The irrelevant candidate:

Ron Paul. Why is this wacko still in the race?


" should be gentle with the ignorant, for they are the chosen of God." - Mark Twain
Paul is the most relevent candidate in 8 years... Paul is the reason the party split in 2008, the reason the TP was created and hold 15-20% of the vote in the GE that is growing and wants nothing to do with the Progressive (MItt/Santorum/Newt/McCain) side of the Republican party.

You can hate Paul, you can pass him off as nothing if you like but that does not chance the fact that the Republicans will prolly not win a GE for many to come unless they put up a real conservative due to Paul.
Santorum a PROGRESSIVE? The Dupes are nuts- and terminally misled....keep up the
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Hey, he's got lots of campaign money and naive people screaming for him everywhere he goes. Plus he doesn't have to worry about actually winning and having to follow through on his impossible promises. What the hell, I'd stay in too, I'll bet the food is freakin' GREAT.

He is in the race because he is going to win! The real fight is in the trenches not in the media. Ron Paul is second in delegates and when the delegates become unbound he will be first.
Ron Paul is trying to become the conscious of the Republican party.

He is running in hopes of gaining some concessions from the GOP concerning his ideas. Running for the nomination is a good strategy to accomplish this.
Ron Paul is the only credible small-government candidate in the race.

From the general GOP perspective, saying you're for small government and meaning it does draw the charge of being a wacko.
Ron Paul is trying to become the conscious of the Republican party.

He is running in hopes of gaining some concessions from the GOP concerning his ideas. Running for the nomination is a good strategy to accomplish this.

Well he really wants to win but if he fails in that then yeah he wants to influence the platform.
Santorum a PROGRESSIVE? The Dupes are nuts- and terminally misled....keep up the

Yes, the Paulians are in their own universe where the laws of politics work in strange ways.

To wit:

He is in the race because he is going to win! The real fight is in the trenches not in the media. Ron Paul is second in delegates and when the delegates become unbound he will be first.
Santorum a PROGRESSIVE? The Dupes are nuts- and terminally misled....keep up the

Yes, the Paulians are in their own universe where the laws of politics work in strange ways.

To wit:

He is in the race because he is going to win! The real fight is in the trenches not in the media. Ron Paul is second in delegates and when the delegates become unbound he will be first.

I guess understanding the delegate selection process is hard for some but if you keep at it then maybe you will persevere.
Ron Paul. Why is this wacko still in the race?

Why can't some people seem to pay attention and listen to what people say.

Paul has been saying for more than 3 Months now that he intends to stay in all the way to the Convention, and that he is aware he has little chance of getting the Nomination. He hopes to use the Delegates he does have, on the floor of the Convention, to try and effect the Policy and Direction of the Republican Party.

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