The job markets is screwed for the younger generation


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
We sat around and let the Socialists fk up this whole society.

not only do you have a crap job, but now they take away your dignity.

now, when I walk into the Kwik-E-Mark, the employees have to yell out "Hello! welcome to Kwik-E-Mart!" . I don't want to step foot in there.

I passed by a Jiffy Lube, and when they're not working, they make them stand outside with signs.

Many years ago when I took the test for the Los Angeles Plumbers and Fitters Union, they gave a test that was way too long to complete in the time frame, but there was only one question that mattered, the question that said "who do you know who works in the union?".

As long as the union is allowed to ask that question, you as an American citizen do not have one "civil right" as a job applicant.

100% of the people I saw standing outside that they hired were black, ...isn't that an amazing coincidence?

they've managed to design the job market, so when you're employed you're an important business professional, but when you are unemployed or trying to start your own business, you're a scoundrel.

Companies take the attitude that if you apply for a job you're 'trying to get away with something'. 'Do you think you can work here with your jaywalking ticket from 1988?'

background checking is going berserk.

Many businesses have determined that the employee means nothing.

Before I got hired at SEARS they were calling me begging me to apply, but when I was hired there, all they did was cause problems.

It turns out, the reason why they are always hiring, is because they are always firing. The average job in these large companies is 8 months to 2 years. For some reason, that I can't figure out, companies like SEARS have concluded, that customers who are angry about poor service, aren't an issue.

To prepare for your 2 years of employment, you need to spend 10k on a trade school , then get nickel and dimed by the government for fees and licensing. You can't cut hair without a license you know. Wanna stand in a vacant lot and guard a pile of lumber? WHOOO gonna need DNA and a urine sample.

Certain careers if you want to work there you have to go get raped by a doctors finger (or now, a certified professional)

The younger generation has to be a jack of all trades, earner from none.

So, for the last 30 years we've been hearing about this "bad economy" as an excuse for the decline of the American's standard of living. While we've been declining and having problems with employment, our traitor government has managed to transplant a whole nation of foreigners over here who live worry-free. You see, as a low income American, if you go out business, you become homeless, yet the foreigners don't seem to have that problem. They invest "their" money in their stupid idea for business, and when it flops it's no big deal. Someone needs to explain to me how people come here from countries with nothing, and suddenly have that type of security here.

Then we're told the BS about how hard working they are. You only need and IQ over twelve to realize the longer you keep the doors open, the more money you can make.

Then we're told the BS about how smart they are. Thousands of years of accomplishing nothing and suddenly they're all geniuses.

Try to offset the problems with the job market and go get and education. Both of the younger kids in my family have masters degrees, ...everyone does.

People argue about minimum wage, it doesn't matter anymore, you can start off at 40k you're still going to be living with mommy and daddy.

The big problem is, the baby boomer generation fails to see the urgency of the problems in this country.

They had a career, bought their house for 50k, and are sitting on inflated property prices that went up to 500k to 1.1 million, while collecting Social Security, and still bich about how hard life is,

While the younger generation is not going to have a career, house, or any Social Security that helps anything
What fucked America is unregulated capitalism. You raced to the bottom by buying everything from someone else because it was cheaper. You don't even make your own sheets and towels, socks and underwear, let alone TVs and comnputers. You have only yourselves to blame. You wanted life on the cheap, now, you got it.
they voted for Transformation. and that is what they are going to get

I just feel horrible for the children/young adults though a lot of them had a hand in it.
What fucked America is unregulated capitalism. You raced to the bottom by buying everything from someone else because it was cheaper. You don't even make your own sheets and towels, socks and underwear, let alone TVs and comnputers. You have only yourselves to blame. You wanted life on the cheap, now, you got it.
Is it just possible that you are an evil person who gloats at the misfortune of others.
Yeah! The job markets is screwed up for the young peoples. I wished the socialist in Washington will stop giving penalty's such as increased regulations to the ones in America who want to work hard for our money! And then just giving our hard earn dollars to the lazy bum in the ghetto. Shit! I want our country back!
they voted for Transformation. and that is what they are going to get

I just feel horrible for the children/young adults though a lot of them had a hand in it.

