The John Kennedy assassination ..who's who on the Grassy Knoll

the facts prove that is another one of the warren commissions lies that he asked them to stand down that day to be seen because in his trips to fort worth and houston that day,the protection was the same as it was everywhere else he went around the country.VERY GOOD with agents near him and motorcycles on both sides which is standard procedure.

Plus in the several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza,the protection was very good as well then but when he gets into dealy plaza where the crowds had thinned out drastically from THOUSANDS to a mere 100 or so he all of a sudden decides to be different and NOT want agents near him so he can be seen by just a mere 100 people as opposed to NOT wanting to be seen by the thousands several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza?

the evil NAZI paid troll the governments handlers pay to come here to troll will say that never happened of course but photos dont lie and prove otherwise. one of the many facts USMB's resident paid troll the NAZI agent can only sling crap in defeat on like the monkey troll he is only capable of lying while whining and crying in defeat.:lmao:

You have yet to show or provide any such facts because they do not exist.

He often ( not always ) did ask the Secret Service to keep their protection distant from him. Sometimes he requested this and sometimes he did not.

It is proven that he did so in Dallas and your claim does not prove otherwise. Just because they did something a certain way in one instance does not dictate that they had to do it the same way every time.

In the several blocks before Dealey plaza the protection was the same as in Dealey plaza it DID NOT change.

There is no paid shill just someone pointing out facts which ruin the farts coming from you so when you claim someone farted it WAS you
the facts prove that is another one of the warren commissions lies that he asked them to stand down that day to be seen because in his trips to fort worth and houston that day,the protection was the same as it was everywhere else he went around the country.VERY GOOD with agents near him and motorcycles on both sides which is standard procedure.

Plus in the several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza,the protection was very good as well then but when he gets into dealy plaza where the crowds had thinned out drastically from THOUSANDS to a mere 100 or so he all of a sudden decides to be different and NOT want agents near him so he can be seen by just a mere 100 people as opposed to NOT wanting to be seen by the thousands several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza?

the evil NAZI paid troll the governments handlers pay to come here to troll will say that never happened of course but photos dont lie and prove otherwise. one of the many facts USMB's resident paid troll the NAZI agent can only sling crap in defeat on like the monkey troll he is only capable of lying while whining and crying in defeat.:lmao:
the facts prove that is another one of the warren commissions lies that he asked them to stand down that day to be seen because in his trips to fort worth and houston that day,the protection was the same as it was everywhere else he went around the country.VERY GOOD with agents near him and motorcycles on both sides which is standard procedure.

Plus in the several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza,the protection was very good as well then but when he gets into dealy plaza where the crowds had thinned out drastically from THOUSANDS to a mere 100 or so he all of a sudden decides to be different and NOT want agents near him so he can be seen by just a mere 100 people as opposed to NOT wanting to be seen by the thousands several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza?

the evil NAZI paid troll the governments handlers pay to come here to troll will say that never happened of course but photos dont lie and prove otherwise. one of the many facts USMB's resident paid troll the NAZI agent can only sling crap in defeat on like the monkey troll he is only capable of lying while whining and crying in defeat.:lmao:

Sorry but are debunked.

Your motion is predicated on a belief that they did the same thing the same way every time which is false.

It is proven that JFK asked for the security arrangements used that day and they did not change as you claim.

You are whipped and beaten again as always now go fart
the facts prove that is another one of the warren commissions lies that he asked them to stand down that day to be seen because in his trips to fort worth and houston that day,the protection was the same as it was everywhere else he went around the country.VERY GOOD with agents near him and motorcycles on both sides which is standard procedure.

Plus in the several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza,the protection was very good as well then but when he gets into dealy plaza where the crowds had thinned out drastically from THOUSANDS to a mere 100 or so he all of a sudden decides to be different and NOT want agents near him so he can be seen by just a mere 100 people as opposed to NOT wanting to be seen by the thousands several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza?

the evil NAZI paid troll the governments handlers pay to come here to troll will say that never happened of course but photos dont lie and prove otherwise. one of the many facts USMB's resident paid troll the NAZI agent can only sling crap in defeat on like the monkey troll he is only capable of lying while whining and crying in defeat.:lmao:
the facts prove that is another one of the warren commissions lies that he asked them to stand down that day to be seen because in his trips to fort worth and houston that day,the protection was the same as it was everywhere else he went around the country.VERY GOOD with agents near him and motorcycles on both sides which is standard procedure.

