The J6 prisoners are being treated worse than you can imagine. I wonder if they can sue the government like the migrants?

Should the J6 prisoners be allowed to lawyer up and receive visitors?

  • Yes, this is the USA, not Xiden's Gulag for political prisoners

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • No, the J6 prisoners deserve solitary until they die.

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
Prosecute felony charges against as many of those disloyal un-American phukks as practicable.

Convict as many as the evidence and the law will allow.

Give out maximum sentences for any convicted in connection with the traitorous Insurrection of January 6, 2021, against the United States of America.

Make harsh examples for such 'treason' - ruin their lives and careers - take away their liberty for as long as the law allows - no mercy.
Televised court for the lot of them...

Ask Vegas to run a book on the outcomes...

Screw it, get Judge Judy and we do one every half an hour...
How Police Officers were assaulted?

The Nazi Brown Shirts spent the last 2 years assaulting police officers, with Kamaltoe bailing them out and the full backing of the Reich

How death threats against Congress...

Learn English, sheepboi.

Death threats and actual assaults on representatives are the specialty of you Nazi fucks.

Sorry but you want to make them thhe same but they are not..

No, what you Nazis have done is 100,000 times worse.

The Reichstag Fire protesters are guilty of nothing more than trespassing. But they opposed your filthy evil Reich, and you want to send a message.
Migrants who illegally entered the US are suing to get $450,000 if they were separated from their kids. But a US citizen whose hand is purple and thumb is black can't get any medical attention in Xiden's DC Gulag? WTF? Xiden's GULAG is in DC, run by his urban stooges.
During a 6-tweet thread, MTG said she had “never seen human suffering” like this in her life. The Biden regime apparently loves punishing their political prisoners.

“We’re in totalitarian, Marxist territory here. This is the way third-world people get treated,” he added.
The one guy just got over 3 years for assaulting a Capitol police officer. I wonder how much time a rioting BLM person would get for assaulting a police officer?
View attachment 562801

Occupied and shut down the capitol?

Their words.

Go ahead, lie some more now - you're a good Nazi soldier.

Occupying and shutting down the Capital, isn't overturning the election. There's a vast difference between a demonstration, and an insurrection. You're simply too stupid to see the difference between demonstrations, and violent assaults. No one was attacked or killed. No one was injured, no property was destroyed.

Trump Cultists are constantly making false equivalencies. All politicians lie so Trump's lies are OK with you. But Trump's lies have gotten a lot people killed - including those who died from covid.

There is no equivalency between Donald Trump and his fascist agenda and anyone else in the world, with the possible exception of Kim in Korea, or Putin in Russia. The big difference between these two despots and Trump is that Trump isn't nearly as smart or crafty as either of these two, which is a very good thing for the USA. Their coups succeeded.
The Nazi Brown Shirts spent the last 2 years assaulting police officers, with Kamaltoe bailing them out and the full backing of the Reich

Learn English, sheepboi.

Death threats and actual assaults on representatives are the specialty of you Nazi fucks.

No, what you Nazis have done is 100,000 times worse.

The Reichstag Fire protesters are guilty of nothing more than trespassing. But they opposed your filthy evil Reich, and you want to send a message.

Oh stop with the NAZI talk, Herr Himler. You're the guys with the swatstikas at all of your rallies, and insurrections. The fascism and extreme racism of the Trump agenda has been exposed for the whole world to see.

See the Charlottesville Trial to see what the American people think of you racists assholes and your toxic agenda.

The one guy just got over 3 years for assaulting a Capitol police officer. I wonder how much time a rioting BLM person would get for assaulting a police officer?

No one will ever know - they've never prosecuted any of the BLM Brown Shirts.

We have to remember that BLM and ANTIFA operate under the authority and on orders from the Nazi democrat party.

BLM is just the KKK rebranded. democrats have used terrorist racist gangs like BLM for the last 150 years.
Oh stop with the NAZI talk, Herr Himler. You're the guys with the swatstikas at all of your rallies, and insurrections.

