The Job of a Senator


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

I have always believed that the reason why we have a "representative" government is because a real "democracy" would require that every voting citizen be fully informed about the issues coming before the country, so that they (we) could cast informed, intelligent votes on the matters under consideration. But we don't have either the time or the interest. So we elect like-minded people to take the time to learn about the issues, and make arguments & cast votes accordingly. For that reason, it is possible that our representatives may occasionally cast votes or make arguments that those who voted for them might disagree with - but they defer to their judgment because they - legislators - are in a much better position to analyze the issues and make the proper votes.

So here we have Democrats in Arizona apparently hating their elected Democrat Senator for doing what she believes is the correct thing - opposing a massive, unprecedented package of legislation that is so complex that essentially NONE of the constituents can have a good grasp of what's in it, or what its ramifications would be.

We all do the same thing. We hate on the legislators we voted for when we think they have betrayed their campaign promises or the Party in general.

But here is the main poignant thing I take from this article: "The survey of likely voters for her 2024(!) Democratic Senate primary showed just 25 percent approval for Sinema's performance in office, as opposed to 85 percent for... President Biden..."

85% of those Democrats polled approve of the job Joe Biden is doing?

I would take that poll-rejection as a badge of honor. Idiots don't like her.
Leftism is a cult.

Straight up cult.

If you think Biden is doing a good job, you are a brainwashed sheep.

I have always believed that the reason why we have a "representative" government is because a real "democracy" would require that every voting citizen be fully informed about the issues coming before the country, so that they (we) could cast informed, intelligent votes on the matters under consideration. But we don't have either the time or the interest. So we elect like-minded people to take the time to learn about the issues, and make arguments & cast votes accordingly. For that reason, it is possible that our representatives may occasionally cast votes or make arguments that those who voted for them might disagree with - but they defer to their judgment because they - legislators - are in a much better position to analyze the issues and make the proper votes.

So here we have Democrats in Arizona apparently hating their elected Democrat Senator for doing what she believes is the correct thing - opposing a massive, unprecedented package of legislation that is so complex that essentially NONE of the constituents can have a good grasp of what's in it, or what its ramifications would be.

We all do the same thing. We hate on the legislators we voted for when we think they have betrayed their campaign promises or the Party in general.

But here is the main poignant thing I take from this article: "The survey of likely voters for her 2024(!) Democratic Senate primary showed just 25 percent approval for Sinema's performance in office, as opposed to 85 percent for... President Biden..."

85% of those Democrats polled approve of the job Joe Biden is doing?

I would take that poll-rejection as a badge of honor. Idiots don't like her.
one problem is we are not a real democracy and the people dont vote on the issues,,,

I have always believed that the reason why we have a "representative" government is because a real "democracy" would require that every voting citizen be fully informed about the issues coming before the country, so that they (we) could cast informed, intelligent votes on the matters under consideration. But we don't have either the time or the interest. So we elect like-minded people to take the time to learn about the issues, and make arguments & cast votes accordingly. For that reason, it is possible that our representatives may occasionally cast votes or make arguments that those who voted for them might disagree with - but they defer to their judgment because they - legislators - are in a much better position to analyze the issues and make the proper votes.

So here we have Democrats in Arizona apparently hating their elected Democrat Senator for doing what she believes is the correct thing - opposing a massive, unprecedented package of legislation that is so complex that essentially NONE of the constituents can have a good grasp of what's in it, or what its ramifications would be.

We all do the same thing. We hate on the legislators we voted for when we think they have betrayed their campaign promises or the Party in general.

But here is the main poignant thing I take from this article: "The survey of likely voters for her 2024(!) Democratic Senate primary showed just 25 percent approval for Sinema's performance in office, as opposed to 85 percent for... President Biden..."

85% of those Democrats polled approve of the job Joe Biden is doing?

I would take that poll-rejection as a badge of honor. Idiots don't like her.
She has fallen in with Big Oil since being elected. She's enjoying the money and fame. She better enjoy it now because her career is over.

I have always believed that the reason why we have a "representative" government is because a real "democracy" would require that every voting citizen be fully informed about the issues coming before the country, so that they (we) could cast informed, intelligent votes on the matters under consideration. But we don't have either the time or the interest. So we elect like-minded people to take the time to learn about the issues, and make arguments & cast votes accordingly. For that reason, it is possible that our representatives may occasionally cast votes or make arguments that those who voted for them might disagree with - but they defer to their judgment because they - legislators - are in a much better position to analyze the issues and make the proper votes.

So here we have Democrats in Arizona apparently hating their elected Democrat Senator for doing what she believes is the correct thing - opposing a massive, unprecedented package of legislation that is so complex that essentially NONE of the constituents can have a good grasp of what's in it, or what its ramifications would be.

We all do the same thing. We hate on the legislators we voted for when we think they have betrayed their campaign promises or the Party in general.

But here is the main poignant thing I take from this article: "The survey of likely voters for her 2024(!) Democratic Senate primary showed just 25 percent approval for Sinema's performance in office, as opposed to 85 percent for... President Biden..."

85% of those Democrats polled approve of the job Joe Biden is doing?

I would take that poll-rejection as a badge of honor. Idiots don't like her.
A senators job is also to reorder the entire State, not just the party that she’s a member of
Sinema should become an independent.
Senators are like good dawgs. They always listen to their owners(that aint you). Please send letters. Toilet paper is scarce again

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