The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

I know this is off-topic, but I'm hoping super-sleuth 7forever can shed some light on the mystery......

It looks like 7forever was getting too close to the truth and was abducted by the Secret Service. Either that or his brain finally burst after filling up with too much stupid. :dunno:
What about this in-depth video, which answers a lot of questions?

In my opinion, and I am no expert on the topic, that is the best documentary about JFK murder that I have ever watched.

The one I watched is 4 hours, this here is a bit less but I think it's the same.
What about this in-depth video, which answers a lot of questions?

pred fan is a troll.he wont watch it.

He is proof what a troll he is,i made a thread telling the truth that even the house select committe on assassinations in the 70's concluded the warren commission was wrong and that there were two shooters.what does he go and do? like the paid troll he is,he ignores what the tile of the thread says and posts on there that he thinks oswald was the lone assassin.:cuckoo::lmao:

what a fucking troll.these lone nut trolls cant stand toe to toe in a debate,they have to make up lies to try and save face in defeat just as their handlers instruct them to.
all and all

people nowadays dont't have the stamina....I think? do they? may be they do

that's it

It came from the front. Specter covered that up by refusing to put on the record those who would've fingered the driver's shot. This case was closed almost five years ago. We Were There: Revelations from the Dallas Doctors Who Attended to JFK on November 22, 1963 eBook: Allen Childs MD: Kindle Store

It's snippets of evidence such as this that make the internet so awesome. It is only logical that many people would have been willing say they saw the driver shoot jfk. This is one of the most obvious facts exposing government evil that has been found thus far. Imagining a world with more truths such as this is much less a dream than ever before. It's a real possibility if the willingness can extend significantly outward. Somebody refers to a specific person and the front excludes the grassy snow job. Greer provided an ironic photo a billion times over if the image was taken after the assassination?

In the Introduction, on page xiii, the author writes: "Late in this project, I came upon a startling revelation in Dr. Ron Jones's oral history. After taking his Warren Commission deposition at Parkland, chief counsel Arlen Specter told Ronald Coy Jones, ronald coy jones - Google Search

"We have people who would testify that they saw somebody shoot the president from the front. But we don't want to interview them, and I don't want you to say anything about that, either."

Nothing of value here December 28, 2013

The intro is posted in full on
Click the link below and scroll down. The shooter they would have named could've only been the driver of jfk's limousine. As a last resort click the book link to reach the introduction.

We Were There: Revelations from the Dallas Doctors Who Attended to JFK on November 22, 1963 Kindle Edition

by Allen Childs MD (Author) 2013 We Were There: Revelations from the Dallas Doctors Who Attended to JFK on November 22, 1963 eBook: Allen Childs MD: Kindle Store

Alexander J. Marciniszyn was the person who wrote the short review that included that many eyewitnesses saw somebody shoot the President from the front. We Were There: Revelations from the Dallas Doctors Who Attended to JFK on November 22, 1963 eBook: Allen Childs MD: Kindle Store

In the Introduction, on page xiii, the author writes: "Late in this project, I came upon a startling revelation in Dr. Ron Jones's oral history. After taking his Warren Commission deposition at Parkland, chief counsel Arlen Specter told Jones, 'We have people who would testify that they saw somebody shoot the president from the front. But we don't want to interview them, and I don't want you to say anything about that, either.'" Not much of a revelation to anyone who's studied the Kennedy assassination in depth. This author just throws up his hands in a "what is history and what is real or not?" kind of way at the end.

Spector excluded no one of consequence.

All of the evidence proves Oswald was the only shooter.

The fatal bullet entered from above and behind as the autopsy proves beyond question.

The case was closed in 64 with the release of the WC report.

Your efforts fail

Exactly. Oswald killed Kennedy. Oswald was in league with others probably high up. That was why he was killed before he got a chance to talk.

amazing.maybe there IS hope for pred fan troll after all the fact he is now accepting reality that oswald was not the lone assassin and there was a conspiracy. miracles DO happen after all.:biggrin:

Now that he has finally accepted reality that there was a conspiracy,maybe there is hope that someday he will accept it as well that there was never a shread of evidence that oswald had fired a shot as well.:biggrin:

after all,he did get HALF of what he said right there at least.thats a MAJOR improvement for him.:biggrin:

Oswald was in league with many others allright,many in the CIA.
ah to no surprise the CIA sent their most loyal paid shill-the whining crybaby troll who has an obsession with me and seven, to fart here again.:9::biggrin:

the troll who can only do this all the time in defeat=:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

this whining crybaby troll who whines to the mods over at PF all the time as his handlers instruct him to,has had his ass handed to him on a platter by myself,seven and over a hundred others over the years.He goes into evade mode and refuses to address videos making claims they have been debunked when he knows he cant counter or refute the evidence or facts.he cant stand toe to toe in a debate with anyone.this lunatic troll is so desperate for attention,he talks to himself all the time folks actually adressing people who have him on ignore.Is that a fruitcake or what.:lmao:

predfan troll has me on ignore but do you see ME addressing him directly? no because only lunatic psycho nutcases like this NAZI agent do that.:lmao:
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The only one here who has been crushed is you and the other conspiracy theorists.