Indeed. I truly think that those who voted for the faculty lounge communist ABSOLUTELY believed that the clown was somehow going to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America into a socialist paradise, where money grew from the trees and we all suddenly "loved" one another. All injustice would suddenly be solved and we would all live like Kings and Queens.

I'm sure that the people of Russia thought the same thing when the Soviet Union was formed - and we know how that turned out. Frankly, I have been all over the world and operated at embassies in those countries (including Moscow) and I have YET to find a better country than the one I was born in - The United States of America. Have we got our problems? You bet. But I'll take my chances with the horse I arrived on, thank you.
Now there are about 5 million jobs in this nation going begging. Jobs for tradesmen like electricians and millwrights. Jobs that pay between 60 and 100K. Many Community Colleges have courses that will get you in the door in an apprentice ship program. I could not help but think, as I read the OP, here is one of those fellows that is too damned good to get dirty, sweaty, and greasy, bitching about his lack of money, when his primary lack is a willingness to do the work that industry needs. As a millwright ending a 50 year career in the the next couple of years, I have seen many tradesmen whose total life wages exceeded the income of many professionals.

Yes, you have to be willing to work mandated overtime during maintenance shutdowns, and, on occasion, work right around the clock to get the mill up an running. But that is what makes a journey level tradesman. Such people are seldom out of work, and are often recruited by employers even while they are working for other people.

You want to be employed? Learn to do something useful that a machine cannot do. Because the machine that puts you out of work is the machine that is more unemployment insurance for people like me.
We sat around and let the Socialists fk up this whole society.

not only do you have a crap job, but now they take away your dignity.

now, when I walk into the Kwik-E-Mark, the employees have to yell out "Hello! welcome to Kwik-E-Mart!" . I don't want to step foot in there.

I passed by a Jiffy Lube, and when they're not working, they make them stand outside with signs.

The 'Socialists' did that?
Who is president doesn't have a damn thing to do with human resource management in a private business......
The main reasons the job market is so screwed up for young people are immigration combined with the export of manufacturing jobs. Of course this problem could be solved by simply halting immigration and slapping tariffs on imported manufactured goods. However, there is no political will in Washington to do that.
I don't fail to see shit. I didn't elect Obama, you did. I'd say you got exactly what you bargained for. Congratulations.

That's what I tell all of the employees in healthcare that voted for that fraud and watch their jobs disappear to outsourcing. What did they think would happen when they voted themselves out of a job?
they voted for Transformation. and that is what they are going to get

I just feel horrible for the children/young adults though a lot of them had a hand in it.

Indeed. I truly think that those who voted for the faculty lounge communist ABSOLUTELY believed that the clown was somehow going to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America into a socialist paradise, where money grew from the trees and we all suddenly "loved" one another. All injustice would suddenly be solved and we would all live like Kings and Queens.

I'm sure that the people of Russia thought the same thing when the Soviet Union was formed - and we know how that turned out. Frankly, I have been all over the world and operated at embassies in those countries (including Moscow) and I have YET to find a better country than the one I was born in - The United States of America. Have we got our problems? You bet. But I'll take my chances with the horse I arrived on, thank you.

That's exactly what they thought. Oblahblah was going to buy them a house.
they voted for Transformation. and that is what they are going to get

I just feel horrible for the children/young adults though a lot of them had a hand in it.

Indeed. I truly think that those who voted for the faculty lounge communist ABSOLUTELY believed that the clown was somehow going to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America into a socialist paradise, where money grew from the trees and we all suddenly "loved" one another. All injustice would suddenly be solved and we would all live like Kings and Queens.

I'm sure that the people of Russia thought the same thing when the Soviet Union was formed - and we know how that turned out. Frankly, I have been all over the world and operated at embassies in those countries (including Moscow) and I have YET to find a better country than the one I was born in - The United States of America. Have we got our problems? You bet. But I'll take my chances with the horse I arrived on, thank you.

