...the J6 Hearing's about the attack on our democracy ...

Trump was quoted as saying he wanted the Mags to be taken down so they could enter the building with weapons.

Trump told them to fight like hell and they did, illegally. The ones arrested told us they did so under his orders.
"Trump was quoted as saying". That's funny. Dip shit.
I hope that much of America ...and maybe the world too.......will be watching today's J6 Committee hearing.
What I've seen now, after about an hour of presentations, is damning (again).

I hate to make predictions vis-a-vis Don Trump, but......but I am really believing there will be a recommendation for criminal indictment against Trump, against Eastman, against Giuliani, maybe against that bloke, Clark/

They haven't yet mentioned Meadows or Brooks. So maybe they will NOT get a recommendation for indictment. But, that's not to say the DOJ won't.

I'll say I have seen most of today's video clips in previous hearings. Nonetheless, it is riveting to seem them offered in a more linear and compact presentation.

BTW, if haven't seen it yet.....but maybe can bring it up online tonight....well, make sure you catch Cheney's opening statement.
I must say ..... that woman has gravitas.
And the threat to America’s democracy continues, January 6th was just the beginning – it was not an isolated event.
Show me the Godfather telling someone to shoot someone.

Your dancing around Trump's central culpability for what happened on J6 is getting silly, poster Filter.

Do this, quit wasting the forum's time....and pull up the hearings on YouTube. Watch 'em with purpose and a willingness to listen closely. Educate yourself. Become a self learner ala' YouTube.
It's all on YouTube.

Trust me.
Part of the right’s war on democracy is to ignore facts and the truth, as documented and presented by the January 6th Committee.

Indeed, conservatives use misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies as weapons to attack our democratic institutions.
Part of the right’s war on democracy is to ignore facts and the truth, as documented and presented by the January 6th Committee.

Indeed, conservatives use misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies as weapons to attack our democratic institutions.
Polly want a cracker?
In this morning's Washington Post there is a piece about the book about to be published (Jan. 3rd) from ex-Capitol Police Chief, Steven Sund.

"Ex-Capitol police chief: FBI, DHS, Pentagon failed on Jan. 6​

Former chief Steven Sund warns in a new book that the Capitol is still not safe from domestic terror attacks"​


There is much of interest in the long article by Carol Leonning, one of the Post's top reporters.

Sund spreads blame to many actors....including himself. But the article explains the sense of organization and intent that the attackers themselves projected in the weeks just prior to J6. That explanation let's the air-out-of-the-tires of those who attempt to claim the attack on our democracy was merely a spontaneous outburst by well-meaning citizens. There were organized elements of that attack that served as the tip-of-the-spear and whose planning and initial violent actions spurred others...some mere rally-goers -- to participate in criminal behavior.

Here are a couple of taster paragraphs. But I would recommend to all forum participants to read the whole article. There's something in there for everybody.

(I've underlined some items that resonated with me)

"the department’s intelligence division did widely share an updated internal threat report on Jan. 3 — three days before the attack — that carried a worrisome warning about the potential for violence at the Capitol. The memo cited the desperation of Trump supporters who saw Jan. 6 “as the last opportunity to overturn the results of the presidential election” and would target “Congress itself.”

"Starting on Dec. 21 and continuing to Jan. 5, the Capitol Police intelligence division had received emails and tips that carried frightening warnings about plots for Jan. 6. Intelligence collected on Dec. 21 revealed that prospective rallygoers were discussing how to coordinate an attack using the Capitol’s underground tunnel system, and attaching a map of the complex. They urged burning down the homes of Pelosi and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell (Ky.)."
Democrats use the word "democracy" a lot. What does "attack on our democracy" mean?
To me it means Democrats cheating elections like Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

It can't be Democracy when Democrats are cheating elections. :nono:
I can't speak for Democrats.
For one thing, I ain't one, but.....as the OP what I meant was the attack on the Capitol of the United States on J6 by an organized ----and unorganized ----group of Trump supporters who thought that if they could stop the counting of the Constitutionally mandated Electoral College ballots.....their preferred man could stay in office, and the winner of both the popular vote and the EC vote, Joe Biden, would not be allowed to assume the Presidency.

Thus, I interpreted that intention ---and it's linked very violent actions---as an attack on our democracy.
With the zillions of your taxpayer dollars spent on the J6 committee .. what value has it provided?
Let me put it this way, anyone who deny's, or makes excuses for, what happened on Jan. 6th, are complicit with the violence that day. If that is not your position, I apologize; if it is, then I don't.
Let me correct your imbecility this way:

What you posted there is that anyone who doesn’t share your opinion is wrong and is complicit in the 1/6 violence.

That your contention is utterly illogical is plain on its face.

Was there some violence? Yep. Does denial that it was an “insurrection” constitute culpability in the violence? Obviously not.

But Dildo_really never admits when he is wrong. Or does he? I seem to recall that he has sometimes admitted error; but I can’t find an example. So maybe my memory is faulty on that point.
Let me correct your imbecility this way:

What you posted there is that anyone who doesn’t share your opinion is wrong and is complicit in the 1/6 violence.

That your contention is utterly illogical is plain on its face.

Was there some violence? Yep. Does denial that it was an “insurrection” constitute culpability in the violence? Obviously not.

But Dildo_really never admits when he is wrong. Or does he? I seem to recall that he has sometimes admitted error; but I can’t find an example. So maybe my memory is faulty on that point.
I was very clear with my point. Anyone who defends or tries to minimize the violence on Jan. 6th has blood on their hands because they are contributing to the normalization of that kind of behavior.
I was very clear with my point.

No. You weren’t. But you’re free to double back and qualify it, now.
Anyone who defends or tries to minimize the violence on Jan. 6th has blood on their hands because they are contributing to the normalization of that kind of behavior.
To the extent you are trying to clarify what you claim to have meant, good. One can agree that the use of any violence that day was entirely wrong at the same time that one can deniy that it was an insurrection.
No. You weren’t. But you’re free to double back and qualify it, now.

To the extent you are trying to clarify what you claim to have meant, good. One can agree that the use of any violence that day was entirely wrong at the same time that one can deniy that it was an insurrection.
Denying it was not an insurrection, would be like saying gravity plays no role in plane crashes.
Denying it was not an insurrection, would be like saying gravity plays no role in plane crashes.
You have fumbled over your inept attempt to use words again, Dildo.

I don’t deny that it was not an insurrection. I freely acknowledge that it was not an insurrection.

So you're just a fuckin' troll!
Again, that doesn’t follow.

You posted ungrammatically and erroneously (in terms of what you were trying to grunt out).

No. I’m not the troll here, you Dildo. Try to figure out why your use of a “don’t” “deny” and “not” together in your attempted sentence serves to say the opposite of what you were trying to say.

You’re truly a dildo, Dildo_really. Really.
Again, that doesn’t follow.

You posted ungrammatically and erroneously (in terms of what you were trying to grunt out).

No. I’m not the troll here, you Dildo. Try to figure out why your use of a “don’t” “deny” and “not” together in your attempted sentence serves to say the opposite of what you were trying to say.

You’re truly a dildo, Dildo_really. Really.
And you are trying to act like someone above your pay grade.

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