
hey sass ,,,want to see a 104k day?? lol

Nah I could make my own fake chart up if i wanted to. I don't believe you Eddie

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