The Internet Is Going Crazy for Elizabeth Warren After She Gave This Answer on Same-Sex Marriage

Why are politicians talking about homosexuality ? Seems personal I don’t want my tax money going towards that
Politicians are talking about it because the bigots who can't let go of it are talking about it.

Tax money? What exactly is it costing you in dollars and cents?? I'll bet that you have no fucking idea
Well seeing as most gays moved to urban cities and blacks are struggling in inner city schools TO MUCH MONEY! Let’s talk about your gay issues when the blacks can graduate high school at the same level as whites they we can talk about your gay issues!
Why are politicians talking about homosexuality ? Seems personal I don’t want my tax money going towards that
Politicians are talking about it because the bigots who can't let go of it are talking about it.

Tax money? What exactly is it costing you in dollars and cents?? I'll bet that you have no fucking idea
Well seeing as most gays moved to urban cities and blacks are struggling in inner city schools TO MUCH MONEY! Let’s talk about your gay issues when the blacks can graduate high school at the same level as whites they we can talk about your gay issues!
That makes no sense. What does one thing-if even true -have to do with the other? You do know that gay people work and pay takes don't you? Oh shit!! You don't? In any case, it does not answer the question. What does same sex marriage cost you?
Why are politicians talking about homosexuality ? Seems personal I don’t want my tax money going towards that
Politicians are talking about it because the bigots who can't let go of it are talking about it.

Tax money? What exactly is it costing you in dollars and cents?? I'll bet that you have no fucking idea
Well seeing as most gays moved to urban cities and blacks are struggling in inner city schools TO MUCH MONEY! Let’s talk about your gay issues when the blacks can graduate high school at the same level as whites they we can talk about your gay issues!
That makes no sense. What does one thing-if even true -have to do with the other? You do know that gay people work and pay takes don't you? Oh shit!! You don't?
Yes our tax money should be going to important things LIKE EDUCATION NOT YOUR SEX LIFE.
When that is improved then we can spend time on your sex life.. we have priorities! And who’s up your ass isn’t one
Why are politicians talking about homosexuality ? Seems personal I don’t want my tax money going towards that
Politicians are talking about it because the bigots who can't let go of it are talking about it.

Tax money? What exactly is it costing you in dollars and cents?? I'll bet that you have no fucking idea
Well seeing as most gays moved to urban cities and blacks are struggling in inner city schools TO MUCH MONEY! Let’s talk about your gay issues when the blacks can graduate high school at the same level as whites they we can talk about your gay issues!
That makes no sense. What does one thing-if even true -have to do with the other? You do know that gay people work and pay takes don't you? Oh shit!! You don't?
Yes our tax money should be going to important things LIKE EDUCATION NOT YOUR SEX LIFE.
When that is improved then we can spend time on your sex life.. we have priorities! And who’s up your ass isn’t one
Your making an utter fool of yourself and don't even know it
The Internet Is Going Crazy for Elizabeth Warren After She Gave This Answer on Same-Sex Marriage and Homophobes

Go Liz!! She is the one! I find it hard to believe that after all of these years since Obergefell , people are still asking questions like this.

Her response to a question about same-sex marriage and homophobes is going viral on social media. It wasn’t just her answer, but the clarity, wit, and unapologetic firmness of her response.

Warren was asked what she would do when someone tells her, “Senator, I’m old-fashioned, and my faith teaches me that marriage is between one man and one woman.”
“I’m going to assume it’s a guy who said that,” Warren replied. “And I’m going to say, ‘Then just marry one woman.”

Then she twists the knife!

And then she delivered the second part of her response: “Assuming you can find one."

In a related story

Rubio Ridiculed for Blasting Warren's Same-Sex Marriage Remarks While Appearing to Encourage 'Fighting Back'

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) over the weekend blasted Senator Elizabeth Warren‘s (D-MA) viral remarks about those who oppose same-sex marriage. He also appeared to encourage “fighting back, even in a crude or vulgar way” by “Americans with traditional values.”

Senator Rubio concocted a tweet that framed the right of same-sex couples to marry as something only “elites” support, which is false. Studies find six out of 10 Americans support same-sex marriage, while just three out of 10 oppose it.

Rubio further stated:

“....Vividly captures the condescension of elites & their incessant ridicule of Americans with traditional values. It elicits glee among celebrities & blue check brigade,” he claimed, speaking of those on Twitter whose accounts have been “verified.

Complete and utter inane equine excrement Rubio

Showing total disrespect for the millions who disagree with you on a controversial topic like Gay Marriage is no way to get their support.

Its one thing to tell someone that , yes, you believe that a man in a dress is a broad. Its quite another to insult someone with a different opinion.
Right!! You got me . I do not have an ounce of respect for those who try to control the lives and relationships of others when it is none of their fucking business. It goes beyond opinion. It is about human rights, dignity and equality

You aren't running for office, its fine if you flame out on this or anything else.

