The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

The goal of republicans is a two class society with them being high and the rest of America being slaves.
Tax Man lies every time he posts.

1. Democrats are the party of slavery. Always have been. Always will be. They declared actual war their own nation to keep slavery. And when they lost that war, they found a new way to force people to labor against their will on their behalf: through government programs such as Social Security, Weflare, SNAP, Medicare, Medicaid, Obamacare, and hundreds more.

2. The goal of Democrats is tyranny via a totalitarian government they control

3. A subservient citizenry in extreme poverty - dependent on government for even their most basic needs (ensuring total power & control for the Democrats)

(Appropriate that he calls himself “Tax Man”, isn’t it? He loves to take what doesn’t belong to him, through force)
He's still working.
/---/ Thant's Odd - when GW Bush and Trump were president and played golf - you clowns screamed they were goofing off and not working. Now, things are different with dementia joe at the beach.
Trump is lazy and impulsive. He had six hours of executive time every day to do his hair and makeup. But, he blames his staff and cabinet.
“Blames” then for what? Let’s recap the facts, shall we?
  • Record low unemployment
  • Record highs in the market
  • Lowered taxes
  • Increased wages (highest among low-wage workers)
  • Repatriated nearly $1 trillion in offshore dollars
  • US became #1 in the world in oil production
  • Secured the borders
  • Defeated ISIS
  • Renegotiated trade agreements to favor the US
  • Resulting in 65-year high in manufacturing
  • Restored constitutional government
  • Funded HBC’s (Historically Black Colleges)
  • Signed prison reform for African-Americans
  • Pardoned African-Americans
  • Violent crime fell every year he’s was in office
  • Brokered Israel - Sudan peace agreement
  • Brokered Israel - Bahrain peace agreement
  • Brokered Israel - United Arab Emirates peace agreement
  • Brokered Israel - Morocco peace agreement
Now here’s the thing Surada: what does it say about you that you’re so pissed off that Trump did these things?

Pissed that Trump restored constitutional government (sounds like you’re a fascist)
Pissed that Trump helped African-Americans (sounds like you’re a raging racist)
Pissed that Trump brokered amazing peace agreements (sounds like you’re a war monger)
Pissed that Trump delivered economic prosperity (sounds like you’re a socialist parasite)
Pissed that Trump made the US energy independent (sounds like you’re anti-American, rooting for our enemies)
/---/ Thant's Odd - when GW Bush and Trump were president and played golf - you clowns screamed they were goofing off and not working. Now, things are different with dementia joe at the beach.

Trump liked to brag and talk about himself not read his daily briefings. Don't you know the difference? Read the text of every Trump speech.. He brags, talks about himself and attacks others. That's performance not work.
Trump liked to brag and talk about himself not read his daily briefings. Don't you know the difference? Read the text of every Trump speech.. He brags, talks about himself and attacks others. That's performance not work.
/----/ Oh, is this working or attacking others?
President Joe Biden, in a rare prime-time speech, condemned Donald Trump and his "MAGA Republicans" as he urged the nation to unite against threats to American democracy. - ABC News

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