The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

I wouldn't say doom...Boring is a better word compared to the crazy reality TV on the right.
As much as I like Trump I do feel it will be a democrat win because of America being nervous of the "Days of our Republicans " soap opera and never ending drama.

It won't be if the dems don't get the vote out, that's what doomed Romney. Watching the Hildabeast and Sanders is like watching paint dry
yeah compared to trump and rubio ,,they put on quite a show like abbott and costello

Not today Eddie, I had my fill of your nonsense yesterday
hey sass ,,,want to see a 104k day?? lol

Nah I could make my own fake chart up if i wanted to. I don't believe you Eddie
want me to bring my other id here to vouch for me?
It won't be if the dems don't get the vote out, that's what doomed Romney. Watching the Hildabeast and Sanders is like watching paint dry
yeah compared to trump and rubio ,,they put on quite a show like abbott and costello

Not today Eddie, I had my fill of your nonsense yesterday
hey sass ,,,want to see a 104k day?? lol

Nah I could make my own fake chart up if i wanted to. I don't believe you Eddie
want me to bring my other id here to vouch for me?

Now you're learning....I wouldn't believe your sock either. You don't even know the basics of investing
The poor LWNJ's. I feel bad for them. Their "PARTY" has already chosen their candidate. She''s a tired, sickly, old harridan who is viewed as untrustworthy by a majority of the population. If only she were half black...or hispanic....that'd be a real clincher!! . But alas, she's just a fat old white bitch. Oh well, at least she has a vagina!!
She's younger than the old fat chameleon riding at the top of the tard herd on the right. D'oh!
Trump is more spry than his youngest supporters, much less Sanders and Hillary...
yeah compared to trump and rubio ,,they put on quite a show like abbott and costello

Not today Eddie, I had my fill of your nonsense yesterday
hey sass ,,,want to see a 104k day?? lol

Nah I could make my own fake chart up if i wanted to. I don't believe you Eddie
want me to bring my other id here to vouch for me?

Now you're learning....I wouldn't believe your sock either. You don't even know the basics of investing
lol 26k of aapl says you're wrong
Everyone keeps talking about how the GOP is supposedly finished...while ignoring the fact there is low enthusiasm for democrats. But who can blame them, a lying old corrupt crow and an economically challenged socialist isn't much to get excited about.

The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

Predictions of doom for the Republican Party are all the rage in the media, but the real story of this election cycle (so far) is the collapse of Democrat turnout. Some of this is no doubt due to the difficulty in generating enthusiasm after more than 7 years of foreign policy disasters and historically low economic growth under Obama. Another factor is the sheer unappealing nature of Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is the sole person in the party capable of generating excitement, playing to the far left wing and youth after freebies (and so badly educated by the leftist educational establishment that they do not understand the disaster that socialism brings). But even Bernie’s enthusiastic crowds may be driving away more moderate Democrats.

Two analysts, Michael Barone (here and here) and the Huffington Post’s Zach Carter, have pulled together what ought to scare the pantsuit off Hillary. (OK, sorry, that’s an image that won’t go away quickly enough.)

Consider the South Carolina Dem Primary. Barone:

Many commentators have noticed that blacks constituted a higher percentage of South Carolina Democratic voters this year, 65 percent according to the exit poll, than they did in 2008, 55 percent. But this represents not a surge of blacks into the electorate, but rather the fact that black turnout declined by only 18 percent, whereas white turnout fell nearly in half, by 44 percent.

A 44% decline in support from the largest ethnic group in the country by far is yuuuge.

Blog: The incredible shrinking Democratic Party
I'll tell you what Bitch put that fat blob of orange shit in the ring with Clinton, and we will see who the last one standing is???

If Clinton wins, your off this board forever , if the Orangutan wins (which won't happen) im gone forever, are you game, or are you going to be a typical c#nt and wuss out??

November can't come soon enough Clinton will smoke that fat blob of shit, just like Obama did Romney..

Funny how you didn't mention all the Repugs running away from Trump like he is a pariah, there isn't enough white trash in the USA TO ELECT THIS CLOWN..
Everyone keeps talking about how the GOP is supposedly finished...while ignoring the fact there is low enthusiasm for democrats. But who can blame them, a lying old corrupt crow and an economically challenged socialist isn't much to get excited about.