But Pocahontas is running for the Presidency, and needs to seek the votes of people who might not agree with everything in her extremist platform, if she intends to actually win.
Right! Equality and civil rights are extremism. You're such a fool
Why are politicians talking about homosexuality ? Seems personal I don’t want my tax money going towards that
Politicians are talking about it because the bigots who can't let go of it are talking about it.

Tax money? What exactly is it costing you in dollars and cents?? I'll bet that you have no fucking idea
Well seeing as most gays moved to urban cities and blacks are struggling in inner city schools TO MUCH MONEY! Let’s talk about your gay issues when the blacks can graduate high school at the same level as whites they we can talk about your gay issues!
That makes no sense. What does one thing-if even true -have to do with the other? You do know that gay people work and pay takes don't you? Oh shit!! You don't?
Yes our tax money should be going to important things LIKE EDUCATION NOT YOUR SEX LIFE.
When that is improved then we can spend time on your sex life.. we have priorities! And who’s up your ass isn’t one
Your making an utter fool of yourself and don't even know it
Umm ok,, cities shouldn’t have priorities? And aren’t you Democrats screaming we don’t fund black schools? Good I agree.. UNTIL BLACKS CAN PASS A TEST IN THESE cites that have gay parades NO MORE parades until blacks pass test! Time to fund black schools not gays lol
The Internet Is Going Crazy for Elizabeth Warren After She Gave This Answer on Same-Sex Marriage and Homophobes

Go Liz!! She is the one! I find it hard to believe that after all of these years since Obergefell , people are still asking questions like this.

Her response to a question about same-sex marriage and homophobes is going viral on social media. It wasn’t just her answer, but the clarity, wit, and unapologetic firmness of her response.

Then she twists the knife!

And then she delivered the second part of her response: “Assuming you can find one."

In a related story

Rubio Ridiculed for Blasting Warren's Same-Sex Marriage Remarks While Appearing to Encourage 'Fighting Back'

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) over the weekend blasted Senator Elizabeth Warren‘s (D-MA) viral remarks about those who oppose same-sex marriage. He also appeared to encourage “fighting back, even in a crude or vulgar way” by “Americans with traditional values.”

Senator Rubio concocted a tweet that framed the right of same-sex couples to marry as something only “elites” support, which is false. Studies find six out of 10 Americans support same-sex marriage, while just three out of 10 oppose it.

Rubio further stated:

“....Vividly captures the condescension of elites & their incessant ridicule of Americans with traditional values. It elicits glee among celebrities & blue check brigade,” he claimed, speaking of those on Twitter whose accounts have been “verified.

Complete and utter inane equine excrement Rubio

Showing total disrespect for the millions who disagree with you on a controversial topic like Gay Marriage is no way to get their support.

Its one thing to tell someone that , yes, you believe that a man in a dress is a broad. Its quite another to insult someone with a different opinion.
Right!! You got me . I do not have an ounce of respect for those who try to control the lives and relationships of others when it is none of their fucking business. It goes beyond opinion. It is about human rights, dignity and equality

You aren't running for office, its fine if you flame out on this or anything else.

But Pocahontas is running for the Presidency, and needs to seek the votes of people who might not agree with everything in her extremist platform, if she intends to actually win.
Right! Equality and civil rights are extremism. You're such a fool
Why are we even talking about these gay issues with so many struggling in black schools? Priorities first! Education!
Politicians are talking about it because the bigots who can't let go of it are talking about it.

