The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

The secret service did not ALLOW the president to move unprotected or exposed. He insisted on it and they work for him.

And as many US citizens did not love any US President more than Kennedy. The last President that had the full attention and love of the Press was Reagan.

Kennedy - No protected car.

Reagan Shooting- And no security perimeter. Well it was not complete and people were allowed to close. No offense to Secret Service, but Security was lax in my observation and opinion.

Anwar Sadat Assassination- Poor security. No attention to detail and a very poor security posture. It was like his body guards just wore guns and looed pretty instead of taking his personal security seriously.

The Germans have messed up as well as the Israelis ( Mossad ) = Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. And there is no better Intelligence Organization on the face of the earth better than Mossad ; whom pride themselves on the best, and most.....Human Intelligence Agents.

One thing it takes to perform "Executive Protection" as I will call it ; is manpower and resources. Manpower looking out, as well as in.

THE MAJOR things are - a proper frame of mind, attention to detail and a security frame of mind and posture. If you do not take your job seriously ; someone.....or a group of people could very well get injured or killed.

I know this due to an overseas assignerment I worked.

Protection is not easy and it is long hours. It takes money - resoruces and planning. Planning and sometimes modifying plans occurs daily.

But again no disrespect to the US Secret Service and overseas Protective details ; You have to be professional and you have to take your job seriously.

Shadow 355 ( Prior US Military )
The secret service did not ALLOW the president to move unprotected or exposed. He insisted on it and they work for him.

And as many US citizens did not love any US President more than Kennedy. The last President that had the full attention and love of the Press was Reagan.

Kennedy - No protected car.

Reagan Shooting- And no security perimeter. Well it was not complete and people were allowed to close. No offense to Secret Service, but Security was lax in my observation and opinion.

Anwar Sadat Assassination- Poor security. No attention to detail and a very poor security posture. It was like his body guards just wore guns and looed pretty instead of taking his personal security seriously.

The Germans have messed up as well as the Israelis ( Mossad ) = Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. And there is no better Intelligence Organization on the face of the earth better than Mossad ; whom pride themselves on the best, and most.....Human Intelligence Agents.

One thing it takes to perform "Executive Protection" as I will call it ; is manpower and resources. Manpower looking out, as well as in.

THE MAJOR things are - a proper frame of mind, attention to detail and a security frame of mind and posture. If you do not take your job seriously ; someone.....or a group of people could very well get injured or killed.

I know this due to an overseas assignerment I worked.

Protection is not easy and it is long hours. It takes money - resoruces and planning. Planning and sometimes modifying plans occurs daily.

But again no disrespect to the US Secret Service and overseas Protective details ; You have to be professional and you have to take your job seriously.

Shadow 355 ( Prior US Military )
I understand your point and I tend to agree except that you are wrong about Kennedy and how much people loved him.

Kennedy barely won the election the margin between his votes and Nixon's votes was very narrow one of the closest elections of the 20th century.

Many have pointed out that Kennedy barely won by cheating in Illinois and texas without which he would have lost. LBJ was stuffing ballot boxes in Texas and rigging the election while organized crime did the same in Chicago.

Kennedy was no shoe in for re-election which in fact was reason he changed the purpose for his visit to Texas. Originally he intended to visit a university and accept an honorary PHD. Instead he decided to Political banquets and meetings to calm down the strife and division within the Texas state democrat party. Senator Yarborough, governor Connally, LBJ and others were basically at each others throats which threatened a splintering of the party in Texas and Kennedy needed unity if he hoped to carry the state in 64 which he had to do if he stood any chance of winning.

Polls of the time do not show great love for JFK he was as controversial hated by many and loved by others as any other president or even more so. Many were disgusted with his weakness in the Bay of Pigs. He looked better after the Cuban missile crises but even then many viewed his actions as being soft on the USSR.

JFK became loved by many and revered because he was martyred. His adoration by Americans grew immensely after he was murdered by Oswald.
The secret service did not ALLOW the president to move unprotected or exposed. He insisted on it and they work for him.

And as many US citizens did not love any US President more than Kennedy. The last President that had the full attention and love of the Press was Reagan.

Kennedy - No protected car.

Reagan Shooting- And no security perimeter. Well it was not complete and people were allowed to close. No offense to Secret Service, but Security was lax in my observation and opinion.

Anwar Sadat Assassination- Poor security. No attention to detail and a very poor security posture. It was like his body guards just wore guns and looed pretty instead of taking his personal security seriously.

The Germans have messed up as well as the Israelis ( Mossad ) = Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. And there is no better Intelligence Organization on the face of the earth better than Mossad ; whom pride themselves on the best, and most.....Human Intelligence Agents.

One thing it takes to perform "Executive Protection" as I will call it ; is manpower and resources. Manpower looking out, as well as in.

THE MAJOR things are - a proper frame of mind, attention to detail and a security frame of mind and posture. If you do not take your job seriously ; someone.....or a group of people could very well get injured or killed.

I know this due to an overseas assignerment I worked.

Protection is not easy and it is long hours. It takes money - resoruces and planning. Planning and sometimes modifying plans occurs daily.

But again no disrespect to the US Secret Service and overseas Protective details ; You have to be professional and you have to take your job seriously.