The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

Predictions of doom for the Republican Party are all the rage in the media, but the real story of this election cycle (so far) is the collapse of Democrat turnout. Some of this is no doubt due to the difficulty in generating enthusiasm after more than 7 years of foreign policy disasters and historically low economic growth under Obama. Another factor is the sheer unappealing nature of Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is the sole person in the party capable of generating excitement, playing to the far left wing and youth after freebies (and so badly educated by the leftist educational establishment that they do not understand the disaster that socialism brings). But even Bernie’s enthusiastic crowds may be driving away more moderate Democrats.

Two analysts, Michael Barone (here and here) and the Huffington Post’s Zach Carter, have pulled together what ought to scare the pantsuit off Hillary. (OK, sorry, that’s an image that won’t go away quickly enough.)

Consider the South Carolina Dem Primary. Barone:

Many commentators have noticed that blacks constituted a higher percentage of South Carolina Democratic voters this year, 65 percent according to the exit poll, than they did in 2008, 55 percent. But this represents not a surge of blacks into the electorate, but rather the fact that black turnout declined by only 18 percent, whereas white turnout fell nearly in half, by 44 percent.

A 44% decline in support from the largest ethnic group in the country by far is yuuuge.

Blog: The incredible shrinking Democratic Party
I'll tell you what Bitch put that fat blob of orange shit in the ring with Clinton, and we will see who the last one standing is???

If Clinton wins, your off this board forever , if the Orangutan wins (which won't happen) im gone forever, are you game, or are you going to be a typical **** and wuss out??

November can't come soon enough Clinton will smoke that fat blob of shit, just like Obama did Romney..

Grow up, learn some manners....then GFY....Big Hankie
Everyone keeps talking about how the GOP is supposedly finished...while ignoring the fact there is low enthusiasm for democrats. But who can blame them, a lying old corrupt crow and an economically challenged socialist isn't much to get excited about.

The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

Predictions of doom for the Republican Party are all the rage in the media, but the real story of this election cycle (so far) is the collapse of Democrat turnout. Some of this is no doubt due to the difficulty in generating enthusiasm after more than 7 years of foreign policy disasters and historically low economic growth under Obama. Another factor is the sheer unappealing nature of Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is the sole person in the party capable of generating excitement, playing to the far left wing and youth after freebies (and so badly educated by the leftist educational establishment that they do not understand the disaster that socialism brings). But even Bernie’s enthusiastic crowds may be driving away more moderate Democrats.

Two analysts, Michael Barone (here and here) and the Huffington Post’s Zach Carter, have pulled together what ought to scare the pantsuit off Hillary. (OK, sorry, that’s an image that won’t go away quickly enough.)

Consider the South Carolina Dem Primary. Barone:

Many commentators have noticed that blacks constituted a higher percentage of South Carolina Democratic voters this year, 65 percent according to the exit poll, than they did in 2008, 55 percent. But this represents not a surge of blacks into the electorate, but rather the fact that black turnout declined by only 18 percent, whereas white turnout fell nearly in half, by 44 percent.

A 44% decline in support from the largest ethnic group in the country by far is yuuuge.

Blog: The incredible shrinking Democratic Party
I'll tell you what Bitch put that fat blob of orange shit in the ring with Clinton, and we will see who the last one standing is???

If Clinton wins, your off this board forever , if the Orangutan wins (which won't happen) im gone forever, are you game, or are you going to be a typical **** and wuss out??

November can't come soon enough Clinton will smoke that fat blob of shit, just like Obama did Romney..

Grow up, learn some manners....then GFY....Big Hankie
Everyone keeps talking about how the GOP is supposedly finished...while ignoring the fact there is low enthusiasm for democrats. But who can blame them, a lying old corrupt crow and an economically challenged socialist isn't much to get excited about.

The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

Predictions of doom for the Republican Party are all the rage in the media, but the real story of this election cycle (so far) is the collapse of Democrat turnout. Some of this is no doubt due to the difficulty in generating enthusiasm after more than 7 years of foreign policy disasters and historically low economic growth under Obama. Another factor is the sheer unappealing nature of Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is the sole person in the party capable of generating excitement, playing to the far left wing and youth after freebies (and so badly educated by the leftist educational establishment that they do not understand the disaster that socialism brings). But even Bernie’s enthusiastic crowds may be driving away more moderate Democrats.

