The Jihad In Syria & Rise of Syrian Mujahideen

A couple of interesting videos about the Syrian people fighting for their freedom against Assad and his murdering army.

Correction: even Western media agrees that it is not "Syrian people", but gangs of hired mercenaries (most of them -- foreigners) who "fight for their freedom". They are armed, financed and trained by SA, US, Qatar and Turkey. And directed by foreign military instructors and SF.
Who cares what the western media says or thinks?

The people in the videos are Syrians fighting for Syria.

And that's what matters. :cool:
Who cares what the western media says or thinks?

The people in the videos are Syrians fighting for Syria.

And that's what matters. :cool:

What matters is that even the West stopped pretending the bloodshed in Syria is due to "people fighting for their freedom"! Even the West and SA, and Qatar are now openly admitting they support, finance, arm and direct gangs of mercenaries to fight in Syria.

That's what matters!
What matters is that even the West stopped pretending the bloodshed in Syria is due to "people fighting for their freedom"! Even the West and SA, and Qatar are now openly admitting they support, finance, arm and direct gangs of mercenaries to fight in Syria
Somebody needs to step in an' stop the killin'...
UNICEF: 1,600 Killed in Syria's Civil War Last Week
September 02, 2012 - The U.N. children's fund UNICEF says Syria's civil war killed 1,600 people last week, making it the deadliest seven-day period of the 18-month conflict.
UNICEF spokesman Patrick McCormick said Sunday the death toll included some children, but he did not elaborate. Syrian opposition activists have been reporting daily death tolls of 100 to 200 people in the past week as President Bashar al-Assad's forces intensified the use of air power to crush the uprising against his autocratic rule. Daily casualty reports from rebel and government sources are difficult to verify because the fighting and government censorship have kept many foreign journalists away.

Several Syrian rights groups said the conflict's death toll for August was nearly 5,000. It was the deadliest month since the uprising began in March of last year. In the latest unrest on Sunday, Syrian state media said two bombs exploded near a security compound in Damascus, wounding four people in an attack claimed by Free Syrian Army rebels. The state news reports denounced the bombings in the Abu Rummaneh district of the capital as an act of terrorism.

In another attack, the Syrian government said a car bomb exploded in a Damascus suburb late Saturday, killing 15 people. The Syrian capital and its suburbs have seen a series of bombings in recent months, mostly targeting the security establishment of President Assad. Syrian opposition activists said Mr. Assad's forces bombarded rebel-held areas of several provinces on Sunday. Syria's uprising began in March 2011 with peaceful protests but escalated into a civil war as the Syrian leader tried to suppress opponents with deadly force.

UNICEF: 1,600 Killed in Syria's Civil War Last Week
The fight in Syria is part and parcel of the "arab spring" The "arab spring" is one episode in a long series of "ISLAMIC REVIVALS" They are always bloody and end up with a huge efflux of ----KAFFIRIN from the affected areas since in all cases ------they involve genocides of the "kaffirin" as an aspect of the PURIFICATION issues but its ok sunni is having fun
A couple of interesting videos about the Syrian people fighting for their freedom against Assad and his murdering army.

Correction: even Western media agrees that it is not "Syrian people", but gangs of hired mercenaries (most of them -- foreigners) who "fight for their freedom". They are armed, financed and trained by SA, US, Qatar and Turkey. And directed by foreign military instructors and SF.
You left out "American funded Al Qaida".

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