Shadow 355 ( Prior US Military )

the secret service agents that day should have been tried for TREASON.

Oh and if you look in the reagan case,Bush sr was involved in that as he was in the JFK assassination attempt.Reagan in the beginning was not going along with their agenda in the first couple months in office.after his assassination,his policys changed DRASTICALLY than what they were before.Hinkley was a patsy for them just as oswald said he was.

The fact that nobody in the secret service were punished for their imcompetence that day says it all about their involvement,they lowered their protection and its all bs that kennedy requested it so the crowds could see him as well because if you look at the photos taken just right before he enters dealy plaza,you see the secret service detail guarding the limo in full force and you had THOUSANDS of spectaters there many on the street just mere feet away from the president in the car,then when he enters dealy plaza the kill zone,the crowd thins out to just a 100 or so present there because the police had the area blocked off so why would JFK want the SS agents to be removed at a scene where there are only a 100 or so in the area so he could be seen by all the spectaters there but have them close to him in the limo allegedly disrupting the view of THOUSANDS of spectaters when the explanation is for them not guarding him in dealy plaza the kill zone was because he allegedly did not want them to block the view of spectaters?


okay so JFK did not have the SS agents near him by the limo guarding him in dealy plaza with just a 100 people present or so because he allegedly thought they would block his view from being seen YET he DOES have them guarding him in the limo in front of THOUSANDS just before he enters dealy plaza as seen in photos.Okay.:cuckoo:

whats wrong with this picture? better question,what kind of BS explanation is THAT of the governments?:rolleyes::lmao:

speaking of reagan.He is burning in hell right now because while govenor of california he was part of the coverup in the JFK assassination the fact he blocked a subpeona order by DA jim garrison to get a subpeona for allen dulles of the CIA.He got handsomely rewarded POTUS for his role in the coverup as did gerald ford got handsomely rewarded POTUS as well for his role in it also.
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The secret service did not ALLOW the president to move unprotected or exposed. He insisted on it and they work for him.

And as many US citizens did not love any US President more than Kennedy. The last President that had the full attention and love of the Press was Reagan.

Kennedy - No protected car.

Reagan Shooting- And no security perimeter. Well it was not complete and people were allowed to close. No offense to Secret Service, but Security was lax in my observation and opinion.

Anwar Sadat Assassination- Poor security. No attention to detail and a very poor security posture. It was like his body guards just wore guns and looed pretty instead of taking his personal security seriously.

The Germans have messed up as well as the Israelis ( Mossad ) = Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. And there is no better Intelligence Organization on the face of the earth better than Mossad ; whom pride themselves on the best, and most.....Human Intelligence Agents.

One thing it takes to perform "Executive Protection" as I will call it ; is manpower and resources. Manpower looking out, as well as in.

THE MAJOR things are - a proper frame of mind, attention to detail and a security frame of mind and posture. If you do not take your job seriously ; someone.....or a group of people could very well get injured or killed.

I know this due to an overseas assignerment I worked.

Protection is not easy and it is long hours. It takes money - resoruces and planning. Planning and sometimes modifying plans occurs daily.

But again no disrespect to the US Secret Service and overseas Protective details ; You have to be professional and you have to take your job seriously.

Shadow 355 ( Prior US Military )

The fact that nobody in the secret service were punished for their imcompetence that day says it all about their involvement,they lowered their protection and its all bs that kennedy requested it so the crowds could see him as well because if you look at the photos taken just right before he enters dealy plaza,you see the secret service detail guarding the limo in full force and you had THOUSANDS of spectaters there many on the street just mere feet away from the president in the car,then when he enters dealy plaza the kill zone,the crowd thins out to just a 100 or so present there because the police had the area blocked off so why would JFK want the SS agents to be removed at a scene where there are only a 100 or so in the area so he could be seen by all the spectaters there but have them close to him in the limo allegedly disrupting the view of THOUSANDS of spectaters when the explanation is for them not guarding him in dealy plaza the kill zone was because he allegedly did not want them to block the view of spectaters?

okay so JFK did not have the SS agents near him by the limo in dealy plaza with just a 100 people present or so because he allegedly thought they would block his view from being seen YET he DOES have them guarding him in the limo in front on THOUSANDS just before he enters dealy plaza as seen in photos.Okay.:cuckoo:

whats wrong with this picture? better question,what kind of BS explanation is THAT of the governments?:rolleyes::lmao:

Lack of official punishment proves nothing.

They were not in full force around his limo as you claim before or after entering Dealey plaza they remained on the chase car the entire route and it is proven documented fact that this was due to Kennedy's instructions.

The police had never blocked off Dealey plaza and the crowd tapered off there because it has to sooner or later and that is where the limo entered the freeway ramp.

You still post spin and speculation rather than evidence which you only ignore.
The secret service did not ALLOW the president to move unprotected or exposed. He insisted on it and they work for him.

And as many US citizens did not love any US President more than Kennedy. The last President that had the full attention and love of the Press was Reagan.

Kennedy - No protected car.

Reagan Shooting- And no security perimeter. Well it was not complete and people were allowed to close. No offense to Secret Service, but Security was lax in my observation and opinion.

Anwar Sadat Assassination- Poor security. No attention to detail and a very poor security posture. It was like his body guards just wore guns and looed pretty instead of taking his personal security seriously.

