The Judge's Parents Were Illegals.

Does this judge have ANY record of favoritism in his court towards Mexicans?

That's not what Trump is claiming.

Does the judge have any record of bias against parties before him in court who support building the wall?

You wouldn't believe it if you were told he did. So what's the point? You hate Trump. It is what it is.

That qualifies as a 'No'. You lose.

No it doesn't. It just means you wouldn't accept it as fact, no matter what. You hate Trump. That's all you know.

Then I invite anyone else here to provide the evidence that paulitician is claiming to have but refusing to reveal.
The only thing "thickening" is your head, idiot. Let Trump's highly paid attorneys determine if Curiel's actions have earned a request for recusal. So far, they have no plans to ask for that. Trump was whining. He now wants this to be old news. Leave it alone.

Lawyers can be sanctioned for questioning a judge's fairness based on his race.

So can litigants before a judge. He could hold Donald Trump in contempt of court.
The only thing "thickening" is your head, idiot. Let Trump's highly paid attorneys determine if Curiel's actions have earned a request for recusal. So far, they have no plans to ask for that. Trump was whining. He now wants this to be old news. Leave it alone.

Lawyers can be sanctioned for questioning a judge's fairness based on his race.

So can litigants before a judge. He could hold Donald Trump in contempt of court.

That's why this is all just Trump politicizing his own personal legal woes.
It's clear this Judge does have ties with the extremist racist group 'La Raza.' So there was likely a bias against Trump. But now, should Trump have commented on that? I would have advised him not to. It's a Lose-Lose scenario for him. He'll have to listen to his advisers a bit more in the future.

The Democrats and corrupt MSM are goin full speed ahead with their 'TRUMP A RACIST' theme. So this only adds fuel to the fire. Trump just needs to think things through before throwing more fuel on the fire.
Not sure about all that, but this Judge does have close ties with the racist organization 'La Raza.' It's equal to a KKK member serving on the court. So Trump could be right in assuming the Judge was biased against him. This Judge did probably wanna stick to him over his stance on Immigration.

All your assumptions would get laughed out of court in any legal challenge. That's why Trump is NOT actually making a legal challenge.

Trump is merely poisoning the well so he can make excuses and blameshift in the event he loses the case.

Plus this attack fits perfectly with Trump's well established tactic of using the ad hominem attack against everyone he disagrees with.

I'll agree, he doesn't accept losing. He lashes out. But on this one, he might be right. The Judge does have ties to the extremist racist organization La Raza. There very well could have been a bias against him.

The judge has no such ties.

Should have recused himself from the case. He is biased against Trump.

Report: Trump University Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump’s Businesses

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing a fraud case against Trump University, is reportedly a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association.

The Hispanic National Bar Association sent out a press release last summer after Donald Trump, who is now the presumptive Republican nominee, announced he was running for president and created a controversy by discussing illegal immigration and crime during his announcement speech.

The press release stated the organization’s mission to target Trump’s “business interests,” according to the Conservative Treehouse...

Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump Businesses


Freedom of association is a constitutional right.

He's a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyer Association. He represents La Raza interests. And La Raza is an extremist racist organization. So there is likely a bias against Trump. Trump stands for the exact opposite of La Raza's agenda. This Judge should have recused himself from the case. That would have been the honorable thing to do.
That's not what Trump is claiming.

Does the judge have any record of bias against parties before him in court who support building the wall?

You wouldn't believe it if you were told he did. So what's the point? You hate Trump. It is what it is.

That qualifies as a 'No'. You lose.

No it doesn't. It just means you wouldn't accept it as fact, no matter what. You hate Trump. That's all you know.

Then I invite anyone else here to provide the evidence that paulitician is claiming to have but refusing to reveal.

Again, you don't see a possible bias even though this Judge represents the racist organization La Raza's interests. He openly represents and supports the organized boycott of Trump businesses. He should have done the right thing and recused himself from the case. But hey, you go on with your 'TRUMP A RACIST' meme. Whatever floats your boat i guess.
That is nonsense.

They became citizens.

And if they did not, who cares?

Curiel was born in the US. End of story.

What possible impact can Curiels parents immigration status have to do with a case about a fraudulent university?
It's been explained at least a dozen times, you stupid douche bag. Acting like some deer caught in the head lights who doesn't understand he's about to flattened doesn't make a convincing argument.
All your assumptions would get laughed out of court in any legal challenge. That's why Trump is NOT actually making a legal challenge.