Two analysts, Michael Barone (here and here) and the Huffington Post’s Zach Carter, have pulled together what ought to scare the pantsuit off Hillary. (OK, sorry, that’s an image that won’t go away quickly enough.)

Consider the South Carolina Dem Primary. Barone:

Many commentators have noticed that blacks constituted a higher percentage of South Carolina Democratic voters this year, 65 percent according to the exit poll, than they did in 2008, 55 percent. But this represents not a surge of blacks into the electorate, but rather the fact that black turnout declined by only 18 percent, whereas white turnout fell nearly in half, by 44 percent.

A 44% decline in support from the largest ethnic group in the country by far is yuuuge.

Blog: The incredible shrinking Democratic Party
I'll tell you what Bitch put that fat blob of orange shit in the ring with Clinton, and we will see who the last one standing is???

If Clinton wins, your off this board forever , if the Orangutan wins (which won't happen) im gone forever, are you game, or are you going to be a typical **** and wuss out??

November can't come soon enough Clinton will smoke that fat blob of shit, just like Obama did Romney..

Grow up, learn some manners....then GFY....Big Hankie[/QUOTE
:piss2:Trump, Blacks turned out more votes for Clinton last week than they did for Obama in 2008, expect the same as the race rolls on, Blacks , Hispanics will turn out in recoed numbers to VOTE AGAINST TRUMP, and BTY, Hillary knows how to play the system she has been around the game since the 70's:rofl:
Nobody really likes liberals so I'm not surprised Democrats are abandoning the party.

no loony toon.... rightwingnut loons don't like liberals.

now you know. :cuckoo:

I openly and proudly hate liberals guts, they are a danger to our republic.
And I openly and proudly say all republicans should have vasectomies{sp} rid america of the scum that wishes us harm

Translation, you are a liberal fruitcake got it.
Democrats are made up of people like Obama Phone Girl and Senator Stuart Smalley,,,,absolutely no intelligence,,,and failed math in grade school! you ask them how much is 18 trillion,,,u get,,,,,well,,,uhmm,,,ahhh,,,eerr,,,,its a lot of money I guess.
Everyone keeps talking about how the GOP is supposedly finished...while ignoring the fact there is low enthusiasm for democrats. But who can blame them, a lying old corrupt crow and an economically challenged socialist isn't much to get excited about.

The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

Predictions of doom for the Republican Party are all the rage in the media, but the real story of this election cycle (so far) is the collapse of Democrat turnout. Some of this is no doubt due to the difficulty in generating enthusiasm after more than 7 years of foreign policy disasters and historically low economic growth under Obama. Another factor is the sheer unappealing nature of Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is the sole person in the party capable of generating excitement, playing to the far left wing and youth after freebies (and so badly educated by the leftist educational establishment that they do not understand the disaster that socialism brings). But even Bernie’s enthusiastic crowds may be driving away more moderate Democrats.

Two analysts, Michael Barone (here and here) and the Huffington Post’s Zach Carter, have pulled together what ought to scare the pantsuit off Hillary. (OK, sorry, that’s an image that won’t go away quickly enough.)

Consider the South Carolina Dem Primary. Barone:

Many commentators have noticed that blacks constituted a higher percentage of South Carolina Democratic voters this year, 65 percent according to the exit poll, than they did in 2008, 55 percent. But this represents not a surge of blacks into the electorate, but rather the fact that black turnout declined by only 18 percent, whereas white turnout fell nearly in half, by 44 percent.

A 44% decline in support from the largest ethnic group in the country by far is yuuuge.

Blog: The incredible shrinking Democratic Party
I'll tell you what Bitch put that fat blob of orange shit in the ring with Clinton, and we will see who the last one standing is???

If Clinton wins, your off this board forever , if the Orangutan wins (which won't happen) im gone forever, are you game, or are you going to be a typical **** and wuss out??

November can't come soon enough Clinton will smoke that fat blob of shit, just like Obama did Romney..

Grow up, learn some manners....then GFY....Big Hankie
Everyone keeps talking about how the GOP is supposedly finished...while ignoring the fact there is low enthusiasm for democrats. But who can blame them, a lying old corrupt crow and an economically challenged socialist isn't much to get excited about.