The Germans have messed up as well as the Israelis ( Mossad ) = Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. And there is no better Intelligence Organization on the face of the earth better than Mossad ; whom pride themselves on the best, and most.....Human Intelligence Agents.

One thing it takes to perform "Executive Protection" as I will call it ; is manpower and resources. Manpower looking out, as well as in.

THE MAJOR things are - a proper frame of mind, attention to detail and a security frame of mind and posture. If you do not take your job seriously ; someone.....or a group of people could very well get injured or killed.

I know this due to an overseas assignerment I worked.

Protection is not easy and it is long hours. It takes money - resoruces and planning. Planning and sometimes modifying plans occurs daily.

But again no disrespect to the US Secret Service and overseas Protective details ; You have to be professional and you have to take your job seriously.

Shadow 355 ( Prior US Military )

The fact that nobody in the secret service were punished for their imcompetence that day says it all about their involvement,they lowered their protection and its all bs that kennedy requested it so the crowds could see him as well because if you look at the photos taken just right before he enters dealy plaza,you see the secret service detail guarding the limo in full force and you had THOUSANDS of spectaters there many on the street just mere feet away from the president in the car,then when he enters dealy plaza the kill zone,the crowd thins out to just a 100 or so present there because the police had the area blocked off so why would JFK want the SS agents to be removed at a scene where there are only a 100 or so in the area so he could be seen by all the spectaters there but have them close to him in the limo allegedly disrupting the view of THOUSANDS of spectaters when the explanation is for them not guarding him in dealy plaza the kill zone was because he allegedly did not want them to block the view of spectaters?

okay so JFK did not have the SS agents near him by the limo in dealy plaza with just a 100 people present or so because he allegedly thought they would block his view from being seen YET he DOES have them guarding him in the limo in front on THOUSANDS just before he enters dealy plaza as seen in photos.Okay.:cuckoo:

whats wrong with this picture? better question,what kind of BS explanation is THAT of the governments?:rolleyes::lmao:

Lack of official punishment proves nothing.

They were not in full force around his limo as you claim before or after entering Dealey plaza they remained on the chase car the entire route and it is proven documented fact that this was due to Kennedy's instructions.

The police had never blocked off Dealey plaza and the crowd tapered off there because it has to sooner or later and that is where the limo entered the freeway ramp.

You still post spin and speculation rather than evidence which you only ignore.
Can you provide a reputable source backing your position that Kennedy instructed the Secret Service not to do their jobs in Dallas that day?

Even if true, it does not address the fact that the CIA and FBI knew who Oswald was and where he was. If Oswald was a radical commie, as the government claims, why did they allow him to be in the TBD that day? Did they just screw up in allowing a known traitor, who had defected to the USSR at the height of the Cold War and returned without any problems, to be magically positioned at an open window overlooking the motorcade?
The secret service did not ALLOW the president to move unprotected or exposed. He insisted on it and they work for him.

And as many US citizens did not love any US President more than Kennedy. The last President that had the full attention and love of the Press was Reagan.

Kennedy - No protected car.

Reagan Shooting- And no security perimeter. Well it was not complete and people were allowed to close. No offense to Secret Service, but Security was lax in my observation and opinion.

Anwar Sadat Assassination- Poor security. No attention to detail and a very poor security posture. It was like his body guards just wore guns and looed pretty instead of taking his personal security seriously.

The Germans have messed up as well as the Israelis ( Mossad ) = Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. And there is no better Intelligence Organization on the face of the earth better than Mossad ; whom pride themselves on the best, and most.....Human Intelligence Agents.

One thing it takes to perform "Executive Protection" as I will call it ; is manpower and resources. Manpower looking out, as well as in.

THE MAJOR things are - a proper frame of mind, attention to detail and a security frame of mind and posture. If you do not take your job seriously ; someone.....or a group of people could very well get injured or killed.

I know this due to an overseas assignerment I worked.

Protection is not easy and it is long hours. It takes money - resoruces and planning. Planning and sometimes modifying plans occurs daily.

But again no disrespect to the US Secret Service and overseas Protective details ; You have to be professional and you have to take your job seriously.

Shadow 355 ( Prior US Military )

The fact that nobody in the secret service were punished for their imcompetence that day says it all about their involvement,they lowered their protection and its all bs that kennedy requested it so the crowds could see him as well because if you look at the photos taken just right before he enters dealy plaza,you see the secret service detail guarding the limo in full force and you had THOUSANDS of spectaters there many on the street just mere feet away from the president in the car,then when he enters dealy plaza the kill zone,the crowd thins out to just a 100 or so present there because the police had the area blocked off so why would JFK want the SS agents to be removed at a scene where there are only a 100 or so in the area so he could be seen by all the spectaters there but have them close to him in the limo allegedly disrupting the view of THOUSANDS of spectaters when the explanation is for them not guarding him in dealy plaza the kill zone was because he allegedly did not want them to block the view of spectaters?

okay so JFK did not have the SS agents near him by the limo in dealy plaza with just a 100 people present or so because he allegedly thought they would block his view from being seen YET he DOES have them guarding him in the limo in front on THOUSANDS just before he enters dealy plaza as seen in photos.Okay.:cuckoo:

whats wrong with this picture? better question,what kind of BS explanation is THAT of the governments?:rolleyes::lmao:

Lack of official punishment proves nothing.

