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The Justice Department Has Had It with Sheriff Joe

According to the LA Times article those in authority have a responsibility to serve the community, not divide it.

Has anyone in the Obama administration tried this out yet?

The person dividing the country would be sheriff Joe who is profiling latinos. If the administration is going after him, they are uniting the country.

Obama is pitting black vs right, rich against middle class and poor, insurance companies against people wanting health care, women against men, gays against straights and his list goes on. He uses guns and religion to divide, he believes in dividing and conquering. Obama and his administration let guns go over to Mexico, I wonder who they were profiling when they sold them?

I just wonder how much more dividing he will do before he goes to far.

Scared white people are fun to watch.
The person dividing the country would be sheriff Joe who is profiling latinos. If the administration is going after him, they are uniting the country.

Obama is pitting black vs right, rich against middle class and poor, insurance companies against people wanting health care, women against men, gays against straights and his list goes on. He uses guns and religion to divide, he believes in dividing and conquering. Obama and his administration let guns go over to Mexico, I wonder who they were profiling when they sold them?

I just wonder how much more dividing he will do before he goes to far.

Scared white people are fun to watch.
The DOJ has become a lame duck office now... It's amazing what they are still trying to do...
Obama is pitting black vs right, rich against middle class and poor, insurance companies against people wanting health care, women against men, gays against straights and his list goes on. He uses guns and religion to divide, he believes in dividing and conquering. Obama and his administration let guns go over to Mexico, I wonder who they were profiling when they sold them?

I just wonder how much more dividing he will do before he goes to far.

Scared white people are fun to watch.
The DOJ has become a lame duck office now... It's amazing what they are still trying to do...

Sorry, we actually expect citations for your allegations.
I think it's hilarious that they are suing him for racially profiling Latinos during Immigration patrols.......

Who else would you look for in Arizona?


P.S. They are called "Crime Sweeps", He knows he will be sued if he calls them Immigration sweeps. Yesterday Sheriff Joe cost we Maricopa County taxpayers another $975,000 in settlement cost from one of his botched "criminal" cases.
Oh, yeah. It's just bout the election.

In one case, a Latina who is a U.S. citizen and was five months pregnant was stopped after she pulled into her driveway. She alleges that when she refused an order to sit on the hood of the car, she was slammed stomach-first three times onto the vehicle. Deputies next dragged her to a patrol car and locked her inside for 30 minutes without air conditioning, she said. She was cited for not providing identification.

Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio is sued by Justice Department - latimes.com

Sounds like bullshit to me.
Does the bitch have witnesses to this horrible crime?

Frankly she could come up with 10 witnesses and I would still say bullshit... they have an agenda, all of them.

It’s documented in the lawsuit:


Arpaio has only himself to blame, he alone is responsible for creating an atmosphere of intolerance and abuse in his Office.
According to the LA Times article those in authority have a responsibility to serve the community, not divide it.

Has anyone in the Obama administration tried this out yet?

The person dividing the country would be sheriff Joe who is profiling latinos. If the administration is going after him, they are uniting the country.

Obama is pitting black vs right, rich against middle class and poor, insurance companies against people wanting health care, women against men, gays against straights and his list goes on. He uses guns and religion to divide, he believes in dividing and conquering. Obama and his administration let guns go over to Mexico, I wonder who they were profiling when they sold them?

I just wonder how much more dividing he will do before he goes to far.

In post 52 IL said you were going to defend him by saying, well so and so did it.
And guess what? That's exactly what you did. So your excuse is, republican sheriffs are allowed to break the constitution, because Obama divides the country?
I think it's hilarious that they are suing him for racially profiling Latinos during Immigration patrols.......

Who else would you look for in Arizona?