The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

Predictions of doom for the Republican Party are all the rage in the media, but the real story of this election cycle (so far) is the collapse of Democrat turnout. Some of this is no doubt due to the difficulty in generating enthusiasm after more than 7 years of foreign policy disasters and historically low economic growth under Obama. Another factor is the sheer unappealing nature of Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is the sole person in the party capable of generating excitement, playing to the far left wing and youth after freebies (and so badly educated by the leftist educational establishment that they do not understand the disaster that socialism brings). But even Bernie’s enthusiastic crowds may be driving away more moderate Democrats.

Two analysts, Michael Barone (here and here) and the Huffington Post’s Zach Carter, have pulled together what ought to scare the pantsuit off Hillary. (OK, sorry, that’s an image that won’t go away quickly enough.)

Consider the South Carolina Dem Primary. Barone:

Many commentators have noticed that blacks constituted a higher percentage of South Carolina Democratic voters this year, 65 percent according to the exit poll, than they did in 2008, 55 percent. But this represents not a surge of blacks into the electorate, but rather the fact that black turnout declined by only 18 percent, whereas white turnout fell nearly in half, by 44 percent.

A 44% decline in support from the largest ethnic group in the country by far is yuuuge.

Blog: The incredible shrinking Democratic Party
I'll tell you what Bitch put that fat blob of orange shit in the ring with Clinton, and we will see who the last one standing is???

If Clinton wins, your off this board forever , if the Orangutan wins (which won't happen) im gone forever, are you game, or are you going to be a typical **** and wuss out??

November can't come soon enough Clinton will smoke that fat blob of shit, just like Obama did Romney..

Grow up, learn some manners....then GFY....Big Hankie[/QUOTE
:piss2:Trump, Blacks turned out more votes for Clinton last week than they did for Obama in 2008, expect the same as the race rolls on, Blacks , Hispanics will turn out in recoed numbers to VOTE AGAINST TRUMP, and BTY, Hillary knows how to play the system she has been around the game since the 70's:rofl:
The Republican Party had best get behind Trump. 20,000 Democrats in Mass. changed over to Republicans and in Texas, so many are showing up to vote they are running out of ballots. Trump is increasing the overall numbers of Republican voters. It is amazing.
It won't be if the dems don't get the vote out, that's what doomed Romney. Watching the Hildabeast and Sanders is like watching paint dry
yeah compared to trump and rubio ,,they put on quite a show like abbott and costello

Not today Eddie, I had my fill of your nonsense yesterday
hey sass ,,,want to see a 104k day?? lol

Nah I could make my own fake chart up if i wanted to. I don't believe you Eddie
want me to bring my other id here to vouch for me?
No one believes your other account either.
Everyone keeps talking about how the GOP is supposedly finished...while ignoring the fact there is low enthusiasm for democrats. But who can blame them, a lying old corrupt crow and an economically challenged socialist isn't much to get excited about.

The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

Predictions of doom for the Republican Party are all the rage in the media, but the real story of this election cycle (so far) is the collapse of Democrat turnout. Some of this is no doubt due to the difficulty in generating enthusiasm after more than 7 years of foreign policy disasters and historically low economic growth under Obama. Another factor is the sheer unappealing nature of Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is the sole person in the party capable of generating excitement, playing to the far left wing and youth after freebies (and so badly educated by the leftist educational establishment that they do not understand the disaster that socialism brings). But even Bernie’s enthusiastic crowds may be driving away more moderate Democrats.

Two analysts, Michael Barone (here and here) and the Huffington Post’s Zach Carter, have pulled together what ought to scare the pantsuit off Hillary. (OK, sorry, that’s an image that won’t go away quickly enough.)

Consider the South Carolina Dem Primary. Barone:

Many commentators have noticed that blacks constituted a higher percentage of South Carolina Democratic voters this year, 65 percent according to the exit poll, than they did in 2008, 55 percent. But this represents not a surge of blacks into the electorate, but rather the fact that black turnout declined by only 18 percent, whereas white turnout fell nearly in half, by 44 percent.

A 44% decline in support from the largest ethnic group in the country by far is yuuuge.