They were not in full force around his limo as you claim before or after entering Dealey plaza they remained on the chase car the entire route and it is proven documented fact that this was due to Kennedy's instructions.

The police had never blocked off Dealey plaza and the crowd tapered off there because it has to sooner or later and that is where the limo entered the freeway ramp.

You still post spin and speculation rather than evidence which you only ignore.
Can you provide a reputable source backing your position that Kennedy instructed the Secret Service not to do their jobs in Dallas that day?

Even if true, it does not address the fact that the CIA and FBI knew who Oswald was and where he was. If Oswald was a radical commie, as the government claims, why did they allow him to be in the TBD that day? Did they just screw up in allowing a known traitor, who had defected to the USSR at the height of the Cold War and returned without any problems, to be magically positioned at an open window overlooking the motorcade?

Nor can it be refuted that he was connected to the CIA since as you have said before,former CIA agents have come forward and said he was an agent.

plus as always with him,the agent is STILL playing dodgeball with my previous post i made.

btw you didnt answer my question on if you were aware of those facts?

How come you are bothering with the paid NAZI agent USMB's resident troll when he cant counter those facts of mine that shoot down that myth that JFK told them to stand down that day?

i did not come across those photos of how the agents WERE in the limo guarding him just before he entered dealy plaza till a couple years ago when i found a book on it with those photos.

the paid NAZI shill can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is because unlike the autopsy photos,THOSE photos are not faked.they are genuine REAL photos taken by the press.:biggrin:

so tell me,HAVE "YOU" seen those photos before?

I ask because even i was not aware of those facts how the agents WERE guarding him before he entered dealy plaza in front of THOUSANDS of people yet when he entered dealy plaza where there were only a 100 or so people in the area,the agents were NOT guarding him.

so because "I" was not aware of this fact till a couple years ago I was wondering if YOU were aware of that fact,had you seen those photos before I am talking about? if so,how long ago did you see them and where was it you saw them? do you remember?
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The secret service did not ALLOW the president to move unprotected or exposed. He insisted on it and they work for him.

And as many US citizens did not love any US President more than Kennedy. The last President that had the full attention and love of the Press was Reagan.

Kennedy - No protected car.

Reagan Shooting- And no security perimeter. Well it was not complete and people were allowed to close. No offense to Secret Service, but Security was lax in my observation and opinion.

Anwar Sadat Assassination- Poor security. No attention to detail and a very poor security posture. It was like his body guards just wore guns and looed pretty instead of taking his personal security seriously.

The Germans have messed up as well as the Israelis ( Mossad ) = Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. And there is no better Intelligence Organization on the face of the earth better than Mossad ; whom pride themselves on the best, and most.....Human Intelligence Agents.

One thing it takes to perform "Executive Protection" as I will call it ; is manpower and resources. Manpower looking out, as well as in.

THE MAJOR things are - a proper frame of mind, attention to detail and a security frame of mind and posture. If you do not take your job seriously ; someone.....or a group of people could very well get injured or killed.

I know this due to an overseas assignerment I worked.

Protection is not easy and it is long hours. It takes money - resoruces and planning. Planning and sometimes modifying plans occurs daily.

But again no disrespect to the US Secret Service and overseas Protective details ; You have to be professional and you have to take your job seriously.

Shadow 355 ( Prior US Military )

The fact that nobody in the secret service were punished for their imcompetence that day says it all about their involvement,they lowered their protection and its all bs that kennedy requested it so the crowds could see him as well because if you look at the photos taken just right before he enters dealy plaza,you see the secret service detail guarding the limo in full force and you had THOUSANDS of spectaters there many on the street just mere feet away from the president in the car,then when he enters dealy plaza the kill zone,the crowd thins out to just a 100 or so present there because the police had the area blocked off so why would JFK want the SS agents to be removed at a scene where there are only a 100 or so in the area so he could be seen by all the spectaters there but have them close to him in the limo allegedly disrupting the view of THOUSANDS of spectaters when the explanation is for them not guarding him in dealy plaza the kill zone was because he allegedly did not want them to block the view of spectaters?

okay so JFK did not have the SS agents near him by the limo in dealy plaza with just a 100 people present or so because he allegedly thought they would block his view from being seen YET he DOES have them guarding him in the limo in front on THOUSANDS just before he enters dealy plaza as seen in photos.Okay.:cuckoo:

whats wrong with this picture? better question,what kind of BS explanation is THAT of the governments?:rolleyes::lmao:

Lack of official punishment proves nothing.

They were not in full force around his limo as you claim before or after entering Dealey plaza they remained on the chase car the entire route and it is proven documented fact that this was due to Kennedy's instructions.

The police had never blocked off Dealey plaza and the crowd tapered off there because it has to sooner or later and that is where the limo entered the freeway ramp.

You still post spin and speculation rather than evidence which you only ignore.
Can you provide a reputable source backing your position that Kennedy instructed the Secret Service not to do their jobs in Dallas that day?