You don't understand what the term profiling means. It involves an assumption that because of something that is common, that all must be the same way. In this case "profiling Latinos" means, that because someone is Latino, therefore they are assuming they are illegal.
If the DOJ is bringing the case to court, its because he "profiled", meaning people were pulled over, or their homes raided, with no probably cause. You cannot search someone's home because they are Latino.
The Justice Department Has Had It with Sheriff Joe
The Justice Department Has Had It with Sheriff Joe - Yahoo! News

If the DOJ did their job by going after illegal aliens and businesses that hire illegal aliens they would not have to go after Joe. He could spend his time going after other criminals. Instead they have called off all deportation except convicted murderers and rapist. Joe is not doing anything that the Federal Immigraiton and Nationality Act does not allow him to do. If 90% of the traffic stops are latinos and are suspected of being illegal that is not racial profiling. DOJ take the work of illegals instead of law abiding americans.
Arizona is a war zone and the military need to be in the state full force to stop drugs and drug related crime which affect americans.
Sitting in the cushey Washington forts they have no idea what it is like for arizona.

Dems want illegals votes. They have no backbone.

Not to mention, Obama doesn't like whitey. He's said as much in his books.
The Justice Department Has Had It with Sheriff Joe
The Justice Department Has Had It with Sheriff Joe - Yahoo! News

If the DOJ did their job by going after illegal aliens and businesses that hire illegal aliens they would not have to go after Joe. He could spend his time going after other criminals. Instead they have called off all deportation except convicted murderers and rapist. Joe is not doing anything that the Federal Immigraiton and Nationality Act does not allow him to do. If 90% of the traffic stops are latinos and are suspected of being illegal that is not racial profiling. DOJ take the work of illegals instead of law abiding americans.
Arizona is a war zone and the military need to be in the state full force to stop drugs and drug related crime which affect americans.
Sitting in the cushey Washington forts they have no idea what it is like for arizona.

Dems want illegals votes. They have no backbone.

Not to mention, Obama doesn't like whitey. He's said as much in his books.

Yeah, I'll need a link. Just be aware that I have the ability to search for context, and will bring that back here as well.
I think it's hilarious that they are suing him for racially profiling Latinos during Immigration patrols.......

Who else would you look for in Arizona?

You don't understand what the term profiling means. It involves an assumption that because of something that is common, that all must be the same way. In this case "profiling Latinos" means, that because someone is Latino, therefore they are assuming they are illegal.
If the DOJ is bringing the case to court, its because he "profiled", meaning people were pulled over, or their homes raided, with no probably cause. You cannot search someone's home because they are Latino.

Do the majority of legal Latino"s and U.S. citizens who are Latino who live there complain? No
Do the police know who their local legal and U.S. citizens are? Yes
Do the majority of Latinos vote for Joe? Yes
Arizona Citizens have had it with the Feds interference of overreaching Federal Government control over our State right.
Sheriff Joe has the guts to take them on and he will do it just like he always has.
I think it's hilarious that they are suing him for racially profiling Latinos during Immigration patrols.......

Who else would you look for in Arizona?

You don't understand what the term profiling means. It involves an assumption that because of something that is common, that all must be the same way. In this case "profiling Latinos" means, that because someone is Latino, therefore they are assuming they are illegal.
If the DOJ is bringing the case to court, its because he "profiled", meaning people were pulled over, or their homes raided, with no probably cause. You cannot search someone's home because they are Latino.
Lets talk frank here shall we about profiling, and so goes the problem with America more and more these days, where as we have American citizens who are latino & etc. for whom are American citizens in a large percentage of, even concentrated heavily in some areas, as well as we have American muslims of arab decent, and so on and so forth in this nation now. Many are growing in population faster than a speeding bullet train, yet within this situation of mass exodus from other nations and cultures into this one nation or so called melting pot, there are sadly those who have a portion or sector of their specific race or culture of people, who are doing things that are illegal (crossing borders into this nation without proper entry), and are also committing traggic and attrocious acts against America and American citizens. Sadly they are doing this bad stuff within their peoples names either as a race or either as a culture (hitch hiking or piggy backing), so to speak on the good name of another in order to fool those in which they want to hurt or cause trouble for in America.

They (the perps) are disquising themselves as good Americans, be it amongst latinos and/or any others that may foot the bill for this kind of activity and goings on, while their actions are speaking differently about themselves when it comes to the law, their character and their purpose, where as they are found doing bad things upon the names of their race and/or culture who had made a stake in America just as any other has, but otherwise they are abusing the privileages of those in which want to be Americans first by their choosing, and for whom are not instead hating and abusing the system as these bad ones are doing. These perps are doing these things in hopes that no one knows how to seperate them out in any kind of structural or meaningful way when doing this bad, for which sadly they love to do at their own race or cultures expense.

