The Incredible Shrinking Obama Deficit.

The CBO released a projection in January 2009 that the deficit would reach $1.2 trillion in 2009, BEFORE Obama took office. Not one single piece of legislation that led to the trillion dollar deficit had his signature on it.

Thanks W ..

And it was passed by the far left house and senate..

Go figure that one..

But then again Obama has accumulate more debt than any president in history..

Thanks to the horrid far left policies..

Well no.

Obama's been paying down debt left over by the Bush administration when he put two wars on the National Credit card by getting rid of Paygo and implementing Emergency Supplemental Funding (Meaning, let the other guy pay for it).

Nope the debt has gone up higher and higher each year..

So the far left math and propaganda is not working!
The CBO released a projection in January 2009 that the deficit would reach $1.2 trillion in 2009, BEFORE Obama took office. Not one single piece of legislation that led to the trillion dollar deficit had his signature on it.

Thanks W ..

The stimulus became law in Feb of 2009, dumbass. That was a massive spending bill.

Feb 09 numbers don't go on the books until 2010 dumbass ...

ROFL, yes they do. The traditional argument for letting Dims off the hook is that the budget doesn't get passed until August. Of course, Congress never passed a budget, and Obama passed his huge spending bill in February. He could have put anything he wanted in there, so he took responsibility for the budget the day he signed it.

so the continuing resolution was actually the legislation passed by Bush and Obama was responsible for the record republican senate filibusters that stopped him from passing a budget?

got it..

The CBO released a projection in January 2009 that the deficit would reach $1.2 trillion in 2009, BEFORE Obama took office. Not one single piece of legislation that led to the trillion dollar deficit had his signature on it.

Thanks W ..

The stimulus became law in Feb of 2009, dumbass. That was a massive spending bill.

Feb 09 numbers don't go on the books until 2010 dumbass ...

ROFL, yes they do. The traditional argument for letting Dims off the hook is that the budget doesn't get passed until August. Of course, Congress never passed a budget, and Obama passed his huge spending bill in February. He could have put anything he wanted in there, so he took responsibility for the budget the day he signed it.

so the continuing resolution was actually the legislation passed by Bush and Obama was responsible for the record republican senate filibusters that stopped him from passing a budget?

got it..


"it's impossible to explain anything to people who refuse to learn." comments from the irony impaired far left drones..
The CBO released a projection in January 2009 that the deficit would reach $1.2 trillion in 2009, BEFORE Obama took office. Not one single piece of legislation that led to the trillion dollar deficit had his signature on it.

Thanks W ..

And it was passed by the far left house and senate..

Go figure that one..

But then again Obama has accumulate more debt than any president in history..

Thanks to the horrid far left policies..

Well no.

Obama's been paying down debt left over by the Bush administration when he put two wars on the National Credit card by getting rid of Paygo and implementing Emergency Supplemental Funding (Meaning, let the other guy pay for it).

Nope the debt has gone up higher and higher each year..

So the far left math and propaganda is not working!

What do you mean nope?

On war costs, Bush is master of disguise - The Boston Globe

It's history, bub.
The incredible shrinking Obama labor force

What are you talking about

Actually what you said looks like a lie.

United States Labor Force Statistics - Seasonally Adjusted
The CBO released a projection in January 2009 that the deficit would reach $1.2 trillion in 2009, BEFORE Obama took office. Not one single piece of legislation that led to the trillion dollar deficit had his signature on it.

Thanks W ..

And it was passed by the far left house and senate..

Go figure that one..

But then again Obama has accumulate more debt than any president in history..

Thanks to the horrid far left policies..

Well no.

Obama's been paying down debt left over by the Bush administration when he put two wars on the National Credit card by getting rid of Paygo and implementing Emergency Supplemental Funding (Meaning, let the other guy pay for it).

Nope the debt has gone up higher and higher each year..

So the far left math and propaganda is not working!

What do you mean nope?

On war costs, Bush is master of disguise - The Boston Globe

It's history, bub.

And the debunked far left propaganda continues..
The CBO released a projection in January 2009 that the deficit would reach $1.2 trillion in 2009, BEFORE Obama took office. Not one single piece of legislation that led to the trillion dollar deficit had his signature on it.

Thanks W ..

And it was passed by the far left house and senate..

Go figure that one..

But then again Obama has accumulate more debt than any president in history..

Thanks to the horrid far left policies..

Well no.

Obama's been paying down debt left over by the Bush administration when he put two wars on the National Credit card by getting rid of Paygo and implementing Emergency Supplemental Funding (Meaning, let the other guy pay for it).

Nope the debt has gone up higher and higher each year..

So the far left math and propaganda is not working!

What do you mean nope?

On war costs, Bush is master of disguise - The Boston Globe

It's history, bub.

And the debunked far left propaganda continues..

Debunked by Whom?

And it was passed by the far left house and senate..

Go figure that one..

But then again Obama has accumulate more debt than any president in history..

Thanks to the horrid far left policies..

Well no.

Obama's been paying down debt left over by the Bush administration when he put two wars on the National Credit card by getting rid of Paygo and implementing Emergency Supplemental Funding (Meaning, let the other guy pay for it).

Nope the debt has gone up higher and higher each year..

So the far left math and propaganda is not working!

What do you mean nope?

On war costs, Bush is master of disguise - The Boston Globe

It's history, bub.

And the debunked far left propaganda continues..

Debunked by Whom?


By the facts, but then again the far left posts known bunk and expects other to prove them wrong!

Boston globe a far left blog site is being used for you "facts"..
[QUOTE="Sallow, post: 12572194, member: 25283
Lowering taxes did what?

Blew up the deficit.[/QUOTE]

Spending nearly $1 TRILLION on a FAKE Jobs Bill accomplished WHAT?