Trump is merely poisoning the well so he can make excuses and blameshift in the event he loses the case.

Plus this attack fits perfectly with Trump's well established tactic of using the ad hominem attack against everyone he disagrees with.

I'll agree, he doesn't accept losing. He lashes out. But on this one, he might be right. The Judge does have ties to the extremist racist organization La Raza. There very well could have been a bias against him.

The judge has no such ties.

Should have recused himself from the case. He is biased against Trump.

Report: Trump University Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump’s Businesses

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing a fraud case against Trump University, is reportedly a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association.

The Hispanic National Bar Association sent out a press release last summer after Donald Trump, who is now the presumptive Republican nominee, announced he was running for president and created a controversy by discussing illegal immigration and crime during his announcement speech.

The press release stated the organization’s mission to target Trump’s “business interests,” according to the Conservative Treehouse...

Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump Businesses


Freedom of association is a constitutional right.

He's a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyer Association. He represents La Raza interests. And La Raza is an extremist racist organization. So there is likely a bias against Trump. Trump stands for the exact opposite of La Raza's agenda. This Judge should have recused himself from the case. That would have been the honorable thing to do.

Just here to tell ya the things the corrupt Communist/Progressive-dominated MSM won't tell ya. This Judge hates Trump, and is a member of a racist extremist organization. He should have recused himself from the case.

Now you're actually informed. You're welcome. :)
billy and pauli are running around into each other in a parody of komedy klan rally trying to pretend to not be racists who are racists defending the racist Trump.

Double Down Donald will have no trouble at all in helping HRC convincingly portray herself as the lesser of two evils. And the millions of GOP who vote for HRC or Johnson or not vote only guarantee Trump's political disaster.
This statement "This Judge hates Trump, and is a member of a racist extremist organization" is the type of statement that demonizes Trump and guarantees a Dem victory.
The liberal slander against Trump is looking more and more baseless and absurd:

uh hello? trump's ignorance is being excoriated from all sides! :itsok:

While Trump sought to portray himself as a unifier during his evening speech — drawing plaudits from Republican Party Chairman Reince Priebus for taking "exactly the right approach" — hours earlier he continued to be strikingly defiant.

In an interview on Fox News, Trump said Republicans angry at him should "get over it." In his statement on the matter earlier, he said he'd been "misconstrued" and that he was "justified in questioning" treatment by the judge.

The controversy erupted because Trump had repeatedly said U.S. District Judge Gonzalo Curiel could not preside fairly over a case involving Trump University because of his Mexican heritage.

Many Republicans didn't see it that way, and the desire of his party to unify behind him looked at risk of unraveling.

House Speaker Paul Ryan described what Trump said as the "textbook definition of a racist comment." Soon after, a GOP senator who had previously indicated support for Trump withdrew his backing.

"I have concluded that Donald Trump has not demonstrated the temperament necessary to assume the greatest office in the world," Sen. Mark Kirk of Illinois
, who is in a competitive re-election race, said in a statement.

Trump's comments about the judge's ethnicity, "in context with past attacks on Hispanics, women and the disabled like me," prompted Kirk to withdraw his support for his party's nominee, he said...

Ron Weiser, one of the recently named top fundraisers for Trump and the Republican Party, said the nominee's attacks on Curiel are "obviously making it more difficult" to raise money for Trump, whose opponent could have $1 billion at her disposal.

Stanley Hubbard, a Minnesota broadcast company billionaire who recently gave $100,000 to a pro-Trump group, put it this way: "It's ridiculous. He's out of line. You don't attack a federal judge, and you certainly don't attack him on the heritage of his parents. It's totally off the wall, and I don't even have words to explain it."

The desire to win in the fall served as a way for even those denouncing Trump to explain their continued backing of him.

Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., the only black Republican senator, called Trump's comments on the judge "racially toxic" yet said, "He needs to get on to the general election and we need to win." Ryan, too, said he would still support Trump.

Democrats questioned how Republicans could condemn Trump's comments while seeking to put him in the White House.

"If Republicans believe that a man who believes in religious and ethnic tests for federal judges is fit to be president of the United States, they must explain why this is an acceptable position," said Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada.

Clinton, in her Tuesday speech, called Trump "temperamentally unfit to be president and commander in chief." Later, she said, "He wants to win by stoking fear and rubbing salt in wounds and reminding us daily just how great he is."