They do this under the umbrella of diversity at all cost or poiltical correctness to the point of idiocy in this nation. If the American Latino population or others would say to themselves as some are bravely doing, hey we must out these people who are trashing our race and cultural name in this nation, and therefore we must seperate ourselves from them by this outting, then they (the perps) will no longer be able to hide in and amongst them or disquise themselves as legal American Latino's for one example of (or) others that may foot the bill as well in these types of situations, and this mainly upon having the same race as they do, where as they are using their race as a way to infiltrate and do damage to the country that we all love so very much here (i.e. moving about without detection of among a race), and even having a perception of good about them, yet these bad ones are able to go undetected doing bad things under this status or protection of, where as they have no good intentions about them at all these bad ones do, and again they are hard to be detected until the damage is done, so Houston we all have a serious problem on our hands with this kind of stuff going on in America.

Just ask a Vietnam vet about what happened in that nation, when it came to trusting people, for whom you thought were your friends and for whom you would give your life for, and this as they were supposedly wanting to become a free people there someday, but yet they were sadly infiltrated by the enemy who used their apearence and/or asian decent to infiltrate and destroy the Americans in that situation, by getting close to them and then doing so under the guise of trust and their race to boot.

This goes for all other races who are also having the same problem in this nation amongst their groups, where a portion of their races, are also engaging in things that become red flags for the FBI and law enforcement to look into (or) are operating in and amongst Americans who see themselves as Americans first, instead of those who are identifying themselves by their race or culture only in this nation (not wanting to be considered American first), and then are convienantly mixing in with a large aray of their race and/or culture of people who do want all that America is, and even loving to be American, and for whom are living as free & good Americans within this nation, yet (these perps) sorely do hate these sell outs is what they would call them, and also they want to destroy them as well as their enemy over time, and this if they have any slim and yet cunning chance to do so. These (perps) are able to hide this fact until their actions end up speaking louder than their words do eventually, and not by being a good Americans who are united with all Americans as it should be, but by being disquised as being American who just so happens to be of a certain race and/or culture, where they are reeking havoc every way that they can within their trustworthy disquises and protections given them from within, and for which they learn to use so well over time.

Because of this problem, we have profiling in this nation sadly enough, because until something comes along better, in order to seperate the good from the bad more properly, then we all get what we continue to get, and this would be if the race and/or cultures that may be guilty of this sort of thing, continues to refuse to do what is right amongst themselves (out the perps), then we get what we get in this nation all because of. It's no ones fault but the race or culture who wishes to turn a blind eye towards what their same race or culture is doing in their name, thus making it almost impossible for the law to decern who is the bad guy and who is not the bad guy amongst them, and so this is where the profiling has come in sadly enough. Without profiling at some level, the bad guy gets to raise his ugly character amongst those for whom good Americans had thought was a good American also, until his or her actions shoots down that notion or thought of once an incident takes place, especially after a terrible traggedy happens as a result of (Ft. Hood is one great example), and there are many more to show as well for good examples of this problem, so what's it going to be America? Are we going to unite as Americans or continue to seperate in which weakens us, and yet cast further confusion into a situation that remains fluid always, at least until we face this thing as Americans head on in this nation, and we do it as Americans first, and once and for all in order to do away with what is known as profiling (the only option?), that still remains in America under these circumstances.

As is always called for, we must have tranning to understand how to always deal with profiling correctly, and it seems that due to so many varibles being involved out in the field, somehow this trainning becomes diluted with the realities on the ground, in which begins to harden the trained against what they have learned, and begins forming them into an enemy against even good people by misperception and confusion of as well.. I think many cities have programs that move their law enforcement teams around, in order to keep them from becoming to hardened by tours of duty within a certain area that may begin forming a dangerous bias within their ideals & heads, and upon how to continue looking at each situation with a constant proffessional attitude, and not to become caught up to long within a specific area or situation in which is best.

The key is held within the people, to out those who are wrong that are in and amongst these races or groups, because the law can't do it without some form of profiling, in which is confusion for so many if they get caught up in this profiling.....Why havn't the people learned this yet, because the (perps are more powerful) and (influential) maybe (sort of like a pimp is to his girls) ? Is the law & the good citizens losing the battle in this nation or will it be that they will lose the battle in this nation over time, and if so how will we all lose it and why ?