Even if true, it does not address the fact that the CIA and FBI knew who Oswald was and where he was. If Oswald was a radical commie, as the government claims, why did they allow him to be in the TBD that day? Did they just screw up in allowing a known traitor, who had defected to the USSR at the height of the Cold War and returned without any problems, to be magically positioned at an open window overlooking the motorcade?

Nor can it be refuted that he was connected to the CIA since as you have said before,former CIA agents have come forward and said he was an agent.

plus as always with him,the agent is STILL playing dodgeball with my previous post i made.

btw you didnt answer my question on if you were aware of those facts?

How come you are bothering with the paid NAZI agent USMB's resident troll when he cant counter those facts of mine that shoot down that myth that JFK told them to stand down that day?

i did not come across those photos of how the agents WERE in the limo guarding him just before he entered dealy plaza till a couple years ago when i found a book on it with those photos.

the paid NAZI shill can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is because unlike the autopsy photos,THOSE photos are not faked.they are genuine REAL photos taken by the press.:biggrin:

so tell me,HAVE "YOU" seen those photos before?

I ask because even i was not aware of those facts how the agents WERE guarding him before he entered dealy plaza in front of THOUSANDS of people yet when he entered dealy plaza where there were only a 100 or so people in the area,the agents were NOT guarding him.

so because "I" was not aware of this fact till a couple years ago I was wondering if YOU were aware of that fact,had you seen those photos before I am talking about? if so,how long ago did you see them and where was it you saw them? do you remember?
They were not guarding him with any more diligence in the way to dealey plaza.

Nor is there any evidence that he was connected to the CIA.
The secret service did not ALLOW the president to move unprotected or exposed. He insisted on it and they work for him.

And as many US citizens did not love any US President more than Kennedy. The last President that had the full attention and love of the Press was Reagan.

Kennedy - No protected car.

Reagan Shooting- And no security perimeter. Well it was not complete and people were allowed to close. No offense to Secret Service, but Security was lax in my observation and opinion.

Anwar Sadat Assassination- Poor security. No attention to detail and a very poor security posture. It was like his body guards just wore guns and looed pretty instead of taking his personal security seriously.

The Germans have messed up as well as the Israelis ( Mossad ) = Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. And there is no better Intelligence Organization on the face of the earth better than Mossad ; whom pride themselves on the best, and most.....Human Intelligence Agents.

One thing it takes to perform "Executive Protection" as I will call it ; is manpower and resources. Manpower looking out, as well as in.

THE MAJOR things are - a proper frame of mind, attention to detail and a security frame of mind and posture. If you do not take your job seriously ; someone.....or a group of people could very well get injured or killed.

I know this due to an overseas assignerment I worked.

Protection is not easy and it is long hours. It takes money - resoruces and planning. Planning and sometimes modifying plans occurs daily.

But again no disrespect to the US Secret Service and overseas Protective details ; You have to be professional and you have to take your job seriously.

Shadow 355 ( Prior US Military )

The fact that nobody in the secret service were punished for their imcompetence that day says it all about their involvement,they lowered their protection and its all bs that kennedy requested it so the crowds could see him as well because if you look at the photos taken just right before he enters dealy plaza,you see the secret service detail guarding the limo in full force and you had THOUSANDS of spectaters there many on the street just mere feet away from the president in the car,then when he enters dealy plaza the kill zone,the crowd thins out to just a 100 or so present there because the police had the area blocked off so why would JFK want the SS agents to be removed at a scene where there are only a 100 or so in the area so he could be seen by all the spectaters there but have them close to him in the limo allegedly disrupting the view of THOUSANDS of spectaters when the explanation is for them not guarding him in dealy plaza the kill zone was because he allegedly did not want them to block the view of spectaters?

okay so JFK did not have the SS agents near him by the limo in dealy plaza with just a 100 people present or so because he allegedly thought they would block his view from being seen YET he DOES have them guarding him in the limo in front on THOUSANDS just before he enters dealy plaza as seen in photos.Okay.:cuckoo:

whats wrong with this picture? better question,what kind of BS explanation is THAT of the governments?:rolleyes::lmao:

Lack of official punishment proves nothing.

They were not in full force around his limo as you claim before or after entering Dealey plaza they remained on the chase car the entire route and it is proven documented fact that this was due to Kennedy's instructions.

The police had never blocked off Dealey plaza and the crowd tapered off there because it has to sooner or later and that is where the limo entered the freeway ramp.

You still post spin and speculation rather than evidence which you only ignore.
Can you provide a reputable source backing your position that Kennedy instructed the Secret Service not to do their jobs in Dallas that day?

Even if true, it does not address the fact that the CIA and FBI knew who Oswald was and where he was. If Oswald was a radical commie, as the government claims, why did they allow him to be in the TBD that day? Did they just screw up in allowing a known traitor, who had defected to the USSR at the height of the Cold War and returned without any problems, to be magically positioned at an open window overlooking the motorcade?

Nor can it be refuted that he was connected to the CIA since as you have said before,former CIA agents have come forward and said he was an agent.

plus as always with him,the agent is STILL playing dodgeball with my previous post i made.

btw you didnt answer my question on if you were aware of those facts?