Mica Mosbacher, a Texas and New York fundraiser who backed Trump as soon as her preferred candidate Ted Cruz left the race, said her email has been "blowing up over the past few days" with notes from Republicans concerned about Trump's comments. "It's giving some of the donors heartburn, for sure," she said.

She said she has been pushing back, arguing that while she — and many others — "would personally not bring up a person's origin, that's just Trump's style. He's his own hatchet man. What you see is what you get. His way is to throw bombs and spark a discussion."

Trump gave a similar assessment of himself in his speech Tuesday.

While he said his "preference always is peace," he pledged that he would not shrink from a fight.

"I have not backed down, and I will never, ever back down," he said. "And I'm not a politician fighting. I'm me."

Trump promises not to let GOP down as leaders grow worried
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Are you all so stupid as to not realize this is negative publicity for Trump? NOTHING positive will come from this discussion so why continue?

True. I would have advised Trump not to talk about it. The Judge is a member of a racist extremist organization which is targeting Trump, but talking about it is a Lose-Lose for him. He should have just kept it to himself.

I do think there's truth in what he said though. The Judge was biased against him for his stance on Immigration. He's a member of La Raza for God's sake.
pauli is the racist, Trump is the racists, the ones pointing out their racism are not racists.

Telling the lie that the Judge belongs to a racist organization is only going to mobilize further the anti-Trump vote.
The plot thickens. The liberal slander against Trump is looking more and more baseless and absurd:

The sometimes controversial scoop journalist that runs GotNews.comhas published documents that raise questions about the citizenship status of the parents of federal Judge Gonzalo Curiel, presiding over a suit against Trump University.

Charles C. Johnson put up documents showing that Curiel's father crossed the U.S. border with Mexico at least twice and might not have become a U.S. citizen.

He also published images of the death certificates of the judge's parents that apparently show no Social Security number.

" can find no evidence that Curiel's parents ever became U.S. citizens. For all we know, Judge Curiel is an anchor baby," he wrote.

Judge Anchor Baby had illegal parents? Probably why he joined the Klan!
Character assassination. You fuckers have been telling lies about that judge since Trump uttered his name.

Trump has a highly qualified legal team representing him in the case.
They have not made a single motion regarding impropriety on the part of the judge. They have, in fact, expressed satisfaction with the way the case is being handled.

You assholes are in a frenzy......and its fuckng stupid.

What lies are those, Comrade? The he belongs to the Klan Lawyers? That is established fact.

Poor Little Goebbels, your demagoguery blew up in your face.
Not sure about all that, but this Judge does have close ties with the racist organization 'La Raza.' It's equal to a KKK member serving on the court. So Trump could be right in assuming the Judge was biased against him. This Judge did probably wanna stick to him over his stance on Immigration.

All your assumptions would get laughed out of court in any legal challenge. That's why Trump is NOT actually making a legal challenge.

Trump is merely poisoning the well so he can make excuses and blameshift in the event he loses the case.

Plus this attack fits perfectly with Trump's well established tactic of using the ad hominem attack against everyone he disagrees with.

I'll agree, he doesn't accept losing. He lashes out. But on this one, he might be right. The Judge does have ties to the extremist racist organization La Raza. There very well could have been a bias against him.

The judge has no such ties.

Should have recused himself from the case. He is biased against Trump.

Report: Trump University Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump’s Businesses

Judge Gonzalo Curiel, who is overseeing a fraud case against Trump University, is reportedly a member of the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is affiliated with the Hispanic National Bar Association.

The Hispanic National Bar Association sent out a press release last summer after Donald Trump, who is now the presumptive Republican nominee, announced he was running for president and created a controversy by discussing illegal immigration and crime during his announcement speech.

The press release stated the organization’s mission to target Trump’s “business interests,” according to the Conservative Treehouse...

Judge Linked to Group that Calls for Boycott of Trump Businesses


Freedom of association is a constitutional right.

Really? Then why does a baker have to make a wedding cake for queers?
pauli is the racist, Trump is the racists, the ones pointing out their racism are not racists.

Telling the lie that the Judge belongs to a racist organization is only going to mobilize further the anti-Trump vote.

Yes, you haters don't wanna hear truth. We know that. The Judge should have recused himself from the case. He is biased against Trump. He represents the interests of organizations that are targeting Trump businesses. There is a clear bias. And La Raza members can go straight to hell as far as i'm concerned. They're extremist racists.

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