Is our very freedoms as Americans at stake here now in America ?

Is the bigger picture variables so great, that there is no real answers to be found in all of this anymore?

Anyone have a better explanation or idea for dealing with all of this stuff maybe?
I think it's hilarious that they are suing him for racially profiling Latinos during Immigration patrols.......

Who else would you look for in Arizona?

Arabs, Russians, Chinese. Lots of illegals coming across that border. Arpaio doesn't disproportionately stop latinos. Latinos are the majority.

This is like what happens when LAPD wants to get rid of an officer. They put him down as a traffic cop in East LA or South Central, give him a quota of tickets to write then discipline him because all his tickets were given to latinos or blacks.
I think it's hilarious that they are suing him for racially profiling Latinos during Immigration patrols.......

Who else would you look for in Arizona?

You don't understand what the term profiling means. It involves an assumption that because of something that is common, that all must be the same way. In this case "profiling Latinos" means, that because someone is Latino, therefore they are assuming they are illegal.
If the DOJ is bringing the case to court, its because he "profiled", meaning people were pulled over, or their homes raided, with no probably cause. You cannot search someone's home because they are Latino.

Do the majority of legal Latino"s and U.S. citizens who are Latino who live there complain? No LOL! Riiight. Complain. Welcome to your tent amigo! They don't complain, they do what thousands have already done. They move to other states and in many cases, take their businesses with them.

Do the police know who their local legal and U.S. citizens are? Yes
LOL! Yes. they "know" from the hundreds of thousands there, all the legals and illegals on sight!
Do the majority of Latinos vote for Joe? Yes Again, massive giggles! Okay fine. Support this BS with anything from any source. Can't? Yeah we knew that.

Arizona Citizens have had it with the Feds interference of overreaching Federal Government control over our State right.
Sheriff Joe has the guts to take them on and he will do it just like he always has.

Believe a lot of stuff just because you want to? Obviously.
i think it's hilarious that they are suing him for racially profiling latinos during immigration patrols.......

Who else would you look for in arizona?

you don't understand what the term profiling means. It involves an assumption that because of something that is common, that all must be the same way. In this case "profiling latinos" means, that because someone is latino, therefore they are assuming they are illegal.
If the doj is bringing the case to court, its because he "profiled", meaning people were pulled over, or their homes raided, with no probably cause. You cannot search someone's home because they are latino.
lets talk frank here shall we about profiling, and so goes the problem with america more and more these days, where as we have american citizens who are latino & etc. For whom are american citizens in a large percentage of, even concentrated heavily in some areas, as well as we have american muslims of arab decent, and so on and so forth in this nation now. Many are growing in population faster than a speeding bullet train, yet within this situation of mass exodus from other nations and cultures into this one nation or so called melting pot, there are sadly those who have a portion or sector of their specific race or culture of people, who are doing things that are illegal (crossing borders into this nation without proper entry), and are also committing traggic and attrocious acts against america and american citizens. Sadly they are doing this bad stuff within their peoples names either as a race or either as a culture (hitch hiking or piggy backing), so to speak on the good name of another in order to fool those in which they want to hurt or cause trouble for in america.

They (the perps) are disquising themselves as good americans, be it amongst latinos and/or any others that may foot the bill for this kind of activity and goings on, while their actions are speaking differently about themselves when it comes to the law, their character and their purpose, where as they are found doing bad things upon the names of their race and/or culture who had made a stake in america just as any other has, but otherwise they are abusing the privileages of those in which want to be americans first by their choosing, and for whom are not instead hating and abusing the system as these bad ones are doing. These perps are doing these things in hopes that no one knows how to seperate them out in any kind of structural or meaningful way when doing this bad, for which sadly they love to do at their own race or cultures expense.

