The Irony Of Matt Taibbi


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

The Irony Of Matt Taibbi

29 May 2023 ~~ By Larry Johnson

[FROM LARRY JOHNSON — I am posting this for a friend, David L. He prefers to keep his identity a secret. However, he has something important and useful to share about Matt Taibbi.]​

I first became acquainted with Matt Taibbi when he came to Moscow in the late 1990s and was co-editor of a newspaper called The eXile, along with another American, Mark Ames.
The eXile’s motto was “We $#it on everybody equally.”
Ames and Taibbi wrote all manner of expose articles on the corruption of the Boris Eltzin administration, the World Bank, the IMF, and USAID. One of their favorite targets was that pompous moron, Michael McFaul, then a World Bank “consultant” who later became U.S. Ambassador under O’Bongo. Arguably our worst-ever ambassador, the Russian Foreign Ministry basically ignored him, and then threw USAID and many US backed NGO’s out of the country for good. But Ames and Taibbi also investigated many, many Russian Government officials and exposed their corrupt dealings. They also regularly published columns by Eduard Limonov, a Russian dissident and head of the banned “National Bolshevik Party.”
As Matt’s co-editor Ames once wrote, “we’d be sued out of existence within a few weeks of appearing in any Western democracy, but here in Russia, in the so-called kleptocracy, the power elite has been too busy stealing and killing to give a f**k about us, allowing us to fly around the capital beneath their radar, like a cruise missile. A real democracy would never let us get off the ground.”
Flash forward 20+ years, and after a stint at The Rolling Stone, suddenly over the past few months, Taibbi became a household name here in the USA, culminating with his being the front guy for the release of all that material proving how various U.S. “intel” agencies conspired with Twitter and other social media platforms to censor the news, manipulate public opinion and possibly to influence the outcome of elections, Oh My!
Here is Matt Taibbi’s Congressional testimony'
And look what has happened to “poor” Matt over the last 6 months or so, a real dyed-in-the-wool Liberal Democrat.
In March, the Democrats in Congress skinned him alive at the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government hearings, and now the IRS is on his case. His life and reputation is being utterly ruined.
So, the irony is – none of anything like this happened to Matt Taibbi in Moscow. Taibbi was never arrested, detained, poisoned, run off the road by a truck into a bridge abutment, etc. by those “despots in Russia.” It all happened/is happening right here in the good ole USA, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, First Amendment, Freedom of the Press, etc. and is being orchestrated – ironically enough – by Libtard left-wing Democrats!
Meanwhile, what about Gonazalo Lira? He was arrested by goons from the Ukro-Nazi SBU (Service for “Security” of Ukraine) three weeks ago in the country to which billions and billions of your tax dollars are being sent “to support Democracy.”
It’s Memorial Day weekend. Do you think this is what so many fought and died for to be happening in the USA or funded with your tax dollars and mine?
Yes, indeed. Think about it.

Taibbi has gone the same route as Glen Greenwald, Daniel Horowitz and Jimmy Dore. They are progressives who eventually realized the Maoist/Marxist Democrat Commies are a bunch of power-hungry traitorous liars and have come out against them.
The words of Solzhenitsyn play on repeat in my brain, "And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to is family."
Years and years ago, beginning in the early 1960s, the John Birch Society exposed the plan (which they called a conspiracy) by the Elites to take over the world. Naturally the then the Quisling MSM ridiculed the JBS calling the Society members conspiracy nuts. No one is looking for the proverbial last laugh now that the NWO is right at our front door.


The Irony Of Matt Taibbi

29 May 2023 ~~ By Larry Johnson

[FROM LARRY JOHNSON — I am posting this for a friend, David L. He prefers to keep his identity a secret. However, he has something important and useful to share about Matt Taibbi.]​

