The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

Last year, just 5.8% of new cars were EVs. So, Biden demands a 931% increase in EV sales in the next seven years
The ignorance is simply mind-numbing. It's all impossible, would take down the entire US electrical grid, and would drastically increase pollution (mining for materials isn't exactly "eco friendly" and a massive portion of US electricity comes from burning coal).
It’s nice to see judges upholding the rule of law - even when the lawless Democrats won’t…
The incompetence and ineptitude is truly astounding...
/---/ Accidently lost on purpose. Anyone look under the couch?
Trump is lazy and impulsive. He had six hours of executive time every day to do his hair and makeup. But, he blames his staff and cabinet.
/—-/ Oh bullshyt. It’s well documented that Trump has always been a workaholic. Look at the rallies he holds Dementia Joe is the one who is lazy. He campaigned out of his basement.
/—-/ Oh bullshyt. It’s well documented that Trump has always been a workaholic. Look at the rallies he holds Dementia Joe is the one who is lazy. He campaigned out of his basement.
Yup. Remember the rounds of rallies he‘d have in the final days of the election? He’d have five a day, flying across the country, with the first one at 9 am, then another at noon, then one at 4 p,m., and then the evening one at 7 pm, and he STILL wasn’t finished! He’d fly out at 9 pm to the final city, and begin the last rally of the day at 10 pm!

while sleepy Joe was dialing it in from his basement, reading a teleprompter.

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