How come you are bothering with the paid NAZI agent USMB's resident troll when he cant counter those facts of mine that shoot down that myth that JFK told them to stand down that day?

i did not come across those photos of how the agents WERE in the limo guarding him just before he entered dealy plaza till a couple years ago when i found a book on it with those photos.

the paid NAZI shill can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is because unlike the autopsy photos,THOSE photos are not faked.they are genuine REAL photos taken by the press.:biggrin:

so tell me,HAVE "YOU" seen those photos before?

I ask because even i was not aware of those facts how the agents WERE guarding him before he entered dealy plaza in front of THOUSANDS of people yet when he entered dealy plaza where there were only a 100 or so people in the area,the agents were NOT guarding him.

so because "I" was not aware of this fact till a couple years ago I was wondering if YOU were aware of that fact,had you seen those photos before I am talking about? if so,how long ago did you see them and where was it you saw them? do you remember?
I have not seen those photos you mention, but would like to. I have seen video of the motorcade moving down Main Street prior to the ridiculously slow turns as it enters Dealey Plaza and it appeared security was very weak then too. If I recall correctly, people were lined up very close the JFK's limo.
And as many US citizens did not love any US President more than Kennedy. The last President that had the full attention and love of the Press was Reagan.

Kennedy - No protected car.

Reagan Shooting- And no security perimeter. Well it was not complete and people were allowed to close. No offense to Secret Service, but Security was lax in my observation and opinion.

Anwar Sadat Assassination- Poor security. No attention to detail and a very poor security posture. It was like his body guards just wore guns and looed pretty instead of taking his personal security seriously.

The Germans have messed up as well as the Israelis ( Mossad ) = Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. And there is no better Intelligence Organization on the face of the earth better than Mossad ; whom pride themselves on the best, and most.....Human Intelligence Agents.

One thing it takes to perform "Executive Protection" as I will call it ; is manpower and resources. Manpower looking out, as well as in.

THE MAJOR things are - a proper frame of mind, attention to detail and a security frame of mind and posture. If you do not take your job seriously ; someone.....or a group of people could very well get injured or killed.

I know this due to an overseas assignerment I worked.

Protection is not easy and it is long hours. It takes money - resoruces and planning. Planning and sometimes modifying plans occurs daily.

But again no disrespect to the US Secret Service and overseas Protective details ; You have to be professional and you have to take your job seriously.

Shadow 355 ( Prior US Military )

The fact that nobody in the secret service were punished for their imcompetence that day says it all about their involvement,they lowered their protection and its all bs that kennedy requested it so the crowds could see him as well because if you look at the photos taken just right before he enters dealy plaza,you see the secret service detail guarding the limo in full force and you had THOUSANDS of spectaters there many on the street just mere feet away from the president in the car,then when he enters dealy plaza the kill zone,the crowd thins out to just a 100 or so present there because the police had the area blocked off so why would JFK want the SS agents to be removed at a scene where there are only a 100 or so in the area so he could be seen by all the spectaters there but have them close to him in the limo allegedly disrupting the view of THOUSANDS of spectaters when the explanation is for them not guarding him in dealy plaza the kill zone was because he allegedly did not want them to block the view of spectaters?

okay so JFK did not have the SS agents near him by the limo in dealy plaza with just a 100 people present or so because he allegedly thought they would block his view from being seen YET he DOES have them guarding him in the limo in front on THOUSANDS just before he enters dealy plaza as seen in photos.Okay.:cuckoo:

whats wrong with this picture? better question,what kind of BS explanation is THAT of the governments?:rolleyes::lmao:

Lack of official punishment proves nothing.

They were not in full force around his limo as you claim before or after entering Dealey plaza they remained on the chase car the entire route and it is proven documented fact that this was due to Kennedy's instructions.

The police had never blocked off Dealey plaza and the crowd tapered off there because it has to sooner or later and that is where the limo entered the freeway ramp.

You still post spin and speculation rather than evidence which you only ignore.
Can you provide a reputable source backing your position that Kennedy instructed the Secret Service not to do their jobs in Dallas that day?

Even if true, it does not address the fact that the CIA and FBI knew who Oswald was and where he was. If Oswald was a radical commie, as the government claims, why did they allow him to be in the TBD that day? Did they just screw up in allowing a known traitor, who had defected to the USSR at the height of the Cold War and returned without any problems, to be magically positioned at an open window overlooking the motorcade?

Nor can it be refuted that he was connected to the CIA since as you have said before,former CIA agents have come forward and said he was an agent.

plus as always with him,the agent is STILL playing dodgeball with my previous post i made.

btw you didnt answer my question on if you were aware of those facts?

How come you are bothering with the paid NAZI agent USMB's resident troll when he cant counter those facts of mine that shoot down that myth that JFK told them to stand down that day?

i did not come across those photos of how the agents WERE in the limo guarding him just before he entered dealy plaza till a couple years ago when i found a book on it with those photos.

the paid NAZI shill can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is because unlike the autopsy photos,THOSE photos are not faked.they are genuine REAL photos taken by the press.:biggrin:

so tell me,HAVE "YOU" seen those photos before?