I first became acquainted with Matt Taibbi when he came to Moscow in the late 1990s and was co-editor of a newspaper called The eXile, along with another American, Mark Ames.
The eXile’s motto was “We $#it on everybody equally.”
Ames and Taibbi wrote all manner of expose articles on the corruption of the Boris Eltzin administration, the World Bank, the IMF, and USAID. One of their favorite targets was that pompous moron, Michael McFaul, then a World Bank “consultant” who later became U.S. Ambassador under O’Bongo. Arguably our worst-ever ambassador, the Russian Foreign Ministry basically ignored him, and then threw USAID and many US backed NGO’s out of the country for good. But Ames and Taibbi also investigated many, many Russian Government officials and exposed their corrupt dealings. They also regularly published columns by Eduard Limonov, a Russian dissident and head of the banned “National Bolshevik Party.”
As Matt’s co-editor Ames once wrote, “we’d be sued out of existence within a few weeks of appearing in any Western democracy, but here in Russia, in the so-called kleptocracy, the power elite has been too busy stealing and killing to give a f**k about us, allowing us to fly around the capital beneath their radar, like a cruise missile. A real democracy would never let us get off the ground.”
Flash forward 20+ years, and after a stint at The Rolling Stone, suddenly over the past few months, Taibbi became a household name here in the USA, culminating with his being the front guy for the release of all that material proving how various U.S. “intel” agencies conspired with Twitter and other social media platforms to censor the news, manipulate public opinion and possibly to influence the outcome of elections, Oh My!
Here is Matt Taibbi’s Congressional testimony'
And look what has happened to “poor” Matt over the last 6 months or so, a real dyed-in-the-wool Liberal Democrat.
In March, the Democrats in Congress skinned him alive at the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government hearings, and now the IRS is on his case. His life and reputation is being utterly ruined.
So, the irony is – none of anything like this happened to Matt Taibbi in Moscow. Taibbi was never arrested, detained, poisoned, run off the road by a truck into a bridge abutment, etc. by those “despots in Russia.” It all happened/is happening right here in the good ole USA, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, First Amendment, Freedom of the Press, etc. and is being orchestrated – ironically enough – by Libtard left-wing Democrats!
Meanwhile, what about Gonazalo Lira? He was arrested by goons from the Ukro-Nazi SBU (Service for “Security” of Ukraine) three weeks ago in the country to which billions and billions of your tax dollars are being sent “to support Democracy.”
It’s Memorial Day weekend. Do you think this is what so many fought and died for to be happening in the USA or funded with your tax dollars and mine?
Yes, indeed. Think about it.

Taibbi has gone the same route as Glen Greenwald, Daniel Horowitz and Jimmy Dore. They are progressives who eventually realized the Maoist/Marxist Democrat Commies are a bunch of power-hungry traitorous liars and have come out against them.
The words of Solzhenitsyn play on repeat in my brain, "And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to is family."
Years and years ago, beginning in the early 1960s, the John Birch Society exposed the plan (which they called a conspiracy) by the Elites to take over the world. Naturally the then the Quisling MSM ridiculed the JBS calling the Society members conspiracy nuts. No one is looking for the proverbial last laugh now that the NWO is right at our front door.

Matt's always been a phony, a celebrity climber, a fucking jerk. true story

bt fuck gateway ... they suck the life out of the polity. they are a cancerous growth on society

you people are so easily duped. FOX News had your number(s).

Ames did speed and Taibbi developed a heroin addiction. “I was never an IV user but it was bad,” he said. “I had problems with opioids throughout my life.” He kicked the habit when he came back to the States and found he didn’t have a dealer anymore. “You’ve seen Trainspotting?” he asked. “It was hard.”

I remember Matt, the ex-patriot, while he was still in Moscow. When he came back, he reinvented himself, with the help of his dad and others.

So now that I've proven what a dupe and a dope, and a dolt Doc7505 is...
I'm missing the irony part. He has always leaned left which is NOT the same thing as being a Democrat.

His articles in Rolling Stone covering the economic mess of 2008 is the best coverage of what happened there is. He does nothing to defend the Democrats in any of it.
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The Irony Of Matt Taibbi

29 May 2023 ~~ By Larry Johnson

[FROM LARRY JOHNSON — I am posting this for a friend, David L. He prefers to keep his identity a secret. However, he has something important and useful to share about Matt Taibbi.]​