Plus in the several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza,the protection was very good as well then but when he gets into dealy plaza where the crowds had thinned out drastically from THOUSANDS to a mere 100 or so he all of a sudden decides to be different and NOT want agents near him so he can be seen by just a mere 100 people as opposed to NOT wanting to be seen by the thousands several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza?

the evil NAZI paid troll the governments handlers pay to come here to troll will say that never happened of course but photos dont lie and prove otherwise. one of the many facts USMB's resident paid troll the NAZI agent can only sling crap in defeat on like the monkey troll he is only capable of lying while whining and crying in defeat.:lmao:
Ah trying to repeat what has been proven false.

The fact is your premise is false. Your premise is that because they did it one way they had to do it the same way every time which is false.

It is proven documented fact that JFK himself requested the lessened security arrangements in Dallas the day he died.

They did not have a heightened security presence as you claim before entering dealey which is why you have no evidence.

As always the facts prove you wrong and you can only fart and repeat
the facts prove that is another one of the warren commissions lies that he asked them to stand down that day to be seen because in his trips to fort worth and houston that day,the protection was the same as it was everywhere else he went around the country.VERY GOOD with agents near him and motorcycles on both sides which is standard procedure.

Plus in the several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza,the protection was very good as well then but when he gets into dealy plaza where the crowds had thinned out drastically from THOUSANDS to a mere 100 or so he all of a sudden decides to be different and NOT want agents near him so he can be seen by just a mere 100 people as opposed to NOT wanting to be seen by the thousands several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza?

the evil NAZI paid troll the governments handlers pay to come here to troll will say that never happened of course but photos dont lie and prove otherwise. one of the many facts USMB's resident paid troll the NAZI agent can only sling crap in defeat on like the monkey troll he is only capable of lying while whining and crying in defeat.:lmao:
the facts prove that is another one of the warren commissions lies that he asked them to stand down that day to be seen because in his trips to fort worth and houston that day,the protection was the same as it was everywhere else he went around the country.VERY GOOD with agents near him and motorcycles on both sides which is standard procedure.

Plus in the several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza,the protection was very good as well then but when he gets into dealy plaza where the crowds had thinned out drastically from THOUSANDS to a mere 100 or so he all of a sudden decides to be different and NOT want agents near him so he can be seen by just a mere 100 people as opposed to NOT wanting to be seen by the thousands several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza?

the evil NAZI paid troll the governments handlers pay to come here to troll will say that never happened of course but photos dont lie and prove otherwise. one of the many facts USMB's resident paid troll the NAZI agent can only sling crap in defeat on like the monkey troll he is only capable of lying while whining and crying in defeat.:lmao:
someone farted in here.^:9:
Yes it was you.

There is no evidence that the Warren commission lied.

It is proven and documented that JFK ordered the lessened security presence during his motorcade through Dallas.

You have failed to challenge that fact.

Your claim that they applied tighter security before entering dealey is an unsupported assertion.

Fart along as always you have been beaten.
the facts prove that is another one of the warren commissions lies that he asked them to stand down that day to be seen because in his trips to fort worth and houston that day,the protection was the same as it was everywhere else he went around the country.VERY GOOD with agents near him and motorcycles on both sides which is standard procedure.

Plus in the several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza,the protection was very good as well then but when he gets into dealy plaza where the crowds had thinned out drastically from THOUSANDS to a mere 100 or so he all of a sudden decides to be different and NOT want agents near him so he can be seen by just a mere 100 people as opposed to NOT wanting to be seen by the thousands several blocks before he gets into dealy plaza?

the evil NAZI paid troll the governments handlers pay to come here to troll will say that never happened of course but photos dont lie and prove otherwise. one of the many facts USMB's resident paid troll the NAZI agent can only sling crap in defeat on like the monkey troll he is only capable of lying while whining and crying in defeat.:lmao:

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