The January 6th Hoax


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
I can't be the only observer who has "had it up to here" with all of the inflammatory, fact-averse claims about the events of January 6th. It was a demonstration that got out of hand. It was not an "insurrection," or an "armed" anything. And the Justice Department's handling of the events and people has destroyed any credibility that pathetic Department has ever had.

But enough of my thoughts. Here is someone who summarizes it quite nicely and puts it into perspective and context. Sorry if you have USATODAY-750-WORD limit. Read the whole thing.

I would't call it a hoax, necessarily, but the language the mainstream media uses to describe it is so obviously dishonest and agenda driven that no person with an IQ of 100 or greater shouldn't be able to see right through it and recognize how they are beeing manipulated as intentionally as they are.
I can't be the only observer who has "had it up to here" with all of the inflammatory, fact-averse claims about the events of January 6th. It was a demonstration that got out of hand. It was not an "insurrection," or an "armed" anything. And the Justice Department's handling of the events and people has destroyed any credibility that pathetic Department has ever had.

But enough of my thoughts. Here is someone who summarizes it quite nicely and puts it into perspective and context. Sorry if you have USATODAY-750-WORD limit. Read the whole thing.

It's not a hoax, Son. We all watched it live on TV.
Discussing 1-6 in the media and in congress without including the two years and counting of left wing riots says all you need to know about both 1-6 and the media....and the democrap run congress....
I can't be the only observer who has "had it up to here" with all of the inflammatory, fact-averse claims about the events of January 6th. It was a demonstration that got out of hand. It was not an "insurrection," or an "armed" anything. And the Justice Department's handling of the events and people has destroyed any credibility that pathetic Department has ever had.

But enough of my thoughts. Here is someone who summarizes it quite nicely and puts it into perspective and context. Sorry if you have USATODAY-750-WORD limit. Read the whole thing.

The first thing that needs to be considered is why they went there in the first place. What were their aims? What made them do this?
I can't be the only observer who has "had it up to here" with all of the inflammatory, fact-averse claims about the events of January 6th. It was a demonstration that got out of hand. It was not an "insurrection," or an "armed" anything. And the Justice Department's handling of the events and people has destroyed any credibility that pathetic Department has ever had.

But enough of my thoughts. Here is someone who summarizes it quite nicely and puts it into perspective and context. Sorry if you have USATODAY-750-WORD limit. Read the whole thing.

Myself . . . I have a divided view and conflicted opinion concerning the events of 6-JAN. On one hand I want to dismiss the entire tiresome affair as an altogether loathsome bit of political theater and circus aimed at giving the peasants a bit of entertaining fat to chew off the same old bone of increasingly divided political parties. In short: a serial novel's worth of distraction from much more pressing matters the individual American ought to be revolting over.

On the other hand, a part of my mind wants to view the ongoing 6-JAN sideshow as an extended effort to over punish a handful of rowdy republican/Christian protestors for causing a minor disturbance; minor in the grand long run of American history so far. In this view I see Pelosi and the rest of the scum aristocratic political establishment as seeking to send a clear message to anyone brave, insane or stupid enough to actually revolt against the modern day American royalty.

But I don't really believe that.

End of the day I can't help but seeing both major political parties as one and the same, as united in the singular goal of destroying America and proselytizing the American people to the cult of the globalist church and their hallowed one world government.

6-JAN? That whole affair is a controlled, planned, and by the numbers executed bit of political entertainment intended to occupy otherwise empty American minds and set the table for the "return" of either Trump or a Trump-like messianic figure, an appeasement to in turn entertain the true masters of American political power.

Blah, blah . . .
LIVE footage dude.
Real People, so-called Patriots, committing crimes.

Do the Crime, pay the Time.
Who did those protesters shoot? The only one that got shot was an unarmed woman protester. Apparently protesters have to be far left (like the summer rioters) to not be insurrectionists to the MSM and their dumbshit audience.
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Myself . . . I have a divided view and conflicted opinion concerning the events of 6-JAN. On one hand I want to dismiss the entire tiresome affair as an altogether loathsome bit of political theater and circus aimed at giving the peasants a bit of entertaining fat to chew off the same old bone of increasingly divided political parties. In short: a serial novel's worth of distraction from much more pressing matters the individual American ought to be revolting over.

On the other hand, a part of my mind wants to view the ongoing 6-JAN sideshow as an extended effort to over punish a handful of rowdy republican/Christian protestors for causing a minor disturbance; minor in the grand long run of American history so far. In this view I see Pelosi and the rest of the scum aristocratic political establishment as seeking to send a clear message to anyone brave, insane or stupid enough to actually revolt against the modern day American royalty.

But I don't really believe that.

End of the day I can't help but seeing both major political parties as one and the same, as united in the singular goal of destroying America and proselytizing the American people to the cult of the globalist church and their hallowed one world government.

6-JAN? That whole affair is a controlled, planned, and by the numbers executed bit of political entertainment intended to occupy otherwise empty American minds and set the table for the "return" of either Trump or a Trump-like messianic figure, an appeasement to in turn entertain the true masters of American political power.

Blah, blah . . .
Democrats and Republicans are just names for people with a lot of money and power. In other countries, they would fight each other, one would conquer and even kill the other and take political prisoners. Up to today, our Constitution has given at least SOME power to The People however with the advent of the leftist-Marxist-Democrat-MSM-Big-Tech alliance, our rights in grave danger. Jan 6th was less than nothing in comparison however, they represented We The People which the D.C. DNC/Republican power alliance will punish lawfully or not.
I can't be the only observer who has "had it up to here" with all of the inflammatory, fact-averse claims about the events of January 6th. It was a demonstration that got out of hand. It was not an "insurrection," or an "armed" anything. And the Justice Department's handling of the events and people has destroyed any credibility that pathetic Department has ever had.

But enough of my thoughts. Here is someone who summarizes it quite nicely and puts it into perspective and context. Sorry if you have USATODAY-750-WORD limit. Read the whole thing.

LOL. The usual right-wing turd inability to take responsibility for one's actions. You trumptards danced your jig, now face the music.

Take it like a man instead of the whiny sniveling coward your orange douche bag has turned out to be.
LOL. The usual right-wing turd inability to take responsibility for one's actions. You trumptards danced your jig, now face the music.

Take it like a man instead of the whiny sniveling coward your orange douche bag has turned out to be.
We will be dancing on the Democrat grave that they dug for themselves in 2020. One only needs to look at the stumbling, bumbling fool they illegally put in power as POTUS. Even a lot of the so-called left in this country are realizing the guy is completely incompetent. I take responsibility for any protest that shines the light of truth on these fraudulent Demcrat-political, D.C. establishment demagogues.
LOL. The usual right-wing turd inability to take responsibility for one's actions. You trumptards danced your jig, now face the music.

Take it like a man instead of the whiny sniveling coward your orange douche bag has turned out to be.

No one is "taking it" like anything because there's nothing at stake, no penance to make. 6-JAN was, as kids say these days, a nothing burger. 6-JAN is pure political theater. The proof is in the packaging. Someone who was there, someone who actually stood on the steps of that hallowed building, remains free as a bird. Anecdotal evidence at best perhaps, but many such stories exist. The whole "event" may as well have been filmed on a movie set for its relation and relevance to reality. However, feel free to endlessly indulge your fantasies of Trump supporters crucified down the Apian way. To each their own, right? I said . . . right? You evidently prefer a POTUS unable to control his bowels—one who utters nonsensical words you take as divinely inspired. Enjoy—I guess . . .
They were brave enough to break the law they are brave enough to take their punishments and stop whining like little children crying for a bottle.

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