I ask because even i was not aware of those facts how the agents WERE guarding him before he entered dealy plaza in front of THOUSANDS of people yet when he entered dealy plaza where there were only a 100 or so people in the area,the agents were NOT guarding him.

so because "I" was not aware of this fact till a couple years ago I was wondering if YOU were aware of that fact,had you seen those photos before I am talking about? if so,how long ago did you see them and where was it you saw them? do you remember?
I have not seen those photos you mention, but would like to. I have seen video of the motorcade moving down Main Street prior to the ridiculously slow turns as it enters Dealey Plaza and it appeared security was very weak then too. If I recall correctly, people were lined up very close the JFK's limo.

the photos you are referring to when the protection was very weak before they entered dealy plaza are the ones of when it was not too much sooner before they entered dealy plaza because many several blocks before he got into dealy plaza,the security was just the opposite,VERY good as the photos in this book i came across a couple years ago prove.

Like I said,till i came across this book a couple years ago and saw these photos of what the security was several blocks before he entered dealy plaza,i had no idea that the protection for him was just the opposite of what it was when he was in dealy plaza.

I have read over a hundred books on this before but none of them had photos like this one does that show that many blocks before he entered dealy plaza,the security was just the OPPOSITE of what it was like in dealy plaza.

Like i said,several blocks before he entered dealy plaza those photos show that the protection was very good,that there were agents running alongside him with police officers on motorcycles on both sides of him where there were THOUSANDS of spectaters there.

Yes people were lined up very close to him there on the streets like you said but unlike in dealy plaza as these photos show,he had agents running alongside him and police officers on motorcycles on both sides of him as well so that pretty much shoots down the lies of the evil NAZI paid shill here and the governments as well that JFK told them to stand down that day because again as i said before,they cant get around the FACTS that if JFK "WAS" going to request the agents not to guard him that day so he could be seen,he sure as hell would not request them to stand down in dealy plaza where the crowds had thinned out drastically to just a hundred or so people there but to NOT stand down in the area where there were THOUSANDS of people in the area.:biggrin:

It doesnt sound like you understood that post with that question i asked to everyone earlier same as the nazi agent here never understands anything.:biggrin:

which is if JFK was going to ask the agents to stand down that day so he could be SEEN BETTER by the crowds,WHY would he do that when it makes no sense at all to ask them to stand down in an area "dealy plaza." where there were only a 100 or so people there in the area where the crowds had thinned out DRASTICALLY where if he WAS going to ask them to stand down so he could be better seen by the crowds,iWHY not ask them to stand down in an area to make sure to be seen where the crowds are in the THOUSANDS as opposed to asking them to stand down in an area "dealy plaza" where the crowds had thinned out to just a 100 or so. a fact the evil nazi agent and the government cant get around.:biggrin:

anybody with logic and common sense can understand that makes absolutley no sense whatsoever and is one of the thousands of lies of the warren commissions.:biggrin:

Now you understand right? lol

I have that book somewhere here lying around and will have no problem finding it.its big and i just bought it a couple years ago. and when I find the title of that book I'll refer it to you because it sounds like you havent seen this book before either same as I hadnt till a couple years ago,

as i said before,the nazi agent here can only sling shit in defeat and cry like the money troll he is because unlike the autopsy photos,THESE photos are not fake.they are REAL.:biggrin:

I should be able to find that book this weekend,when i do I;ll let you know the name of it.:)
the facts prove that is another one of the warren commissions lies that he asked them to stand down that day to be seen because in his trips to fort worth and houston that day,the protection was the same as it was everywhere else he went around the country.VERY GOOD with agents near him and motorcycles on both sides which is standard procedure.

Plus in the several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza,the protection was very good as well then but when he gets into dealy plaza where the crowds had thinned out drastically from THOUSANDS to a mere 100 or so he all of a sudden decides to be different and NOT want agents near him so he can be seen by just a mere 100 people as opposed to NOT wanting to be seen by the thousands several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza?

the evil NAZI paid troll the governments handlers pay to come here to troll will say that never happened of course but photos dont lie and prove otherwise. one of the many facts USMB's resident paid troll the NAZI agent can only sling crap in defeat on like the monkey troll he is only capable of lying while whining and crying in defeat.:lmao:
The fact that nobody in the secret service were punished for their imcompetence that day says it all about their involvement,they lowered their protection and its all bs that kennedy requested it so the crowds could see him as well because if you look at the photos taken just right before he enters dealy plaza,you see the secret service detail guarding the limo in full force and you had THOUSANDS of spectaters there many on the street just mere feet away from the president in the car,then when he enters dealy plaza the kill zone,the crowd thins out to just a 100 or so present there because the police had the area blocked off so why would JFK want the SS agents to be removed at a scene where there are only a 100 or so in the area so he could be seen by all the spectaters there but have them close to him in the limo allegedly disrupting the view of THOUSANDS of spectaters when the explanation is for them not guarding him in dealy plaza the kill zone was because he allegedly did not want them to block the view of spectaters?

okay so JFK did not have the SS agents near him by the limo in dealy plaza with just a 100 people present or so because he allegedly thought they would block his view from being seen YET he DOES have them guarding him in the limo in front on THOUSANDS just before he enters dealy plaza as seen in photos.Okay.:cuckoo:

whats wrong with this picture? better question,what kind of BS explanation is THAT of the governments?:rolleyes::lmao:

Lack of official punishment proves nothing.