I first became acquainted with Matt Taibbi when he came to Moscow in the late 1990s and was co-editor of a newspaper called The eXile, along with another American, Mark Ames.
The eXile’s motto was “We $#it on everybody equally.”
Ames and Taibbi wrote all manner of expose articles on the corruption of the Boris Eltzin administration, the World Bank, the IMF, and USAID. One of their favorite targets was that pompous moron, Michael McFaul, then a World Bank “consultant” who later became U.S. Ambassador under O’Bongo. Arguably our worst-ever ambassador, the Russian Foreign Ministry basically ignored him, and then threw USAID and many US backed NGO’s out of the country for good. But Ames and Taibbi also investigated many, many Russian Government officials and exposed their corrupt dealings. They also regularly published columns by Eduard Limonov, a Russian dissident and head of the banned “National Bolshevik Party.”
As Matt’s co-editor Ames once wrote, “we’d be sued out of existence within a few weeks of appearing in any Western democracy, but here in Russia, in the so-called kleptocracy, the power elite has been too busy stealing and killing to give a f**k about us, allowing us to fly around the capital beneath their radar, like a cruise missile. A real democracy would never let us get off the ground.”
Flash forward 20+ years, and after a stint at The Rolling Stone, suddenly over the past few months, Taibbi became a household name here in the USA, culminating with his being the front guy for the release of all that material proving how various U.S. “intel” agencies conspired with Twitter and other social media platforms to censor the news, manipulate public opinion and possibly to influence the outcome of elections, Oh My!
Here is Matt Taibbi’s Congressional testimony'
And look what has happened to “poor” Matt over the last 6 months or so, a real dyed-in-the-wool Liberal Democrat.
In March, the Democrats in Congress skinned him alive at the House Judiciary Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government hearings, and now the IRS is on his case. His life and reputation is being utterly ruined.
So, the irony is – none of anything like this happened to Matt Taibbi in Moscow. Taibbi was never arrested, detained, poisoned, run off the road by a truck into a bridge abutment, etc. by those “despots in Russia.” It all happened/is happening right here in the good ole USA, Land of the Free, Home of the Brave, First Amendment, Freedom of the Press, etc. and is being orchestrated – ironically enough – by Libtard left-wing Democrats!
Meanwhile, what about Gonazalo Lira? He was arrested by goons from the Ukro-Nazi SBU (Service for “Security” of Ukraine) three weeks ago in the country to which billions and billions of your tax dollars are being sent “to support Democracy.”
It’s Memorial Day weekend. Do you think this is what so many fought and died for to be happening in the USA or funded with your tax dollars and mine?
Yes, indeed. Think about it.

Taibbi has gone the same route as Glen Greenwald, Daniel Horowitz and Jimmy Dore. They are progressives who eventually realized the Maoist/Marxist Democrat Commies are a bunch of power-hungry traitorous liars and have come out against them.
The words of Solzhenitsyn play on repeat in my brain, "And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to is family."
Years and years ago, beginning in the early 1960s, the John Birch Society exposed the plan (which they called a conspiracy) by the Elites to take over the world. Naturally the then the Quisling MSM ridiculed the JBS calling the Society members conspiracy nuts. No one is looking for the proverbial last laugh now that the NWO is right at our front door.

Propaganda supporting the state is everywhere, but Matt isn’t part of it. Attacking whistleblowers and reporters exposing wrongdoing by the State, is standard procedure.
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I remember Matt, the ex-patriot, while he was still in Moscow. When he came back, he reinvented himself, with the help of his dad and others.

So now that I've proven what a dupe and a dope, and a dolt Doc7505 is...
MAtt's always been a phony prick. He was a low life drunk in Moscow.. His powerful Daddy helped him get jobs.

I remember Matt, the ex-patriot, while he was still in Moscow. When he came back, he reinvented himself, with the help of his dad and others.
are you talking about Matt, or Hunter?
It’s Memorial Day weekend. Do you think this is what so many fought and died for to be happening in the USA or funded with your tax dollars and mine?
Jingoism and Patriotism are in two distinct places in Websters for this very reason Doc
Matt's always been a phony, a celebrity climber, a fucking jerk. true story
Which one was once free to be Dante'

Not anymore.....

Opine against the narrative , cast doubt, collusion ,corruption upon the powers that be, and classified docs appear in your sock draw, pix of you w/Epstien appear on the 'net, etc

Journalism's not for the faint of heart>>>

Do you work for state run media or the State Department?
So you can't refute one single fact?

Biden holy glare mopped floor.jpg

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