Blog: The incredible shrinking Democratic Party
I'll tell you what Bitch put that fat blob of orange shit in the ring with Clinton, and we will see who the last one standing is???

If Clinton wins, your off this board forever , if the Orangutan wins (which won't happen) im gone forever, are you game, or are you going to be a typical c#nt and wuss out??

November can't come soon enough Clinton will smoke that fat blob of shit, just like Obama did Romney..

Funny how you didn't mention all the Repugs running away from Trump like he is a pariah, there isn't enough white trash in the USA TO ELECT THIS CLOWN..
Were you being fisted when you typed that?
95% OF the folks of color in this country OVER 18 will show up to vote AGAINST that fat bag of Orange shit, you think he can win with just the white vote:rofl:, that worked out real well for Mccain and Romney huh, this isn't the mid terms, Hillary will need ONLY 33% of the white vote and she's in:fu:
yeah compared to trump and rubio ,,they put on quite a show like abbott and costello

Not today Eddie, I had my fill of your nonsense yesterday
hey sass ,,,want to see a 104k day?? lol

Nah I could make my own fake chart up if i wanted to. I don't believe you Eddie
want me to bring my other id here to vouch for me?
No one believes your other account either.
Everyone keeps talking about how the GOP is supposedly finished...while ignoring the fact there is low enthusiasm for democrats. But who can blame them, a lying old corrupt crow and an economically challenged socialist isn't much to get excited about.

The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

Predictions of doom for the Republican Party are all the rage in the media, but the real story of this election cycle (so far) is the collapse of Democrat turnout. Some of this is no doubt due to the difficulty in generating enthusiasm after more than 7 years of foreign policy disasters and historically low economic growth under Obama. Another factor is the sheer unappealing nature of Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is the sole person in the party capable of generating excitement, playing to the far left wing and youth after freebies (and so badly educated by the leftist educational establishment that they do not understand the disaster that socialism brings). But even Bernie’s enthusiastic crowds may be driving away more moderate Democrats.

Two analysts, Michael Barone (here and here) and the Huffington Post’s Zach Carter, have pulled together what ought to scare the pantsuit off Hillary. (OK, sorry, that’s an image that won’t go away quickly enough.)

Consider the South Carolina Dem Primary. Barone:

Many commentators have noticed that blacks constituted a higher percentage of South Carolina Democratic voters this year, 65 percent according to the exit poll, than they did in 2008, 55 percent. But this represents not a surge of blacks into the electorate, but rather the fact that black turnout declined by only 18 percent, whereas white turnout fell nearly in half, by 44 percent.

A 44% decline in support from the largest ethnic group in the country by far is yuuuge.

Blog: The incredible shrinking Democratic Party
I'll tell you what Bitch put that fat blob of orange shit in the ring with Clinton, and we will see who the last one standing is???

If Clinton wins, your off this board forever , if the Orangutan wins (which won't happen) im gone forever, are you game, or are you going to be a typical c#nt and wuss out??

November can't come soon enough Clinton will smoke that fat blob of shit, just like Obama did Romney..

Funny how you didn't mention all the Repugs running away from Trump like he is a pariah, there isn't enough white trash in the USA TO ELECT THIS CLOWN..
Were you being fisted when you typed that?
You must be queer to be talking about getting fisted i thought all of you Repug white trash mayonnaise monkey's hated queers, you must be the exception...
95% OF the folks of color in this country OVER 18 will show up to vote AGAINST that fat bag of Orange shit, you think he can win with just the white vote:rofl:, that worked out real well for Mccain and Romney huh, this isn't the mid terms, Hillary will need ONLY 33% of the white vote and she's in:fu:
Except quite a few younger folks "of color" are Independents and even Republicans, which Trump can easily win over. Romney actually won almost 20% of young black males(against Obama).

Romney lost because he was a Mormon, McCain lost because he is a loser from the church of Dole.

Hillary might actually have to pray to FDR in order to win 33% of the white vote at this point.
Not today Eddie, I had my fill of your nonsense yesterday
hey sass ,,,want to see a 104k day?? lol

Nah I could make my own fake chart up if i wanted to. I don't believe you Eddie
want me to bring my other id here to vouch for me?
No one believes your other account either.
Everyone keeps talking about how the GOP is supposedly finished...while ignoring the fact there is low enthusiasm for democrats. But who can blame them, a lying old corrupt crow and an economically challenged socialist isn't much to get excited about.