Actually - it's you vermin that bring Swastikas to rallies.

The scumbag at Charlottesville was an OWS Soros boy - as I've proven dozens of times to you. The single scumbag with a Nazi flag on 1/6 was a Soros plant - just as your Tiki Torch turds by the Youngkin bus were.

You filthy Nazi fucks love to plant false flags

The fascism and extreme racism of the Trump agenda has been exposed for the whole world to see.

Yeah, lying just doesn't cut it, Nazi.

You promote a system where the means of production is under the absolute control of the state, in which the state sets production levels, what products will be produced. in what quantity, and at what price they will be sold under a totalitarian dictatorship, where individualism is repressed - brutally - in favor of the collective, where individual rights are supplanted in favor of group privilege, where dissent against the party, the Reich, or collectivism is a criminal act, where religion is highly regulated, and doctrine determined by the state.

You ARE a Nazi - that is just fact.

See the Charlottesville Trial to see what the American people think of you racists assholes and your toxic agenda.

WaPo has no credibility - they are Reich propaganda.
Quick, let's hide the fact that the last two presidents suck.
Nobody's hiding anything. The pattern is that every time somebody criticizes Quid Pro, somebody rushes in and starts yelling, "But TRUMP!, but TRUMP!" Let the guy stand on his own merits, small as they are.
Really??? So they're being treated just like other prisoners in the federal system, is what you're saying. You didn't have any problems at all with the refugee claimants that Trump was locking up in concentration camps, and they hadn't committed a crime either. Being in the country illegally is the legal equivalent of jaywalking and yet you had no problem with tens of thousands of people who hadn't committed any real crimes, being locked up.
What a hypocrite YOU are.
1. They are NOT in the federal prison system
2. TDS makes your lies stink even more. Trump had a "remain in Mexico" policy, so they were shipped back to Mexico, not held in "solitary" for months.
3. All you do is LIE, like U.S. democrats.
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The one guy just got over 3 years for assaulting a Capitol police officer. I wonder how much time a rioting BLM person would get for assaulting a police officer?
No time. They don't get arrested or prosecuted.
Oh, this is a serious question. OK.

First thing in the morning is I get up and meditate in front of my gold Karl Marx statue. Then I write down in my diary all the bad things I'm going to do to god fearing Americans. Like stick my thumbs in all the avacados at the grocery store and pee in all the buckets at Home Depot. In the bathroom of the gym I like to quote sections of my elementary school CRT text book on the mirror with pink lipstick.

Then I come here and praise Allah every time I'm called a Nazi.
It only seems that way.
Actually - it's you vermin that bring Swastikas to rallies.

The scumbag at Charlottesville was an OWS Soros boy - as I've proven dozens of times to you. The single scumbag with a Nazi flag on 1/6 was a Soros plant - just as your Tiki Torch turds by the Youngkin bus were.

You filthy Nazi fucks love to plant false flags

Yeah, lying just doesn't cut it, Nazi.

You promote a system where the means of production is under the absolute control of the state, in which the state sets production levels, what products will be produced. in what quantity, and at what price they will be sold under a totalitarian dictatorship, where individualism is repressed - brutally - in favor of the collective, where individual rights are supplanted in favor of group privilege, where dissent against the party, the Reich, or collectivism is a criminal act, where religion is highly regulated, and doctrine determined by the state.

You ARE a Nazi - that is just fact.

WaPo has no credibility - they are Reich propaganda.
Migrants who illegally entered the US are suing to get $450,000 if they were separated from their kids. But a US citizen whose hand is purple and thumb is black can't get any medical attention in Xiden's DC Gulag? WTF? Xiden's GULAG is in DC, run by his urban stooges.
During a 6-tweet thread, MTG said she had “never seen human suffering” like this in her life. The Biden regime apparently loves punishing their political prisoners.

“We’re in totalitarian, Marxist territory here. This is the way third-world people get treated,” he added.
This is not a poll, This is the offering of two extremes, useless.

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