Over 7,000 pieces of DNC pork for spending on studies like trying to help alcoholic Chinese Prostitutes to learn to drink more responsibly while on duty and giving HUNDREDS of millions (America's tax dollars) to Obama's huge donors so they would not lose their investments into Solyndra and 12 other failed green energy companies didn't create jobs and only added the RECORD-SETTING deficit spending in which Obama was engaging in at the time.

Obama said the Stimulus would IMMEDIATELY create jobs: FAIL

Obama said it would immediately lower unemployment and keep it below 8%: FAIL - It soared to above 10% (10.1%)

OVER $6 Trillion in new debt in only 4 years and failed to address the decaying infrastructure, targeting and eliminating the massive fraud and waste in Social Programs like SS, Medicare, & Food Stamps like he PROMISED he would do.

The United States already collects enough in tax revenue to run the country...if the federal government would cut B$ pork and other fiscally irresponsible spending, eliminate duplicate govt agencies doing the same thing,, and make a few other changes we would be more than fine.
- The 1st thing out of a politicians mouth, though, is NOT doing those things but instead involves taking more money from us to throw at their cluster-fark they have created! Screw that!

..meanwhile politicians on BOTH SIDES passed legislation allowing businesses to take their factories overseas to take advantage of slave labor wages and to bring their goods back into the US without paying tariffs as if they had made the goods in the US. Unions were jacking up labor demands, Obama was imposing his record-setting number of regulations (like the ACA) on businesses - all of which were driving more businesses out of the country.

What entices businesses to bring factories to the US / states? Massive regulations, massive taxes, unions? No. Nicky Haley has done an outstanding job for SC bringing in businesses because she knows brining in businesses = bringing in jobs = people who were out of work and on social programs are now earning a living and paying state taxes instead of state taxes going to pay for out-of-work people = more state revenue.

- Review regulations and see what oppressive ones can be eliminated.
- Build some incentives for businesses to being factories / jobs back
- Slap tariffs on ANY company bringing in goods made outside the country, high enough to eliminate any profit they may have gotten from using slave labor

This will result in more jobs, less poor, less people on social programs, more state and federal taxes.

...but that won't happen because from Obama on down they have sold out the American citizen for millions from big business and special interest groups. Wanna know why PP hasn't been defunded and there is no major push to do so by leadership or many politicians in both parties? Because they all get donations from PP that they got from tax dollars taken by the politicians and given initially to them. Both parties have and continue to screw Americans over. It's the NEW 'American Way'!
you mean he brought it back to where it was when he started? Wow. What an accomplishment. In the meantime he racked up 10 trillion in debt.

You want to explain how that chart coincides with your comment?

it doesn't, but don't burst their bubble.

Oh look one far left drone agreeing with another far left drone..

Who would have guessed that.

Lets play KoshLibs.

________ far left drone, Obama blah blah blah, ___________ and you're a far left drone.

Follow these simple steps and now you too can post like Kosh!
Spending nearly $1 TRILLION on a FAKE Jobs Bill accomplished WHAT?

Over 7,000 pieces of DNC pork for spending on studies like trying to help alcoholic Chinese Prostitutes to learn to drink more responsibly while on duty and giving HUNDREDS of millions (America's tax dollars) to Obama's huge donors so they would not lose their investments into Solyndra and 12 other failed green energy companies didn't create jobs and only added the RECORD-SETTING deficit spending in which Obama was engaging in at the time.

Obama said the Stimulus would IMMEDIATELY create jobs: FAIL

Obama said it would immediately lower unemployment and keep it below 8%: FAIL - It soared to above 10% (10.1%)

OVER $6 Trillion in new debt in only 4 years and failed to address the decaying infrastructure, targeting and eliminating the massive fraud and waste in Social Programs like SS, Medicare, & Food Stamps like he PROMISED he would do.

The United States already collects enough in tax revenue to run the country...if the federal government would cut B$ pork and other fiscally irresponsible spending, eliminate duplicate govt agencies doing the same thing,, and make a few other changes we would be more than fine.
- The 1st thing out of a politicians mouth, though, is NOT doing those things but instead involves taking more money from us to throw at their cluster-fark they have created! Screw that!

..meanwhile politicians on BOTH SIDES passed legislation allowing businesses to take their factories overseas to take advantage of slave labor wages and to bring their goods back into the US without paying tariffs as if they had made the goods in the US. Unions were jacking up labor demands, Obama was imposing his record-setting number of regulations (like the ACA) on businesses - all of which were driving more businesses out of the country.

What entices businesses to bring factories to the US / states? Massive regulations, massive taxes, unions? No. Nicky Haley has done an outstanding job for SC bringing in businesses because she knows brining in businesses = bringing in jobs = people who were out of work and on social programs are now earning a living and paying state taxes instead of state taxes going to pay for out-of-work people = more state revenue.

- Review regulations and see what oppressive ones can be eliminated.
- Build some incentives for businesses to being factories / jobs back
- Slap tariffs on ANY company bringing in goods made outside the country, high enough to eliminate any profit they may have gotten from using slave labor

This will result in more jobs, less poor, less people on social programs, more state and federal taxes.

...but that won't happen because from Obama on down they have sold out the American citizen for millions from big business and special interest groups. Wanna know why PP hasn't been defunded and there is no major push to do so by leadership or many politicians in both parties? Because they all get donations from PP that they got from tax dollars taken by the politicians and given initially to them. Both parties have and continue to screw Americans over. It's the NEW 'American Way'!

It wasn't a "fake" jobs bill. The biggest problem was trusting Republicans.

The Stimulus package came in the form of tax cuts and grants to the states.

Instead of putting those grants to good use, most of the conservative states used them to plug up holes created by their own tax cuts.

It wound up saving the jobs of state and city employees, but wasn't used as intended.

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