Tax money? What exactly is it costing you in dollars and cents?? I'll bet that you have no fucking idea
Well seeing as most gays moved to urban cities and blacks are struggling in inner city schools TO MUCH MONEY! Let’s talk about your gay issues when the blacks can graduate high school at the same level as whites they we can talk about your gay issues!
That makes no sense. What does one thing-if even true -have to do with the other? You do know that gay people work and pay takes don't you? Oh shit!! You don't?
Yes our tax money should be going to important things LIKE EDUCATION NOT YOUR SEX LIFE.
When that is improved then we can spend time on your sex life.. we have priorities! And who’s up your ass isn’t one
Your making an utter fool of yourself and don't even know it
Umm ok,, cities shouldn’t have priorities? And aren’t you Democrats screaming we don’t fund black schools? Good I agree.. UNTIL BLACKS CAN PASS A TEST IN THESE cites that have gay parades NO MORE parades until blacks pass test! Time to fund black schools not gays lol
Please explain EXACTLY how the presence of married gay people in cities has a negative economic impact on the cities and schools. I will bet my right arm that you can't You have no fucking idea as to what you're talking about . You made some shit up not realizing that you would be called on it and now you don't know where to go with it. Quite pathetic .
Well seeing as most gays moved to urban cities and blacks are struggling in inner city schools TO MUCH MONEY! Let’s talk about your gay issues when the blacks can graduate high school at the same level as whites they we can talk about your gay issues!
That makes no sense. What does one thing-if even true -have to do with the other? You do know that gay people work and pay takes don't you? Oh shit!! You don't?
Yes our tax money should be going to important things LIKE EDUCATION NOT YOUR SEX LIFE.
When that is improved then we can spend time on your sex life.. we have priorities! And who’s up your ass isn’t one
Your making an utter fool of yourself and don't even know it
Umm ok,, cities shouldn’t have priorities? And aren’t you Democrats screaming we don’t fund black schools? Good I agree.. UNTIL BLACKS CAN PASS A TEST IN THESE cites that have gay parades NO MORE parades until blacks pass test! Time to fund black schools not gays lol
Please explain EXACTLY how the presence of married gay people in cities has a negative economic impact on the cities and schools. I will bet my right arm that you can't You have no fucking idea as to what you're talking about . You made some shit up not realizing that you would be called on it and now you don't know where to go with it. Quite pathetic .
Even talking about gay sex issues spending our tax payers money on time that should be spent fixing black schools that have been on the decline for 40 years.
Gay parades, why are our politicians spending the 8 hour work day meeting with homos!? If they don’t decline these meetings they should pay their salary to black schools
Why is she assuming that a guy said that?
What does it matter? She made her point, and did it very well.

Oh goody...she has the all powerful
%>2 queebo vote! Votes that never belonged to Trump in the first place.
Forgive me I don't hear the thunderous noise of a giant scale being tipped any place.


I don't know -
Trump is the only President to ever embrace Gay Marriage prior to election.
Gays like to make and spend money just like (maybe more than ) straight people.
He has been good for middle class and upwardly mobile gay people too.
That makes no sense. What does one thing-if even true -have to do with the other? You do know that gay people work and pay takes don't you? Oh shit!! You don't?
Yes our tax money should be going to important things LIKE EDUCATION NOT YOUR SEX LIFE.
When that is improved then we can spend time on your sex life.. we have priorities! And who’s up your ass isn’t one
Your making an utter fool of yourself and don't even know it
Umm ok,, cities shouldn’t have priorities? And aren’t you Democrats screaming we don’t fund black schools? Good I agree.. UNTIL BLACKS CAN PASS A TEST IN THESE cites that have gay parades NO MORE parades until blacks pass test! Time to fund black schools not gays lol
Please explain EXACTLY how the presence of married gay people in cities has a negative economic impact on the cities and schools. I will bet my right arm that you can't You have no fucking idea as to what you're talking about . You made some shit up not realizing that you would be called on it and now you don't know where to go with it. Quite pathetic .
Even talking about gay sex issues spending our tax payers money on time that should be spent fixing black schools that have been on the decline for 40 years.
Gay parades, why are our politicians spending the 8 hour work day meeting with homos!? If they don’t decline these meetings they should pay their salary to black schools
That's it Bud. You're finished here. Just more nebulous, inane blather. You have clearly demonstrated that your just blowing smoke. My work is done here
Why is she assuming that a guy said that?
What does it matter? She made her point, and did it very well.

Oh goody...she has the all powerful
%>2 queebo vote! Votes that never belonged to Trump in the first place.
Forgive me I don't hear the thunderous noise of a giant scale being tipped any place.


I don't know -
Trump is the only President to ever embrace Gay Marriage prior to election.
Gays like to make and spend money just like (maybe more than ) straight people.
He has been good for middle class and upwardly mobile gay people too.
Trump may not have always been anti gay but he is sure doing the bidding of bigoted religious right and redneck morons now.
Yes our tax money should be going to important things LIKE EDUCATION NOT YOUR SEX LIFE.
When that is improved then we can spend time on your sex life.. we have priorities! And who’s up your ass isn’t one
Your making an utter fool of yourself and don't even know it
Umm ok,, cities shouldn’t have priorities? And aren’t you Democrats screaming we don’t fund black schools? Good I agree.. UNTIL BLACKS CAN PASS A TEST IN THESE cites that have gay parades NO MORE parades until blacks pass test! Time to fund black schools not gays lol
Please explain EXACTLY how the presence of married gay people in cities has a negative economic impact on the cities and schools. I will bet my right arm that you can't You have no fucking idea as to what you're talking about . You made some shit up not realizing that you would be called on it and now you don't know where to go with it. Quite pathetic .
Even talking about gay sex issues spending our tax payers money on time that should be spent fixing black schools that have been on the decline for 40 years.
Gay parades, why are our politicians spending the 8 hour work day meeting with homos!? If they don’t decline these meetings they should pay their salary to black schools
That's it Bud. You're finished here. Just more nebulous, inane blather. You have clearly demonstrated that your just blowing smoke. My work is done here
What do you disagree with?

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