They were not in full force around his limo as you claim before or after entering Dealey plaza they remained on the chase car the entire route and it is proven documented fact that this was due to Kennedy's instructions.

The police had never blocked off Dealey plaza and the crowd tapered off there because it has to sooner or later and that is where the limo entered the freeway ramp.

You still post spin and speculation rather than evidence which you only ignore.
Can you provide a reputable source backing your position that Kennedy instructed the Secret Service not to do their jobs in Dallas that day?

Even if true, it does not address the fact that the CIA and FBI knew who Oswald was and where he was. If Oswald was a radical commie, as the government claims, why did they allow him to be in the TBD that day? Did they just screw up in allowing a known traitor, who had defected to the USSR at the height of the Cold War and returned without any problems, to be magically positioned at an open window overlooking the motorcade?

Nor can it be refuted that he was connected to the CIA since as you have said before,former CIA agents have come forward and said he was an agent.

plus as always with him,the agent is STILL playing dodgeball with my previous post i made.

btw you didnt answer my question on if you were aware of those facts?

How come you are bothering with the paid NAZI agent USMB's resident troll when he cant counter those facts of mine that shoot down that myth that JFK told them to stand down that day?

i did not come across those photos of how the agents WERE in the limo guarding him just before he entered dealy plaza till a couple years ago when i found a book on it with those photos.

the paid NAZI shill can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey troll he is because unlike the autopsy photos,THOSE photos are not faked.they are genuine REAL photos taken by the press.:biggrin:

so tell me,HAVE "YOU" seen those photos before?

I ask because even i was not aware of those facts how the agents WERE guarding him before he entered dealy plaza in front of THOUSANDS of people yet when he entered dealy plaza where there were only a 100 or so people in the area,the agents were NOT guarding him.

so because "I" was not aware of this fact till a couple years ago I was wondering if YOU were aware of that fact,had you seen those photos before I am talking about? if so,how long ago did you see them and where was it you saw them? do you remember?
I have not seen those photos you mention, but would like to. I have seen video of the motorcade moving down Main Street prior to the ridiculously slow turns as it enters Dealey Plaza and it appeared security was very weak then too. If I recall correctly, people were lined up very close the JFK's limo.

the photos you are referring to when the protection was very weak before they entered dealy plaza are the ones of when it was not too much sooner before they entered dealy plaza because many several blocks before he got into dealy plaza,the security was just the opposite,VERY good as the photos in this book i came across a couple years ago prove.

Like I said,till i came across this book a couple years ago and saw these photos of what the security was several blocks before he entered dealy plaza,i had no idea that the protection for him was just the opposite of what it was when he was in dealy plaza.

I have read over a hundred books on this before but none of them had photos like this one does that show that many blocks before he entered dealy plaza,the security was just the OPPOSITE of what it was like in dealy plaza.

Like i said,several blocks before he entered dealy plaza those photos show that the protection was very good,that there were agents running alongside him with police officers on motorcycles on both sides of him where there were THOUSANDS of spectaters there.

Yes people were lined up very close to him there on the streets like you said but unlike in dealy plaza as these photos show,he had agents running alongside him and police officers on motorcycles on both sides of him as well so that pretty much shoots down the lies of the evil NAZI paid shill here and the governments as well that JFK told them to stand down that day because again as i said before,they cant get around the FACTS that if JFK "WAS" going to request the agents not to guard him that day so he could be seen,he sure as hell would not request them to stand down in dealy plaza where the crowds had thinned out drastically to just a hundred or so people there but to NOT stand down in the area where there were THOUSANDS of people in the area.:biggrin:

It doesnt sound like you understood that post with that question i asked to everyone earlier same as the nazi agent here never understands anything.:biggrin:

which is if JFK was going to ask the agents to stand down that day so he could be SEEN BETTER by the crowds,WHY would he do that when it makes no sense at all to ask them to stand down in an area "dealy plaza." where there were only a 100 or so people there in the area where the crowds had thinned out DRASTICALLY where if he WAS going to ask them to stand down so he could be better seen by the crowds,iWHY not ask them to stand down in an area to make sure to be seen where the crowds are in the THOUSANDS as opposed to asking them to stand down in an area "dealy plaza" where the crowds had thinned out to just a 100 or so. a fact the evil nazi agent and the government cant get around.:biggrin:

anybody with logic and common sense can understand that makes absolutley no sense whatsoever and is one of the thousands of lies of the warren commissions.:biggrin:

Now you understand right? lol

I have that book somewhere here lying around and will have no problem finding it.its big and i just bought it a couple years ago. and when I find the title of that book I'll refer it to you because it sounds like you havent seen this book before either same as I hadnt till a couple years ago,

as i said before,the nazi agent here can only sling shit in defeat and cry like the money troll he is because unlike the autopsy photos,THESE photos are not fake.they are REAL.:biggrin:

I should be able to find that book this weekend,when i do I;ll let you know the name of it.:)
You are unable to support this claim because it it false and irrelevant.

Protection was the same before dealey plaza as when they entered it.

Photographs are from other mktorcades in other cities.

Furtheremore it is irrelevant.

It it documented proven fact that kennedy himself wished for the agents to ride in other cars away from his.

You have failed to provide any evidence whatsoever that the warren commission lied.

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