The J6 prisoners are being treated worse than you can imagine. I wonder if they can sue the government like the migrants?

Should the J6 prisoners be allowed to lawyer up and receive visitors?

  • Yes, this is the USA, not Xiden's Gulag for political prisoners

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • No, the J6 prisoners deserve solitary until they die.

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
Prosecute felony charges against as many of those disloyal un-American phukks as practicable.

Convict as many as the evidence and the law will allow.

Give out maximum sentences for any convicted in connection with the traitorous Insurrection of January 6, 2021, against the United States of America.

Make harsh examples for such 'treason' - ruin their lives and careers - take away their liberty for as long as the law allows - no mercy.
Prosecute felony charges against as many of those disloyal un-American phukks as practicable.

But not BLM or ANTIFA, Allah be praised
Convict as many as the evidence and the law will allow.

No one has worried about evidence so far, these are enemies of the Reich.

Give out maximum sentences for any convicted in connection with the traitorous Insurrection of January 6, 2021, against the United States of America.

What is the maximum sentence for trespassing?

I guess death, for Der Juden, the hated Whites, Like when you executed Ashli Babbitt.
Make harsh examples for such 'treason' - no mercy.

Make sure all know the price of protesting the democrat Reich.

Seig Heil,
Seig Heil,
Seig Heil,
Seig Heil,
Its not that they are in jail, its how they are treated in jail, and they have NOT been convicted of ANY crime yet.
They are political prisoners being tortured, and Xiden wants to pay migrants $450,000 each?!

Really??? So they're being treated just like other prisoners in the federal system, is what you're saying. You didn't have any problems at all with the refugee claimants that Trump was locking up in concentration camps, and they hadn't committed a crime either. Being in the country illegally is the legal equivalent of jaywalking and yet you had no problem with tens of thousands of people who hadn't committed any real crimes, being locked up.

What a hypocrite YOU are.
You're claiming a guy not in prison or jail is a prisoner. Moron.

It's not just that you also named others you thought were in jail and it turns out they weren't.

Those on trial before a judge facing prison sentences are what?

Lie, spin, rinse, repeat....
But not BLM or ANTIFA, Allah be praised

No one has worried about evidence so far, these are enemies of the Reich.

What is the maximum sentence for trespassing?

I guess death, for Der Juden, the hated Whites, Like when you executed Ashli Babbitt.

Make sure all know the price of protesting the democrat Reich.

Seig Heil,
Seig Heil,
Seig Heil,
Seig Heil,
Biggest steaming pile-of-hor$e$hit response I've seen in many weeks around this joint... :cool:
Biggest steaming pile-of-hor$e$hit response I've seen in many weeks around this joint... :cool:

600 Americans held as political prisoners. The Bill of Rights utterly destroyed - and you moron Nazis clap your flippers because party above country is the foundation or your miserable lives.
I'm not the one lying that the occupation of the capitol in 2018 doesn't count because Uber Alles Democrat, stupid fuck.

What exactly does is this word salad trying to say? Are you saying people sitting in the gallery heckling the confirmation hearings is an equivalent to 5 people dying and 150 police officers being attacked and injured? Of course you are, because you're just that stupid.
What exactly does is this word salad trying to say? Are you saying people sitting in the gallery heckling the confirmation hearings is an equivalent to 5 people dying and 150 police officers being attacked and injured? Of course you are, because you're just that stupid.


Occupied and shut down the capitol?

Their words.

Go ahead, lie some more now - you're a good Nazi soldier.

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