That's exactly what they thought. Oblahblah was going to buy them a house.
You mean you didn't get a freebie?I got mine during Reagan...
What fucked America is unregulated capitalism. You raced to the bottom by buying everything from someone else because it was cheaper. You don't even make your own sheets and towels, socks and underwear, let alone TVs and comnputers. You have only yourselves to blame. You wanted life on the cheap, now, you got it.
Rules and regulations and mandatory minimum wage is what forced companies to go elsewhere.
What fucked America is unregulated capitalism. You raced to the bottom by buying everything from someone else because it was cheaper. You don't even make your own sheets and towels, socks and underwear, let alone TVs and comnputers. You have only yourselves to blame. You wanted life on the cheap, now, you got it.
Rules and regulations and mandatory minimum wage is what forced companies to go elsewhere.
Right, they moved to a communist nation with mandatory unions.....yet foreign nations have built plant and manufacturing jobs here....As a teen I worked in restaurants, started at 13, until I got a job in construction, at 17, which lead to a trade brick mason, which allowed me to pay for an education to increase earnings along with learning more trades and technician skills....First thing you gotta do is get off dat azz and stop complaining whilst accepting your poor position as only temporary...
What fucked America is unregulated capitalism. You raced to the bottom by buying everything from someone else because it was cheaper. You don't even make your own sheets and towels, socks and underwear, let alone TVs and comnputers. You have only yourselves to blame. You wanted life on the cheap, now, you got it.
Rules and regulations and mandatory minimum wage is what forced companies to go elsewhere.

Indeed. And the oppressive regulations brought forward by the current administration assures that those jobs will never return. China has become the super power of the world, thanks to the United States.
What fucked America is unregulated capitalism. You raced to the bottom by buying everything from someone else because it was cheaper. You don't even make your own sheets and towels, socks and underwear, let alone TVs and comnputers. You have only yourselves to blame. You wanted life on the cheap, now, you got it.
Rules and regulations and mandatory minimum wage is what forced companies to go elsewhere.
Right, they moved to a communist nation with mandatory unions.....yet foreign nations have built plant and manufacturing jobs here....As a teen I worked in restaurants, started at 13, until I got a job in construction, at 17, which lead to a trade brick mason, which allowed me to pay for an education to increase earnings along with learning more trades and technician skills....First thing you gotta do is get off dat azz and stop complaining whilst accepting your poor position as only temporary...

Damn, fool. I "almost" agreed with you.....ALMOST. There are no unions in China. NONE. But you are correct. I started working (dishwasher) at 14 and have been working everyday (until I retired) for the last 60 years. The proliferation of the "College Mills" and their $150,000 a year tenured Professors - are kept alive by the idea that "everyone who wants to go to College can" - put forth by the faculty lounge communist.

Not "everyone" in this country needs - or should - have a University education. Trade Schools are wonderful. Hell, even Community Colleges are great - to learn a TRADE. I have friends who are still driving truck - who earn in excess of $100,000 per year. My Cousin is a Plumber who owns his own (highly successful) plumbing business. My Best Friend (RIP) was an Electrician for Ford for 30 years and was making $90,000 a year. My Uncle was a bricklayer all his life and made a great living.

If we do not bring the companies (and their trillions) back to America - we are lost. There are two ways to do this - (1)Tax the living hell out of their imports - made for slave wages, sent back here at a 10,000 percent markup - with the profits going offshore. (2) Make every state in the Union a "Right to work state". I was in the Teamsters for 25 years in a "Right to work State". It never hurt the union - everyone at my company (except upper management) was union.

Additionally, there MUST be a sit-down by the next administration with the various Unions and they MUST come to the consensus that unions are dying. The ONLY way to benefit everyone involved is to agree to modest concessions.

Do this - and there is hope for this country. Do this not - and we are finished. The generations that follow will be slaves to a monster government for their very existence. Ask Rome how that turned out.....
they voted for Transformation. and that is what they are going to get

I just feel horrible for the children/young adults though a lot of them had a hand in it.

Indeed. I truly think that those who voted for the faculty lounge communist ABSOLUTELY believed that the clown was somehow going to "fundamentally transform" the United States of America into a socialist paradise, where money grew from the trees and we all suddenly "loved" one another. All injustice would suddenly be solved and we would all live like Kings and Queens.

I'm sure that the people of Russia thought the same thing when the Soviet Union was formed - and we know how that turned out. Frankly, I have been all over the world and operated at embassies in those countries (including Moscow) and I have YET to find a better country than the one I was born in - The United States of America. Have we got our problems? You bet. But I'll take my chances with the horse I arrived on, thank you.

That's exactly what they thought. Oblahblah was going to buy them a house.

Indeed. Being "taken care of" by the State. Didn't work in the USSR and it work work here.

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