You know it is true that you have been beaten badly and humiliated.

It is fact you and the other CTs have no evidence whatsoever to back up your fiction and every attempt to post evidence has resulted in making you all look like fools.

This is why you do not respond and why you claim others are government plants you are just childish.

But you have been beaten and you know it
needing to be repeated because it is so much the truth.:biggrin:

ah to no surprise the CIA sent their most loyal paid shill-the whining crybaby troll who has an obsession with me and seven, to fart here again.:9::biggrin:

the troll who can only do this all the time in defeat=:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

this whining crybaby troll who whines to the mods over at PF all the time as his handlers instruct him to,has had his ass handed to him on a platter by myself,seven and over a hundred others over the years.He goes into evade mode and refuses to address videos making claims they have been debunked when he knows he cant counter or refute the evidence or facts.he cant stand toe to toe in a debate withanyone.this lunatic troll is so desperate for attention,he talks to himself all the time folks actually adressing people who have him onignore.Is that a fruitcake or what.:lmao:

predfan troll has me on ignore but do you see ME addressing him directly? no because only lunatic psycho nutcases like this NAZI agent do that.:lmao:

unlike the NAZI agent of the government,I'll talk about Pedfan but you dont see me talking directly to him like this psycho nutcase lunatic NAZI agent does with me

thats the difference between me and this stupid fuck agent NAZI whining crybaby
needing to be repeated because it is so much the truth.:biggrin:

ah to no surprise the CIA sent their most loyal paid shill-the whining crybaby troll who has an obsession with me and seven, to fart here again.:9::biggrin:

the troll who can only do this all the time in defeat=:blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:

this whining crybaby troll who whines to the mods over at PF all the time as his handlers instruct him to,has had his ass handed to him on a platter by myself,seven and over a hundred others over the years.He goes into evade mode and refuses to address videos making claims they have been debunked when he knows he cant counter or refute the evidence or facts.he cant stand toe to toe in a debate withanyone.this lunatic troll is so desperate for attention,he talks to himself all the time folks actually adressing people who have him onignore.Is that a fruitcake or what.:lmao:

predfan troll has me on ignore but do you see ME addressing him directly? no because only lunatic psycho nutcases like this NAZI agent do that.:lmao:

unlike the NAZI agent of the government,I'll talk about Pedfan but you dont see me talking directly to him like this psycho nutcase lunatic NAZI agent does with me

thats the difference between me and this stupid fuck agent NAZI whining crybaby
All of your videos have been addressed.

They have been debunked and proven to be fiction.

You have no evidence and all the evidence proves you wrong.

You are the only one left who never addresses facts or evidence.

You are also the only proven paid shill
I've read some rather compelling stuff that strongly implicates the Mafia as the culprit. Yes, LHO was involved, but he was not alone . . . he may, in fact, have been somewhat of a patsy. But it is undeniable that organized crime in the early 60's were best prepared for assassination.

As I understand it, Robert Kennedy as Attorney General had basically "gone to war" with a big Mafia leader and went so far as to have him deported. The guy worked his way back into the U.S. and vowed vengence. He referred to a Sicilian saying . . . "if you want to quiet a barking dog, don't cut off the tail, go for the head."
I've read some rather compelling stuff that strongly implicates the Mafia as the culprit. Yes, LHO was involved, but he was not alone . . . he may, in fact, have been somewhat of a patsy. But it is undeniable that organized crime in the early 60's were best prepared for assassination.

As I understand it, Robert Kennedy as Attorney General had basically "gone to war" with a big Mafia leader and went so far as to have him deported. The guy worked his way back into the U.S. and vowed vengence. He referred to a Sicilian saying . . . "if you want to quiet a barking dog, don't cut off the tail, go for the head."
All speculation with no evidence
I've read some rather compelling stuff that strongly implicates the Mafia as the culprit. Yes, LHO was involved, but he was not alone . . . he may, in fact, have been somewhat of a patsy. But it is undeniable that organized crime in the early 60's were best prepared for assassination.

As I understand it, Robert Kennedy as Attorney General had basically "gone to war" with a big Mafia leader and went so far as to have him deported. The guy worked his way back into the U.S. and vowed vengence. He referred to a Sicilian saying . . . "if you want to quiet a barking dog, don't cut off the tail, go for the head."

except there was never any evidence that oswald was involved despite what the paid NAZI shill that farts here all the time says that he was the lone assassin.:biggrin:

the mafia was involved no doubt but not alone,it was mostly a CIA operation. the disinfo agent NAZI troll and other paid shills like him never have can refute these facts of CIA involvement in this video or that Bush was a major player. they dont even try and debunk them.:biggrin:


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