The incredible shrinking Democratic Party

Predictions of doom for the Republican Party are all the rage in the media, but the real story of this election cycle (so far) is the collapse of Democrat turnout. Some of this is no doubt due to the difficulty in generating enthusiasm after more than 7 years of foreign policy disasters and historically low economic growth under Obama. Another factor is the sheer unappealing nature of Hillary Clinton. Bernie Sanders is the sole person in the party capable of generating excitement, playing to the far left wing and youth after freebies (and so badly educated by the leftist educational establishment that they do not understand the disaster that socialism brings). But even Bernie’s enthusiastic crowds may be driving away more moderate Democrats.

Two analysts, Michael Barone (here and here) and the Huffington Post’s Zach Carter, have pulled together what ought to scare the pantsuit off Hillary. (OK, sorry, that’s an image that won’t go away quickly enough.)

Consider the South Carolina Dem Primary. Barone:

Many commentators have noticed that blacks constituted a higher percentage of South Carolina Democratic voters this year, 65 percent according to the exit poll, than they did in 2008, 55 percent. But this represents not a surge of blacks into the electorate, but rather the fact that black turnout declined by only 18 percent, whereas white turnout fell nearly in half, by 44 percent.

A 44% decline in support from the largest ethnic group in the country by far is yuuuge.

Blog: The incredible shrinking Democratic Party
I'll tell you what Bitch put that fat blob of orange shit in the ring with Clinton, and we will see who the last one standing is???

If Clinton wins, your off this board forever , if the Orangutan wins (which won't happen) im gone forever, are you game, or are you going to be a typical c#nt and wuss out??

November can't come soon enough Clinton will smoke that fat blob of shit, just like Obama did Romney..

Funny how you didn't mention all the Repugs running away from Trump like he is a pariah, there isn't enough white trash in the USA TO ELECT THIS CLOWN..
Were you being fisted when you typed that?
You must be queer to be talking about getting fisted i thought all of you Repug white trash mayonnaise monkey's hated queers, you must be the exception...
Good job, keep driving those white votes to the GOP. LOL
95% OF the folks of color in this country OVER 18 will show up to vote AGAINST that fat bag of Orange shit, you think he can win with just the white vote:rofl:, that worked out real well for Mccain and Romney huh, this isn't the mid terms, Hillary will need ONLY 33% of the white vote and she's in:fu:
Except quite a few younger folks "of color" are Independents and even Republicans, which Trump can easily win over. Romney actually won almost 20% of young black males(against Obama).

Romney lost because he was a Mormon, McCain lost because he is a loser from the church of Dole.

Hillary might actually have to pray to FDR in order to win 33% of the white vote at this point.
If Black Obama can win 39% in 12, Hillary will get that NO PROBLEM, LOL, guess you forgot she's a WHITE WOMAN, single white women, and Women over 40, and baby boomer Women will get her there,:laugh: it's a lock a lot of these older white women want to see a women in the WH, BEFORE THEY CHECK OUT..

Tell me who is gonna pay for Trumps wall??:laugh: it sure as hell isn't gonna be Mexico they told that fat fuck :fu:

White men losers that they are will continue to vote for losers, just like in 2008-2012 when they voted for old white nutsacks, Romney, Mccain, , Trump will be the hat trick..
Last edited:
95% OF the folks of color in this country OVER 18 will show up to vote AGAINST that fat bag of Orange shit, you think he can win with just the white vote:rofl:, that worked out real well for Mccain and Romney huh, this isn't the mid terms, Hillary will need ONLY 33% of the white vote and she's in:fu:
Except quite a few younger folks "of color" are Independents and even Republicans, which Trump can easily win over. Romney actually won almost 20% of young black males(against Obama).

Romney lost because he was a Mormon, McCain lost because he is a loser from the church of Dole.

Hillary might actually have to pray to FDR in order to win 33% of the white vote at this point.
If Black Obama can win 39% in 12, Hillary will get that NO PROBLEM
He won 39% in a election with a pretty low white voter turnout.

It isn't like 90% of white voters came out to stop Obama or anything.

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