The J6 prisoners are being treated worse than you can imagine. I wonder if they can sue the government like the migrants?

Should the J6 prisoners be allowed to lawyer up and receive visitors?

  • Yes, this is the USA, not Xiden's Gulag for political prisoners

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • No, the J6 prisoners deserve solitary until they die.

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
"They were just trespassing" is manufactured bullshit by their propagandists which these idiots mindlessly parrot.

"I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

Ok Nazi bitch, what laws did they break?

Let me remind your skanky fascist ass...

Oh? Says the guy who thinks they are all locked up and then when shown they are not goes into limp mode. Thanks, cuck, your opinion is not important.

I didn't say Rittenhouse was currently locked up.

I said he's a political prisoner - which he is. There is no legal basis for his persecution, you are savaging him as an enemy of the Reich.

A few hours after the Reichstag Fire, as Nazi propaganda spread fears of a Communist revolt, Hitler convinced Hindenburg to invoke Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution, which gave the president dictatorial powers and allowed him to make laws for all of Germany’s territorial states.

Hitler and the cabinet quickly drew up a more permanent and expansive Decree for the Protection of the People and the State (known as the Reichstag Fire Decree), which suspended the right to assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of speech and other constitutional protections within Germany.}

That was the 1933 Reichstag Fire - pretty damned similar to the 1/6 Reichstag Fire - where Republicans no longer have the right to assembly or free speech. The Gestapo will arrest anyone who protests the corrupt 2020 election.

{We here at Citizens Against Political Persecution have been fighting for the January 6th detainees for months now. The government continues to unconstitutionally detain our fellow American citizens and we feel that submitting this letter to the United Nations is the next logical step towards justice. Hopefully the United Nations hears our plea, as we are the voices of the unheard political prisoners right now who are not able to speak for themselves.}

No doubt the Gestapo will start arresting those who report abuses, as they've done to Project Veritas.
I didn't say Rittenhouse was currently locked up.

I said he's a political prisoner - which he is. There is no legal basis for his persecution, you are savaging him as an enemy of the Reich.

A few hours after the Reichstag Fire, as Nazi propaganda spread fears of a Communist revolt, Hitler convinced Hindenburg to invoke Article 48 of the Weimar Constitution, which gave the president dictatorial powers and allowed him to make laws for all of Germany’s territorial states.

Hitler and the cabinet quickly drew up a more permanent and expansive Decree for the Protection of the People and the State (known as the Reichstag Fire Decree), which suspended the right to assembly, freedom of the press, freedom of speech and other constitutional protections within Germany.}

That was the 1933 Reichstag Fire - pretty damned similar to the 1/6 Reichstag Fire - where Republicans no longer have the right to assembly or free speech. The Gestapo will arrest anyone who protests the corrupt 2020 election.

{We here at Citizens Against Political Persecution have been fighting for the January 6th detainees for months now. The government continues to unconstitutionally detain our fellow American citizens and we feel that submitting this letter to the United Nations is the next logical step towards justice. Hopefully the United Nations hears our plea, as we are the voices of the unheard political prisoners right now who are not able to speak for themselves.}

No doubt the Gestapo will start arresting those who report abuses, as they've done to Project Veritas.
The very definition of a prisoner is someone who is confined. So, this is another example of you pretending people are incarcerated when in fact they are not.
During a 6-tweet thread, MTG said she had “never seen human suffering” like this in her life.
I really do not understand why some people are astonished that those prisoners are being mistreated.

We all know that many of those prison officials and guards are Trump haters.

So now that they have an opportunity behind closed doors to "punish" those prisoners, they are naturally going to take advantage of the situation.

That human beings are vicious creatures is not exactly a secret.
I really do not understand why some people are astonished that those prisoners are being mistreated.

Can you go into detail on how MTG described the mistreatment?

We all know that many of those prison officials and guards are Trump haters.

We do?

So now that they have an opportunity behind closed doors to "punish" those prisoners, they are naturally going to take advantage of the situation.

That human beings are vicious creatures is not exactly a secret.

Yeah, just look at January 6th.
The very definition of a prisoner is someone who is confined. So, this is another example of you pretending people are incarcerated when in fact they are not.

So, someone in court is not a prisoner?


You Nazis tie yourselves in knots trying to justify your bullshit.
Migrants who illegally entered the US are suing to get $450,000 if they were separated from their kids. But a US citizen whose hand is purple and thumb is black can't get any medical attention in Xiden's DC Gulag? WTF? Xiden's GULAG is in DC, run by his urban stooges.
During a 6-tweet thread, MTG said she had “never seen human suffering” like this in her life. The Biden regime apparently loves punishing their political prisoners.

“We’re in totalitarian, Marxist territory here. This is the way third-world people get treated,” he added.
Criminal thugs get what they deserve.
The system is crazy. They are releasing gang bangers in Chicago and refusing to prosecute felons who steal less than $300 from stores on the left coast. Meanwhile Biden's gestapo are hunting down mom and pop 1/6 trespassers and sentencing them to federal prion.
IOW…. White persecution.
Notice how the poster characterized the non white perps as dangerous members of marauding gangs and the white perps as harmless ,“mom and pop”.
You don't think criminal trespassing is an arrestable offense?

But that's not what I'm talking about. Who is in jail right now only arrested for trespassing that is being "tortured"?

At best rioting. And those are only the ones who you know...rioted. For example I don't think anyone who stood outside the capital on January 6th peacefully and not threatening others to protest the election have committed any crime other than being gullible.

And here I am not defending them.

Neat. I'm not sure what this has to do with all the "torture" going on in DC jails. What are they doing, turning the thermostat up on those snowflakes?
Curious as to how “criminal trespass” was all that was needed to justifiably kill Arbury but not nearly enough to hold a 1/6 insurrectionist.
IOW…. White persecution.
Notice how the poster characterized the non white perps as dangerous members of marauding gangs and the white perps as harmless ,“mom and pop”.

You Nazis do hate Der Juden, the whites.

But this attack on liberty if far more than that. The Gestapo is engaged in terrorism to crush any resistance to the democrat Reich.

Remember, Alec Baldwin has shot and killed more people than all of the 1/6 Reichstag Fire protesters combined.

74 of the political prisoners from the Reichstag Fire are non-white.
You Nazis do hate Der Juden, the whites.

But this attack on liberty if far more than that. The Gestapo is engaged in terrorism to crush any resistance to the democrat Reich.

Remember, Alec Baldwin has shot and killed more people than all of the 1/6 Reichstag Fire protesters combined.

74 of the political prisoners from the Reichstag Fire are non-white.
That is quite the delirious rant. I suggest a some time away from the fever swamp.
Yes. The white ones. They’re not “real” prisoners. They’re the “ mom and pop”, “political prisoners”.
They was just funnin’, sheriff. They don’t mean no harm.

They are political prisoners, held for protesting against the democrat Reich. They aren't all Juden (white) but they all stood against your filthy Reich.

If we were a nation of laws, they'd get a $50 fine for trespassing and go on their way.

But we aren't - and the ruling Nazis want to send a message that any resistance will be dealt with harshly.

The FBI will never regain the trust of the Nation, they are corrupt to the core, the Gestapo violently executing the Nazi democrat agenda with utterly no regard for the Constitution or the law.

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