The Indians in Namastey India Linz were not australoid


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010

They looked slightly brown, maybe medium to light brown, kinda like my mum and they had mostly caucasian faces, even european faces with dark tan. I think they resembled europeans more then an armenoid/mtebid/turanid etc. even if those are one or two shades lighter, but I mean by features. They were short though, one head shorter then me. They could have passed as gypsies but something about them was more CM and different, they had more square features then most gypsies i know, like squarish faces.

I expected them to look like Apu and street shitter meme. I told that my friend, that from pictures and videos I expected them to be darker and more coarse featured more exotic in a negroid/australoid sense. My friend said there are different types of indians, and I didnt expected my friend to know that, lol. But yes I think some indians are caucasian. If I had to guess they are like 70-85% Westerneurosian probably and probably Upper or Middle Castes.

They were friendly, we got a apetizer for free on house, some crackers and indian sauces, and the indian guy took the pictures of us, we wanted to take selfies and he said he will take pictures.


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