They do this under the umbrella of diversity at all cost or poiltical correctness to the point of idiocy in this nation. If the american latino population or others would say to themselves as some are bravely doing, hey we must out these people who are trashing our race and cultural name in this nation, and therefore we must seperate ourselves from them by this outting, then they (the perps) will no longer be able to hide in and amongst them or disquise themselves as legal american latino's for one example of (or) others that may foot the bill as well in these types of situations, and this mainly upon having the same race as they do, where as they are using their race as a way to infiltrate and do damage to the country that we all love so very much here (i.e. Moving about without detection of among a race), and even having a perception of good about them, yet these bad ones are able to go undetected doing bad things under this status or protection of, where as they have no good intentions about them at all these bad ones do, and again they are hard to be detected until the damage is done, so houston we all have a serious problem on our hands with this kind of stuff going on in america.

Just ask a vietnam vet about what happened in that nation, when it came to trusting people, for whom you thought were your friends and for whom you would give your life for, and this as they were supposedly wanting to become a free people there someday, but yet they were sadly infiltrated by the enemy who used their apearence and/or asian decent to infiltrate and destroy the americans in that situation, by getting close to them and then doing so under the guise of trust and their race to boot.

This goes for all other races who are also having the same problem in this nation amongst their groups, where a portion of their races, are also engaging in things that become red flags for the fbi and law enforcement to look into (or) are operating in and amongst americans who see themselves as americans first, instead of those who are identifying themselves by their race or culture only in this nation (not wanting to be considered american first), and then are convienantly mixing in with a large aray of their race and/or culture of people who do want all that america is, and even loving to be american, and for whom are living as free & good americans within this nation, yet (these perps) sorely do hate these sell outs is what they would call them, and also they want to destroy them as well as their enemy over time, and this if they have any slim and yet cunning chance to do so. These (perps) are able to hide this fact until their actions end up speaking louder than their words do eventually, and not by being a good americans who are united with all americans as it should be, but by being disquised as being american who just so happens to be of a certain race and/or culture, where they are reeking havoc every way that they can within their trustworthy disquises and protections given them from within, and for which they learn to use so well over time.

Because of this problem, we have profiling in this nation sadly enough, because until something comes along better, in order to seperate the good from the bad more properly, then we all get what we continue to get, and this would be if the race and/or cultures that may be guilty of this sort of thing, continues to refuse to do what is right amongst themselves (out the perps), then we get what we get in this nation all because of. It's no ones fault but the race or culture who wishes to turn a blind eye towards what their same race or culture is doing in their name, thus making it almost impossible for the law to decern who is the bad guy and who is not the bad guy amongst them, and so this is where the profiling has come in sadly enough. Without profiling at some level, the bad guy gets to raise his ugly character amongst those for whom good americans had thought was a good american also, until his or her actions shoots down that notion or thought of once an incident takes place, especially after a terrible traggedy happens as a result of (ft. Hood is one great example), and there are many more to show as well for good examples of this problem, so what's it going to be america? Are we going to unite as americans or continue to seperate in which weakens us, and yet cast further confusion into a situation that remains fluid always, at least until we face this thing as americans head on in this nation, and we do it as americans first, and once and for all in order to do away with what is known as profiling (the only option?), that still remains in america under these circumstances.

As is always called for, we must have tranning to understand how to always deal with profiling correctly, and it seems that due to so many varibles being involved out in the field, somehow this trainning becomes diluted with the realities on the ground, in which begins to harden the trained against what they have learned, and begins forming them into an enemy against even good people by misperception and confusion of as well.. I think many cities have programs that move their law enforcement teams around, in order to keep them from becoming to hardened by tours of duty within a certain area that may begin forming a dangerous bias within their ideals & heads, and upon how to continue looking at each situation with a constant proffessional attitude, and not to become caught up to long within a specific area or situation in which is best.

The key is held within the people, to out those who are wrong that are in and amongst these races or groups, because the law can't do it without some form of profiling, in which is confusion for so many if they get caught up in this profiling.....why havn't the people learned this yet, because the (perps are more powerful) and (influential) maybe (sort of like a pimp is to his girls) ? Is the law & the good citizens losing the battle in this nation or will it be that they will lose the battle in this nation over time, and if so how will we all lose it and why ?

Is our very freedoms as americans at stake here now in america ?

Is the bigger picture variables so great, that there is no real answers to be found in all of this anymore?

Anyone have a better explanation or idea for dealing with all of this stuff maybe?


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